
     SECTION 1. Chapter 35-4 of the General Laws entitled "State Funds" is hereby amended
by adding thereto the following section:
     35-4-21.1. Medical debt relief program.
     (a) There is hereby established a medical debt relief program to be administered by the
general treasurer who has the authority to enter into a contract for the purchase, cancellation, and
forgiveness of medical debts upon the following conditions:
     (1) That the debt was incurred in order to obtain medical services, products, and/or devices;
     (2) That the debts are in collection or have been sold or assigned by the original provider;
     (3) That the debt is owed by a citizen of the state whose federal adjusted gross income is
four hundred percent (400%) or less than the federal poverty line or whose debt is more than five
percent (5%) of the citizen's adjusted gross income as measured by the prior tax return or the
estimated return in the current year.
     (b) Any citizen of this state whose debt is discharged, cancelled, or forgiven under this
section shall be provided notice of the cancellation of the debt, but shall not have the amount
cancelled included in the computation of taxable income for the purpose of state income taxes.
     (c) For the purposes of this section, the definition of medical debts shall be liberally
construed so as to not reduce the types of debt that may be subject to cancellation so long as they
arise from medical transport, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and/or rehabilitation.
     (d) The general treasurer shall provide quarterly updates on the program to the chairpersons
of the house and senate committees on finance beginning January 1, 2025.
     (e) The general treasurer may promulgate regulations as necessary to effectuate the
provisions of this section.
     SECTION 2. Section 35-4-27 of the General Laws in Chapter 35-4 entitled "State Funds"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
     35-4-27. Indirect cost recoveries on restricted receipt accounts.
     Indirect cost recoveries of ten percent (10%) of cash receipts shall be transferred from all
restricted-receipt accounts, to be recorded as general revenues in the general fund. However, there
shall be no transfer from cash receipts with restrictions received exclusively: (1) From contributions
from nonprofit charitable organizations; (2) From the assessment of indirect cost-recovery rates on
federal grant funds; or (3) Through transfers from state agencies to the department of administration
for the payment of debt service. These indirect cost recoveries shall be applied to all accounts,
unless prohibited by federal law or regulation, court order, or court settlement. The following
restricted receipt accounts shall not be subject to the provisions of this section:
     Executive Office of Health and Human Services
     Organ Transplant Fund
     HIV Care Grant Drug Rebates
     Health System Transformation Project
     Rhode Island Statewide Opioid Abatement Account
     HCBS Support-ARPA
     HCBS Admin Support-ARPA
     Department of Human Services
     Veterans’ home — Restricted account
     Veterans’ home — Resident benefits
     Pharmaceutical Rebates Account
     Demand Side Management Grants
     Veteran’s Cemetery Memorial Fund
     Donations — New Veterans’ Home Construction
     Commodity Supplemental Food Program-Claims
     Department of Health
     Pandemic medications and equipment account
     Miscellaneous Donations/Grants from Non-Profits
     State Loan Repayment Match
     Healthcare Information Technology
     Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals
     Eleanor Slater non-Medicaid third-party payor account
     Hospital Medicare Part D Receipts
     RICLAS Group Home Operations
     Group Home Facility Improvement Fund
     Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
     Emergency and public communication access account
     Department of Environmental Management
     National heritage revolving fund
     Environmental response fund II
     Underground storage tanks registration fees
     De Coppet Estate Fund
     Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission
     Historic preservation revolving loan fund
     Historic Preservation loan fund — Interest revenue
     Department of Public Safety
     E-911 Uniform Emergency Telephone System
     Forfeited property — Retained
     Forfeitures — Federal
     Forfeited property — Gambling
     Donation — Polygraph and Law Enforcement Training
     Rhode Island State Firefighter’s League Training Account
     Fire Academy Training Fees Account
     Attorney General
     Forfeiture of property
     Federal forfeitures
     Attorney General multi-state account
     Forfeited property — Gambling
     Department of Administration
     OER Reconciliation Funding
     Health Insurance Market Integrity Fund
     RI Health Benefits Exchange
     Information Technology restricted receipt account
     Restore and replacement — Insurance coverage
     Convention Center Authority rental payments
     Investment Receipts — TANS
     OPEB System Restricted Receipt Account
     Car Rental Tax/Surcharge-Warwick Share
     Grants Management Administration
     RGGI-Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council Projects
     Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Operating and Maintenance Account
     Executive Office of Commerce Department of Housing
     Housing Resources Commission and Homelessness Restricted Receipt Account
     Housing Production Fund
     Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Fund
     Department of Revenue
     DMV Modernization Project
     Jobs Tax Credit Redemption Fund
     Audit of federal assisted programs
     Department of Children, Youth and Families
     Children’s Trust Accounts — SSI
     Military Staff
     RI Military Family Relief Fund
     RI National Guard Counterdrug Program
     Admin. Expenses — State Retirement System
     Retirement — Treasury Investment Options
     Defined Contribution — Administration - RR
     Violent Crimes Compensation — Refunds
     Treasury Research Fellowship
     Business Regulation
     Banking Division Reimbursement Account
     Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner Reimbursement Account
     Securities Division Reimbursement Account
     Commercial Licensing and Racing and Athletics Division Reimbursement Account
     Insurance Division Reimbursement Account
     Historic Preservation Tax Credit Account
     Marijuana Trust Fund
     Social Equity Assistance Fund
     Arbitration Fund Restricted Receipt Account
     Third-Party Grants
     RI Judiciary Technology Surcharge Account
     Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
     Statewide Student Transportation Services Account
     School for the Deaf Fee-for-Service Account
     School for the Deaf — School Breakfast and Lunch Program
     Davies Career and Technical School Local Education Aid Account
     Davies — National School Breakfast & Lunch Program
     School Construction Services
     Office of the Postsecondary Commissioner
     Higher Education and Industry Center
     IGT STEM Scholarships
     Department of Labor and Training
     Job Development Fund
     Rhode Island Council on the Arts
     Governors’ Portrait Donation Fund
     Statewide records management system account
     SECTION 3. Sections 37-7-13 and 37-7-15 of the General Laws in Chapter 37-7 entitled
"Management and Disposal of Property" are hereby amended to read as follows:
     37-7-13. Surplus group homes.
     Any group home purchased or built by the state of Rhode Island and licensed pursuant to
house § 40.1-24-3, which is no longer used to house persons with disabilities and is vacant for a
period of one year, must be offered for sale on the private housing market forthwith and shall
thereafter remain under the jurisdiction of the zoning enforcement officer and the zoning code of
that municipality in which the home is located. The zoning enforcement officer and zoning code
shall govern the use thereof. The group home shall not acquire any rights of a nonconforming use.
Proceeds from the sale of group homes owned by the Statestate of Rhode Island shall be transferred
to the group home facility improvement fund, pursuant to § 40.1-1-22.
     37-7-15. Sale of state-owned land, buildings, and improvements thereon and other
real property.
     (a) Total annual proceeds from the sale of any land and the buildings and improvements
thereon, and other real property, title to which is vested in the state of Rhode Island or title to which
will be vested in the state upon completion of any condemnation or other proceedings, except for
the sale of group homes as referenced in § 37-7-13, shall be transferred to the information
technology restricted receipt account (ITRR account) and made available for the purposes outlined
in § 42-11-2.5(a), unless otherwise prohibited by federal law.
     (b) Provided, however, this shall not include proceeds from the sale of any land and the
buildings and improvements thereon that will be created by the relocation of interstate route 195,
which is sometimes collectively referred to as the “I-195 Surplus Land,” which land is identified
in the “Rhode Island Interstate 195 Relocation Surplus Land: Redevelopment and Market Analysis”
prepared by CKS Architecture & Urban Design dated 2009, and such term means those certain
tracts or parcels of land situated in the city of Providence, county of Providence, state of Rhode
Island, delineated on that certain plan of land captioned “Improvements to Interstate Route 195,
Providence, Rhode Island, Proposed Development Parcel Plans 1 through 10, Scale: 1″=20′, May
2010, Bryant Associates, Inc., Engineers-Surveyors-Construction Managers, Lincoln, Rhode
Island, Maguire Group, Inc., Architects/Engineers/Planners, Providence, Rhode Island.”
     (c) Provided, however, the transfer of proceeds in subsection (a) of this section shall not
include proceeds from the sale of state-owned group homes or “community residences” as that term
is defined in § 40.1-24-1(2) and licensed by the department of behavioral healthcare, developmental
disabilities and hospitals. Proceeds from the sale of these properties will be transferred to the group
home facility improvement fund, pursuant to § 40.1-1-22.
     (c)(d) Subject to the approval of the director of the department of administration, the state
controller is authorized to offset any currently recorded outstanding liability on the part of
developmental disability organizations (DDOs) to repay previously authorized startup capital
advances against the proceeds from the sale of group homes within a fiscal year prior to any sale
proceeds being deposited into the information technology investment fund.
     SECTION 4. Chapter 40.1-1 of the General Laws entitled "Department of Behavioral
Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals" is hereby amended by adding thereto the
following section:
     40.1-1-22. Group home facility improvement fund.
     There is created within the general fund of the state a restricted receipt account to be known
as the “group home facility improvement fund.” Money transferred to this fund shall include, but
is not limited to, the proceeds from the surplus of state-owned group home facilities or “community
residences” as that term is defined in § 40.1-24-1(2) and licensed by the department of behavioral
healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals; and notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 37-
7-1 and 37-7-9, rents collected from provider agencies providing services in state-owned group
homes or “community residences” as that term is defined in § 40.1-24-1(2) and licensed by the
department of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals. All money in the
account shall by utilized by the department of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and
hospitals (“department”) to fund the ongoing upkeep and maintenance of state-owned facilities as
defined by § 40.1-24-1(6). Use of the funds will be directed by the department’s strategic priorities.
The group home facility improvement fund shall be exempt from the indirect cost recovery
provisions of § 35-4-27.
     SECTION 5. Section 42-6.2-3.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-6.2 entitled "2021 Act
on Climate" is hereby amended to read as follows:
     42-6.2-3.1. Funding for the council.
     There is hereby established a restricted receipt account in the general fund of the state and
housed in the budget of the department of administration entitled “RGGI-executive climate change
coordinating council projects.” The express purpose of this account is to record receipts and
expenditures allocated pursuant to § 23-82-6(a)(7), and (a)(8). The state budget officer is hereby
authorized to create restricted receipt sub-accounts in any department of state government that
receives such funding as directed by the executive climate change coordinating council.
     The Rhode Island executive climate change coordinating council shall report annually to
the governor and general assembly within one hundred twenty (120) days of the end of each
calendar year how the funds were used to achieve the statutory objectives of the 2021 Act on
     SECTION 6. Section 42-11-2.5 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-11 entitled "Department
of Administration" is hereby amended to read as follows:
     42-11-2.5. Information technology restricted receipt account and large systems
initiatives fund.
     (a) All sums from the sale of any land and the buildings and improvements thereon, and
other real property, title to which is vested in the state, except as provided in §§ 37-7-15(b) and 37-
7-15(c) § 37-7-15(b) through (d), shall be transferred to an information technology restricted receipt
account (ITRR account) that is hereby established. This ITRR account shall consist of such sums
from the sale of any land and the buildings and improvements thereon, and other real property, title
to which is vested in the state, except as provided in §§ 37-7-15(b) and 37-7-15(c) § 37-7-15(b)
through (d), as well as a share of first response surcharge revenues collected under the provisions
of § 39-21.1-14. This ITRR account may also consist of such sums as the state may from time to
time appropriate; as well as money received from the disposal of information technology hardware,
loan, interest, and service charge payments from benefiting state agencies; as well as interest
earnings, money received from the federal government, gifts, bequestbequests, donations, or
otherwise from any public or private source. Any such funds shall be exempt from the indirect cost
recovery provisions of § 35-4-27.
     (1) This ITRR account shall be used for the purpose of acquiring information technology
improvements, including, but not limited to: hardware, software, consulting services, and ongoing
maintenance and upgrade contracts for state departments and agencies.
     (2) The division of enterprise technology strategy and services of the Rhode Island
department of administration shall adopt rules and regulations consistent with the purposes of this
chapter and chapter 35 of this title, in order to provide for the orderly and equitable disbursement
of funds from this ITRR account.
     (3) For all requests for proposals that are issued for information technology projects, a
corresponding information technology project manager shall be assigned.
     (b) There is also hereby established a special fund to be known as the large systems
initiatives fund (LSI fund), separate and apart from the general fund of the state, to be administered
by the chief information officer within the department of administration for the purpose of
implementing and maintaining enterprise-wide software projects for executive branch departments.
The LSI fund shall consist of such sums as the state may from time to time directly appropriate to
the LSI fund. After the completion of any project, the chief digital officer shall inform the state
controller of unexpended sums previously transferred to the LSI Fund for that project and the state
controller shall subsequently transfer any such unexpended funds to the information technology
restricted receipt account.
     (c) For any new project initiated using sums expended from the LSI Fund, as part of its
budget submission pursuant to § 35-3-4 relative to state fiscal year 2025 and thereafter, the
department of administration shall include a statement of project purpose and the estimated project
     SECTION 7. Section 42-66-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-66 entitled "Office of
Healthy Aging" is hereby amended to read as follows:
     42-66-4. Duties of the division.
     (a) The division shall be the principal agency of the state to mobilize the human, physical,
and financial resources available to plan, develop, and implement innovative programs to ensure
the dignity and independence of elderly persons, including the planning, development, and
implementation of a home- and long-term-care program for the elderly in the communities of the
     (b)(1) The division shall serve as an advocate for the needs of the adult with a disability as
these needs and services overlap the needs and services of elderly persons.
     (2) The division shall serve as the state’s central agency for the administration and
coordination of a long-term-care entry system, using community-based access points, that will
provide the following services related to long-term care: information and referral; initial screening
for service and benefits eligibility; and a uniform assessment program for state-supported long-
term care.
     (3) The division shall investigate reports of elder abuse, neglect, exploitation, or self-
neglect and shall provide and/or coordinate protective services.
     (c) To accomplish these objectives, the director is authorized:
     (1) To provide assistance to communities in solving local problems with regard to elderly
persons including, but not limited to, problems in identifying and coordinating local resources to
serve the needs of elderly persons;
     (2) To facilitate communications and the free flow of information between communities
and the offices, agencies, and employees of the state;
     (3) To encourage and assist communities, agencies, and state departments to plan, develop,
and implement home- and long-term care programs;
     (4) To provide and act as a clearinghouse for information, data, and other materials relative
to elderly persons;
     (5) To initiate and carry out studies and analyses that will aid in solving local, regional,
and statewide problems concerning elderly persons;
     (6) To coordinate those programs of other state agencies designed to assist in the solution
of local, regional, and statewide problems concerning elderly persons;
     (7) To advise and inform the governor on the affairs and problems of elderly persons in the
     (8) To exercise the powers and discharge the duties assigned to the director in the fields of
health care, nutrition, homemaker services, geriatric day care, economic opportunity, local and
regional planning, transportation, and education and pre-retirement programs;
     (9) To further the cooperation of local, state, federal, and private agencies and institutions
providing for services or having responsibility for elderly persons;
     (10) To represent and act on behalf of the state in connection with federal grant programs
applicable to programs for elderly persons in the functional areas described in this chapter;
     (11) To seek, accept, and otherwise take advantage of all federal aid available to the
division, and to assist other agencies of the state, local agencies, and community groups in taking
advantage of all federal grants and subventions available for elderly persons and to accept other
sources of funds with the approval of the director of administration that shall be deposited as general
     (12) To render advice and assistance to communities and other groups in the preparation
and submission of grant applications to state and federal agencies relative to programs for elderly
     (13) To review and coordinate those activities of agencies of the state and of any political
subdivision of the state at the request of the subdivision, that affect the full and fair utilization of
community resources for programs for elderly persons, and initiate programs that will help ensure
such utilization;
     (14) To encourage the formation of councils on aging and to assist local communities in
the development of the councils;
     (15) To promote and coordinate daycare facilities for the frail elderly who are in need of
supportive care and supervision during the daytime;
     (16) To provide and coordinate the delivery of in-home services to the elderly, as defined
under the rules and regulations adopted by the office of healthy aging;
     (17) To advise and inform the public of the risks of accidental hypothermia;
     (18) To establish a clearinghouse for information and education of the elderly citizens of
the state, including, but not limited to, and subject to available funding, a web-based caregiver
support information center;
     (19) [As amended by P.L. 2019, ch. 110, § 2]. To establish and operate, in collaboration
with the departments of behavioral health, developmental disabilities and hospitals; human
services; and children youth and families regular community agencies supporting caregivers, a
statewide family-caregiver support association and a family-caregiver resource network to provide
and coordinate family-caregiver training and support services to include counseling and elder
caregiver respite services, which shall be subject to available funding, and include home
health/homemaker care, adult day services, assisted living, and nursing facility care; and
     (19) [As amended by P.L. 2019, ch. 130, § 2]. To establish and operate, in collaboration
with the department of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals; the
department of human services; the department of children, youth and families, and community
agencies supporting caregivers, a statewide family-caregiver support association and a family-
caregiver resource network to provide and coordinate family-caregiver training and support
services to include counseling and caregiver respite services, which shall be subject to available
funding, and include home health/homemaker care, adult day services, assisted living, and nursing
facility care; and
     (20) To supervise the citizens’ commission for the safety and care of the elderly created
pursuant to the provisions of chapter 1.4 of title 12.
     (d) In order to assist in the discharge of the duties of the division, the director may request
from any agency of the state information pertinent to the affairs and problems of elderly persons.
     (e) There is hereby established within the general fund of the state and housed within the
budget of the office of healthy aging a restricted receipt account entitled “commodity supplemental
food program-claims” to account for funds collected in payment of claims for donated food losses,
pursuant to united states department of agricultureUnited States Department of Agriculture
guidelines under the commodity supplemental food program. Expenditures from this account shall
be utilized by the office solely for the following purposes:
     (i) Purchase of replacement foods;
     (ii) Payment of administrative costs;
     (iii) Replacement of lost or improperly used funds;
     (iv) For use as a salvage account in compliance with federal regulations.
     SECTION 8. Chapter 42-140 of the General Laws entitled "Rhode Island Energy
Resources Act" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section:
     42-140-11. Electric vehicle charging stations operating and maintenance fund.
     (a) There is established a restricted receipt account within the general fund of the state, to
be known as the "electric vehicle charging stations operating and maintenance account”, to be
administered by the office of energy resources for the purposes of installing, operating, and
maintaining electric vehicle charging stations on state properties.
     (b) Effective January 1, 2025, the office of energy resources shall establish electric vehicle
charging station fees for electric vehicle charging stations operating on state properties.
     (c) The office of energy resources shall post the proposed charging station fees on its
website and solicit public comment for a period of thirty (30) days.
     (d) Funds deposited into the electric vehicle charging stations operating and maintenance
account shall be exempt from the indirect cost recovery provisions of § 35-4-27.
     SECTION 9. Section 5 shall take effect as of July 1, 2023. The remainder of the article
takes effect on July 1, 2024.