Chapter 090 |
2023 -- S 0299 Enacted 06/19/2023 |
A N A C T |
Introduced By: Senators Gallo, Pearson, DiPalma, Euer, and Felag |
Date Introduced: February 16, 2023 |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: |
SECTION 1. Sections 5-49-1, 5-49-2, 5-49-2.2 and 5-49-8 of the General Laws in Chapter |
5-49 entitled "Hearing Aid Dealers and Fitters" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
5-49-1. Definitions. |
As used in this chapter, except as the context may require: |
(1) “Audiologist” means a person who has been awarded a certificate of competency by |
the American Speech and Hearing Association and who is duly licensed by the department an |
individual licensed to practice audiology by the department of health. |
(2) “Board” means the board of hearing aid dealers and fitters. |
(3) “Department” means the department of health. |
(4) “Hearing aid” means any wearable instrument or device designed for or offered for the |
purpose of aiding or compensating for impaired human hearing, and any parts, attachments, or |
accessories, including ear mold molds, but excluding batteries and cords. |
(5) “License” means a license issued by the state under this chapter to hearing aid dealers |
and fitters. |
(6) “Practice of fitting and dealing in hearing aids” means the evaluation and measurement |
of human hearing by means of an audiometer or by any other means solely for the purpose of |
making selections, adaptations, or sale of hearing aids, including ordering the use of hearing aids. |
The term also includes the making of impressions for ear molds. This term does not include the |
making of audiograms for a physician or a member of related professions for use in consultation |
with the hard of hearing. |
(7) “Sell” or “sale” means any transfer of title or of the right to use by lease, bailment, or |
any other contract, excluding wholesale transactions with distributors or dealers. |
(8) “Temporary permit” means a permit issued while the applicant is in training to become |
a licensed hearing aid dealer and fitter. |
5-49-2. License required to sell or fit hearing aids. |
(a) No person shall engage in the dispensing, selling, fitting, or ordering the use of hearing |
aids, or display a sign, or in any other way advertise or represent himself or herself themself as a |
person who practices the fitting and sale of hearing aids after August 1, 1973, unless he or she holds |
an unsuspended, unrevoked license issued by the department as provided in this chapter. |
(b) The license shall be conspicuously posted in his or her office or place of business. |
Duplicate licenses shall be issued by the department to valid license holders operating more than |
one office without additional payment. |
(c) A license under this chapter shall confer upon the holder the right to order the use of, |
select, fit, and sell hearing aids. |
(d) Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit a corporation, partnership, trust, association, or |
other organization maintaining an established business address, from selling or offering for sale |
hearing aids at retail without a license; provided, that it employs only properly licensed natural |
persons in the direct sale, ordering the use, and fitting of those products. |
(e) Those corporations, partnerships, trusts, associations, or other organizations shall file |
annually with the board a list of all licensed hearing aid dealers and fitters directly or indirectly |
employed by it. |
(f) Those organizations shall also file with the board a statement, on a form approved by |
the board, that they submit themselves to the rules and regulations of the department and the |
provisions of this chapter which the department deems applicable to them. |
5-49-2.2. Records of transactions. |
(a) Every person, firm, association, or corporation shall keep a permanent record of all |
sales or other transactions where a hearing aid instrument or hearing prosthetic device is made |
available. |
(b) Each record of a transaction shall have attached to it the certificate of need presented |
by the prospective purchaser. |
(c) Each record of a transaction shall be retained for a period of five (5) three (3) years, and |
shall be kept open for inspection by any official designated by the director of the department of |
health. |
5-49-8. Temporary permits. |
(a) An applicant who fulfills the requirements regarding age, character, education, and |
health as provided in § 5-49-7, may obtain a temporary permit upon application to the department. |
Previous experience or a waiting period shall not be required to obtain a temporary permit. |
(b) Upon receiving an application as provided under this section, and accompanied by a |
fee as set forth in § 23-1-54, the department shall issue a temporary permit that entitles the applicant |
to engage in the fitting and sale of hearing aids for a period of one year. |
(c) A person holding a valid hearing aid dealer’s and fitter’s license is responsible for the |
supervision and training of that applicant and maintaining adequate personal contact. A person |
holding a valid audiologist license may be responsible for the supervision and training of the |
applicant if: |
(1) The audiologist has at least two (2) years of active clinical experience in dispensing and |
fitting hearing aids; |
(2) The audiologist provides to the department documentary evidence establishing that |
he/she the audiologist has the requisite two (2) years of active clinical experience in dispensing |
and fitting hearing aids; and |
(3) The department provides the audiologist with written approval to supervise and train |
applicants. |
(d) If a person who holds a temporary permit under this section has not successfully passed |
the licensing examination within one year from the date of issuance of the permit, the temporary |
permit may be renewed or reissued once upon payment of a fee as set forth in § 23-1-54. |
SECTION 2. Sections 5-49-2.1 and 5-49-2.3 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-49 entitled |
"Hearing Aid Dealers and Fitters" are hereby repealed. |
5-49-2.1. Certificates of need. |
(a) No person, firm, association, or corporation shall sell or attempt to sell, or make |
available, any hearing aid instrument or hearing prosthetic device to a prospective consumer or |
purchaser, unless that consumer or purchaser has first obtained and presented to the seller a |
certificate of need on forms prescribed and furnished by the director of the department of health. |
(b) The certificate shall be signed by a physician licensed in the state under the provisions |
of chapter 37 of this title and attest that, pursuant to an otological examination, it is his or her |
diagnosis that the prospective patient-purchaser has a hearing impediment of a nature as to indicate |
the need for a hearing aid instrument or hearing prosthetic device. |
5-49-2.3. Penalty for violations of §§ 5-49-2.1 and 5-49-2.2. |
Any person, firm, association, or corporation who or that sells or attempts to sell, or makes |
available, a hearing aid instrument or hearing prosthetic device without a certificate of need, and/or |
fails to keep records as prescribed in § 5-49-2.2, and any physician who issues a certificate of need |
not in conformance with § 5-49-2.1, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined |
not more than five hundred dollars ($500) for each offense. Each violation of a provision of this |
chapter shall constitute a separate offense. |
SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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