Chapter 143 |
2022 -- S 2649 SUBSTITUTE A Enacted 06/25/2022 |
A N A C T |
Introduced By: Senators Valverde, DiMario, Seveney, DiPalma, Lawson, and Euer |
Date Introduced: March 10, 2022 |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: |
SECTION 1. Section 45-22-7 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-22 entitled "Local |
Planning Board or Commission" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
45-22-7. Powers and duties of a planning board or commission. |
(a) A planning board or commission shall have the sole responsibility for performing all |
those acts necessary to prepare a comprehensive plan for a municipality in accordance with the |
provisions of chapter 22.2 of this title 45. |
(b) Pursuant to § 45-23-51, a planning board or commission shall be empowered by the |
city or town council, by ordinance, to adopt, modify, and amend regulations and rules governing |
land-development and subdivision projects within that municipality and to control land- |
development and subdivision projects pursuant to those regulations and rules. The planning board |
or commission shall also provide for the administration, interpretation, and enforcement of land- |
development and subdivision review regulations, pursuant to § 45-23-52. |
(c) When directed by the city or town zoning ordinance pursuant to § 45-24-46.4 and the |
city or town land development and subdivision review regulations pursuant to § 45-23-50.1, a |
planning board or commission shall have the power to review and approve, approve with |
conditions, or deny requests for variances and special-use permits submitted as part of land- |
development and subdivision applications. |
(d) A planning board or commission established under the provisions of this chapter shall |
make studies and prepare plans and reports on the needs and resources of the community with |
reference to its physical, economic, and social growth and development as affecting the health, |
safety, morals, and general welfare of the people. The studies, plans, and reports shall concern, but |
not necessarily be limited to, the following: |
(1) Land use and land-use regulation; |
(2) Transportation facilities; |
(3) Public facilities, including recreation areas, utilities, schools, fire stations, police |
stations, and others; |
(4) Blighted areas, including the designation of general areas for redevelopment, renewal, |
rehabilitation, or conservation; |
(5) Problems of housing and the development of housing programs; |
(6) Environmental protection; |
(7) Natural resource conservation; |
(8) Protection from disaster; |
(9) Economic and social characteristics of the population; |
(10) Preservation of historic sites and buildings; and |
(11) Economic development. |
(e) When directed by the city or town council or by the appointing authority, a planning |
board or commission shall prepare an annual capital budget and a comprehensive, long-range |
capital-improvement program for submission to the council, the appointing authority, or other |
designated official or agency. |
(f) A planning board or commission shall submit an advisory opinion and recommendation |
on all zoning matters referred to it by the zoning board of review under the provisions of the city |
or town zoning ordinance and report on any other matter referred to it, by the city or town council, |
the chief executive, or the appointing authority. |
(g) A planning board or commission shall perform any other duties that may be assigned |
to the board or commission, from time to time, by any act of the general assembly or by any |
ordinance, code, regulation order, or resolution of the city or town council or by the appointing |
authority. |
(h) A planning board or commission has authority to call upon other departments, boards, |
and committees of the city or town and upon regional, state, and federal agencies for information |
and assistance necessary to the performance of its duties, and shall cooperate with the city or town, |
regional, state, and federal agencies on matters of community, regional, and state planning and |
development. |
(i) Each planning board or commission must adopt a provision requiring any person who |
will be required to file a request for access pursuant to § 24-8-34 to file that request not later than |
the day on which that person files any document in connection with the project in question with the |
applicable town or city, and to provide a copy of the request to the town or city. |
(j) Each member of a planning board or commission shall participate in training and |
education classes concerning the effects of development in a flood plain and the effects of sea-level |
rise once every two (2) years pursuant to chapter 70 of this title 45 entitled "Continuing education |
for local planning and zoning boards and historic district commissions" which requires annual |
continuing education and biennial education components. Each member shall complete two (2) |
hours of training in order to be certified for the two (2) years required by this subsection. Upon |
completion of the training, the planning board or commission member shall file with the municipal |
clerk a statement asserting that the training course has been completed. |
SECTION 2. Section 45-24-57 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-24 entitled "Zoning |
Ordinances" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
45-24-57. Administration -- Powers and duties of zoning board of review. |
A zoning ordinance adopted pursuant to this chapter shall provide that the zoning board of |
review shall: |
(1) Have the following powers and duties: |
(i) To hear and decide appeals within sixty-five (65) days of the date of the filing of the |
appeal where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination |
made by an administrative officer or agency in the enforcement or interpretation of this chapter, or |
of any ordinance adopted pursuant hereto; |
(ii) To hear and decide appeals from a party aggrieved by a decision of an historic district |
commission, pursuant to §§ 45-24.1-7.1 and 45-24.1-7.2; |
(iii) To hear and decide appeals where the zoning board of review is appointed as the board |
of appeals for airport zoning regulations, pursuant to § 1-3-19; |
(iv) To authorize, upon application, in specific cases of hardship, variances in the |
application of the terms of the zoning ordinance, pursuant to § 45-24-41; |
(v) To authorize, upon application, in specific cases, special-use permits, pursuant to § 45- |
24-42, where the zoning board of review is designated as a permit authority for special-use permits; |
(vi) To refer matters to the planning board or commission, or to other boards or agencies |
of the city or town as the zoning board of review may deem appropriate, for findings and |
recommendations; |
(vii) To provide for the issuance of conditional zoning approvals where a proposed |
application would otherwise be approved except that one or more state or federal agency approvals |
that are necessary are pending. A conditional zoning approval shall be revoked in the instance |
where any necessary state or federal agency approvals are not received within a specified time |
period; and |
(viii) To hear and decide other matters, according to the terms of the ordinance or other |
statutes, and upon which the board may be authorized to pass under the ordinance or other statutes; |
and |
(2) Be required to vote as follows: |
(i) Five (5) active members are necessary to conduct a hearing. As soon as a conflict occurs |
for a member, that member shall recuse himself or herself, shall not sit as an active member, and |
shall take no part in the conduct of the hearing. Only five (5) active members are entitled to vote |
on any issue; |
(ii) The concurring vote of three (3) of the five (5) members of the zoning board of review |
sitting at a hearing are necessary to reverse any order, requirement, decision, or determination of |
any zoning administrative officer from whom an appeal was taken; and |
(iii) The concurring vote of four (4) of the five (5) members of the zoning board of review |
sitting at a hearing is required to decide in favor of an applicant on any matter within the discretion |
of the board upon which it is required to pass under the ordinance, including variances and special- |
use permits. |
(3) All members, including alternate members, of any zoning board shall be required to |
participate in continuing education courses promulgated pursuant to chapter 70 of this title 45 |
entitled "Continuing education for local planning and zoning boards and historic district |
commissions." |
SECTION 3. Section 45-24.1-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 45-24.1 entitled "Historical |
Area Zoning" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
45-24.1-3. Creation of commission authorized -- Membership appointment -- Term of |
office. |
(a) In order to carry out the purposes of this chapter any city or town council shall have the |
authority to create a commission called the historic district commission. The membership of a |
commission in a city shall consist of seven (7) qualified members, and in a town shall consist of |
not less than three (3) nor more than seven (7) qualified members, whose residence is located in |
the city or town; and provided, that the historic district commission of the city of Providence shall |
consist of eleven (11) qualified members, two (2) of whom shall be members of the city council |
elected by the city council from its councilmanic members to serve for a term of four (4) years. In |
a city the members shall be appointed by the mayor, except as provided in the case of the historic |
district commission of the city of Providence, and in a town, by the president of the town council. |
Members of an historic district commission shall be residents of the city or town. |
(b) The appointed members of the commission shall be appointed for three-(3) year (3) |
terms, except the initial appointments of some of the members shall be for less than three (3) years |
so that the initial appointments are staggered and so that subsequent appointments do not reoccur |
at the same time. |
(c) Any city or town has the right to name an auxiliary member of the commission |
appointed in addition to the regular members of the commission; provided, that the city of Newport |
shall have the right to appoint two (2) auxiliary members to its historic district commission. An |
auxiliary member shall sit as an active member, upon the request of the chair, when and if a regular |
member of the commission is unable to serve at any meeting of the commission. |
(d) Appointed members of the commission are eligible for reappointment, and, upon the |
expiration of their term, shall continue to serve until replaced unless otherwise provided for in local |
law. |
(e) In the event of a vacancy on the commission, interim appointments of appointed |
members may be made by the appointing authority to complete the unexpired term of the position. |
(f) Organized and existing preservation societies may present to the appointing authority |
of a city or town a list of qualified citizens, from which list the appointing authority may select |
members of the commission for his or her respective city or town. |
(g) Members of a commission shall serve without compensation. |
(h) Members of a commission shall be required to participate in continuing education |
courses promulgated pursuant to chapter 70 of this title 45. |
SECTION 4. Title 45 of the General Laws entitled "TOWNS AND CITIES" is hereby |
amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
45-70-1. Purpose. |
The purpose of this chapter is to establish requirements and standards for initial, biennial, |
and continuing education programs for members and alternate members of local planning boards |
or commissions or any combined boards or commissions or zoning boards or any historic district |
commission performing land planning or zoning functions as authorized pursuant to the general |
laws. |
45-70-2. Applicability. |
This chapter shall apply to the following: |
(1) All members, including alternate members, of any local planning board or commission |
authorized pursuant to chapter 22 of this title 45. |
(2) All members, including alternate members, of any zoning board or commission |
authorized pursuant to chapter 24 of this title 45. |
(3) All members, including alternate members, of any combined board or commission |
authorized pursuant to the general laws to have a role in local land use and planning. |
(4) All members, including alternate members, of any historic district commission |
authorized pursuant to chapter 24.1 of this title 45. |
45-70-3. Land use law and planning -- Required education for local planning and |
zoning board members and historic district commission members. |
(a) Every current member or alternate member of a local planning and zoning board or |
commission or combined board or commission or historic district commission performing land |
planning or zoning functions shall be required to have satisfactorily completed an education |
program in land use law and planning to be prepared by the director of the department of |
administration. |
(b) The education program pursuant to this chapter shall be prepared and offered within |
twelve (12) months of the enactment of this chapter and shall include an introductory program |
offered for new or prospective board members and continuing education courses offered for |
existing board members. Furthermore, the education program shall be sufficient in design and |
duration to adequately and reasonably address the topic areas related to land use and planning, |
including all topics determined relevant by the director, and shall consist of no less than three (3) |
hours of scheduled instruction for the introductory course or courses and no less than one hour of |
scheduled instruction for any subsequent annual continuing education requirements. Reasonable |
efforts shall be made by the director to have said the course of study structured in such a manner |
that a member may satisfy these requirements through a variety of instructional means including, |
but not limited to,: traditional style classroom and seminar training, distance learning, webinars, |
on-site presentations, and by other means as deemed appropriate by the director. Education program |
topics to be considered may include, but not be limited to, the following: |
(1) History and purposes of planning and zoning; |
(2) State laws and local ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to the work of planning |
and zoning members, including a full review of chapter 53 of this title 45 ("Rhode Island Low and |
Moderate Income Housing Act"); |
(3) Overview of the functions of the boards, statutory requirements, and the main tools of |
planning, zoning, and subdivision review; |
(4) Role of others in the planning and zoning process (citizens, applicants, planning and |
zoning staff, and elected officials); |
(5) Understanding and interpreting local comprehensive plans in helping to make land use |
decisions; |
(6) Understanding basic property rights; |
(7) Legal context for the decision-making process and making legal, defensible decisions; |
(8) Basics of "findings of fact", making the record, and the legal context for planning; |
(9) Public hearings, voting requirements and other key procedural requirements; |
(10) How to review site plans and subdivisions; |
(11) Types of conditions boards may impose when approving special permit(s) or variance |
application(s); |
(12) Open meetings/ethics requirements/avoiding ethical dilemmas; and |
(13) Proper ways to manage public meetings including quorums, recusals, and rules of |
order. |
(c) Every current member or alternate member of a local planning board pursuant to chapter |
22 of this title 45 shall, in addition to any other education requirement promulgated pursuant to this |
chapter, complete two (2) hours of training and education concerning the effects of development in |
a flood plain and the effects of sea-level rise once every two (2) years. Each member shall complete |
two (2) hours of training in order to be certified for the two (2) years required by this chapter. |
(d) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, any person who is serving as a member |
or alternate member of a planning, zoning, or combined board or commission or historic district |
commission performing land use and planning pursuant to general laws, shall be required to |
complete the introductory education program within twenty-four (24) months of the effective date |
of this chapter or within (24) months of appointment, whichever is later, and shall also complete |
the required annual continuing education requirements as may be required. No decision of a |
planning board, zoning board, or historic district commission shall be voided or declared invalid |
because of failure of a member to comply with these training requirements. |
(e) Upon completion of the training required pursuant to this chapter, the local planning |
and zoning board or commission or combined board or commission or historic district commission |
member shall file with the municipal clerk a statement asserting the training course has been |
completed. |
45-70-4. Exemptions. |
The following persons shall be exempt from the educational requirements established |
pursuant to this chapter: |
(1) The chief municipal officer of the city or town or person designated to serve on a |
planning board in an ex officio and non-voting capacity. |
(2) Any person who offers satisfactory proof of having completed a course of study in land |
use law and planning within one year prior to the effective date of this chapter, that, in the |
determination of the director of the department of administration (the "director") in consultation |
with the division of statewide planning, is equivalent to or more extensive than the course offered |
pursuant to the requirements of this chapter, will be exempt from the initial three (3) hours of |
training; however, remain subject to annual continuing education requirements. An |
appointee/reappointee must file with the city or town clerk a statement explaining why he or she is |
exempt from the initial introductory training following the effective date of this chapter. |
(3) Any person who demonstrates that he or she is certified by the American Institute of |
Certified Planners (AICP) or has a master's or doctorate degree in planning from an accredited |
college or university will be exempt from the initial three (3) hours of training; however, remain |
subject to annual continuing education requirements. An appointee/reappointee must file with the |
city or town clerk a statement explaining why he or she is exempt from the initial introductory |
training following the effective date of this chapter. |
45-70-5. Advisory committee. |
The state planning council shall appoint an advisory committee to assist in the development |
of the education program that shall include, but not be limited to, representatives from the American |
Planning Association (R.I. Chapter), American Council of Engineering Companies - Rhode Island, |
Grow Smart Rhode Island, Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns, Rhode Island Builders |
Association, University of Rhode Island Coastal Resource Center coastal resource center, and the |
Office office of Housing housing and Community Development community development. The |
division of statewide planning shall provide administrative support to and facilitate meetings of the |
advisory committee to meet at a minimum of once a year to evaluate and make improvements to |
the training program. |
45-70-6. Rules and regulations. |
The state planning council is hereby authorized and empowered to promulgate rules and |
regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter no later than December 31, 2022. |
The department of administration, division of statewide planning, shall submit to the governor, the |
speaker of the house of representatives, and the senate president, a report detailing the program |
development and completion levels of training by board members of each community no later than |
April 30, 2027. |
SECTION 5. This act shall take effect on January 1, 2023. |
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