Chapter 334 |
2021 -- H 5923 SUBSTITUTE A AS AMENDED Enacted 07/09/2021 |
A N A C T |
Introduced By: Representatives Caldwell, Serpa, Carson, Handy, Morales, Craven, Bennett, Potter, Donovan, and Speakman |
Date Introduced: February 24, 2021 |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: |
SECTION 1. Sections 39-26-2 and 39-26-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 39-26 entitled |
"Renewable Energy Standard" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
39-26-2. Definitions. |
When used in this chapter: |
(1) "Alternative compliance payment" means a payment to the renewable energy |
development fund of fifty dollars ($50.00) per megawatt-hour of renewable energy obligation, in |
2003 dollars, adjusted annually up or down by the consumer price index, which may be made in |
lieu of standard means of compliance with this statute. |
(2) "Commission" means the Rhode Island public utilities commission. |
(3) "Compliance year" means a calendar year beginning January 1 and ending December |
31, for which an obligated entity must demonstrate that it has met the requirements of this statute. |
(4) "Customer-sited generation facility" means a generation unit that is interconnected on |
the end-use customer's side of the retail electricity meter in such a manner that it displaces all or |
part of the metered consumption of the end-use customer. |
(5) "Electrical energy product" means an electrical energy offering, including, but not |
limited to, last-resort and standard-offer service, that can be distinguished by its generation |
attributes or other characteristics, and that is offered for sale by an obligated entity to end-use |
customers. |
(6) "Eligible biomass fuel" means fuel sources including brush, stumps, lumber ends and |
trimmings, wood pallets, bark, wood chips, shavings, slash, and other clean wood that is not mixed |
with other solid wastes; agricultural waste, food, and vegetative material; energy crops; landfill |
methane; biogas; or neat biodiesel and other neat liquid fuels that are derived from such fuel |
sources. |
(7) "Eligible renewable energy resource" means resources as defined in § 39-26-5. |
(8) "End-use customer" means a person or entity in Rhode Island that purchases electrical |
energy at retail from an obligated entity. |
(9) "Existing renewable energy resources" means generation units using eligible renewable |
energy resources and first going into commercial operation before December 31, 1997. |
(10) "Generation attributes" means the nonprice characteristics of the electrical energy |
output of a generation unit including, but not limited to, the unit's fuel type, emissions, vintage, and |
policy eligibility. |
(11) "Generation unit" means a facility that converts a fuel or an energy resource into |
electrical energy. |
(12) "High-heat medical waste processing facility" means a facility which that: |
(i) Generates electricity from the combustion, gasification, or pyrolysis of regulated |
medical waste; |
(ii) Generates electricity from the combustion of fuel derived from the gasification or |
pyrolysis of regulated medical waste; or |
(iii) Disposes of, processes, or treats regulated medical waste through combustion, |
gasification, pyrolysis, or any process that exposes waste to temperatures above four hundred |
degrees Fahrenheit (400°F). |
(12)(13) "NE-GIS" means the generation information system operated by NEPOOL, its |
designee or successor entity, that includes a generation information database and certificate system, |
and that accounts for the generation attributes of electrical energy consumed within NEPOOL. |
(13)(14) "NE-GIS certificate" means an electronic record produced by the NE-GIS that |
identifies the relevant generation attributes of each megawatt-hour accounted for in the NE-GIS. |
(14)(15) "NEPOOL" means the New England Power Pool or its successor. |
(15)(16) "New renewable energy resources" means generation units using eligible |
renewable energy resources and first going into commercial operation after December 31, 1997; or |
the incremental output of generation units using eligible renewable energy resources that have |
demonstrably increased generation in excess of ten percent (10%) using eligible renewable energy |
resources through capital investments made after December 31, 1997; but in no case involve any |
new impoundment or diversion of water with an average salinity of twenty (20) parts per thousand |
or less. |
(16)(17) "Obligated entity" means a person or entity who or that sells electrical energy to |
end-use customers in Rhode Island, including, but not limited to: nonregulated power producers |
and electric utility distribution companies, as defined in § 39-1-2, supplying standard-offer service, |
last-resort service, or any successor service to end-use customers, including Narragansett Electric, |
but not to include Block Island Power Company as described in § 39-26-7 or Pascoag Utility |
District. |
(17)(18) "Off-grid generation facility" means a generation unit that is not connected to a |
utility transmission or distribution system. |
(18)(19) "Renewable energy resource" means any one or more of the renewable energy |
resources described in § 39-26-5(a). |
(19)(20) "Reserved certificate" means a NE-GIS certificate sold independent of a |
transaction involving electrical energy, pursuant to Rule 3.4 or a successor rule of the operating |
rules of the NE-GIS. |
(20)(21) "Reserved certificate account" means a specially designated account established |
by an obligated entity, pursuant to Rule 3.4 or a successor rule of the operating rules of the NE- |
GIS, for transfer and retirement of reserved certificates from the NE-GIS. |
(21)(22) "Self-generator" means an end-use customer in Rhode Island that displaces all or |
part of its retail electricity consumption, as metered by the distribution utility to which it |
interconnects, through the use of a customer-sited generation facility, and the ownership of any |
such facility shall not be considered an obligated entity as a result of any such ownership |
arrangement. |
(22)(23) "Small hydro facility" means a facility employing one or more hydroelectric |
turbine generators and with an aggregate capacity not exceeding thirty megawatts (30 MW). For |
purposes of this definition, "facility" shall be defined in a manner consistent with Title 18 of the |
Code of Federal Regulations, section 92.201 et seq.; provided, however, that the size of the facility |
is limited to thirty megawatts (30 MW), rather than eighty megawatts (80 MW). |
39-26-5. Renewable energy resources. |
(a) Renewable energy resources are: |
(1) Direct solar radiation; |
(2) The wind; |
(3) Movement or the latent heat of the ocean; |
(4) The heat of the earth; |
(5) Small hydro facilities; |
(6) Biomass facilities using eligible biomass fuels and maintaining compliance with current |
air permits; eligible biomass fuels may be co-fired with fossil fuels, provided that only the |
renewable energy fraction of production from multi-fuel facilities shall be considered eligible; |
(7) Fuel cells using the renewable resources referenced above in this section; and |
(8) Waste-to-energy combustion of any sort or manner, including, without limitation, high- |
heat medical waste processing facilities, shall in no instance be considered eligible, except for fuels |
identified in § 39-26-2(6). |
(b) For the purposes of the regulations promulgated under this chapter, eligible renewable |
energy resources are generation units in the NEPOOL control area using renewable energy |
resources as defined in this section. |
(c) A generation unit located in an adjacent control area outside of the NEPOOL may |
qualify as an eligible renewable energy resource, but the associated generation attributes shall be |
applied to the renewable energy standard only to the extent that the energy produced by the |
generation unit is actually delivered into NEPOOL for consumption by New England customers. |
The delivery of the energy from the generation unit into NEPOOL must be generated by: |
(1) A unit-specific bilateral contract for the sale and delivery of such energy into NEPOOL; |
and |
(2) Confirmation from ISO-New England that the renewable energy was actually settled in |
the NEPOOL system; and |
(3) Confirmation through the North American Reliability Council tagging system that the |
import of the energy into NEPOOL actually occurred; or |
(4) Any such other requirements as the commission deems appropriate. |
(d) NE-GIS certificates associated with energy production from off-grid generation and |
customer-sited generation facilities certified by the commission as eligible renewable energy |
resources may also be used to demonstrate compliance, provided that the facilities are physically |
located in Rhode Island. |
SECTION 2. Title 23 of the General Laws entitled "HEALTH AND SAFETY" is hereby |
amended by adding thereto the following chapter: |
CHAPTER 19.17 |
23-19.17-1. Definitions. |
As used in this chapter: |
(1) "Environmental justice focus areas" means as defined by the DEM in SOP Number |
BEP-AWC-1, effective 6/26/09 and entitled, "Policy for Considering Environmental Justice in the |
Review of Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Properties," which that states in part |
"DEM mapped areas where the percent of the block group that is minority or the percent of the |
block group that is low-income (under two (2) times federal poverty level) are high enough to rank |
in the top fifteen percent (15%) of block groups state-wide. The census blocks meeting these criteria |
established by the DEM in SOP Number BEP-AWC-1 shall be designated environmental justice |
focus areas.". |
(2) "Environmental justice municipality" means any city or town that has, in whole or in |
part, one or more environmental justice focus areas. |
(3) "High-heat medical waste processing facility" means a facility which that: |
(i) Generates electricity from the combustion, gasification, or pyrolysis of regulated |
medical waste; |
(ii) Generates electricity from the combustion of fuel derived from the gasification or |
pyrolysis of solid waste, segregated regulated medical waste; or |
(iii) Disposes of, processes, or treats regulated medical waste through combustion, |
gasification, pyrolysis, or any process that exposes waste to temperatures above four hundred |
degrees Fahrenheit (400°F). |
(4) "Open space" means as defined in § 45-22.2-4. |
(5) "Regulated medical waste" means as defined in § 23-19.12-3. |
23-19.17-2. Prohibition on new high-heat medical waste processing facilities. |
Notwithstanding any other law, rule, or regulation to the contrary, no permit or license shall |
be issued for the construction or operation of a new high-heat medical waste processing facility, |
and no application for a permit or license for such a facility shall be granted or issued by the state |
if the facility: |
(1) Is within two thousand feet (2,000') of any waters as defined in § 46-12-1; |
(2) Is within two thousand feet (2,000') of open space or any state management area, or |
park, or land held by any entity in trust for public use; |
(3) Is within two thousand feet (2,000') of any floodplains, or flood hazard area as defined |
in § 45-22.2-4; |
(4) Is within one mile of a pre-existing public or private school providing education of any |
grades 1 through twelve (12), a college or university, a childcare center, a preschool, an assisted |
living facility, or a nursing facility; |
(5) Is within one mile of any area zoned for residential use; or |
(6) Is located in an environmental justice municipality. |
SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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