Chapter 255 |
2021 -- S 0987 Enacted 07/14/2021 |
A N A C T |
Introduced By: Senator Stephen R. Archambault |
Date Introduced: June 28, 2021 |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: |
SECTION 1. Sections 7 and 8 of Chapter 13 of the 2001 Public Laws entitled "An Act |
Establishing the Smithfield Land Trust" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
Section 7. The trust shall have the responsibility to recommend to the town council to: |
(a) Purchase, receive by gift, or otherwise acquire fee simple or lesser interests in real |
property, including development rights as defined in section ยง 42-82-2 of the general laws, or any |
interest in real property consistent with purposes of this act, including other development rights on |
easements of any kind whatsoever; |
(b) Accept gifts, grants, or loans of funds or resources or services from any source, public |
or private, and comply, subject to the provisions of this act, with any terms and conditions thereof |
within the limits of its available funds; |
(c) Accept from state and/or federal agencies, loans or grants or resources for use in |
carrying out the trust's purposes and enter into agreements with such these agencies respecting any |
such loans or grants within the limits of its available funds; |
(d) Employ counsel, auditors, engineers, surveyors, appraisers, private consultants, |
advisors, secretaries, or other personnel needed to perform its duties within the limits of its available |
funds; |
(e) Administer and manage land and interests in land held by it in a manner which that |
allows public use and enjoyment consistent with the natural and scenic resources thereof, including |
conveyance of any such land or interests in land to, and contracts with, nonprofit organizations, |
provided such the land shall continue to be used in a manner consistent with the purposes of this |
act and with the terms of any grant or devise by which such the land was acquired by the trust; |
(f) Dispose of all or any portion of its real property or interests therein held by it, whenever |
in the opinion of the trustees said the lands or properties have become unsuitable or have ceased to |
be used for the purpose set forth in this act. Such The disposition shall be made only by a vote of |
the trustees in which at least six (6) members vote in favor of such a disposition and further only |
after having been approved by a two thirds (2/3) four-fifths (4/5) affirmative vote of the town |
council at an annual or special financial town meeting of the town. Nothing in this subsection shall |
be construed to authorize the sale, lease, or conveyance of lands or improvements held by the trust |
as part of a charitable trust or acquired by gift or devise for the public use, whether or not such the |
gift or devise is subject to a condition subsequent or reverter. |
Section 8. All funds collected by virtue of the town's bonding authority for the purpose of |
financing the activities of the trust under this act shall be deposited in a reserve fund by the town |
treasurer. Additional moneys or other liquid assets received as voluntary contributions, grants, or |
loans, funds appropriated to the trust by vote of the annual town meeting or special appropriation |
process, or proceeds from disposal of real property or interests shall be deposited into said the |
account. All operating expenses lawfully incurred by the trust in carrying out the provisions of this |
act shall be evidenced by proper vouchers and shall be paid by the treasurer of the town only upon |
submission of invoices approved by the trust and by the town manager. The treasurer of the town |
shall prudently invest available assets of the funds, and all income thereon shall accrue to the fund. |
The decision to dissolve the trust shall only result after a vote of the trustees in which at |
least six (6) members vote to recommend dissolution of the trust to the town council. The town |
council shall then hold a public hearing on the recommendation to dissolve. At the conclusion of |
the public hearing the town council shall vote on the matter within forty-five (45) days of said the |
hearing. Dissolution shall require three (3) affirmative votes of the town council. |
Upon termination or dissolution of the trust, the title of all funds and other properties owned |
by the trust which remain after payment or making provision for payment of all bonds, notes and |
other obligations of the trust shall vest in the town which shall manage the lands of the dissolved |
trust in the same manner for which such the lands were donated or purchased in the best interest of |
the purposes of the dissolved trust. If in the opinion of the town council said the land of the |
dissolved trust no longer meet the purposes set forth in this act, the town may dispose of said the |
lands upon a two thirds (2/3) four-fifths (4/5) affirmative vote of the town council at an annual or |
special financial town meeting of the town. |
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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