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SECTION 1. Section 2-7-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 2-7 entitled "Commercial |
Fertilizer” is hereby amended to read as follows: |
2-7-4. Registration. |
(a) Each brand and grade of commercial fertilizer shall be registered by the manufacturer |
or by that person whose name appears upon the label before being distributed in this state. The |
application for registration shall be submitted to the director on a form furnished by the director, |
and shall be accompanied by a fee of seventy-two dollars ($72.00) one hundred dollars ($100) per |
brand or grade registered. |
(1) All revenues received from registration fees shall be deposited as general revenues. |
(2) All applications for registration shall be accompanied by a label or true copy of the |
label. |
(3) Upon approval by the director, a copy of the registration shall be furnished to the |
applicant. |
(4) All registrations expire on December 31st of each year. |
(5) The application includes shall include the following information: |
(i) The brand and grade; |
(ii) The guaranteed analysis; and |
(iii) The name and address of the registrant. |
(b) A distributor is not required to register any commercial fertilizer which that is already |
registered under this chapter by another person, providing the label does not differ in any respect. |
(c) A distributor is not required to register each grade of commercial fertilizer formulated |
according to specifications which that are furnished by a consumer prior to mixing. |
(d) The plant nutrient content of each and every brand and grade of commercial fertilizer |
must remain uniform for the period of registration. |
SECTION 2. Sections 20-2-15, 20-2-16, 20-2-17, 20-2-18, 20-2-18.1, 20-2-18.3, 20-2-30, |
20-2-37 and 20-2-42 of the General Laws in Chapter 20-2 entitled "Licensing" are hereby amended |
to read as follows: |
20-2-15. Freshwater fishing license. |
(a)(1) Resident: eighteen dollars ($18.00). twenty-one dollars ($21.00); commencing July |
1, 2025, twenty-four dollars ($24.00); commencing July 1, 2028, twenty-seven dollars ($27.00). |
(2) Nonresident: thirty-five dollars ($35.00). thirty-eight dollars ($38.00); commencing |
July 1, 2025, forty-one dollars ($41.00); commencing July 1, 2028, forty-four dollars ($44.00). |
(3) Nonresident tourist: sixteen dollars ($16.00). eighteen dollars ($18.00); commencing |
July 1, 2025, twenty dollars ($20.00); commencing July 1, 2028, twenty-two dollars ($22.00). This |
license shall entitle the licensee to fish in Rhode Island for three (3) consecutive days including the |
day of issue. |
(b) Freshwater fishing licenses shall expire on the last day of February of each year. |
20-2-16. Hunting License. |
(a)(1) Resident: eighteen dollars ($18.00). twenty-one dollars ($21.00); commencing July |
1, 2025, twenty-four dollars ($24.00); commencing July 1, 2028, twenty-seven dollars ($27.00). |
(2) Nonresident: forty-five dollars ($45.00). fifty-five dollars ($55.00); commencing July |
1, 2025, sixty-five dollars ($65.00); commencing July 1, 2028, seventy-five dollars ($75.00). |
(3) Nonresident landowner: a nonresident citizen of the United States and owner of real |
estate in Rhode Island assessed for taxation at a valuation of not less than thirty thousand dollars |
($30,000) may obtain a resident’s hunting license. |
(4) Shooting preserve: three dollars and fifty cents ($3.50). |
(5) Nonresident three (3) day: sixteen dollars ($16.00) twenty dollars ($20.00). This license |
shall entitle the licensee to hunt in Rhode Island for three (3) consecutive days as validated by the |
issuing agent. |
(6) Resident junior hunting license: fourteen dollars ($14.00). |
(7) Nonresident junior hunting license: forty dollars ($40.00). |
(b) Hunting licenses shall expire on the last day of February of each year. |
20-2-17. Combination fishing and hunting license. |
The director may grant to any eligible resident applying for a combination hunting and |
fishing license a license that shall entitle the licensee to the privileges of both hunting and fishing |
licenses, for a fee of thirty-three dollars ($33.00) thirty-eight dollars ($38.00); commencing July 1, |
2025, forty-three dollars ($43.00); commencing July 1, 2028, forty-eight dollars ($48.00). The |
license shall expire on the last day of February of each year. |
20-2-18. Deer Permits. |
(a)(1) Resident: twelve dollars and fifty cents ($12.50) thirteen dollars ($13.00); |
commencing July 1, 2025, fourteen dollars ($14.00); commencing July 1, 2028, fifteen dollars |
($15.00). |
(2) Nonresident: twenty-five twenty-six dollars and fifty cents ($25.50$26.50).; |
commencing July 1, 2025, twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($27.50); commencing July 1, 2028, |
twenty-eight dollars and fifty cents ($28.50). |
(b) A deer permit is good only for the season in which it is issued. |
20-2-18.1. Wild turkey permits. |
(a) No person shall attempt to take any wild turkey without first obtaining a regular hunting |
license and a turkey permit for the current year. Permits shall be sold at the direction of the director |
for a fee of seven dollars and fifty cents eight dollars ($7.50$8.00) for residents and twenty-one |
dollars and fifty cents ($20.00$21.50) for nonresidents. Commencing July 1, 2025, permits shall |
be sold for a fee of nine dollars ($9.00) for residents and twenty-three dollars ($23.00) for |
nonresidents. Commencing July 1, 2028, permits shall be sold for a fee of ten dollars and fifty cents |
($10.50) for residents and twenty-four dollars and fifty cents ($24.50) for nonresidents. The issuing |
agent may retain a fee of fifty cents ($.50) for each permit and shall remit seven dollars ($7.00) for |
resident permits and nineteen dollars and fifty cents ($19.50) for nonresident permits the remainder |
to the department. |
(b) A wild turkey permit shall be good only for the season in which it is issued. |
(c) All monies derived by the department from the sale of wild turkey permits shall be |
expended for turkey habitat acquisition in Rhode Island and wild turkey restoration management |
and research. |
20-2-18.3. Stocked game bird permit fees and bag limits. |
Permits shall be sold at the direction of the director for a fee of fifteen seventeen dollars |
and fifty cents ($15.50 $17.00). Commencing July 1, 2025, the fee for a permit shall be eighteen |
dollars and fifty cents ($18.50). Commencing July 1, 2028, the fee for a permit shall be twenty-one |
dollars ($21.00). The issuing agent will retain a fee of fifty cents ($0.50) for each permit and shall |
remit fifteen dollars ($15.00) the remainder to the department. The permit will allow the person to |
harvest a daily bag and season limit as described in regulations promulgated by the director. All |
monies derived by the department from the sale of stocked game bird permits shall be expended |
for stocking game birds and wildlife habitat acquisition in Rhode Island. |
20-2-30. Fur trapping and licenses. |
(a)(1) Fur trapper – Resident: ten fifteen dollars ($10.00$15.00); commencing July 1, 2025, |
twenty dollars ($20.00); commencing July 1, 2028, twenty-five dollars ($25.00). |
(2) Fur trapper – Nonresident: thirty fifty dollars ($30.00$50.00); commencing July 1, |
2025, seventy-five dollars ($75.00); commencing July 1, 2028, one hundred dollars ($100.00). |
(b) Fur trapper and fur licenses expire on the last day of March of each year. |
20-2-37. Waterfowl stamp fees. |
(a) Stamps shall be sold at the direction of the director for a fee of seven eight dollars and |
fifty cents ($7.50$8.00). Commencing July 1, 2025, the fee for a stamp shall be nine dollars ($9.00). |
Commencing July 1, 2028, the fee for a stamp shall be ten dollars ($10.00). The issuing agent may |
retain a fee of fifty cents ($.50) for each stamp and shall remit seven dollars ($7.00) the remainder |
of each fee to the department. The director shall establish a uniform sale price for all categories of |
by-products. |
(b) [Deleted by P.L. 2002, ch. 65, art. 13, § 16.] |
20-2-42. Trout conservation stamp fee. |
Stamps shall be sold at the direction of the director for a fee of five dollars and fifty cents |
($5.50). Commencing July 1, 2025, the fee for a stamp shall be six dollars ($6.00). Commencing |
July 1, 2028, the fee for a stamp shall be six dollars and fifty cents ($6.50). The issuing agent may |
retain a fee of fifty cents ($.50) for each stamp sold and shall remit five dollars ($5.00) the |
remainder of each fee to the department. The director shall establish uniform sale prices for all |
categories of by-products. |
SECTION 3. Section 20-2-27.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 20-2 entitled "Licensing" |
is hereby amended to read as follows: |
20-2-27.1. Rhode Island party and charter boat vessel license Rhode Island party and |
charter vessel license. |
(a) All party and charter boats vessels carrying recreational passengers to take or attempt |
to take marine fish species upon the navigable state and coastal waters of Rhode Island shall be |
required to obtain a Rhode Island party and charter boat vessel license. The licenses shall be issued |
by the department on a biennial basis for a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25) per vessel. The annual |
fee shall be one hundred dollars ($100) for a resident of Rhode Island and shall be three hundred |
dollars ($300) for a non-resident nonresident. All licensed party and charter boats vessels shall be |
required to display a party and charter boat vessel decal provided by the department. To obtain a |
license, the owner of a qualified vessel must submit: |
(1) A current copy of the operator's United States Coast Guard license to carry passengers |
for hire; |
(2) A current copy of the vessel's "Certificate of Documentation" certifying that the vessel |
is documented "Coastwise", or if the vessel is under five (5) net tons, a copy of the vessel's state |
registration; |
(3) Proof that the operator and crew are currently enrolled in a random drug testing program |
that complies with the federal government's 46 C.F.R. § 16.101 et seq. "Drug Testing Program" |
regulations; and |
(4) A signed license application form certifying that the vessel is and will be operated in |
compliance with all state and federal safety regulations for the vessel. |
(b) Rhode Island party and charter boat vessel licenses shall expire on the last day of |
February December every other year, with the first expiration date being in February 2001. |
SECTION 4. Sections 20-2.1-3, 20-2.1-4, 20-2.1-7 and 20-2.1-8 of the General Laws in |
Chapter 20-2.1 entitled "Commercial Fishing Licenses" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
20-2.1-3. Definitions. |
For the purposes of this chapter the following terms shall mean: |
(1) "Basic harvest and gear levels" means fishery-specific harvest and/or gear levels, |
established and regularly updated by the department by rule, that, in a manner consistent with the |
state or federally sanctioned management plans or programs that may be in effect, and to the extent |
possible given those plans and programs, provide a maximum level of participation for commercial |
fishing license holders in accordance with applicable endorsements. |
(1) "Activity Standard" means a level of fishing participation used to establish criteria for |
the issuance of new licenses. |
(2) "Commercial fisherman" means a natural person licensed to who catches, harvests, or |
takes finfish, crustaceans, or shellfish marine species from the marine waters for sale. |
(3) "Council" means the marine fisheries council established by chapter 3 of this title. |
(4) "Crustaceans" means lobsters, crabs, shrimp, and for purposes of this chapter it also |
includes horseshoe crabs. |
(5) "Director" means the director of the department of environmental management. |
(6) "Endorsement" means the designation of a fishery in which a license holder may |
participate at either basic or full harvest and gear levels. Endorsement categories and levels shall |
be established annually by the department by rule, based on the status of the various fisheries, the |
levels of participation of existing license holders, and the provisions of applicable management |
plans or programs. At a minimum, endorsement categories and endorsement opportunities shall |
include, but may not be limited to: non-lobster crustacean; lobster; non-quahaug shellfish; quahaug; |
non-restricted finfish; and restricted finfish. Endorsements, when available, shall be issued in |
accordance with applicable qualifying criteria. |
(7) "February 28" means the twenty-eighth (28th) day in the month of February or the next |
business day if February 28 falls on a Saturday or Sunday for the purpose of application submittals |
and renewal deadlines. |
(6) "Family member" means a spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, child, or grandchild |
of the holder or transferor of a commercial fishing license. |
(87) "Finfish" means cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates with fins, including fish, sharks, |
rays, skates, and eels and also includes, for the purposes of this chapter, squid. |
(98) "Fisheries sectors" means and comprises crustaceans, finfish, and shellfish, as defined |
in this section, each of which shall singularly be considered a fishery sector. |
(10) "Full harvest and gear levels" means fishery-specific harvest and/or gear levels, |
established and regularly updated by the department by rule, that, in a manner consistent with the |
state or federally sanctioned management plans or programs that may be in effect, and to the extent |
possible given those plans and programs, provide a maximum level of participation for principal |
effort license holders in accordance with applicable endorsements and for all multi-purpose license |
holders. |
(9) "Fishery Endorsement" means the authorization for a license holder to participate in a |
designated fishery sector at a limited or unlimited level. |
(1110) "Grace period" means sixty (60) calendar days commencing the last day of February |
28, as defined herein, and shall only apply to renewals of licenses from the immediately preceding |
year; provided, that for calendar year 2004 the grace period shall be ninety (90) calendar days |
commencing February 29, 2004. |
(1211) "Medical hardship" means a significant medical condition that prevents a license |
applicant from meeting the application requirements renders an active licensed person unable to |
fish for a period in excess of fourteen (14) days, either as a result of the physical loss of function |
or impairment of a body part or parts, or debilitating pain. Demonstration of the medical hardship |
shall be in the form of a diagnosis and prognosis signed by a medical doctor (M.D. or O.D.). |
(12) "Medical Incapacity" means death or injury that renders an active license holder |
permanently unable to actively fish. Demonstration of medical incapacity shall be in the form of a |
death certificate, or a diagnosis and prognosis signed by a medical doctor (M.D. or O.D.). |
(13) "Other Endorsement" means the authorization for a license holder or vessel to |
participate in a designated activity. |
(134) "Shellfish" means quahogs, clams, mussels, scallops, oysters, conches, and mollusks |
in general other than squid. |
(145) "Student commercial fisherman" means a resident twenty-three (23) years of age or |
younger, licensed pursuant to this chapter, who is a full-time student. |
20-2.1-4. Licenses -- General provisions governing licenses issued General provisions |
governing licenses issued. |
(a) Licenses and vessel declarations required Applicability. It shall be unlawful for any |
person in Rhode Island or the waters of the state: (1) To take, catch, harvest, possess, or to hold, or |
transport for sale in Rhode Island any marine finfish, crustacean, or shellfish species without a |
license issued under the provisions of this title,; provided, however, that marine finfish, |
crustaceans, or shellfish species may be transported by a duly licensed dealer if the marine finfish, |
crustaceans, or shellfish species have previously been sold by a duly licensed person; or (2) To |
engage in commercial fishing from a vessel unless the vessel has been declared a commercial |
fishing vessel as provided in § 20-2.1-5(23) and has a decal affixed to it or is displaying a plate. |
(b) Validation of license. No license issued under this chapter shall be valid until signed by |
the licensee in his or her own handwriting. |
(c) Transfer or loan of license. Unless otherwise provided for in this title, a license issued |
to a person under this chapter shall be good only for the person to whom it is issued and any transfer |
or loan of the license shall be grounds for revocation or suspension of that license pursuant to § 20- |
2-13. |
(d) Reporting and inspections condition of license. All persons granted a license under the |
provisions of this chapter are deemed to have consented to the reporting requirements applicable |
to commercial fishing actively that are established pursuant to this title and to the reasonable |
inspection of any boat, vessel, net, rake, bullrake, tong, dredge, trap, pot, vehicle, structure, or other |
contrivance used regularly for the keeping or storage of fish, shellfish or crustaceans marine |
species, and any creel, box, locker, basket, crate, blind, fishing, or paraphernalia used in |
conjunction with the licensed activity by persons duly authorized by the director. The provisions |
of § 20-1-8(a)(7)(ii) shall apply to these inspections. |
(e) Possession, inspection, and display of license. Every person holding a license issued |
under this chapter shall have that license in his or her possession at all times while engaged in the |
licensed activity and shall present the license for inspection on demand by any authorized person. |
Any person who shall refuse to present a license on demand shall be liable to the same punishment |
as if that person were fishing without a license. |
(f) Application for license. Every person entitled to a license under this chapter shall file |
an application with the director, or the director's authorized agent, properly sworn to, stating the |
name, age, occupation, place of residence, mailing address, weight, height, and color of hair and |
eyes of the applicant for whom the license is wanted and providing any other information that may |
be required pursuant to rule in order to effectuate the purposes of this chapter, and pay the fees as |
provided in this chapter. All licenses issued under this chapter shall be valid only for the calendar |
year of issuance, unless otherwise specified in this chapter or in the rules and regulations adopted |
pursuant to this chapter. If the person will be either the owner or the operator as provided in § 20- |
2.1-5(57) of a commercial fishing vessel, the person shall declare, on the application for each |
commercial fishing vessel, the vessel name, length, horsepower, state registration number or coast |
guard documentation number, federal permit number, if any, gear type(s), the principal fishery or |
fisheries, and average projected crew size. |
(g) Application deadline, grace period for renewals, and limitation on appeals after the |
deadlines. For commercial marine fishing licenses provided for in §§ 20-2.1-5 and 20-2.1-6, the |
following provisions shall apply: |
(1) Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, an individual qualified to obtain a license |
must submit an application to the department of environmental management no later than the last |
day of February 28 of each year; a license application shall be deemed valid if submitted to the |
department prior to the close of regular office hours on the last day of February 28 or if postmarked |
by the last day of February 28; |
(2) Unless otherwise specified in this title, no new or renewed licenses shall be issued after |
the last day of February 28 of each year, unless an applicant has submitted an application by the |
February 28 deadline required by this section; |
(3) The department shall notify all license holders, in writing, regarding the December 31 |
expiration and the February 28 renewal deadline no later than November 1 of each year; |
(4) For renewals of existing commercial marine fishing licenses that expire on December |
31 of the immediately preceding year, there shall be a sixty-day (60) grace period from the renewal |
deadline of February 28; licenses issued during the grace period shall be subject to a late fee in the |
amount of two-hundred dollars ($200) in addition to all other applicable fees; |
(5) Except as provided for in subsection (g)(4) of this section or § 20-2.1-5(1)(iviii)(A), the |
department shall not accept any applications submitted after the last day of February 28; and |
(6) There shall be no right to request reconsideration by the commercial fishing license |
review board or an appeal to the department of environmental management's administrative |
adjudication division (AAD) for the rejection of any new license applications submitted after the |
last day of February 28, or any license renewal applications submitted after the sixty-(60) day (60) |
grace period., except iIn the case of a documented medical hardship as defined herein medical |
condition that prevents a license applicant from meeting the application requirements, the license |
applicant has no more than one year after the expiration of a license to appeal to AAD. |
Demonstration of such medical condition shall be in the form of a diagnosis and prognosis signed |
by a medical doctor (M.D. or O.D.). |
(h) Lost or destroyed licenses and duplicate licenses. Whoever loses, or by a mistake or |
accident destroys his or her certificate of a commercial marine fisheries license, may, upon |
application to the department accompanied by an affidavit fully setting forth the circumstances of |
the loss, receive a duplicate certificate license for the remainder of the year covered by the original |
certificate, for a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) for each duplicate license. |
(i) Revocation of licenses. |
(1) License revocation. The license of any person who has violated the provisions of this |
chapter, or rules adopted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, or rules and regulations that |
pertain to commercial fishing and reporting issued pursuant to this title, may be suspended or |
revoked by the director as the director shall determine by regulation. Any person aggrieved by an |
order of suspension or revocation may appeal this order in accordance with the provisions of the |
administrative procedures act, chapter 35 of title 42. |
(2) False statements and violations; cancellation of license. Any person who willfully |
makes a false representation as to birthplace or requirements of identification or of other facts |
required in an application for license under this chapter, or is otherwise directly or indirectly a party |
to a false representation, shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00). A |
license obtained by any person through a false representation shall be null and void, and the license |
shall be surrendered immediately to the director. No license shall be issued under this title to this |
person for a period of one year from the date of imposition of a penalty under this section. |
(3) False, altered, forged, or counterfeit licenses. Every person who falsely makes, alters, |
forges, or counterfeits, or who causes to be made, altered, forged, or counterfeited, a license issued |
under this chapter or title or purporting to be a license issued under this chapter or title, or who |
shall have in his or her possession such a license knowing it to be false, altered, forged, or |
counterfeit, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject to the penalties prescribed in § 20-1-16. |
(j) Expiration. Unless otherwise specified in this title, all licenses issued under this chapter |
shall be annual and shall expire on December 31 of each year. It shall be unlawful for any person |
to fish commercially in Rhode Island waters on an expired license; and the application and grace |
periods set forth in subsections (g)(1) and (g)(4) above shall not extend the validity of any expired |
license. |
(k) Notice of change of address. Whenever any person holding any commercial fishing |
license shall move from the address named in his or her last application, that person shall, within |
ten (10) days subsequent to moving, notify the office of boat registration and licensing of his or her |
former and current address. |
20-2.1-7. Landing permits and fees. |
Landing permits shall be issued as provided for in chapter 4 of this title. In addition, a non- |
resident must obtain a landing permit, for a fee of two hundred dollars ($200), to off-load or land |
species harvested outside Rhode Island waters. The landing permit shall be valid for the calendar |
year in which it was issued. The department shall adopt any rules and procedures that may be |
necessary for the timely issuance of landing permits in order to facilitate the off-loading and sale |
of non-quota species harvested outside state waters. |
(a) All residents or non-residents nonresidents, with the exception of persons or vessels |
with qualifying Rhode Island fishing licenses, who have charge of a vessel carrying seafood |
products legally harvested outside Rhode Island waters shall obtain a permit to land, sell, or offer |
for sale seafood products in Rhode Island. The permit shall be issued by the department upon proof |
that the applicant holds a valid state or federal commercial fishing license. |
(1) Resident landing permit: for the landing, sale, or offering for sale of marine species |
(including process product), caught by any means:. the The fee shall be three hundred dollars |
($300). |
(2) Non-resident Nonresident landing permit: for the landing, sale, or offering for sale of |
marine species (including process product), caught by any means, excluding restricted species as |
defined by rule. The fee shall be six hundred dollars ($600). |
(3) Non-resident Nonresident exempted landing permits. |
(i) A new landing permit shall not be issued to any non-resident nonresident to off-load, |
land, offer for sale, or sell any restricted marine species, the definition of which shall be established |
by the department by rule and shall take into account species for which a quota has been allocated |
to the state of Rhode Island by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Council Commission or the |
National Marine Fisheries service Service, unless: |
(A) the The landing shall be counted against the quota of the state where the vessel making |
the landing is registered or documented; or |
(B) the The state where the vessel making the landing is registered or documented issues |
new landing permits to Rhode Island residents to land against that state's quota for the same species. |
(ii) For purposes of this section, the renewal of any non-resident nonresident landing |
permit shall be considered a new non-resident nonresident landing permit unless the applicant can |
show, to the satisfaction of the director, historic participation in the fishery and landings of the |
species; and any change or upgrade of a vessel twenty percent (20%) or greater in length, |
displacement, or horsepower above the named vessel shall be considered a new landing permit. |
Issuance of a landing permit shall not be deemed to create a property right that can be sold, |
transferred, or encumbered; landing permits shall be surrendered to the state upon their non-renewal |
nonrenewal or forfeiture, and the acquisition of a named vessel by a non-resident nonresident |
who does not already have a landing permit shall not entitle the non-resident nonresident to a |
landing permit unless a new landing permit can be issued as allowed in this section. |
(4) (iii) Fee: The fee shall be six hundred dollars ($600). |
(b) Landing permits shall be valid for the calendar year in which they are issued. |
(c) The department shall adopt any rules and procedures that may be necessary for the |
timely issuance of these permits in order to facilitate the off-loading and sale of seafood products, |
except restricted finfish, harvested outside Rhode Island waters. |
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, a commercial vessel with seafood |
products on board may, without a landing permit, enter Rhode Island waters and be secured to a |
shoreside facility for purposes other than landing, selling, or offering for sale the seafood products |
on board if the person having charge of the vessel obtains permission from the department's division |
of law enforcement prior to securing the vessel to the shoreside facility. |
20-2.1-8. Dealers' licenses and fees. |
In accordance with §§ 20-4-1.1, 20-6-24, and 20-7-5.1, the following dealers' licenses shall |
be issued by the department: |
(a) No person, partnership, firm, association, or corporation shall barter or trade in marine |
species taken by persons licensed under this chapter unless a license so to do has been obtained |
from the director of environmental management. |
(b) Any licensee operating under the provisions of this section shall purchase marine |
species from licensed persons only and shall purchase or possess only those lobsters legally taken |
or possessed. |
(c) The director shall issue and enforce rules and regulations and orders governing bartering |
and trading in marine species by licensed persons of marine species and licensed dealers, and other |
persons, partnerships, firms, associations, or corporations. |
(d) License types and fees: |
(1) Multi-purpose Multipurpose Rhode Island dealer's license. This license shall allow the |
holder dealer to deal purchase or sell all marine products in the state of Rhode Island. The license |
shall be valid for the calendar year in which it is issued. The cost of the license fee shall be three |
hundred four hundred and fifty dollars ($300 450). |
(2) Finfish dealer's license. This license shall allow the holder dealer to deal purchase or |
sell all finfish products in the state of Rhode Island. The license shall be valid for the calendar year |
in which it is issued. The cost of the license fee shall be two hundred three hundred dollars ($200 |
300). |
(3) Shellfish dealer's license. This license shall allow the holder dealer to deal purchase or |
sell all shellfish products in the state of Rhode Island. The license shall be valid for the calendar |
year in which it is issued. The cost of the license fee shall be two hundred three hundred dollars |
($200 300). |
(4) Crustacean dealer license. This license shall allow the dealer to purchase all crustacean |
products in the state of Rhode Island. The license shall be valid for the calendar year in which it is |
issued. The fee shall be three hundred dollars ($300). |
(e) Seafood dealers license – suspension or revocation. The director may suspend, revoke, |
or deny the license of a seafood dealer or fisher of marine species for the violation of any provision |
of this title or the rules, regulations, or orders adopted or issued pursuant to this title. |
(f) Any person aggrieved by the decisions of the director may appeal the decision pursuant |
to the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act, chapter 35 of title 42. |
(g) The director is authorized to enter and inspect the business premises, appurtenant |
structures, vehicles, or vessels of any seafood dealer and to inspect the records maintained by a |
seafood dealer for the purpose of determining compliance with the provisions of this section and |
any rules, regulations, or orders issued under this section, and no person shall interfere with, |
obstruct the entrance, or inspection of the director or the director's agents of those business |
premises, appurtenant structures, vehicles, or vessels. |
(h) Any violation of the provisions of this section or any rule, regulation, or order adopted |
under this section shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in § 20-1-16. |
SECTION 5. Sections 20-2.1-5 and 20-2.1-6 of the General Laws in Chapter 20-2.1 entitled |
"Commercial Fishing Licenses" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
20-2.1-5. Resident licenses, endorsements, and fees. |
The director shall establish, as a minimum, the following types of licenses and |
endorsements set forth in this section. In addition, the director may establish any other classes and |
types of licenses and endorsements, consistent with the provisions of this chapter and with adopted |
management plans that may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter: |
(1) Types of licenses. |
(i) Standard resident Ccommercial fishing license. Rhode Island residents shall be eligible |
to obtain a standard resident commercial fishing license; the license shall allow the holder to engage |
in commercial fishing in fisheries sectors, per dictated by the fishery endorsement(s) associated |
with the license at basic harvest and gear levels. Fishery endorsements shall be established by the |
department consistent with fishery management plans developed pursuant to this chapter. The |
annual fee for a commercial fishing license shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) and twenty-five dollars |
($25.00) for each endorsement at the basic harvest and gear levels. |
(ii) Principal effort license. Duly licensed persons, in a fishery as of December 31 of the |
immediately preceding year, shall be eligible to obtain a principal effort license for the fishery |
sector for which they were licensed on December 31 of the immediately preceding year, which |
principal effort license shall allow its holder to fish in a fishery sector at the full harvest and gear |
levels. Principal effort license holders, in addition to the fishery sector of their principal effort, shall |
be eligible to obtain endorsements for the other fishery sectors at the full harvest and gear levels, if |
and when those endorsements are made available; the annual fee for each other fishery sector |
endorsement shall be seventy-five dollars ($75). Principal effort license holders shall also be |
eligible to obtain a commercial fishing license with endorsements, except for fisheries in which the |
license holder can fish at the full harvest and gear levels.. |
(iii) Multi-purpose Multipurpose license. All multi-purpose multipurpose license holders |
as of December 31 of the immediately preceding year shall be eligible to obtain a multi-purpose |
multipurpose license that shall allow the holder to engage in commercial fishing in all fisheries |
sectors at the full harvest and gear levels. At the time of application for a multi-purpose license and |
each annual renewal of it, the applicant shall make a non-binding declaration of which fishing |
sectors the applicant intends to place significant fishing effort during the period covered by the |
license. The annual fee for multi-purpose license shall be three hundred dollars ($300). |
(Aiii) Student shellfish license. A resident twenty-three (23) years or younger shall pay |
fifty dollars ($50.00) for a student commercial license to take shellfish upon provision of proof of |
full-time student status. An individual qualified to obtain a license must submit an application to |
the department of environmental management no later than June 30; a license application shall be |
deemed valid if submitted to the department prior to the close of regular office hours on June 30 or |
if postmarked by June 30. |
(Biv) Over sixty-five (65) shellfish license. A resident sixty-five (65) years of age and over |
shall be eligible for a shellfish license to shellfish commercially and there shall be no fee for this |
license. |
(v) Multipurpose vessel license. Any multipurpose license holder shall be eligible to obtain |
a multipurpose vessel license that shall allow the vessel owner to designate any operator to engage |
in commercial fishing for all marine species aboard their owned vessel, provided the vessel owner |
has consigned a multipurpose fishing license to the department. The department may then re-issue |
the consigned multipurpose fishing license to the commercially declared fishing vessel as a |
multipurpose vessel license. The director has the authority to limit the number of multipurpose |
vessel licenses issued annually by rule. The fee for a multipurpose vessel license shall be one |
thousand dollars ($1,000). |
(2) Fees. |
(i) Standard resident commercial fishing license. |
(A) Standard resident commercial fishing license plus one limited fishery endorsement: |
The fee shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150). |
(B) Standard resident commercial fishing license plus two limited fishery endorsement |
endorsements: The fee shall be two hundred dollars ($200). |
(C) Standard resident commercial fishing license plus three limited fishery endorsement |
endorsements: The fee shall be two hundred fifty dollars ($250). |
(D) Standard resident commercial fishing license plus one unlimited fishery endorsement: |
The fee shall be three hundred dollars ($300). |
(E) Standard resident commercial fishing license plus one unlimited fishery endorsement |
and one limited fishery endorsement: The fee shall be three hundred fifty dollars ($350). |
(F) Standard resident commercial fishing license plus two unlimited fishery endorsement |
endorsements: The fee shall be three hundred seventy-five dollars ($375). |
(G) Standard resident commercial fishing license plus one unlimited fishery endorsement |
and two limited fishery endorsement: The fee shall be four hundred dollars ($400). |
(H) Standard resident commercial fishing license plus two unlimited fishery endorsement |
endorsements and one limited fishery endorsement: The fee shall be four hundred twenty-five |
dollars ($425). |
(ii) Multipurpose license: The fee shall be four hundred fifty dollars ($450). |
(iv) Special licenses. |
(2 3) Vessel declaration and fees; gear endorsement and fees. |
(i) Vessel declaration and fee. (A) The department shall require the owner and/or the |
operator of a commercial fishing vessel to declare the vessel on the owner/operator's commercial |
fishing license. The declaration shall be made at the time of initial license issuance and each |
renewal, or prior to the vessel being used for commercial fishing by the owner and/or operator if |
the first usage of the vessel for commercial fishing occurs during the course of a year after the |
license has been issued or renewed. If the declaration is for a vessel of less than twenty-five feet |
(25') in length, the declaration shall be transferable to another vessel less than twenty-five feet (25') |
in length, provided the vessel is identified as a commercial fishing vessel while it is being used for |
commercial fishing by displaying a plate as provided in § 20-2.1-4. |
(B) (ii) The annual fee for each vessel declaration shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for |
the first twenty-five feet (25') or under, plus fifty cents ($0.50) per foot for each whole foot over |
twenty-five feet (25'); this declaration fee shall entitle the holder to a decal. The holder of a valid |
decal for twenty-five feet (25') in length or under may obtain a plate from the department for display |
on a vessel twenty-five feet (25') in length that is being used temporarily for commercial fishing; |
the annual fee for a plate shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00). |
(ii 4) Gear endorsements and fees. |
(A) Shellfish dredging endorsement. A resident of this state who holds a multipurpose |
license and/or an appropriate shellfish license is also eligible to apply for a shellfish dredging |
endorsement to take quahogs, mussels, and surf clams by dredges hauled by powerboat. The annual |
fee shall be twenty dollars ($20.00). |
(B) Fish trap endorsements. A person who holds a multi-purpose license and/or a principal- |
effort license for finfish is also eligible to apply for a fish trap endorsement in accordance with the |
permitting provisions in chapter 5 of this title. The fee shall be twenty dollars ($20.00) per trap |
location for a three-year (3) period. Applicants who possessed a valid fish trap endorsement as of |
the immediately preceding year may obtain a fish trap endorsement for the immediately following |
year, subject to the same terms and conditions in effect as the immediately preceding year. New |
fish trap endorsement opportunities shall be established by the department by rule, pursuant to |
applicable management plans and the provisions in chapter 5 of this title. |
(C i) Gill net endorsements. A person who holds a multipurpose license, or a vessel with a |
multipurpose vessel license, and/or a principal effort license for finfish is also eligible to apply for |
a commercial gill net endorsement in accordance with the provisions of this section. The annual |
fee for a commercial gill net endorsement is shall be twenty dollars ($20.00). Applicants who |
possessed a gill net endorsement as of the immediately preceding year may obtain a gill net |
endorsement for the immediately following year. New gill net endorsement opportunities shall be |
established by the department by rule, pursuant to applicable management plans. |
(D ii) Miscellaneous gear Other endorsements. The department may establish by rule any |
specific gear endorsements that may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate the purposes of this |
chapter and facilitate participation in a specific fishery with a specific type of gear; the fee for such |
a gear endorsement shall not be greater than two hundred dollars ($200), but may be a lesser |
amount. This endorsement shall be issued only in a manner consistent with the general requirements |
of this chapter, including specifically those governing residency. |
(3 5) New licenses. |
(i) Eligibility. For new principal-effort standard resident commercial fishing and multi- |
purpose multipurpose licenses, priority shall be given to applicants who have held a lower level |
of commercial fishing license for two (2) years or more,; applicants with military service,; and |
applicants who have completed a department authorized commercial fishing training program, with |
preference to family members and crew members of a license holder who is retiring his or her |
license. |
(ii) Priority or preference applicants. A new license shall be granted to priority/preference |
applicants who have acquired a vessel and/or gear from a license holder who has retired a license, |
provided, that as the result of any such transaction, for each license retired, not more than one new |
license may be granted, nor may the nominal effort, including the total number of licenses, in a |
fishery subject to effort controls or catch restrictions be increased. |
(iii) Availability of new or additional licenses. New principal-effort standard resident |
commercial fishing and multipurpose licenses that increase the total number of licenses in the |
fishery may be made available by rule consistent with management plan for issuance effective |
January 1, in any year, based on status of resource and economic condition of fishery. Priority for |
new licenses shall be given to Rhode Island residents. |
(4 6) Retirement of licenses. Issuance of a commercial fishing license shall not be deemed |
to create a property right such that the license can be sold or transferred by the license holder; |
fishing licenses shall be surrendered to the state upon their non-renewal, forfeiture, or revocation. |
(57) Transfer for Issuance of temporary operator permits in cases of medical |
hardship. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 20-2.1-4(c), a license may be transferred to a family |
member upon the incapacity or death of the license holder who has actively participated in |
commercial fishing. The transfer shall be effective upon its registration with the department. A |
family member shall be defined as the spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, child, or grandchild |
of the transferor. The department shall make available, as necessary, temporary operator permits to |
provide solely for the continued operation of a fishing vessel upon the illness, incapacity, or death |
determination of medical hardship of a license holder who has actively participated in commercial |
fishing fished. , which Temporary operator permits shall be subject at a minimum to the conditions |
and restrictions that applied to the license holder. |
(8) Issuance of new Licenses licenses to family members in cases of medical incapacity: |
Upon determination of medical incapacity, an actively fished license may be surrendered to the |
Department department for the purpose of the concurrent issuance of a new license to a resident |
family member. |
(9) Issuance of new licenses upon the sale of a commercial fishing business: Upon the sale |
of a commercial fishing business, as defined by rule, a new license may be issued to the buyer upon |
the surrender of the seller’s license to the department for the purpose of the concurrent issuance of |
a new license. |
(610) Transfer of vessels and gear. Vessels and gear may be sold, transferred, or disposed |
at the sole discretion of the owner; provided, however, that the subsequent level of use of the gear |
may be restricted in Rhode Island waters in order to accomplish the purposes of a duly adopted |
management plan or other duly adopted program to reduce effort. |
20-2.1-6. Non-resident Nonresident licenses, endorsements, and fees. |
Subject to the rules of the department, non-residents nonresidents may apply for the |
following commercial fishing licenses: |
(1) Standard Nnon-resident nonresident principal effort commercial fishing license. |
(i) Non-residents Nonresidents age eighteen (18) and over shall be eligible to obtain a |
standard non-resident nonresident commercial fishing license and, in accordance with applicable |
qualifying criteria, available fishery sector endorsements, provided that the state of residence of the |
person affords the same privilege in a manner that is not more restrictive to Rhode Island residents. |
A standard non-resident nonresident principal effort commercial fishing license shall allow the |
license holder to harvest, land, and sell in a lawful manner any marine species of finfish, per as |
dictated by the fishery endorsement(s), at principal harvest and gear levels and as allowed in a |
management plan adopted by the department associated with the license. Fishery endorsements |
shall be established by the department consistent with fishery management plans developed |
pursuant to this chapter. |
(ii) Duly Rhode Island-licensed non-residents nonresidents in a commercial fishery as of |
December 31 of the immediately preceding year shall be eligible to obtain a standard non-resident |
nonresident principal effort commercial fishing license with a single sector endorsement |
applicable to the fishery sectors for which they were licensed as of December 31 of the immediately |
preceding year; provided: |
(A) that That the state of residence of the person affords the same privilege in a manner |
that is not more restrictive to Rhode Island residents; |
(B) that That those persons apply for the standard non-resident nonresident principal |
effort commercial fishing license in accordance with § 20-2.1-4(g); and |
(C) that That those persons shall also be subject to any other restrictions that were |
applicable to the license as of December 31 of the immediately preceding year, which other |
restrictions may be altered or changed consistent with a fishery management plans adopted by the |
department developed pursuant to this chapter. |
(iii) Persons not duly licensed as of December 31 of the immediately preceding year shall |
be eligible to obtain a standard non-resident nonresident principal effort commercial fishing |
license, per endorsement, when available, consistent with fishery management plans developed |
pursuant to this chapter, in accordance with applicable qualifying criteria and as allowed in a |
management plan adopted by the department, provided that the state of residence of the person |
affords the same privilege in a manner that is not more restrictive to Rhode Island residents. |
(iv) The annual fee for a standard non-resident principal effort license shall be four hundred |
dollars ($400), plus one hundred dollars ($100) per endorsement. |
(2) Non-resident commercial fishing license. (i) A non-resident commercial fishing license |
shall allow the holder to harvest, land, and sell in a lawful manner any species of finfish, per |
endorsement(s), at basic harvest and gear levels and as allowed in a management plan adopted by |
the department. |
(ii) Non-residents age eighteen (18) and over shall be eligible to obtain a non-resident |
commercial fishing license and, in accordance with applicable qualifying criteria, available fishery |
sector endorsements, provided that the state of residence of the person affords the same privilege |
in a manner that is not more restrictive to Rhode Island residents. |
(iii) Holders of non-resident principal effort licenses shall not be eligible to obtain non- |
resident commercial fishing licenses with the same fishery sector endorsements. |
(iv) Duly Rhode Island licensed non-residents in a commercial fishery as of December 31 |
of the immediately preceding year shall be eligible to obtain a non-resident commercial fishing |
license in their endorsed fishery sector as of December 31 of the immediately preceding year |
provided: |
(A) That the state of residence of the person affords the same privilege in a manner that is |
not more restrictive to Rhode Island residents; |
(B) That those persons apply for the non-resident commercial fishing license in accordance |
with § 20-2.1-4(g); and |
(C) That those persons shall also be subject to any other restrictions that were applicable |
to the license as of December 31 of the immediately preceding year which other restrictions may |
be altered or changed consistent with a management plan adopted by the department. |
(v) The annual fee for a non-resident commercial fishing license shall be one hundred fifty |
dollars ($150), plus fifty dollars ($50.00) per endorsement. |
(2) Fees. |
(i) Standard non-resident nonresident commercial fishing license. |
(A) Standard non-resident nonresident commercial fishing license plus one limited fishery |
endorsement: The fee shall be three hundred fifty dollars ($350). |
(B) Standard non-resident nonresident commercial fishing license plus one unlimited |
fishery endorsement: The fee shall be seven hundred dollars ($700). |
(C) Standard non-resident nonresident commercial fishing license plus two limited fishery |
endorsements: The fee shall be seven hundred dollars ($700). |
(D) Standard non-resident nonresident commercial fishing license plus three limited |
fishery endorsements: The fee shall be one thousand fifty dollars ($1,050). |
(E) Standard non-resident nonresident commercial fishing license plus one unlimited |
fishery endorsement and one limited fishery endorsement: The fee shall be one thousand fifty |
dollars ($1,050). |
(F) Standard non-resident nonresident commercial fishing license plus one unlimited |
fishery endorsement and two limited fishery endorsements: The fee shall be one thousand four |
hundred dollars ($1,400). |
(G) Standard non-resident nonresident commercial fishing license plus two unlimited |
fishery endorsements: The fee shall be one thousand four hundred dollars ($1,400). |
(H) Standard non-resident nonresident commercial fishing license plus two unlimited and |
one limited fishery endorsement: The fee shall be one thousand seven hundred fifty dollars |
($1,750). |
(3) Vessel declaration and fees. The department shall require a non-resident nonresident |
owner and/or operator of a commercial fishing vessel to make a declaration for that vessel; which |
shall be made at the time of initial license issuance and each renewal, or prior to the vessel's being |
used for commercial fishing in Rhode Island waters by the non-resident nonresident owner and/or |
operator if the first usage of the vessel for commercial fishing occurs during the course of a year |
after the license has been issued or renewed, for a cost of fifty dollars ($50.00), plus one dollar and |
fifty cents ($1.50) for each whole foot over twenty-five feet (25') in length overall. |
(4) New licenses. Any resident of a state that accords to Rhode Island residents commercial |
fishing privileges that include an ability to obtain a new license to fish for finfish species that are |
subject to restrictions and/or quotas, may on species specific reciprocal basis be eligible to obtain |
commercial fishing licenses and principal effort standard non-resident nonresident commercial |
fishing licenses by endorsement as provided in this section, subject to availability and with the |
priority established in § 20-2.1-5(3)(iii) 20-2.1-5(5)(i). |
SECTION 6. Sections 20-4-1.1, 20-4-1.2 and 20-4-1.3 of the General Laws in Chapter 20- |
4 entitled "Commercial Fisheries" are hereby repealed. |
20-4-1.1. Finfish dealers license – License for finfish buyers – Suspension or |
revocation. |
(a) No person, partnership, firm, association, or corporation shall barter or trade in finfish |
taken by persons licensed under this chapter unless a license so to do has been obtained from the |
director of environmental management. |
(b) Any licensee operating under the provisions of this section shall purchase finfish from |
licensed persons only and shall purchase or possess only those finfish legally taken or possessed. |
(c) The director shall issue and enforce rules and regulations and orders governing bartering |
and trading in finfish by licensed fishers of finfish and licensed finfish buyers and other persons, |
partnerships, firms, associations, or corporations. |
(d) The director may suspend, revoke, or deny the license of a finfish buyer or fisher of |
finfish for the violation of any provision of this title or the rules, regulations, or orders adopted or |
issued pursuant to this title. |
(e) Any person aggrieved by the decisions of the director may appeal the decision pursuant |
to the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act, chapter 35 of title 42. |
(f) The director of the department of environmental management and the director's agents |
are authorized to enter and inspect the business premises, appurtenant structures, vehicles, or |
vessels of any finfish buyer and to inspect the records maintained by a finfish buyer for the purpose |
of determining compliance with the provisions of this section and any rules, regulations, or orders |
issued under this section, and no person shall interfere with, obstruct the entrance, or inspection of |
the director or the director's agents of those business premises, appurtenant structures, vehicles or |
vessels. |
(g) Any violation of the provisions of this section or any rule, regulation, or order adopted |
under this section shall be subject to penalties prescribed in § 20-1-16. |
20-4-1.2. Resident or non-resident commercial landing permit. |
(a) Each resident or non-resident who has charge of a vessel carrying seafood products |
legally harvested outside Rhode Island waters shall obtain a permit to land, sell or offer for sale |
seafood products in Rhode Island. The permit shall be issued by the department upon proof that the |
applicant holds a valid state or federal commercial fishing license and upon payment of the |
following fees: |
(1) Resident or non-resident finfish landing permit: for the landing sale or offering for sale |
of non-restricted finfish, the definition of which shall be established by the department by rule, |
caught by any means, two hundred dollars ($200) for residents of the state; four hundred dollars |
($400) for non-residents of the state. |
(2) Resident or non-resident shellfish landing permit: (includes process product), two |
hundred dollars ($200) for residents of the state; four hundred dollars ($400) for non-residents of |
the state. This permit allows the holder to land shellfish (surf clams, blue mussels, ocean quahaugs, |
sea scallops) legally harvested in federal water. |
(3) Resident or non-resident miscellaneous landing permit: includes all other seafood |
products not specified under any other provision of this chapter, two hundred dollars ($200) for |
residents of the state; four hundred dollars ($400) for non-residents of the state. |
(4) Multi-purpose resident or non-resident landing permit: This permit allows a resident or |
non-resident to land and sell all marine products in the state of Rhode Island, except restricted |
finfish, the definition of which shall be established by the department by rule, three hundred dollars |
($300) for residents of the state; six hundred dollars ($600) for non-residents of the state. |
(b) Landing permits shall be valid for the calendar year in which they are issued. |
(c) The department shall adopt any rules and procedures that may be necessary for the |
timely issuance of these permits in order to facilitate the off-loading and sale of seafood products, |
except restricted finfish, harvested outside Rhode Island waters. |
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, a commercial vessel with seafood |
products on board may, without a landing permit, enter Rhode Island waters and be secured to a |
shoreside facility for purposes other than landing, selling, or offering for sale the seafood products |
on board if the person having charge of the vessel obtains permission from the department's division |
of law enforcement prior to securing the vessel to the shoreside facility |
20-4-1.3. Non-resident landing permits. |
A new landing permit shall not be issued to any non-resident to off-load, land, offer for |
sale, or sell any restricted marine species, the definition of which shall be established by the |
department by rule and shall take into account species for which a quota has been allocated to the |
state of Rhode Island by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Council or the National Marine |
Fisheries service, unless: (1) the landing shall be counted against the quota of the state where the |
vessel making the landing is registered or documented; or (2) the state where the vessel making the |
landing is registered or documented issues new landing permits to Rhode Island residents to land |
against that state's quota for the same species. For purposes of this section, the renewal of any non- |
resident landing permit shall be considered a new non-resident landing permit unless the applicant |
can show, to the satisfaction of the director, historic participation in the fishery and landings of the |
species; and any change or upgrade of a vessel twenty percent (20%) or greater in length, |
displacement, or horsepower above the named vessel shall be considered a new landing permit. |
Issuance of a landing permit shall not be deemed to create a property right that can be sold, |
transferred, or encumbered; landing permits shall be surrendered to the state upon their non-renewal |
or forfeiture, and the acquisition of a named vessel by a non-resident who does not already have a |
landing permit shall not entitle the non-resident to a landing permit unless a new landing permit |
can be issued as allowed in this section |
SECTION 7. Section 20-6-24 of the General Laws in Chapter 20-6 entitled "Shellfish" is |
hereby repealed. |
20-6-24. License for shellfish buyers – Suspension or revocation. |
(a) No person, partnership, firm, association, or corporation shall barter or trade in shellfish |
taken by persons licensed under this chapter unless a license so to do has been obtained from the |
director of environmental management. |
(b) Any licensee operating under the provisions of this section shall purchase shellfish from |
licensed persons only and shall purchase or possess only those shellfish legally taken or possessed. |
(c) The director shall issue and enforce rules and regulations and orders governing bartering |
and trading in shellfish by licensed fishers of shellfish, licensed shellfish buyers and other persons, |
partnerships, firms, associations, or corporations. |
(d) The director may suspend, revoke, or deny the license of a shellfish buyer or fisher of |
shellfish for the violation of any provision of this title or the rules, regulations, or orders adopted |
or issued pursuant to this title. |
(e) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the director may appeal the decision pursuant |
to the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act, chapter 35 of title 42. |
(f) The director of the department of environmental management and the director's agents |
are authorized to enter and inspect the business premises, appurtenant structures, vehicles, or |
vessels of any shellfish buyer and to inspect records maintained by a shellfish buyer for the purpose |
of determining compliance with the provisions of this section and any rules, regulations, or orders |
issued under this section, and no person shall interfere with or obstruct the entrance or inspection |
of the director or the director's agents of those business premises, appurtenant structures, vehicles, |
or vessels. |
(g) Any violation of the provisions of this section or any rule, regulation, or order adopted |
under this section shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in § 20-1-16. |
SECTION 8. Section 20-7-5.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 20-7 entitled "Lobsters and |
Other Crustaceans" is hereby repealed. |
20-7-5.1 Lobster dealer's license. |
(a) No person, partnership, firm, association, or corporation shall barter or trade in lobsters |
taken by persons licensed under this chapter unless a license so to do has been obtained from the |
director of environmental management. |
(b) Any licensee operating under the provisions of this section shall purchase lobsters from |
licensed persons only and shall purchase or possess only those lobsters legally taken or possessed. |
(c) The director shall issue and enforce rules and regulations and orders governing bartering |
and trading in lobsters by licensed fishers of lobster and licensed lobster buyers and other persons, |
partnerships, firms, associations, or corporations. |
(d) The director may suspend, revoke, or deny the license of a lobster buyer or fisher of |
lobster for the violation of any provision of this title or the rules, regulations, or orders adopted or |
issued pursuant to this title. |
(e) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the director may appeal the decision pursuant |
to the provision of the Administrative Procedures Act, chapter 35 of title 42. |
(f) The director of the department of environmental management and the director's agents |
are authorized to enter and inspect the business premises, appurtenant structures, vehicles or vessels |
of any lobster buyer and to inspect records maintained by a lobster buyer for the purposes of |
determining compliance with the provisions of this section and any rules, regulations, or orders |
issued under this section, and no person shall interfere with or obstruct the entrance or inspection |
of the director or the director's her agents of those business premises, appurtenant structures, |
vehicles or vessels. |
(g) Any violation of the provisions of this section or any rule, regulation or order adopted |
hereunder shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in § 20-1-16. |
SECTION 9. Section 21-14-12 of the General Laws in Chapter 21-14 entitled "Shellfish |
Packing Houses" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
21-14-12. Inspection of business premises – Dockside Program Established. |
(a) The director shall make regular inspections of the business premises of licensees and |
no person shall interfere with or obstruct the entrance of the director to any packing house or |
structural appurtenance to it, vessel, or vehicle for the purpose of making inspection as to sanitary |
conditions during reasonable business hours, and no person shall obstruct the conduct of this |
inspection; provided, that inspections as to sanitary conditions shall be made only by the director |
or employees of the department of health. These employees of the department of health shall not |
be construed to include agents whom the director may appoint in other departments for the purpose |
of enforcing other provisions of this chapter; and provided, that nothing in this section shall be |
construed as having granted to the director or any duly authorized official of the department the |
right of search and seizure without a warrant. |
(b) The director shall be authorized to establish a dockside program, including the |
promulgation of any rules and regulations deemed necessary or advisable in connection therewith, |
pursuant to the relevant provisions of the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP) Model |
Ordinance. Promulgating such rules and regulations pursuant to the NSSP Model Ordinance shall |
assure that the marine shellfish processers, licensed by the department to land and process surf |
clams and/or other marine shellfish species acquired in federal waters, are doing so in sanitary |
fashion that comports with national standards. Such The rules and regulations shall also be |
consistent with the landing permit requirements of the department of environmental management |
in section § 20-2.1-7. The dockside program shall not apply to aquaculture processers. |
(c) The licensing fees from the dockside program shall be deposited into the general fund. |
However, the amount of the revenues collected for the dockside program shall be appropriated to |
the department of health for its administration of this program. The director shall have the authority |
to establish the licensing fees and limit the number of licenses issued, at his or her sole discretion. |
SECTION 10. Section 23-25-6.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-25 entitled "Pesticide |
Control” is hereby amended to read as follows: |
23-25-6.1. Registration fee - Surcharge. |
In addition to the annual registration fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) as required by § 23-25-6, |
an additional one hundred fifty dollar ($150) two hundred fifty dollars ($250) registration surcharge |
fee shall be imposed upon each pesticide to be sold or used within the state, unless the director has |
determined the subject product is a "statewide minor use" product pursuant to § 23-25-6(b)(3). The |
registration surcharge fee shall be deposited as general revenues. |
SECTION 11. Sections 1, 2, and 10 of this article shall take effect on July 1, 2021. Section |
5 of this article shall take effect on July 1, 2022. The remainder of this article shall take effect upon |
passage. |