Chapter 152 |
2021 -- H 5768 SUBSTITUTE A Enacted 07/01/2021 |
A N A C T |
Introduced By: Representatives McEntee, Craven, and Cardillo |
Date Introduced: February 24, 2021 |
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: |
SECTION 1. Section 5-73-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-73 entitled "Roofing |
Contractors" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
5-73-3. Registration and licensing of roofing contractors. |
(a) All roofing contractors, in addition to the requirements of chapter 65 of this title entitled |
"Contractor's Contractors’ Registration and Licensing Board," if applicable, prior to conducting |
roofing business in the state of Rhode Island, shall first submit an application to and be licensed by |
the contractors' registration and licensing board on the form or forms that the board requires. The |
application shall include the following information: |
(1) The name of the applicant; |
(2) The business address of the applicant; |
(3) The mailing address of the applicant; |
(4) The telephone number of the applicant; |
(5) The name of the party or officer who shall be responsible for all roofing activities |
conducted in the state of Rhode Island; |
(6) Any registration number and/or other license numbers issued by the state, or any city |
or town; and |
(7) A statement of the skills, training, and experience of the applicant sufficient to ensure |
public safety, health, and welfare. |
(b) Licensing requirements shall not apply to roofing contractors applying shingles only. |
(c) To be eligible for licensure as a roofing contractor, an applicant shall also fulfill the |
following requirements: |
(1) Be of good moral character; |
(2)(1) (2) Pass an examination approved or administered by the contractors' registration |
and licensing board or has previously been registered as a commercial roofer in good standing and |
has met all the requirements of the rules and regulations established by the board; |
(3)(2) (3) Be in good standing with the contractors' registration and licensing board; |
(4)(3) (4) All field personnel of the roofing contractor must have a current certificate of |
completion of the ten-hours (10) OSHA safety course or equivalent thereof as determined by the |
contractors' registration and licensing board; |
(5)(4) (5) Take ten (10) twelve (12) hours continuing roofing education per year two-(2) |
year (2) licensing cycle as set forth and recognized by the contractors' registration and licensing |
board; and |
(6) Be bonded in the aggregate amount of the total dollar value of any contract entered into |
to perform roofing work; single project in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) |
minimum; and |
(7)(5) (7) Provide the board with an insurance certificate in the amount of two million |
dollars ($2,000,000) one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) per occurrence |
pursuant to the established rules and regulations, with the board as the holder, from the date of |
issuance, continuously. |
(d)(1) The contractors' registration and licensing board is authorized to adopt rules and |
regulations pursuant to the administrative procedures act, chapter 35 of title 42, necessary to |
effectuate the purposes of this chapter. |
(2) Rules and regulations shall provide a fine schedule that will establish grounds for |
discipline for licensee holders or nonlicensed contractors. |
(3) Fines shall be structured not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000) per day, per |
offense for conduct injurious to the welfare of the public as well as those required pursuant to § 5- |
65-10. |
(e) Any person applying for a license or registration and making any material misstatement |
as to his or her experience or other qualifications, or any person, firm, or corporation subscribing |
to or vouching for any misstatement shall be subject to the discipline and penalties provided in § |
5-65-10. |
(f) No corporation, firm, association, or partnership shall engage in the business of |
commercial roofing or represent itself as a commercial roofing contractor unless a licensed |
commercial roofer as provided in this chapter is continuously engaged in the supervision of its |
commercial roofing work, provided that the commercial roofer is a general partner or an officer |
and shareholder in the firm or corporation. If the license holder dies or otherwise becomes |
incapacitated, the corporation, firm, or association shall be allowed to continue to operate until the |
next examination shall be given or such times as the board shall see fit. In no event shall the |
corporation, firm, association, or partnership continue to operate longer than twelve (12) months |
or in accordance with the board's established rules and regulations without satisfying the license |
requirements of this chapter. Those roofers who have been registered with the board on July 1, |
2003 2015, and remain in good standing, shall be exempt from the testing requirements set forth in |
this chapter. |
(g) Complaints filed with the board shall be heard only in regard to those issues so |
established in the rules and regulations. |
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage. |
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