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SECTION 1. Section 28-42-84 of the General Laws in Chapter 28-42 entitled |
"Employment Security - General Provisions" is hereby amended to read as follows: |
28-42-84. Job development fund -- Disbursements -- Unexpended balance. |
(a) The moneys in the job development fund shall be used for the following purposes: |
(1) To reimburse the department of labor and training for the loss of any federal funds |
resulting from the collection and maintenance of the fund by the department; |
(2) To make refunds of contributions erroneously collected and deposited in the fund; |
(3) To pay any administrative expenses incurred by the department of labor and training |
associated with the collection of the contributions for employers paid pursuant to § 28-43-8.5, and |
any other administrative expenses associated with the maintenance of the fund, including the |
payment of all premiums upon bonds required pursuant to § 28-42-85; |
(4) To provide for job training, counseling and assessment services, and other related |
activities and services. Services will include, but are not limited to, research, development, |
coordination, and training activities to promote workforce development and business development |
as established by the governor's workforce board Rhode Island (workforce board); |
(5) To support the state's job training for economic development; |
(6) Beginning January 1, 2001, two hundredths of one percent (0.02%) out of the job |
development assessment paid pursuant to § 28-43-8.5 shall be used to support necessary, core |
services in the unemployment insurance and employment services programs operated by the |
department of labor and training; and |
(7) Beginning January 1, 2011, and ending in tax year 2014, three tenths of one percent |
(0.3%) out of the fifty-one hundredths of one percent (0.51%) job development assessment paid |
pursuant to § 28-43-8.5 shall be deposited into a restricted receipt account to be used solely to pay |
the principal and/or interest due on Title XII advances received from the federal government in |
accordance with the provisions of Section 1201 of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. § 1321]; |
provided, however, that if the federal Title XII loans are repaid through a state revenue bond or |
other financing mechanism, then these funds may also be used to pay the principal and/or interest |
that accrues on that debt. Any remaining funds in the restricted receipt account, after the |
outstanding principal and interest due has been paid, shall be transferred to the employment security |
fund for the payment of benefits; and |
(8) Beginning January 1, 2019, and ending December 31, 2019, the amount of the job |
development assessment paid pursuant to § 28-43.8-5 above nineteen hundredths of one percent |
(0.19%) shall be used to support necessary, core services in the unemployment insurance and |
employment services programs operated by the department of labor and training. |
(b) The general treasurer shall pay all vouchers duly drawn by the workforce board upon |
the fund, in any amounts and in any manner that the workforce board may prescribe. Vouchers so |
drawn upon the fund shall be referred to the controller within the department of administration. |
Upon receipt of those vouchers, the controller shall immediately record and sign them and shall |
promptly transfer those signed vouchers to the general treasurer. Those expenditures shall be used |
solely for the purposes specified in this section and its balance shall not lapse at any time but shall |
remain continuously available for expenditures consistent with this section. The general assembly |
shall annually appropriate the funds contained in the fund for the use of the workforce board and, |
in addition, for the use of the department of labor and training effective July 1, 2000, and for the |
payment of the principal and interest due on federal Title XII loans beginning July 1, 2011; |
provided, however, that if the federal Title XII loans are repaid through a state revenue bond or |
other financing mechanism, then the funds may also be used to pay the principal and/or interest |
that accrues on that debt. |
SECTION 2. Sections 28-43-1and 28-43-8.5 of the General Laws in Chapter 28-43 entitled |
"Employment Security - Contributions" are hereby amended to read as follows: |
28-43-1. Definitions. |
The following words and phrases as used in this chapter have the following meanings, |
unless the context clearly requires otherwise: |
(1) "Balancing account" means a book account to be established within the employment |
security fund, the initial balance of which shall be established by the director as of September 30, |
1979, by transferring the balance of the solvency account on that date to the balancing account. |
(2) "Computation date" means September 30 of each year. |
(3) "Eligible employer" means an employer who has had three (3) consecutive experience |
years during each of which contributions have been credited to his the employer’s account and |
benefits have been chargeable to this account. |
(4) "Employer's account" means a separate account to be established within the |
employment security fund by the director as of September 30, 1958, for each employer subject to |
chapters 42 -- 44 of this title, out of the money remaining in that fund after the solvency account |
has been established in the fund, by crediting to each employer an initial credit balance bearing the |
same relation to the total fund balance so distributed, as his or her tax contributions to the fund |
during the period beginning October 1, 1955, and ending on September 30, 1958, have to aggregate |
tax contributions paid by all employers during the same period; provided, that nothing contained in |
this section shall be construed to grant to any employer prior claim or rights to the amount |
contributed by him or her to the fund. |
(5) "Experience rate" means the contribution rate assigned to an employer's account under |
whichever is applicable of schedules A -- I in § 28-43-8. |
(6) "Experience year" means the period of twelve (12), consecutive calendar months ending |
September 30 of each year. |
(7) "Most recent employer" means the last base-period employer from whom an individual |
was separated from employment and for whom the individual worked for at least four (4) weeks, |
and in each of those four (4) weeks had earnings of at least twenty (20) times the minimum hourly |
wage as defined in chapter 12 of this title. |
(8) "Reserve percentage" means, in relation to an employer's account, the net balance of |
that account on a computation date, including any voluntary contributions made in accordance with |
§ 28-43-5.1, stated as a percentage of the employer's twelve-month (12) average taxable payroll for |
the last thirty-six (36) months ended on the immediately preceding June 30. |
(9) "Reserve ratio of fund" means the ratio which the total amount available for the |
payment of benefits in the employment security fund on September 30, 1979, or any computation |
date thereafter, minus any outstanding federal loan balance, plus an amount equal to funds |
transferred to the job development fund through the job development assessment adjustment for |
the prior calendar year, bears to the aggregate of all total payrolls subject to this chapter paid during |
the twelve-month (12) period ending on the immediately preceding June 30, or the twelve-month |
(12) average of all total payrolls during the thirty-six-month (36) period ending on that June 30, |
whichever percentage figure is smaller. |
(10) "Taxable payroll" means, for the purpose of this chapter, the total of all wages as |
defined in § 28-42-3(29). |
(11) "Tax year" means the calendar year. |
(12) "Total payroll" means, for the purpose of this chapter, the total of all wages paid by |
all employers who are required to pay contributions under the provisions of chapters 42 -- 44 of |
this title. |
(13) "Unadjusted reserve ratio of fund" means the ratio which the total amount available |
for the payment of benefits in the employment security fund on September 30, 1979, or any |
computation date thereafter, minus any outstanding federal loan balance, bears to the aggregate of |
all total payrolls subject to this chapter paid during the twelve-month (12) period ending on the |
immediately preceding June 30, or the twelve-month (12) average of all total payrolls during the |
thirty-six-month (36) period ending on that June 30, whichever percentage figure is smaller. |
(13)(14) "Voluntary contribution" means a contribution paid by an employer to his or her |
account in accordance with § 28-43-5.1 to reduce the employer's experience rate for the ensuing |
tax year. |
28-43-8.5. Job development assessment. |
(a) For the tax years 2011 through 2014, each employer subject to this chapter shall be |
required to pay a job development assessment of fifty-one hundredths of one percent (0.51%) of |
that employer's taxable payroll, in addition to any other payment which that employer is required |
to make under any other provision of this chapter; provided, that the assessment shall not be |
considered as part of the individual employer's contribution rate for the purpose of determining the |
individual employer's balancing charge pursuant to § 28-43-9; provided, further, upon full |
repayment of any outstanding principal and/or interest due on Title XII advances received from the |
federal government in accordance with the provisions of section 1201 of the Social Security Act |
[42 U.S.C. § 1321], including any principal and/or interest that accrues on debt from a state revenue |
bond or other financing mechanism used to repay the Title XII advances, then the job development |
assessment shall be reduced to twenty-one hundredths of one percent (0.21%) beginning the tax |
quarter after the full repayment occurs. The tax rate for all employers subject to the contribution |
provisions of chapters 42 -- 44 of this title shall be reduced by twenty-one hundredths of one percent |
(0.21%). For tax year 2015 and subsequent years, except tax year 2019, each employer subject to |
this chapter shall be required to pay a job development assessment of twenty-one hundredths of |
one percent (0.21%) of that employer's taxable payroll, in addition to any other payment which that |
employer is required to make under any other provision of this chapter; provided, that the |
assessment shall not be considered as part of the individual employer's contribution rate for the |
purpose of determining the individual employer's balancing charge pursuant to § 28-43-9. The tax |
rate for all employers subject to contribution provisions of chapters 42 -- 44 of this title shall be |
reduced by twenty-one hundredths of one percent (0.21%). For tax year 2019, each employer |
subject to this chapter shall be required to pay a base job development assessment of twenty-one |
hundredths of one percent (0.21%) of that employer's taxable payroll, plus a job development |
assessment adjustment as computed pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, in addition to any |
other payment which that employer is required to make under any other provision of this chapter; |
provided, that: |
(1) the The assessment shall not be considered as part of the individual employer's |
contribution rate for the purpose of determining the individual employer's balancing charge |
pursuant to § 28-43-9; and |
(2) A job development adjustment shall be computed only if tax schedule A through H is |
scheduled to be in effect for the ensuing calendar year; and |
(3) The employment security fund earned interest in the prior calendar year. |
(b) On September 30, 2018, the job development assessment adjustment shall be computed |
to determine the job development assessment that will be in effect during the ensuing calendar year. |
The adjustment shall be computed by dividing the interest earned by the employment security fund |
in the prior calendar year by one hundred ten percent (110%) of the taxable wages in the prior |
calendar year. The result shall be rounded down to the nearest one hundredth of a percent (0.01%). |
(1) In no event may the revenues made available to the job development fund by the job |
development assessment adjustment exceed seventy-five percent (75%) of the interest earned by |
the employment security fund in the prior calendar year. All revenues collected after seventy-five |
percent (75%) of the employment security fund's prior year interest has been deposited into the job |
development fund shall be deposited into the employment security fund forthwith. |
(c) The tax rate for all employers subject to contribution provisions of chapter chapters 42 |
through 44 of this title shall be reduced by the total combined job development assessment and |
adjustment as determined under subsection (b) of this section. |
(d) In no event may the job development assessment adjustment negatively impact |
contributing employers by either preventing the tax schedule to be in effect for the ensuing calendar |
year from dropping from a higher schedule or causing the tax schedule to be in effect for the ensuing |
calendar year to be raised to a higher schedule. |
(1) If the tax schedule, as determined by the reserve ratio of the employment security fund |
on September 30, 2018, would be different than the tax schedule determined if the unadjusted |
reserve ratio of the fund were used to determine the tax schedule for the ensuing calendar year, the |
department shall do one of the following to ensure that the tax schedule to be in effect for the |
ensuing calendar year is unaffected by the job development assessment adjustment: |
(i) Make any necessary transfers from available job development fund resources to the |
employment security trust fund to establish a reserve ratio that would represent the ratio that would |
have been in effect should the job development assessment adjustment not have been performed in |
the prior year; or |
(ii) Perform no job development assessment adjustment in the ensuing calendar year. |
SECTION 3. Chapter 42-64.6 of the General Laws entitled “Jobs Training Tax Credit Act” |
is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section: |
42-64.6-9. Sunset. |
No credits authorized under this chapter shall be awarded for tax years beginning on or |
after January 1, 2018. |
SECTION 4. Section 42-102-11 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-102 entitled |
“Governor’s Workforce Board Rhode Island” is hereby amended to read as follows: |
42-102-11. State Work Immersion Program. |
(a)(1) The workforce board (“board”) shall develop a state work immersion program and a |
non-trade, apprenticeship program. For the purposes of this section work immersion shall mean a |
temporary, paid, work experience that provides a meaningful learning opportunity and increases |
the employability of the participant. The programs shall be designed in order to provide post- |
secondary school students, recent college graduates, and unemployed adults Rhode Island residents |
and/or students attending secondary schools, post-secondary postsecondary schools, or training |
programs with a meaningful work experience, and to assist employers by training individuals for |
potential employment. |
(2) Funding for the work immersion program will be allocated from the job development |
fund account and/or from funds appropriated in the annual appropriations act. Appropriated funds |
will match investments made by employers in providing meaningful work immersion positions and |
non-trade apprenticeships. |
(b) For each participant in the work immersion program, the program shall reimburse |
eligible employers up to fifty percent (50%) of the cost of not more than four hundred (400) |
hours of work experience and during a period of ten (10) weeks. If an eligible employer hires a |
program participant at the completion of such a program, the state may provide reimbursement for |
a total of seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost of the work immersion position. Employers |
participating in the work immersion program may be eligible to receive a reimbursement of up to |
seventy-five percent (75%) of the approved program participant’s wages paid during their work |
experience. |
(c) The board shall create a non-trade apprenticeship program and annually award funding |
on a competitive basis to at least one (1) new initiative proposed and operated by the Governor's |
Workforce Board Industry Partnerships. This program shall meet the standards of apprenticeship |
programs defined pursuant to § 28-45-9 of the general laws. The board shall present the program |
to the state apprenticeship council, established pursuant to chapter 28-45 45 of title 28,of the |
general laws, for review and consideration. |
(d) An eligible participant in programs established in subsections (b) and (c) must be at |
least eighteen (18) years of age and must be a Rhode Island resident. Provided, however, any non- |
Rhode Island resident, who is enrolled in a college or university, located in Rhode Island, is eligible |
to participate while enrolled at the college or university. |
(e) In order to fully implement the provisions of this section, the board is authorized to |
promulgate rules and regulations. The rules and regulations shall define eligible employers that can |
participate in the programs created by this section. |
SECTION 5. This Article shall take effect upon passage. |