2014 -- H 7975 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 07/10/14
Introduced By: Representatives Corvese, O'Brien, and Hull
Date Introduced: March 20, 2014
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 2-2-2 of Chapter 237 of the 1973 Public Laws entitled 'An Act Incorporating the Town of North Providence', as amended is hereby further amended to read as follows:
2-2-2. Procedure.
(a) Ordinances and resolutions shall be introduced only in written or typed form.
(b) Ordinances and resolutions shall be introduced by a council member, council committee, the mayor, or on petition of at least twenty-five (25) qualified electors and its title and contents shall be read at such meeting.
(c) Upon majority vote of the council, a proposed ordinance shall be published by a paid advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the town within ten (10) days after its introduction.
(d) No
ordinance, other than an emergency ordinance as defined in section §2-1-6(d)
of this charter, shall be acted upon at the same regular or special meeting in
which it is introduced, nor at a subsequent meeting held sooner than fifteen
(15) days after its introduction. All ordinances and resolutions, including
emergency ordinances and resolutions, must be accompanied by a fiscal impact note. Any
ordinance or resolution that does not incur a monetary outlay does not require
a fiscal impact note. A fiscal impact note will be prepared by the finance
committee of the town council. The note will be submitted within thirty (30)
days of introduction of any such ordinance and/or resolution. The finance
committee, at its discretion, may request from the finance director data or any
other pertinent information which that will assist the committee in the formation of said
fiscal impact note.
(e) Every
ordinance shall be reported at the next regular or special meeting held at
least fifteen (15) days after its introduction with a recommendation as to
action to be taken thereon. The council may defer action pending further study, but it shall provide that action shall be taken thereon for
passage or rejection of the same, and such action shall be taken no later than
the second subsequent regular meeting thereafter.
(f) All
ordinances and resolutions, except the annual budget, general codifications, and revisions
thereof, shall contain only one (1) subject clearly and adequately expressed and titled.
(g) No ordinance or resolution shall be as amended on passage as to change its original purpose.
(h) Ordinances for the annual budget and any supplemental appropriations shall be confined to the subject of appropriations.
(i) The town clerk shall number serially each ordinance upon introduction, and upon passage of the same, he shall make them available, together with any amendments thereto, in his office.
(j) The town clerk shall furnish to each council member, and to the mayor within seventy-two (72) hours after its introduction, a copy of each ordinance and resolution introduced.
(k) An emergency ordinance shall relate only to the emergency matter for which the emergency meeting is held, and such ordinance may be enacted at the same meeting in which it is introduced.
(l) No ordinance or resolution shall be passed until after it is read, unless a majority of the council members present vote to dispense with the reading, in which case only the title need be read along with a statement as to its contents.
(m) The
or a committee thereof, shall hold at least one (1) public hearing
on all non-budgetary ordinances, other than emergency ordinances, if at least
twenty-five (25) qualified electors submit a petition to the town clerk at
least forty-eight (48) hours before the passage of such ordinance to request
the public hearing, and in such event, action thereon shall be deferred and public notice of
the hearing shall be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the town at
least one (1) once not less than three (3) calendar days prior to the
holding of such hearing.
(n) No
ordinance or resolution shall be enacted until and unless the solicitor
approves the same as to form and legality.
(o) Not
later than twenty-four (24) hours after its passage, the town clerk shall
submit the ordinance or resolution to the mayor.
Within seven (7) days after its passage, the mayor shall affix his signature to
an ordinance or resolution and it shall thereupon, or at some other time fixed
therein, become effective, or he shall return it to the council through the town
within such period stating his objections thereto. Failure to take such action
within the period of seven (7) days shall result in automatic approval with the
same effect as if the mayor had affixed his signature thereto.
(q) In
the event the mayor returns an ordinance or
resolution to the council, action
shall be taken thereon at the next regular or special meeting, and the veto
thereof may be overridden by a vote of no less than a majority plus one (1) of the members
of the council, and thereupon, or at the time fixed therein, it shall become
(r) No ordinance affecting zoning and/or planning for usage of land, or the erection of public works of any kind, shall be enacted without first receiving an advisory opinion of the planning board.
(s) Upon enactment of any ordinance, the town clerk shall give notice to any office, department, or other agency charged with the enforcement, or with the implementation thereof, within twenty-four (24) hours of its final passage.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.
LC005225/SUB A