2014 – H 8072 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 07/01/14
Introduced By: Representatives Shekarchi, Ackerman, McNamara, Costa, and Craven
Date Introduced: April 17, 2014
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Sections 17-19-3, 17-19-9 and 17-19-10 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-19 entitled "Conduct of Election and Voting Equipment, and Supplies" are hereby amended to read as follows:
17-19-3. Voting equipment and services -- Specifications. --
(a) The office of secretary of state and the state board of elections shall
submit specifications to the department of administration, which the department
of administration shall consult in developing a request for a proposal, as set
forth in section §17-19-2.1. These specifications must be
submitted to the department of administration within thirty (30) days of the
passage of this bill. These specifications, and the request for a
proposal for the options of purchasing, leasing to own, or renting an
optical scan precinct count voting system, and for a full-service
contract for an optical scan precinct count voting system, shall propose an
optical scan precinct count system that shall be constructed and shall operate
in a manner that meets the following minimum requirements:
(1) It shall enable the voter to:
(i) Mark his or her ballot and cast his or her vote in secrecy;
(ii) Vote for all candidates of political parties or organizations, and for, or against, questions as submitted;
(iii) Vote
for all the candidates of one party or in part for the candidates of one or
more other parties;
(iv)(iii) Vote for as many persons for an office as
the voter is lawfully entitled to vote for, but no more; and
(v)(iv) Vote on any question the voter may have the
right to vote on;
(2) It shall prevent the voter from voting for the same person more than once for the same office;
(3) The voting equipment shall allow the voter to cast one vote, thereby allowing the voter to vote for all the presidential electors of a party by marking one mark on the ballot, and a ballot containing only the words "presidential electors for," preceded by the name of that party and followed by the names of the candidates of that party for the offices of president and vice-president; provided, that means shall be furnished by which the voter can cast a vote in part for the candidates for presidential electors of one party, and in part for those of one or more other parties, or in part or in whole, for persons not nominated by any party;
(4) The optical scan precinct counting system shall meet the following specifications:
(i) Vote counting, including absentee ballots, shall be performed through the use of automated electronic equipment;
(ii) All vote counting shall be performed on equipment supplied as part of the bid. The system shall not require the use of non-supplied equipment to count ballots or tabulate results;
(iii) There shall be privacy enclosures in which a voter may mark his or her ballot or otherwise cast his or her vote in secret;
(iv) There shall be a device located
in each polling place that can record the vote count and tally the vote count
in that polling place and which that can produce a printed tally
of all races contained on said ballot in human, readable form. The
device shall automatically print a "zero report" at the beginning of
the day when the device is activated. The device that receives ballots for
counting shall have an external counter indicating the number of ballots
received. The actual vote tally shall be capable of being performed only by
election officials and shall not be visible during the actual voting process.
Each recording device shall rest on a ballot box which that must
have compartments with doors that lock for security of voted ballots and ease
of access;
(v) As part of the voting process,
there shall be created a physical ballot showing the votes cast by an
individual voter which that is capable of being hand counted so
that electronic- recorded-device totals can be checked for
accuracy. The device must be able to accept a one, two (2) or three (3) one
(1)-two (2)- or three (3)- column ballot which that can be
printed on one or both sides;
(vi) There shall be a device at each
polling place to receive the physical audit trail of ballots cast and which
that shall securely store the ballots and have the capability of
restricting access to the ballots only to authorize officials;
(vii) In the event of loss of
electrical power, the polling place vote count shall be stored on an ongoing
basis in media which that will retain the count of the votes cast
to that point in time for a period of no less than five (5) years;
(viii) The polling place vote counts
shall be stored on a stable media which that may be easily
transported and which that may be accessed and counted by an
electronic device so that state, city, and/or town vote totals can be
electronically calculated by combining individual polling place totals. It
shall not be necessary to enter individual polling place totals by, and
into, a central computer or device for the purpose of producing the
state, city, and/or town totals, but rather the electronic media on
which the polling place totals are stored shall be directly readable and
accessible by a regional or central device;
(ix) There shall be a device which
that has the capability to electronically read the storage device upon
which the individual polling place totals are stored and which that
shall produce a combined total for all races, which total can be printed in easily
readable and legible form in a format prescribed by the state board of
(x) The system provided shall allow the secretary of state to have the capability to design the ballot format;
(xi) The system shall provide a capability for the state, without the use of outside services, to set up and prepare the counting devices to total an election; and
(xii) The system must be capable of
receiving voted ballots without counting when without power, and must
provide for securely storing uncounted ballots;
(5) The following minimum equipment shall be required for the state:
(i) There shall be six hundred (600) units to permit counting to be conducted in each polling place within the state with a reserve of equipment on hand;
(ii) There shall be sufficient voting booths to allow one voting booth for approximately every one hundred seventy-five (175) voters as determined in this title;
(iii) The number of polling place units and voting booths must be sufficient to permit the election to run smoothly without excessive waiting of voters;
(iv) If there is an increase in the number of polling places statewide during the term of the contract, the vendor will supply additional polling place units and voting booths at a cost proportional to the cost of the initial units pro rated for the balance of the agreement years;
(v) (A) There shall be high-speed, absentee vote tabulating equipment. These tabulators, as a whole, must be capable of counting a minimum of four hundred (400) absentee ballots per minute. The tabulators shall utilize the same ballots used in the polling place;
(B) This system shall have the following capabilities in connection with the counting of ballots and producing results:
(I) This system shall be able to read the media from the polling place units on which polling place results are stored and shall be able to compile polling place results producing a ballot total for each race; and
(II) This system shall be capable of producing and printing out ballot totals on a polling- place-by-polling-place basis for each race, and shall be capable of producing a final total and subtotals of all races from all races and polling places in the state. All totals must be able to be produced at any time, based upon the number of polling places counted up to that point in time, and these printout results shall state the number of precincts counted and the percentage of precincts reporting;
(vi) There shall be all equipment necessary to program the system and erase the memory devices;
(vii) Regional tabulating equipment shall be located in each of the thirty-nine (39) local boards of canvassers and the central tabulation equipment shall be located at the state board of elections. The state board of elections, thirty (30) days prior to an election, shall determine which regional and/or central tabulation sites are to be utilized for the election. The tabulation system shall have the following capabilities in connection with the counting of ballots and producing results:
(A) This system shall be able to read the media from the polling place units on which polling place results are stored and shall be able to compile polling place results producing a ballot total for each race;
(B) This system shall be capable of producing and printing out ballot totals on a polling- place-by-polling-place basis for each race and shall be capable of producing a final total and subtotal of all races from all races and polling places in the state;
(C) All totals must be able to be produced at any time based upon the number of polling places counted up to that point in time, and the printout results shall state the number of precincts counted and the percentage of precincts reporting; and
(D) This system shall be capable of
transferring information gathered at each regional site to the central site,
and shall also be capable of transferring information gathered at the
central site to a specific, regional site;
(6) All necessary programming and accumulation software shall be provided to run the election system in accordance with the required specifications as well as all necessary and required modules. Any software updates during the term of the agreement shall not be charged to the state;
(7) The vendor of the optical scan precinct count system shall provide written proof of compliance with Federal Election Commission standards from an independent testing company and this written proof must be on file with the office of the secretary of state and the state board of elections;
(8) The vendor shall also provide the following information to be included in the vendor's bid proposal:
(i) (A) An audited financial statement covering the previous five (5) years, and if the vendor is not the manufacturer of the equipment, both the agent and manufacturer must submit an audited financial statement covering the previous five (5) years with the bid;
(B) In the event that either the vendor, agent, or manufacturer has been in existence for less than five (5) years, that entity must submit an audited financial statement for each and every full year that they have been in existence;
ii) Proof of experience in the field
of elections including, but not limited to, years of experience in this field,
and experience with a jurisdiction having the same needs as the state of Rhode
Island; and
(iii) Names and addresses of the support organizations that will provide support of all equipment.
(b) The full service plan shall include the following services, but, at the discretion of the department of administration, shall not be limited to the following services:
(1) Computer coding and layout of all ballots to be used in each election under contract, in conjunction with, the office of the secretary of state, including the printing of the ballot and the preparation of the device to ensure that the ballots are compatible with the device. Subsequent thereto, the state board of elections shall be responsible for the following:
(2) Testing of each unit for logic and accuracy;
(3) Testing of each programmed memory cartridge;
(4) Set up of each optical-scan precinct count unit at each polling place;
(5) Maintenance of all optical precinct count units;
(6) Training of poll workers;
(7) On-site election night staff at the central tabulation location and any other locations as may be determined by the state board to receive and transmit election results;
(8) On-site election day field technicians to respond to repair calls;
(9) Providing the following equipment and supplies:
(i) Secrecy covers for voted ballots;
(ii) Demonstration ballots;
(iii) Precision-cut shell program ballots ready for printing with timing marks;
(iv) Marking pens;
(v) Ballot transfer cases;
(vi) Envelopes for mailing and receiving absentee ballots; and
(vii) Printer ribbons, paper tape rolls, and seals.
(c) Any bid specifications for an optical scan precinct count system and a full-service agreement for an optical-scan precinct count system that do not conform in all respects to the requirements of subdivisions (a)(1) -- (b)(9)(vii) of this section shall not be submitted to the office of the department of administration; provided, that the director of administration may waive any one of the requirements with respect to the full service agreement portion of the bid, after consultation with the chairperson of the state board of elections and the secretary of state, in order to preserve an otherwise acceptable bid.
(d) Upon expiration of the initial full
service agreement as set forth in the provisions of section §17-19-2.1,
the state board shall conduct a review of the election system, provide a report
to the general assembly, and shall subsequently assume responsibility
for establishing minimum requirements and specifications for the procurement of
voting equipment and services.
17-19-9. Party emblems. -- In the preparation of all ballots, sample ballots, mail
ballots, and war ballots to be used at any election other than a primary
election, the secretary of state shall cause to be printed next to the name of
each "political party", as defined in this title, listed in the
straight party vote section of the computer ballot, the emblem of the political
party. The emblem of the democratic party shall be the
representation of a star. The emblem of the republican party shall be the
representation of an eagle. The emblem of any political organization qualifying
as a "political party", as defined in this title, shall be selected
by the state chairperson of the party; provided, that the emblem shall be
entirely different for each political party, and may be any appropriate
symbol, but neither the coat of arms, or seal of any state or of the
United States, the national or state flag, any religious emblem or symbol, the
seal of any society, the portrait or likeness of any person, or the
representation of a coin or of the currency of the United States, shall be
chosen as an emblem. Whenever any emblem has been selected and used upon
official ballots for any political party, it shall not thereafter be used for
any other political party.
17-19-10. Sample ballots -- Contents -- Distribution. --
The secretary of state shall prepare a sample ballot, which that
shall be a copy of the computer ballot to be used. The sample ballot shall
clearly and briefly explain and illustrate the manner of casting a vote, of voting a straight party ticket, of voting for
candidates individually, and of voting upon questions. The secretary of state
shall furnish a reasonable supply of sample ballots to the state board of elections,
for public distribution upon request;, and no fewer than three
(3) of the sample ballots shall be furnished for each voting place.
SECTION 2. Chapter 17-19 of the General Laws entitled "Conduct of Election and Voting Equipment, and Supplies" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section:
17-19-10.1. Training and Community Outreach. – In furtherance of the termination of the option of straight
party voting by means of a single mark in non-primary elections, the secretary
of state shall, no later than thirty (30) days after the effective date of this
section, conduct appropriate training and consultations with the state board of
elections and local boards of canvassers, as he or she may deem
necessary in order for the proper administration of voting in the absence of
the option of straight-party voting by means of a single mark. The secretary of
state shall also conduct community outreach programs throughout the state,
including, without limitation, the distribution of applicable materials to
state and local libraries, in order to educate the public, including the
elderly, with respect to the foregoing.
SECTION 3. Section 17-19-15 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-19 entitled "Conduct of Election and Voting Equipment, and Supplies" is hereby repealed.
17-19-15. Party levers. -- In the preparation of the voting equipment for use in any
election, excluding a primary election, the board of elections shall confirm
that the voting equipment is programmed to permit any voter to vote for all
candidates of one of the respective parties by means of a single mark on the
computer ballot. The voting equipment shall also permit the voter casting a
straight party vote to individually vote for candidates, and in doing so, the
straight party vote will not be counted for that office, and the individual
vote, or votes in the case where more than one candidate will be elected for an
office, will override the straight party vote for that office.
SECTION 4. Section 17-20-23 of the General Laws in Chapter 17-20 entitled "Mail Ballots" is hereby amended to read as follows:
17-20-23. Marking and certification of ballot. -- (a) A voter desiring to vote for all candidates of one
political party for national and state, or city or town, offices, shall fill in
the appropriate space next to the designation of that party upon the
appropriate ballot. A voter casting a straight party vote may also individually
vote for candidates and, in doing so, the straight party vote will not be
counted for that office and the individual vote, or votes in the case where
more than one candidate will be elected for an office, will override the
straight party vote for that office.
(b)(a) A voter may omit
to mark as provided in subsection (a) of this section and may vote
for the candidates of the voter's choice by making a mark in the space provided
opposite their respective names.
(c)(b) In case a voter desires to vote upon a
question submitted to the vote of the electors of the state, the voter shall
mark in the appropriate space associated with the answer that the voter desires
to give.
(d)(c) Voters receiving a mail ballot pursuant to subdivisions
§§17-20-2(1), (2), and (4) shall mark the ballot in the presence of two
(2) witnesses or some officer authorized by the law of the place where marked
to administer oaths. Voters receiving a mail ballot pursuant to subdivision
§17-20-2(3) do not need to have their ballot witnessed or notarized.
Except as otherwise provided for by this chapter, the voter shall not allow the
official or witnesses to see how he or she marks the ballot and the official or
witnesses shall hold no communication with the voter, nor the voter with the
official or witnesses, as to how the voter is to vote. Thereafter, the voter
shall enclose and seal the ballot in the envelope provided for it. The voter
shall then execute before the official or witnesses the certification on the
envelope. The voter shall then enclose and seal the certified envelope with the
ballot in the envelope addressed to the state board and cause the envelope to
be delivered to the state board on or before election day.
(e)(d) These ballots shall be counted only if
received within the time limited by this chapter.
(f)(e) There shall be a space provided on the
general election ballot to allow the voter to write in the names of persons not
in nomination by any party as provided for in sections §§17-19-31
and 17-20-24.
SECTION 5. This act shall take effect January 1, 2015.
LC005498/SUB A