2014 – S 2523 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 05/27/14
Introduced By: Senators Ottiano, Lombardi, Nesselbush, Satchell, and Felag
Date Introduced: February 27, 2014
It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 21-28-3.32 of the General Laws in Chapter 21-28 entitled "Uniform Controlled Substances Act" is hereby amended to read as follows:
21-28-3.32. Electronic prescription database. -- (a)
The information contained in any prescription drug monitoring database
maintained by the department of health pursuant to section §21-28-3.18
of this chapter shall be disclosed only:
(1) To a practitioner who certifies
that the requested information is for the purpose of evaluating the need for,
or providing medical treatment for to, a current patient to whom
the practitioner is prescribing or considering prescribing a controlled substance;
(2) To a pharmacist who certifies that the requested information is for a current client to whom the pharmacist is dispensing, or considering dispensing, a controlled substance;
(3) To an authorized designee of the practitioner and/or pharmacist to consult the prescription drug monitoring database on the practitioner’s and/or pharmacist's behalf, provided that:
(i) The designee so authorized is employed by the same professional practice or pharmacy;
(ii) The practitioner or pharmacist takes reasonable steps to ensure that such designee is sufficiently competent in the use of the database;
(iii) The practitioner or pharmacist remains responsible for ensuring that access to the database by the designee is limited to authorized purposes as provided for in subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this section;
(iv) The
practitioner or pharmacist remains responsible for ensuring access to the
database by the designee occurs in a manner that protects the confidentiality
of information obtained from the database, and remains responsible for
any breach of confidentiality;
(v) The practitioner or pharmacist terminates the designee's access to the database at the termination of the designee's employment; and
(vi) The ultimate decision as to whether or not to prescribe or dispense a controlled substance remains with the practitioner or pharmacist and is reasonably informed by the relevant controlled substance history information obtained from the database.
(3)(4) Pursuant to a valid search warrant based on
probable cause to believe a violation of federal or state criminal law has
occurred and that specified information contained in the database would assist
in the investigation of the crime;
(4)(5) To a patient who requests his or her own
prescription information, or the parent or legal guardian of a minor child who
requests the minor child's prescription information;
(5)(6) To a health professional regulatory board
that documents, in writing, that the requested information is necessary for an
investigation related to licensure, renewal, or disciplinary action
involving the applicant, licensee, or registrant to whom the requested
information pertains;
(6)(7) To any vendor or contractor with whom the
department has contracted to establish or maintain the electronic system of the
prescription drug monitoring database; or
(7)(8) To public or private entities for
statistical, research, or educational purposes, after removing the patient and
prescriber information that could be used to identify individual patients. This
shall not include entities receiving a waiver from the institutional review
(b) Information stored in the prescription drug monitoring database shall include only the following:
(1) Patient's first and last name, and/or patient identification number; provided, however, the patient's social security number shall not be recorded in whole or in part, patient sex, patient date of birth, and patient address;
(2) Prescribing practitioner's name and drug enforcement administration prescriber information number;
(3) Prescribing practitioner's office or hospital contact information;
(4) Prescription name, prescription number, prescription species code, national drug code number, prescription dosage, prescription quantity, days' supply, new-refill code, number of refills authorized, date the prescription was written, date the prescription was filled, payment type; provided, however, no credit card number shall be recorded in whole or in part; and
(5) The drug enforcement administration pharmacy number of the pharmacy filling the prescription.
(c) The department shall disclose any information relating to a patient maintained in the prescription drug monitoring database to that patient, at no cost to the patient, within thirty (30) business days after the department receives a written request from the patient for the information. This information shall include the records maintained by the department pursuant to subsection (e). Notwithstanding the above, the department may, at the request of the law enforcement agency, withhold for up to sixty (60) days following the conclusion of a law enforcement investigation, the disclosure to the patient that information has been obtained pursuant to subdivision (a)(3).
(d) A patient may request, from
the dispensing pharmacy, correction of any inaccurate information
contained within the prescription drug monitoring database in accordance with
the procedure specified by subsection §5-37.3-5(c).
(e) The department shall, for the period of time that prescription information is maintained, maintain records of the information disclosed through the prescription drug monitoring database, including, but not limited to:
(1) The identity of each person who requests or receives information from the prescription drug monitoring database and the organization, if any, the person represents;
(2) The information released to each person or organization and the basis for its release under subsection (a); and
(3) The dates the information was requested and provided.
(f) Prescription information contained within the prescription drug monitoring database shall be removed no later than five (5) years from the date the information is entered into the database. Records in existence prior to the enactment of this section shall be removed no later than ten (10) years from the date the information is entered into the database.
(g) The department shall promptly notify any affected individual of an improper disclosure of information from the prescription drug monitoring database or a breach in the security of the prescription drug monitoring database that poses a significant risk of disclosure of patient information to an unauthorized individual.
(h) At the time of signing a
prescription which that is required by the department to be
entered into the prescription drug monitoring database, the prescribing
practitioner shall inform the patient in writing of the existence of the
prescription drug monitoring database, the patient's right to access their own
prescription information, and the name and contact information of the agency
operating the program.
(i) No person shall access information in the prescription monitoring database except to the extent and for the purposes authorized by subsection (a).
(j) In any civil action allowing a violation of this chapter, the court may award damages, including punitive damages, and reasonable attorneys' fees and costs to a prevailing plaintiff, and injunctive and any other appropriate relief.
(k) Any pharmacist who, in his or her professional judgment, refuses to fill a prescription based on information contained within the prescription drug monitoring database shall inform the prescribing physician within twenty-four (24) hours.
(l) All practitioners shall, as a condition of the initial registration or renewal of the practitioner's authority to prescribe controlled substances, register with the prescription drug monitoring database maintained by the department of health.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.
LC004341/SUB A