Chapter 470
2013 -- H 5084 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 07/16/13
Introduced By: Representatives Silva, and Serpa
Date Introduced: January 16, 2013
It is enacted by the
General Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 3-7-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 3-7
entitled "Retail Licenses"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Class C license. -- (a) A retailer's Class C
license authorizes the holder of the
license to keep for sale and to sell beverages at retail at
the place described in the license and to
deliver those beverages for consumption on the premises where
sold. No beverages shall be sold
or served after twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight nor
before six o'clock (6:00) a.m., except as
provided in subsection (e) herein. Local license boards in the several cities and towns
may fix an
earlier closing time within their discretion. The license
authorizes the holder to keep for sale and
sell beverages, including beer in cans, at retail at the
place described in the license and to deliver
those beverages for consumption on the premises.
(b) The license
authorizes the holder to sell pre-packaged foods prepared off the
premises with beverages but prohibits the preparation and
serving of foods cooked on the
premises. The holder of the license may serve with beverages
and without charge popcorn,
crackers, bread, pretzels, sausage of any type, pickles,
sardines, smoked herring, lupino beans,
and potato chips. No food shall be cooked on the premises
but pre-packaged foods prepared and
cooked off the premises and purchased by the holder from a
supplier may be warmed and sold on
the premises in their original packaging, and all foods
shall be covered in accordance with the
regulations of the state department of health. The annual fee for
the license is four hundred
dollars ($400) to eight hundred dollars ($800), prorated to
the year ending December 1 in every
calendar year.
(c) The town councils
of the towns of
authorized to prohibit by ordinance the issuance of Class C
licenses. Upon prohibiting Class C
licenses, the license board of the towns of
Class B licenses to the holder of all Class C licenses
in those towns. The Class B licenses may be
issued to the holders of Class C licenses notwithstanding
any requirements of section 3-7-7. The
holders of Class C licenses shall have the full privileges of
a Class B license and shall pay the
annual fee provided for Class B licenses.
(d) Notwithstanding any
prohibitions on the preparation and serving of foods cooked on
the premises contained in paragraph (b) herein, the
holders of Class C licenses in the city of
C licenses in the city of
(e) Any holder of a
Class C license may, upon the approval of the local licensing board
and for the additional payment of two hundred dollars
($200), sell or serve beverages on Fridays
and Saturdays and the night before legal state holidays
until one o’clock (1:00) a.m. All requests
for a one o’clock (1:00) a.m. license shall be
advertised, at the applicant's expense, by the local
licensing board in a newspaper with a general statewide
circulation or having a general
circulation in the city or town where the establishment applying for
the license is located.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.
LC00302/SUB A