1. Sections 5-10-10, 5-10-11, 5-10-13, and 5-10-15 of the General Laws in
Chapter 5-10 entitled
“Barbers, Hairdressers, Cosmeticians, Manicurists and Estheticians” are
hereby amended to read as
Application form - Fee - Expiration and renewal of licenses – Fees. --
Applications for licenses under § 5-10-9 shall be made
upon any forms that are prescribed by the
division and are accompanied by an examination application
fee established in regulation. The
license of every person licensed under §§ 5-10-8 and
5-10-9 shall expire on the thirtieth (30th)
day of October of every other year following the date
of license. This is determined on an odd-
even basis. On or before the first day of September of
every year, the administrator of
professional regulation shall mail an application for
renewal of license to people scheduled to be
licensed that year on an odd or even basis as to the
license number. Every person who wishes to
renew his or her license must file with the
administrator of professional regulation a renewal
application duly executed together with the renewal
fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) as set forth in §
Applications, accompanied by the fee for renewal, shall be filed with the
division on or
before the fifteenth (15th) day of October in each
renewal year. Upon receipt of the application
and fee, the administrator of professional regulation
shall grant a renewal license effective
October 1st and expiring two (2) years later on
September 30th.
(b) Every person who
fails to renew his or her license on or before September 30th
following the date of issuance as provided in
subsection (a) of this section may be reinstated by
the division upon payment of the current renewal fee of
fifty dollars ($50.00) plus an additional
fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) for each year the
license has lapsed to a maximum of two hundred
dollars ($200)
as set forth in § 23-1-54.
(c) The license shall be
on the person at all times while performing the services for which
they are licensed.
5-10-11. Persons
licensed in other states. -- (a) Any person licensed to practice
barbering, hairdressing, and cosmetic therapy and/or
manicuring or esthetics in another state
where the requirements are the equivalent of those of
this state is entitled to a license as a barber,
hairdresser, and cosmetician and/or manicurist or
esthetician operator upon the acceptance of his
or her credentials by the division; provided, that the
state in which that person is licensed extends
a similar privilege to licensed barbers, hairdressers,
and cosmetic therapists and/or manicurists or
esthetics of this state. If a person applies for a
hairdressing license who was licensed in another
state where the requirements are not equivalent to
those of this state, the division shall give to that
person one hundred (100) hours instructional credit
for three (3) months that the person was
licensed and in actual practice, up to a limit of five
hundred (500) hours, in order for that person
to meet the requirements for a hairdressing license in
this state as established under the provisions
of §§ 5-10-8 and 5-10-9.
(b) If a person applies
for a manicurist or esthetician license and is currently licensed in
another state, that person may be granted a license if
he or she passes the written and practical
examinations conducted by the division.
(c) The fee for the examination
application is forty dollars ($40.00) as set forth in § 23-1-
provided, that the provisions of this chapter shall not be construed as
preventing persons who
have been licensed by examination under the laws of
other states of the
territories and the
therapy and/or manicuring or esthetics in this state
for a period of three (3) months; provided, that
they apply for and are licensed in this state within
three (3) months from the commencement of
their employment. Nor shall it be construed as
prohibiting persons who have been licensed under
the laws of another country or territory from
practicing barbering, hairdressing, and cosmetic
therapy and/or manicuring or esthetics in this state;
provided, that practice is in conformity with
the rules and regulations of the division; and
provided, that in no case shall that practice cover a
period of more than three (3) months from the
commencement of that employment.
Demonstrator's permit. -- The division may in its discretion issue to
person recognized by the division as an authority on,
or an expert in the theory or practice of,
barbering, hairdressing, and cosmetic therapy and/or
manicuring or esthetics and is the holder of a
current esthetician's, manicurist's or a barber's,
hairdresser's, and cosmetician's license in this
state, another state or the
days' duration for educational and instructive demonstrations;
provided, that the permit shall not
be used in the sense of a license to practice
barbering, manicuring, esthetics or hairdressing and
cosmetic therapy. The fee for the permit is seventy
dollars ($70.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
5-10-15. Licensing
of shops. -- (a) No shop, place of business or establishment shall be
opened or conducted within the state by any person,
association, partnership, corporation, or
otherwise for the practice of barbering, manicuring
and/or hairdressing and cosmetic therapy or
esthetics until the time that application for a
license to operate that shop, place of business or
establishment for the practice of manicuring and/or
hairdressing and cosmetic therapy or esthetics
is made, to the division, in the manner and on the
forms that it prescribes, and a license, under the
terms and conditions, not contrary to law, that the
division requires shall be granted for it and a
license issued.
(1) No licenses shall be
granted to any shop, place of business, or establishment for the
practice of hairdressing and cosmetic therapy unless
the proprietor or a supervising manager in
the practice of barbering, hairdressing and cosmetic
therapy, of the shop, place of business, or
establishment is licensed and has been licensed as a
licensed barber or hairdresser and
cosmetician for a period of at least one year
immediately prior to the filing of the application for
the license.
(2) No license shall be
granted to any shop, place of business, or establishment for the
practice of manicuring or esthetics unless the
proprietor or a supervising manager of the
proprietor is licensed and has been licensed as a
licensed barber, hairdresser and cosmetician,
manicurist or esthetician for a period of at least one
year immediately prior to the filing of the
application for the license.
(3) The supervising
manager shall be registered with the division as the manager of a
licensed shop and shall only be registered to manage
one shop at a time. The proprietor of the
licensed shop and the manager shall notify the
division, in writing, within ten (10) days upon the
termination of employment as the manager of the
licensed shop. The license of the shop shall
expire forty-five (45) days after the division is
notified by the proprietor if no new manager is
registered with the division as the supervising
manager of the shop.
(b) All licenses issued
under this section shall terminate on the first day of July following
the date of issue. The fee for the license is one
hundred and thirty dollars ($130) and for each
renewal of the license the fee is one hundred and
thirty dollars ($130) as set forth
in § 23-1-54.
2. Sections 5-25-10, 5-25-11, and 5-25-12 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-
25 entitled “Veterinary
Practice” are hereby amended to read as follows:
Qualifications for licensure. -- Any applicant for licensure shall
submit to the
department written evidence on forms furnished by the
department verified by oath that the
applicant meets all of the following requirements:
(1) Is a graduate of a
school or college of veterinary medicine recognized and accredited
by the American Veterinary Medical Association and by
the department or certification by the
Educational Council for Foreign Veterinary Graduates;
(2) Pays an application
fee of forty dollars ($40.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54 at the
time of
submitting the application, which, in no case is
returned to the applicant;
(3) Is of good moral
character, evidenced in the manner prescribed by the department;
(4) Complies with any
other qualifications that the department prescribes by regulation;
(5) Comply with the
continuing education requirements adopted by the department.
5-25-11. Licensing
of veterinarians. -- (a) By
Examination. - The applicant is required
to pass, with a grade determined by the division, an
examination approved by the division; upon
payment of an examination fee of three hundred and
thirty dollars ($330) as set forth in § 23-1-54
every candidate who passes that examination, and in
the opinion of the division meets the
qualifications of § 5-25-10, shall, upon payment of an
initial license fee, which shall be equal to
the biennial license renewal fee in effect, be issued
a license to practice veterinary medicine.
Veterinarians licensed under the provisions of this
chapter on August 31, 1985 shall continue to
be licensed.
(b) Without Examination by Endorsement. A license to practice
veterinary medicine may
be issued without examination to an applicant who has
been duly licensed by examination as a
veterinarian under the laws of another state or
territory or
of the division, the applicant meets the
qualifications required of veterinarians in this state, as
further defined in rules and regulations.
Expiration and renewal of licenses. -- (a) The certificate of every
licensed as a veterinarian under the provisions of
this chapter expires on the first day of May of
each even numbered year. On or before the first day of
March of each two (2) year period, the
department shall mail an application for renewal of
license to every person to whom a license has
been issued or renewed during the current licensure
period. Every person so licensed who desires
to renew his or her license shall file with the
department a renewal application duly executed
together with a renewal fee of three hundred and
thirty dollars ($330) as set forth in § 23-1-54 on
or before the thirty-first day of March of each even
numbered year.
(b) Upon receipt of an
application, and payment of the renewal fee, the department shall
grant a renewal license effective the second day of
May, and expiring on the first day of May of
the next even numbered year.
(c) Any person who
allows his or her license to lapse by failing to renew it on or before
the thirty-first day of March of the next even
numbered year, as provided in subsection (a), may
be reinstated by the department on payment of the
current renewal fee plus an additional fee of
ninety ($90.00)
as set forth in § 23-1-54.
(d) Any person using the
title "veterinarian" during the time that his or her license has
lapsed is subject to the penalties provided for violations
of this chapter.
(e) Every veterinarian
licensed to practice veterinary medicine within the state shall, in
connection with renewal of licensure, provide
satisfactory evidence to the department that in the
preceding two-year period the veterinarian has
completed a prescribed course of continuing
professional education established by an appropriate
professional veterinary medicine association
and approved by rule or regulation of the department.
The department may extend for only one
six (6) month period, these education requirements if
the department is satisfied that the applicant
has suffered hardship which prevented meeting the
educational requirement.
3. Sections 5-29-7, 5-29-11, 5-29-13, and 5-29-14 of the General Laws in
Chapter 5-29 entitled
“Podiatrists” are hereby amended to read as follows:
Examination of applicants - Fees – Reexamination. -- The division of
professional regulation board of podiatry examiners is
empowered to review applications as
defined in this chapter and to require a minimum
application fee of four hundred and ten dollars
($410) as
set forth in § 23-1-54 at the time of application. Application fees are not
unless sickness or other good cause appearing to the satisfaction
of the division such applicant
was prevented from attending and completing the
examination. One further or subsequent
examination under that application may be given to
applicants in the discretion of the division,
without payment of an additional fee.
5-29-11. Fee. --
The biennial renewal fee shall not be less than two hundred and sixty
($260) nor be more than four hundred and ninety
dollars ($490) be as set forth in
§ 23-1-54.
5-29-13. Limited
registrations. -- (a) An applicant for limited registration under this
chapter who furnishes the division of professional
regulation of the department of health with
satisfactory proof that the applicant is eighteen (18)
years of age or older and of good moral
character, that the applicant has creditably completed
not less than two (2) years of study in a
legally chartered podiatry school that is accredited
by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education
of the American Podiatric Medical Association having
power to grant degrees in podiatry, and
that the applicant has been appointed an intern,
resident, fellow, or podiatry officer in a hospital
or other institution maintained by the state, or by a
city or town, or in a hospital or clinic which is
incorporated under the laws of this state or in a
clinic which is affiliated with a hospital licensed
by the department of health, or in an out-patient
clinic operated by the state, may, upon the
payment of seventy ($70.00) in an amount set
forth in § 23-1-54, be registered by the division as
a hospital officer for any time that the division
prescribes. The limited registration entitles the
applicant to practice podiatry in the hospital or
other institution designated on his or her
certificate of limited registration, or outside that
hospital or other institution for the treatment,
under the supervision of one of its medical officers
who is a duly licensed physician and/or
podiatrist or persons accepted by it as patients, or
in any hospital, institution, clinic, or program
affiliated for training purposes with the hospital,
institution, or clinic designated on the certificate,
which affiliation is approved by the division of
professional regulation and the Council of
Podiatric Medical Education of the American Podiatric
Medical Association and in any case
under regulations established by such hospital,
institution, or clinic. Provided, that each hospital,
institution, or clinic shall annually submit to the
division of professional regulation a list of
affiliated hospitals, institutions, clinics, or
programs providing training programs which comply
with the terms of this section. Limited registration
under this section may be revoked at any time
by the division.
(b) The division of
professional regulation of the department of health may promulgate
any rules and regulations that it deems necessary to
effect the provisions of this chapter.
5-29-14. Limited
registration – Academic faculty. -- Notwithstanding any other
provisions of this chapter, a podiatrist of noteworthy
and recognized professional attainment who
is a clearly outstanding podiatrist and who has been
offered by the dean of a medical school or
podiatry school in this state a full-time academic
appointment, is eligible for a limited registration
while serving on the academic staff of the medical
school or podiatry school. Upon
recommendation of the dean of an accredited school of
medicine, podiatry in this state, the board
in its discretion, after being satisfied that the applicant
is a graduate of a foreign podiatry school
and a person of professional rank whose knowledge and
special training will benefit that medical
school, podiatry school may issue to that podiatrist a
limited registration to engage in the practice
of podiatry to the extent that the practice is
incidental to a necessary part of his or her academic
appointment and then only in the hospital or hospitals
and out-patient clinics connected with the
medical school or podiatry school. Except to the
extent authorized by this section, the registrant
shall not engage in the practice of podiatry or
receive compensation for that practice, unless he or
she is issued a license to practice podiatry. The
registration is valid for a period of not more than
one year expiring on the 30th day of June following
its initial effective date but may be renewed
annually; provided, that such registration
automatically expires when the holder's relationship
with the medical school or podiatry school is
terminated. The application fee for the registration
authorized under this section is five hundred and
seventy ($570) The and for the application fee
for biennial renewal, as promulgated by the director,
shall be not less than two hundred and
eighty ($280) nor more than four hundred dollars
($400) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
4. Sections 5-30-6, 5-30-7, 5-30-8 and 5-30-12 of the General Laws in
Chapter 5-30 entitled
“Chiropractors” are hereby amended to read as follows:
Qualifications and examinations of applicants. -- Every person desiring
begin the practice of chiropractic medicine, except as
provided in this chapter, shall present
satisfactory evidence to the division of professional
regulation of the department of health,
verified by oath, that he or she is more than
twenty-three (23) years of age, of good moral
character, and that before he or she commenced the
study of chiropractic medicine had
satisfactorily completed credit courses equal to four
(4) years of pre-professional study acceptable
by an accredited academic college and obtained a
bachelor of science or bachelor of arts degree
and subsequently graduated from a school or college of
chiropractic medicine approved by the
division of professional regulation of the department
of health, and has completed a residential
course of at least four (4) years, each year
consisting of at least nine (9) months study. Any
qualified applicant shall take an examination before
the state board of chiropractic examiners to
determine his or her qualifications to practice
chiropractic medicine. Every applicant for an
examination shall pay a fee of sixty-two dollars
and fifty cents ($62.50) as set forth in section 23-
1-54 for the
examination to the division of professional regulation. Every candidate who
the examination shall be recommended by the division
of professional regulation of the
department of health to the director of the department
of health to receive a certificate of
qualification to practice chiropractic medicine.
Certification of chiropractic physicians authorized to practice in other
-- The
division of professional regulation of the department of health may, at its
dispense with the examination of any chiropractic physician
authorized to practice chiropractic
medicine in any other state, and who has been
practicing his or her profession in that state for at
least five (5) years and desires to reside permanently
and practice his or her profession in this
state, provided the laws of that state require
qualifications of a grade equal to those required in
exemption from examination and the division may in its
discretion exempt him or her. If the
division exempts him or her, he or she shall pay a fee
of ninety dollars ($90.00) as set forth in §
23-1-54 for
a certificate of exemption from that examination, and upon receipt of that fee,
division shall recommend him or her to the director of
the department of health to receive a
certificate of qualification to practice chiropractic
Certification to practice physiotherapy. -- (a) Every person desiring
to practice
physiotherapy in addition to chiropractic medicine and
who completed a course of four (4) years,
of eight (8) months each, in some school of
chiropractic medicine approved by the division of
professional regulation of the department of health,
completed a course of three (3) years, of nine
(9) months each, at some school of chiropractic
medicine approved by the division and an
additional year, of at least six (6) months, in
physiotherapy and all branches of that field, at that
school, or has served as an intern for six (6) months
in any year at an institution approved by the
division, and satisfies the division that he or she is
qualified, may take an examination before the
state board of chiropractic examiners to determine his
or her qualification to practice
physiotherapy in addition to chiropractic medicine.
(b) Every applicant for
that examination shall pay a fee of sixty dollars ($60.00) for the
examination to the division of professional regulation
of the department of health, provided that if
the examination is taken at the same time as the
examination to determine the applicant's fitness
to practice chiropractic medicine, but only
one fee of ninety dollars ($90.00) as set forth in § 23-
1-54 is
charged. Every candidate who passes that examination shall be recommended by
division of professional regulation of the department
of health to the director of the department of
health to receive a certificate of qualification to
practice physiotherapy.
5-30-12. Annual
registration -- Payment of fees. -- Annually, during the month of
October in each year, every person granted a
certificate to practice chiropractic medicine shall
register his or her name, address, and place of
business with the division of professional
regulation of the department of health. The division
shall keep a book for that purpose, and each
person registering shall pay a fee of one hundred
and seventy dollars ($170) as set forth in § 23-1-
54 and shall
receive a certificate of registration for the next succeeding fiscal year,
unless the
certificate of practice has been suspended or revoked
for cause, as provided in § 5-30-13. All fees
for examination, for certificate of exemption from
examination, and for annual registration shall
be deposited as general revenues.
5. Sections 5-31.1-6, 5-31.1-21, 5-31.1-22 and 5-31.1-23 of the General Laws
in Chapter 5-31.1 entitled
“Dentists and Dental Hygienists” are hereby amended to read as
5-31.1-6. License
to practice -- Qualifications of applicants -- Fee -- Reexamination. -
- (a)
Authority to practice dentistry or dental hygiene under this chapter is by a
license, issued by
the director of the department of health, to any
reputable dentist or dental hygienist who intends
to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in this state,
and who meets the requirements for licensure
prescribed in this chapter and regulations established
by the board or the director.
(b) Applicants for
licensure as dentists shall:
(1) Present satisfactory
evidence of graduation from a school of dentistry accredited by
the American Dental Association Commission on Dental
Accreditation or its designated agency
and approved by the board;
(2) Meet any other
requirements that the board or director by regulation establishes; and
(3) Pass in a
satisfactory manner any examinations that the board requires.
(c) Applicants for
licensure as dental hygienists shall:
(1) Present satisfactory
evidence of graduation from a school for dental hygiene
accredited by the American Dental Association
Commission on Dental Auxiliary Accreditation or
its designated agency and approved by the board;
(2) Meet any other
requirements that the board or director by regulation establishes; and
(3) Pass in a
satisfactory manner any examination that the board requires.
(d) Any dentist applying
for licensure shall pay an application fee of five hundred and
seventy dollars ($570) and any dental hygienist applying for licensure shall
pay an application fee
of one hundred and thirty dollars ($130) as set forth in § 23-1-54. Application fees
shall in no
case be returned. Applicants requiring reexamination
for dentistry shall submit a fee of five
hundred and seventy dollars ($570) for each
reexamination. Applicants requiring reexamination
and for
dental hygiene shall submit a fee of one hundred and thirty dollars ($130)
fees as set forth
in § 23-1-54
for each reexamination.
(e) Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, the board of dental examiners may issue
a special license to qualifying dentists and dental
hygienists under the terms and conditions set
forth in this section and pursuant to requirements
which may be set forth in the rules and
regulations of the board. The special license may only
be issued to a person who is retired from
the practice of dentistry or dental hygiene and not
currently engaged in such practice either full-
time or part-time and has, prior to retirement,
maintained full licensure in good standing in
dentistry or dental hygiene in any state.
(2) The special licensee
shall be permitted to practice dentistry or dental hygiene only in
the non-compensated employ of public agencies or
institutions, not-for-profit agencies, not-for-
profit institutions, nonprofit corporations, or
not-for-profit associations which provide dentistry or
dental hygiene services only to indigent patients in
areas which are underserved by dentists or
dental hygienists or critical need population areas of
the state.
(3) The person applying
for the special license under this section shall submit to the
board a notarized statement from the employing agency,
institution, corporation, association or
health care program on a form prescribed by the board,
whereby he or she agrees unequivocally
not to receive compensation for any dentistry or
dental hygiene services he or she may render
while in possession of the special license.
(4) Any application fees
and all licensure and renewal fees shall be waived for the holder
of the special license under this section.
(5) A dentist or dental
hygienist licensed pursuant to this section shall comply with the
continuing education requirements established by the
board of dental examiners in this state.
Biennial registration. -- (a) Effective beginning in the calendar year
2006, on
or before the first day of May in each even-numbered
year the board shall mail an application for
biennial registration to every person to whom a
license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene in
this state has been granted by the constituted
licensing authority in the state. Every licensed
person who intends to engage in the practice of his or
her profession during the ensuing two (2)
years shall register his or her license by filing with
the board that application executed together
with any registration form and fee that is established
by regulation by the director on or before the
first day of June in each even-numbered year. Upon
receipt of that application and fee, the board
shall issue a registration certificate effective July
1 and expiring two (2) years following June 30,
and that registration certificate shall render its
holder a registered practitioner of dentistry or
dental hygiene for that registration period.
(b) The registration
certificate of all dentists and dental hygienists whose renewals
accompanied by the prescribed fee are not filed on or
before the first day of July automatically
expire. The board may in its discretion and upon the
payment by the dentist or dental hygienist of
the current registration fee plus an additional fee of
ninety dollars ($90.00) as set forth in § 23-1-
54 reinstate
any certificate expired under the provisions of this section. All unexpended
monies in
the account of the board of dentistry are transferred
to the new board of dentistry as created by
this section as of June 2, 1988.
(c) Dentists and dental
hygienists not intending to practice in this state may request on a
biennial basis to be placed on inactive status. Those
requests must be made, in writing, to the
dental administrator and must be accompanied by a
fee of one hundred and seventy dollars ($170)
for dentists and ninety dollars ($90.00) for dental
hygienists fees as set forth in §
23-1-54. Persons
on inactive status may be reinstated by paying the
current annual registration fee and must meet
any requirements established by this chapter and as
are further prescribed by the rules and
5-31.1-22. Limited
registrations. -- An applicant for limited registration under this
chapter who furnishes the board with satisfactory
proof that the applicant is eighteen (18) years of
age or older and of good moral character, that the
applicant has graduated from a dental school
accredited by the American Dental Association
Commission on Dental Accreditation or its
designated agency and approved by the board, and that
the applicant has been appointed an
intern, resident, fellow, or dental officer in a
hospital or other institution maintained by the state,
or by a city or town, or in a hospital or clinic which
is incorporated under the laws of this state or
in a clinic which is affiliated with a hospital
licensed by the department of health, or in an out-
patient clinic operated by the state, may, upon the
payment of fifty dollars ($50.00) as set forth in
§ 23-1-54 ,
be registered by the board as a hospital dental officer for any time that the
prescribes; but that limited registration entitles the
applicant to practice dentistry in the hospital or
other institution designated on his or her certificate
of limited registration, or outside that hospital
or other institution for the treatment, under the
supervision of one of its dental officers who is a
licensed dentist, in the state of persons accepted by
it as patients, or in any hospital, institution,
clinic, or program affiliated for training purposes
with the hospital, institution, or clinic
designated on this certificate, which affiliation is
approved by the board, and in any case under
regulations established by that hospital, institution,
or clinic. Each hospital, institution, or clinic
shall annually submit to the board a list of training
programs which comply with the terms of this
section. Limited registration under this section may
be revoked at any time by the board. The
board and/or the director may promulgate any rules and
regulations that it deems necessary to
carry out the provisions of this section.
5-31.1-23. Limited
registration -- Academic faculty – Fees. -- (a) Notwithstanding any
other provisions of this chapter, a dentist of
noteworthy and recognized professional attainment,
who is a clearly outstanding dentist and who has been
offered by the dean of a medical school,
dental school, or school of dental hygiene in this
state a full-time academic appointment, is
eligible for a limited registration while serving on
the academic staff of the medical school, dental
school, or school of dental hygiene. Upon
recommendation of the dean of an accredited school of
medicine, dentistry, or school of dental hygiene in
this state, the board in its discretion, after
being satisfied that the applicant is a graduate of a
foreign dental school and a person of
professional rank whose knowledge and special training
will benefit that medical school, dental
school, or school of dental hygiene may issue to that
dentist a limited registration to engage in the
practice of dentistry to the extent that the practice
is incidental to a necessary part of his or her
academic appointment and then only in the hospital or
hospitals and out-patient clinics connected
with the medical school, dental school, or school of
dental hygiene.
(b) Except to the extent
authorized by this section, the registrant shall not engage in the
practice of dentistry or receive compensation for it,
unless he or she is issued a license to practice
dentistry in accordance with the provisions of this
chapter. The registration is valid for a period of
not more than one year expiring on the 30th day of
June following its initial effective date but
may be renewed annually. The registration shall
automatically expire when the holder's
relationship with the medical school, dental school,
or school of dental hygiene is terminated.
(c) The application fee
for the registration authorized and for initial annual renewal under
this section is five hundred and seventy dollars
($570) as set forth in § 23-1-54. The application
fee for initial annual renewal is one hundred and
seventy ($170). Subsequently, fees
are as
promulgated by the director.
SECTION 6. Sections 5-32-3,
5-32-6, 5-32-7, 5-32-13 and 5-32-17 of the General Laws
in Chapter 5-32 entitled “Electrolysis” are hereby
amended to read as follows:
Certificates -- Applications -- Penalty for violations. -- The division
professional regulation of the department of health
shall issue certificates to practice electrolysis,
as defined in this chapter, to any persons that comply
with the provisions of this chapter. Any
person who desires to engage in that practice shall
submit, in writing, in any form that is required
by the board, an application for a certificate to
engage in that practice. The application shall be
accompanied by a fee of one hundred dollars ($100)
as set forth in § 23-1-54. Any person, firm,
corporation or association violating any of the
provisions of this chapter commits a misdemeanor
and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine not
to exceed two hundred dollars ($200), or
imprisoned for a period not to exceed three (3)
months, or both the fine and imprisonment.
Examination of applicants -- Expiration and renewal of certificates. --
Examination of applicants for certificates shall be
held at least twice a year in the city of
of the department of health. The division has the
power to adopt, change, alter and amend, rules
and regulations for the conducting of those
examinations, and may fix the fee for reexamination.
The division shall issue to each person successfully
passing the examination, where an
examination is required, and who satisfies the
division of his or her qualifications, a certificate,
signed by the administrator of the division, entitling
him or her to practice that business in this
state for the annual period stated in the certificate,
or until the certificate is revoked or suspended,
as subsequently provided.
(b) All certificates
shall expire on the 30th day of April of each year, unless sooner
suspended or revoked, and shall be renewed for the
next ensuing year by the division upon
payment to the division of an annual renewal fee of
thirty-one dollars and fifty cents ($31.50) as
set forth in § 23-1-54 for each renewal.
Certification of licensees from other states. -- Any person licensed to
electrolysis in any other state or states, who is, or
in good faith intends to become, a resident of
this state, where the requirements are the equivalent
of those of this state and who meets the
requirements of this chapter shall be entitled to take
that examination and, if he or she passes that
examination, shall be, upon the payment of a fee of
sixty-two dollars and fifty cents ($62.50) as
set forth in § 23-1-54 , entitled to be licensed under the provisions of
this chapter.
5-32-13. Annual
renewal of certificates. -- All certificates issued under the
of this chapter shall be renewed annually by the
holders of the certificate at an annual renewal fee
of thirty-one dollars and fifty cents ($31.50) as set forth in § 23-1-54 by the division of
professional regulation of the department of health.
Qualifications for teaching electrolysis -- (a) A person in order to
qualify as an
instructor or teacher of electrolysis to apprentices
(1) Have been actively
engaged as a licensed practitioner of electrolysis for at least five
(5) years.
(2) Pass a state board
examination specifically designed to evaluate his or her
qualifications to teach electrolysis.
(3) Be a high school
graduate or the equivalent.
(b) Upon satisfactorily
passing this examination, the division of professional regulation of
the department of health shall issue a license to the
person upon the payment of a fee of eighty
dollars ($80.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
(c) A qualified licensed
electrologist shall not register more than one
apprentice for each
nine (9) month training period.
7. Sections 5-33.2-12, 5-33.2-13.1, 5-33.2-15, and 5-33.2-16 of the General
Laws in Chapter 5-33.2
entitled “Funeral Director/Embalmer Funeral Service Establishments” are
hereby amended to read as
5-33.2-12. funeral
establishment and branch offices licenses. -- (a) No person,
association, partnership, corporation, limited
liability company or otherwise, shall conduct,
maintain, manage, or operate a funeral establishment
or branch office unless a license for each
funeral establishment and branch office has been
issued by the department and is conspicuously
displayed. In the case of funeral services conducted
under the license of a funeral establishment
held in any private residence, public building or
church, no separate establishment license shall be
required. A licensed funeral establishment must be
distinct and separate from other non- funeral
service related activity for which it is licensed. No
license to operate a funeral establishment shall
be issued by the department unless the applicant for
the funeral establishment license has
registered with the department a licensed funeral
director/embalmer who shall be in charge as the
funeral director of record. The branch office of a
funeral establishment must have a separate
branch office establishment license but not a separate
funeral director of record. One branch
office shall be allowed to operate under the funeral
establishment license, and this one branch
office may be permitted to operate without a
preparation room. Applications for the funeral
establishment license and branch office shall be made
on forms furnished by the division
accompanied by the application fee of seventy
dollars ($70.00) for the funeral establishment and
seventy dollars ($70.00) for each branch office fees as set forth in § 23-1-54. Upon receipt
of a
completed application and the recommendation of the
board, the division shall issue a license. All
funeral establishment and branch office licenses shall
expire on the thirty-first day of December
of each year, unless sooner suspended or revoked. A
license shall be issued to a specific licensee
for a specific location and is not transferable. The
funeral establishment licensee shall notify the
division, in writing, delivered in person or by
certified mail, within ten (10) days from the date of
termination of employment, for any cause, of the
funeral director/embalmer of record with the
division for the funeral establishment. The license of
the funeral establishment shall expire forty-
five (45) days from the date the division was notified
by the licensee, if no new funeral
director/embalmer is registered with the division. No
funeral services shall be conducted at the
funeral establishment without a funeral
director/embalmer being registered with the division as
the funeral director of record for that funeral
establishment. Two (2) licensed funeral directors
may operate jointly at one location if one of their
existing funeral establishments closes its place
of business and joins an existing licensed funeral establishment.
Each firm will hold its own
separate establishment license. One cannot operate a
branch office by invoking this section.
Human dead remains shall not be held more than
forty-eight (48) hours without embalming or
without refrigeration for the purpose of maintaining
public health. A funeral establishment must
at the minimum contain a preparation room equipped
with tile, cement, or composition floor,
necessary drainage and ventilation, and containing
necessary instruments and supplies for the
preparation and embalming of dead human remains for
burial, transportation, or other disposition.
(b) Any person who
inherits any ownership interest to a funeral establishment may
continue to conduct the business of that establishment
as their ownership interest would allow
upon the following:
(1) Filing with the
division a statement of change of fact concerning that inheritance.
(2) Conducting the
business of the establishment in compliance with all the requirements
of this chapter.
Crematories – License and inspection. --No crematory owned or operated
by or located on property licensed as a funeral
establishment or at another location or by a
cemetery shall conduct cremations without first having
applied for and obtained a license from
the department. Applications for the crematory license
shall be made on forms furnished by the
division accompanied by the application fee of
ninety dollars ($90.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
Upon receipt of a completed application, the
department shall issue a license. A license shall be
issued to a specific licensee for a specific location
and is not transferable. The facility and
licensee shall meet all requirements as prescribed by
the rules and regulations established by the
department, not inconsistent with this chapter.
5-33.2-15. Annual
renewal of licenses. --All licenses issued under the provisions of this
chapter must be renewed annually by their holders, who
shall pay to the division a yearly renewal
fee of one hundred and thirty dollars ($130)
for the renewal of a funeral director/embalmer's
license, ninety dollars ($90.00) and
additional fees for each funeral establishment branch office
license and ninety dollars ($90.00) for the
crematory license. These fees are as set forth in § 23-1-
54. On or
before the fifteenth day of November in each year, the division shall mail to
licensed funeral director/embalmer and to each
licensed funeral establishment, funeral
establishment branch office and crematory an
application for the renewal. Applications,
accompanied by the fee for renewal, shall be filed
with the division on or before the thirty-first
day of December in each year. Applications filed after
the thirty-first of December and on or
before the fifteenth of January must be accompanied by
a fee of seventy dollars ($70.00) as set
forth in § 23-1-54 for funeral director/embalmers and funeral establishments in addition
to the
previously established renewal fees. Any funeral
director/embalmer who acts or holds himself or
herself out as a funeral director/embalmer after his
or her certificate has been lapsed shall be
punished as provided in this chapter. Any funeral
establishment, funeral establishment branch
office or crematory who acts or holds itself out as a
funeral establishment after its license has
lapsed shall be punished as provided in this chapter.
5-33.2-16. Funeral
director/Embalmer -- Internship. -- (a) Nothing in this chapter
shall be construed as prohibiting any person from
serving as a funeral director/embalmer intern.
Before an internship begins the person desiring to
become an intern shall register with the
division on any forms that it prescribes. No person
under the age of eighteen (18) years shall be
permitted to register as an intern. The division may
make any rules and regulations that it deems
advisable for the supervision of interns. All persons
registering as an intern shall pay a fee of
forty dollars ($40.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54 at the time of the
registration. That intern is not
permitted to advertise or hold himself or herself out
to the public as a registered funeral
director/embalmer. The term of internship shall be not
less than one year; provided, that if an
intern after having served his or her internship fails
to pass the examination for a funeral
director/embalmer's license or fails to embalm fifty
(50) human remains during their internship,
he or she may continue their internship. The total
term of internship must be completed within
five (5) years from the date of original registration.
(b) The intern must have
assisted in embalming at least fifty (50) bodies if the period for
registered internship is to be satisfied in one year.
If the internship is for more than one year, the
applicant must embalm at least twenty-five (25) bodies
for each year of their internship. Each
licensed funeral establishment embalming up to one
hundred fifty (150) human remains per year
shall be allowed to register one intern at one time.
Each establishment embalming more than one
hundred fifty (150) but less than three hundred (300)
human remains per year shall be allowed to
register two (2) interns at one time. Each
establishment embalming three hundred (300) or more
human remains per year shall be allowed to register
three (3) interns at one time.
8. Sections 5-34-12, 5-34-16, 5-34-19, 5-34-37, and 5-34-40.3 of the General
Laws in Chapter 5-34
entitled “Nurses” are hereby amended to read as follows:
Application fee for professional nurses. --The applicant for a license
practice as a professional nurse shall pay a fee of
one hundred and thirty dollars ($130) as set
forth in § 23-1-54.
Application fee for practical nurse licensure. -- The applicant for
licensure to
practice as a licensed practical nurse shall pay a fee
of ninety ($90.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
Expiration and renewal of licenses -- (a) The license of every person
under this chapter shall expire on the first day of
March of every other year following the date of
license. On or before the first day of January of
every year, the director shall mail an application
for renewal of license to people scheduled to be
licensed that year. Every person who wishes to
renew his or her license shall file with the
department a duly executed renewal application
together with the renewal fee of ninety dollars
($90.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
(b) Upon receipt of an
application accompanied by payment of fees, the department shall
grant a renewal license effective March second and
expiring two (2) years later on March first,
and that renewal license shall render the holder a
legal practitioner of nursing for the period stated
on the certificate of renewal. Every person seeking
renewal of a license pursuant to this section
shall provide satisfactory evidence to the department
that in the preceding two (2) years the
practitioner has completed the ten (10) required
continuing education hours as established by the
department through rules and regulations. The
department may extend for only one six (6) month
period these educational requirements if the
department is satisfied that the applicant has suffered
hardship, which prevented meeting the educational
(c) Any person
practicing nursing during the time his or her license has lapsed shall be
considered an illegal practitioner and is subject to
the penalties provided for violation of this
(d) A licensee whose
license has expired by failure to renew may apply for reinstatement
according to the rules established by the board. Upon
satisfaction of the requirements for
reinstatement, the board shall issue a renewal of
Application fee for certified registered nurse practitioners. -- The
application fee for licensure as a certified
registered nurse practitioner shall be one hundred and
thirty dollars ($130). The , the renewal fee for a certified registered
nurse practitioner shall be one
hundred and thirty dollars ($130) biennially, ninety
dollars ($90.00) for registered nurse fee plus
forty dollars ($40.00) for the certified registered
nurse practitioner. The ,and the
fee for
application for prescriptive privileges shall be fifty
dollars ($50.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
Application fee for psychiatric and mental health clinical nurse
specialists. -- The initial application fee for licensure as a psychiatric and mental
health clinical
nurse specialist, shall be one hundred and
thirty dollars ($130). The the renewal fee
for a
psychiatric and mental health clinical nurse
specialist, shall be one hundred and thirty dollars
($130) biennially; ninety dollars ($90.00) for the
registered nurse fee plus forty dollars ($40.00)
for the psychiatric and mental health clinical nurse
specialist. The fee and the for
application fee
for prescriptive privileges shall be fifty dollars
($50.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
9. Section 5-34.2-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-34.2 entitled “Nurse
Anesthetists” is hereby
amended to read as follows:
5-34.2-4. Duties
of board. -- (a) Applications.
Applicants for licensure shall submit
appropriate certification credentials, as described in
§ 5-34.2-3, plus an application fee (not
refundable) made payable to the general treasurer,
state of for one hundred and
thirty dollars ($130) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
(b) Renewal. Licensure as a nurse anesthetist shall be renewed during
the same period as
the professional registered nurses license to practice
anesthetists license shall be one hundred and
thirty ($130), ninety dollars ($90.00) of this shall be
for the professional registered nurses license and
forty dollars ($40.00) of this shall be for the
nurse anesthetists license as set forth in § 23-1-54.
(c) Revocations, suspension or refusal to renew licensure. The board
may revoke,
suspend or refuse to renew the licensure of any nurse
anesthetist, if the board finds that the person
fails to meet the requirements for practice as a nurse
anesthetist specified in either this chapter or
board regulation.
(d) Announcement of practice. No person may practice or advertise as a
nurse anesthetist
or use other words, letters, signs, figures or devices
to indicate that the person is a certified
registered nurse anesthetist, CRNA, until the person
has first been licensed by the board.
10. Sections 5-35.1-4, 5-35.1-7 and 5-35.1-20 of the General Laws in Chapter
5-35.1 entitled
“Optometrists” are hereby amended to read al follows:
5-35.1-4. Fee for
license. -- Every applicant shall pay to the department a fee of
dollars ($90.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54 which shall accompany his or her
application for a
5-35.1-7. Renewal
of license to practice optometry. --Every licensed optometrist who
desires to continue the practice of optometry shall
attest to the completion of a prescribed course
of continuing optometric education. He or she shall
annually pay to the department a renewal fee
of one hundred seventy dollars ($170). An additional fee of seventy dollars ($70.00)
shall be
charged to the licensee who fails to renew by the
license expiration date. Retirement from
practice in this state for a period not exceeding five
(5) years shall not deprive the holder of a
certificate of license or the right to renew a
certificate upon the payment of all annual renewal
fees remaining unpaid, and a further fifty dollars
($50.00) as together with an added fee. All fees
required by this section shall be as set forth in §
5-35.1-20 Penalty
for violations. -- Any person who violates the provisions of this
chapter shall be punished by a fine or not more than two
hundred dollars ($200) that set forth in §
23-1-54, or
shall be imprisoned for not more than three (3) months for each offense.
11. Section 5.35.2-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-53.2 entitled
“Opticians” is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Optician's biennial license fee. -- Every applicant shall pay to the
a fee of ninety dollars ($90) as set forth
in § 23-1-54 which shall accompany his or her
application for a license. No one shall be permitted
to practice opticianry without a valid license.
12. Sections 5-37-2, 5-37-10, 5-37-16 and 5-37-16.1 of the General Laws in
Chapter 5-37 entitled
“Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline” are hereby amended to read
as follows:
5-37-2. License to
practice -- Qualifications of applicants -- Fee – Reexamination. --
(a) Authority to practice allopathic or osteopathic
medicine under this chapter shall be by a
license issued by the director of the department of
health to any reputable physician who intends
to practice allopathic or osteopathic medicine in this
state, and who meets the requirements for
licensure established in this chapter and regulations
established by the board or by the director.
Applicants for licensure shall present satisfactory
evidence of graduation from a medical school
or school of osteopathic medicine approved by the
board and in good standing, shall meet post
graduate training requirements and any other
requirements that the board or director establishes
by regulation, and shall pass in a satisfactory manner
any examination that the board may require.
Any physician applying for licensure shall pay an
a non refundable application fee of five
hundred and seventy dollars ($570) and that fee shall
in no case be returned. Applicants requiring
reexamination shall submit a fee of five hundred and
seventy dollars ($570) and when
a reexamination fee for each reexamination, in a total
amount as set forth in § 23-1-54.
(2) A license to
practice allopathic medicine shall be issued to persons who have
graduated from a school of medicine, possess a degree
of doctor of medicine (or meet the
requirements of subsection (b) of this section), and
meet the requirements for licensure.
(3) A license to
practice osteopathic medicine shall be issued to persons who have
graduated from a school of osteopathic medicine and
possess a degree of doctor of osteopathy
and otherwise meet the requirements for licensure. A
license to practice osteopathic medicine
shall confer upon the holder the right to practice
osteopathic medicine in all its branches as taught
and practiced in accredited colleges of osteopathic medicine.
The holder of that license shall be
subject to the same duties and liabilities and
entitled to the same rights and privileges, which may
be imposed by law or governmental regulation, upon
physicians of any school of medicine.
(b) Qualification of Certain Other Applicants for License.
Notwithstanding any other
provisions of this section an individual, who at the
time of his or her enrollment in a medical
school outside the
certificate pursuant to this section if he or she has
satisfied the following requirements:
Has studied medicine in a medical school located outside the
recognized by the World Health Organization;
(ii) Has completed all
of the formal requirements of the foreign medical school except
internship and/or social service;
(iii) Has attained a
score satisfactory to a medical school approved by the liaison
committee on medical education on a qualifying examination
acceptable to the state board for
medicine, and has satisfactorily completed one
academic year of supervised clinical training
under the direction of any
(iv) Has completed the post-graduate
hospital training required by the board of applicants
for licensure; and
(v) Has passed the
examination required by the board of all applicants for licensure.
(2) Satisfaction of the
requirements of subdivision (1) of this subsection is in lieu of the
completion of any foreign internship and/or social
service requirements, and no such
requirements are a condition of licensure as a
physician in this state.
(3) Satisfaction of the
requirements of subdivision (1) of this subsection is in lieu of
certification by the educational council for foreign
medical graduates, and this certification is not
a condition of licensure as a physician in this state.
(4) No hospital licensed
by this state, or operated by the state or a political subdivision of
the state, or which receives state financial
assistance, directly or indirectly, requires an individual,
who at the time of his or her enrollment in a medical
school outside the
of the
(1)(i),(ii), and (iii) of
this subsection prior to commencing an internship or residency.
(5) A document granted
by a medical school located outside the
recognized by the World Health Organization issued
after the completion of all the formal
requirements of that foreign medical school except
internship and/or social service, upon
certification by the medical school in which this
training was received of satisfactory completion
by the person to whom this document was issued of the
requirements in paragraph (1)(iii) of this
subsection, shall be deemed the equivalent of a degree
of doctor of medicine for purposes of
licensure and practice as a physician in this state.
(6) No funds
appropriated by the general assembly to any school or college of medicine
shall be disbursed until the director of the
department of health has certified that this school or
college has established, and will maintain until
December 31, 1989, a clinical training program as
contemplated by paragraph (1)(iii) of this subsection,
to accommodate residents of this state
deemed qualified by that school or college of medicine
consistent with that school's or college's
educational resources.
5-37-10. Annual
registration – Physicians -- Hospitals. -- (a) Effective beginning in
calendar year 2004, on or before the first day of
March in each year, the board shall mail an
application for biannual registration to every person to
whom a license to practice medicine in
this state has been granted by the licensing authority
in the state. Every licensed person who
intends to engage in the practice of his or her
profession during the ensuing two (2) year period
shall register his or her license by submitting to the
board, on or before June 1, the application,
executed together with the registration form, and fee
as established by regulation by the director
of the department of health. Upon receipt of the
application and fee the board shall issue a
registration certificate effective July 1 and expiring
two (2) years following on June 30. The
registration certificate renders the holder a
registered practitioner of medicine for that registration
period. Effective beginning in calendar year 2004, any
references in this chapter to annual
registration or annual limited registration shall be
interpreted to mean biannual registration and
biannual limited registration, respectively.
(b) The registration
certificate of all physicians whose renewals accompanied by the
prescribed fee are not completed and filed on or
before the first day of July shall automatically
lapse. The board may, in its discretion and upon the
payment by the physician of the current
registration fee plus an additional fee of one
hundred and thirty dollars ($130) as set forth in § 23-
reinstate any certificate lapsed under the provisions of this section.
(c) Hospitals shall, on
or before the first day of December of each year, submit an
application and annual fee to the board as a condition
of rendering hospital services in the state.
The form of application and fee shall be as the
director, by regulation, establishes; provided, that
the ratio of payment between hospital per bed licensing
fees and the combined licensing and
board of medical licensure and discipline fees paid by
physicians remain the same as the ratio that
existed as of January 1, 1987. All fees collected
pursuant to this section shall be deposited as
general revenues.
5-37-16. Limited
registrations. -- (a) An applicant for limited registration under this
chapter who furnishes the board with satisfactory
proof that the applicant is eighteen (18) years of
age or older and of good moral character, that the
applicant has graduated from a legally
chartered medical school or school of osteopathic
medicine having power to grant degrees in
allopathic or osteopathic medicine, and that the
applicant has been appointed an intern, resident,
fellow or medical officer in a hospital or other
institution maintained by the state, or by a city or
town, or in a hospital or clinic which is incorporated
under the laws of this state, or in a clinic
which is affiliated with a hospital licensed by the department
of health, or in an out-patient clinic
operated by the state, may, upon the payment of
forty dollars ($40.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54,
be registered by the board as a hospital medical
officer for any time that the board may prescribe.
This limited registration shall entitle the applicant
to practice medicine in the hospital or other
institution designated on his or her certificate of
limited registration, or outside this hospital or
other institution for the treatment, under the
supervision of one of its medical officers who is a
licensed physician, of persons accepted by it as
patients, or in any hospital, institution, clinic, or
program affiliated for training purposes with the
hospital, institution, or clinic designated on this
certificate, which affiliation is approved by the
board, and in any case under regulations
established by the hospital, institution, or clinic;
provided, that each hospital, institution, or clinic
annually submits to the board a list of affiliated
hospitals, institutions, clinics, or programs
providing training programs which comply with the
terms of this section. Limited registration
under this section may be revoked at any time by the
(b) The director may
promulgate any rules and regulations that he or she deems necessary
to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
5-37-16.1. Limited
registration – Academic faculty. -- Notwithstanding any other
provisions of this chapter, a physician of noteworthy
and recognized professional attainment who
is a clearly outstanding physician and who has been
offered by the dean of a medical school in
this state a full-time academic appointment, shall be
eligible for a limited registration while
serving on the academic staff of the medical school.
Upon recommendation of the dean of an
accredited school of medicine in this state, the board
in its discretion, after being satisfied that the
applicant is a graduate of a foreign medical school
and a person of professional rank whose
knowledge and special training will benefit the
medical school in this state, may issue to this
physician a limited registration to engage in the
practice of medicine to the extent that this
practice is incidental to a necessary part of his or
her academic appointment and then only in the
hospital or hospitals and out-patient clinics
connected with the medical school. Except to the
extent authorized by this section, the registrant
shall not engage in the practice of medicine or
receive compensation for his or her limited
registration work, unless he or she is issued a license
to practice medicine in accordance with the provisions
of § 5-37-2. The registration shall be valid
for a period of not more than one year expiring on the
30th day of June following its initial
effective date but may be renewed annually; provided,
that the registration automatically expires
when the holder's relationship with the medical school
is terminated. The application fee for the
initial registration authorized under this section shall
be four hundred and sixty dollars ($460);
and the
initial application fee for annual renewal shall be one hundred and thirty
dollars ($130) as
set forth in § 23-1-54. thereafter Thereafter
the fees shall be as promulgated by regulation of the
13. Section 5-37.2-10, 5-37.2-13 and 5-37.2-14 of General Laws entitled “The
Healing Art of Acupuncture”
are hereby amended to read as follows:
Application for licenses -- Fees. -- An applicant for examination for a
to practice acupuncture or any branch of acupuncture,
(1) Submit an
application to the department on forms provided by the department;
(2) Submit satisfactory
evidence that he or she is twenty-one (21) years or older and
meets the appropriate education requirements;
(3) Pay a fee of one
hundred and seventy dollars ($170) as set forth in § 23-1-54 and
(4) Pay any fees
required by the department for an investigation of the applicant or for the
services of a translator, if required, to enable the
applicant to take the examination.
Issuance of license for acupuncture assistant. -- An applicant for a
for acupuncture assistant shall be issued a license by
the department if he or she:
(1) Has successfully
completed a course of study in acupuncture in any college or school
in any country, territory, province, or state
requiring any attendance to thirty-six (36) months;
(2) Practiced acupuncture
for not less than three (3) years; and
(3) Passes the
examination of the department for acupuncture assistant. ; and
(4) Pays any fees as
set forth in section 23-1-54.
Recordation and display of licenses – Annual registration fee – Penalties
for failure to pay fee. -- (a) Every
person holding a license authorizing him or her to practice
acupuncture or to serve as an acupuncture assistant in
this state shall record his or her license with
the city or town hall in the city or town where his or
her office and residence are located. Every
licensee upon a change of residence or office shall
have his or her certificate recorded in the same
manner in the municipality to which he or she has
(b) Every license shall
be displayed in the office, place of business, or place of
employment of the license holder.
(c) Every person holding
a license shall pay to the department on or before February 1 of
each year, the annual registration fee required
pursuant to subsection (e) of this section
department rules and regulation. If the holder of a license fails to pay the
registration fee his or
her license shall be suspended. The license may be
reinstated by payment of the required fee
within ninety (90) days after February 1.
(d) A license which is
suspended for more than three (3) months under the provisions of
subsection (c) of this section may be canceled by the
board after thirty (30) days notice to the
holder of the license.
14. Section 5-39.1-9 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-39.1 entitled “License
Procedure for Social
Workers” is hereby amended to read as follows:
5-39.1-9. Fees and
renewal. --The initial fee for application for licensure is one
and seventy dollars ($170). Licenses shall be renewed and the renewal fee every twenty-four (24)
months after initial licensure upon payment of a
fee of one hundred and seventy dollars ($170)
shall be as set forth in § 23-1-54. Renewal shall be
approved upon payment of the fee and
compliance with any additional requirements that the
board promulgates.
15. Sections 5-40-8, 5-40-8.1, and 5-40-10 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-
40 entitled “Physical
Therapists” are hereby amended to read as follows:
Application fee for physical therapists. -- When an application is
submitted to
the division of professional regulation for a license
to practice physical therapy in
pursuant to this chapter, either by endorsement or by
examination, the applicant shall pay a fee of
one hundred and seventy dollars ($170) as set forth in § 23-1-54 to the state
department of health.
Application fee for physical therapists assistants. -- When an
application is
submitted to the department for a license to practice
physical therapy in
this chapter, either by endorsement or by examination,
the applicant shall pay a fee of one
hundred and thirty dollars ($130) as set forth in § 23-1-54 to the general
treasurer of the state of
Continuing education requirements and expiration and renewal of licenses.
-- (a)
The certificate of every person licensed under the provisions of this chapter
shall expire on
the first day of May of the next even year following
the date of original licensure. On or before
the first day of March of each year, the department
shall mail an application for renewal of
license to every person to whom a license has been
issued or renewed during the current licensure
period. Every licensed person who desires to renew his
or her license shall provide satisfactory
evidence to the department that in the preceding two
(2) years the practitioner has completed the
twenty-four (24) required continuing education hours
as established by the department through
rules and regulations and shall file with department a
renewal application executed together with
a renewal fee of ninety dollars ($90.00) for
physical therapists and seventy dollars ($70.00) for
physical therapist assistants as set forth in § 23-1-54 on or before the
thirty-first day of March of
each even year. The department may extend for only one
six (6) month period these educational
requirements if the department is satisfied that the applicant
has suffered hardship, which
prevented meeting the educational requirement.
(b) Upon receipt of the
renewal application, and payment of the renewal fee, the accuracy
of the application shall be verified and the
department shall grant a renewal license effective the
second day of May, and expiring on the first day of
May of the next even year.
(c) Any person who
allows his or her license to lapse by failing to renew it on or before
the thirty-first day of March of the next even year, as
provided in this section, may be reinstated
by the department on payment of the current renewal
fee plus an additional fee of forty dollars
($40.00) as
set forth in § 23-1-54.
(d) Any person using the
title "physical therapist" or "physical therapist
assistant" during
the time that his or her license has lapsed is subject
to the penalties provided for violations in this
16. Sections 5-40.1-12 and 5-40.1-13 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-40.1
entitled “Occupational
Therapy” are hereby amended to read as follows:
5-40.1-12. Renewal
of licenses - Inactive status. -- (a) Upon the recommendation of the
board, the director shall issue to applicants who have
satisfactorily met the licensure requirements
of this chapter, a license to practice occupational
therapy in this state. The license, unless sooner
suspended or revoked, shall expire on the thirty-first
(31st) day of March, of each even year
(1) On or before the
first (1st) day of March of each even year, the administrator of the
division shall mail an application for renewal of
license to every individual to whom a license has
been issued or renewed during the current licensure
(2) Every licensed
individual who desires to renew his or her license shall file with the
division a renewal application executed together with
the evidence of continuing education
requirements as delineated in subdivision (3) of this
subsection and the renewal fee of ninety
dollars ($90.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54 made payable by check to the general
treasurer, state of
(3) On application for
renewal of license, occupational therapists and occupational
therapy assistants must show proof of participation in
twenty (20) hours biennially in
presentations, clinical instruction, publications,
research, in-service programs, American
Occupational Therapy Association-recognized
conferences, university course, and/or self-study
(4) Upon receipt of a
renewal application and payment of fee, the director shall, upon the
recommendation of the board, grant a renewal license
effective the thirty-first (31st) day of
March for a period of two (2) years, unless sooner
suspended or revoked.
(5) Any individual who
allows his or her license to lapse by failing to renew it on or
before the thirty-first (31st) day of March of the
next even year as provided in subdivisions (1),
(2) and (3) of this subsection, may be reinstated by
the director upon receiving a receipt from the
division for payment of the current renewal fee plus
an additional forty dollars ($40.00) fee as set
forth in § 23-1-54 made payable by check to the general treasurer, state of
(6) An individual using
the title "occupational therapist" or "occupational therapy
assistant" during the time his or her license has
lapsed is subject to the penalties provided for
violation of those regulations and this chapter.
(b) An individual
licensed as an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant
in this state who does not intend to engage in the
practice of occupational therapy within this state
during any year, may upon request to the division,
have his or her name transferred to an inactive
status and shall not be required to register
biennially or pay any fee as long as he or she remains
inactive. Any individual whose name has been
transferred to an inactive status pursuant to this
section, may be restored to active status to practice
occupational therapy without a penalty fee,
upon the filing of an application for licensure
renewal, the licensure renewal fee of ninety dollars
($90.00) as
set forth in § 23-1-54 made payable by check to the general treasurer of
the state of
5-40.1-13. Fees.
-- When an application is submitted to the division of professional
regulation for a license to practice occupational
therapy in
non-refundable fee of ninety dollars ($90.00)
to the general treasurer. A licensee shall submit a
biennial renewal fee of ninety dollars ($90.00)
with a renewal application on or before the thirty-
first (31st) day of March of each even year pursuant
to the requirements of § 5-40.1-12(a)(2), and
any person who allows his or her license to lapse by
failing to renew it in the prescribed manner
shall pay an additional fee of forty dollars
($40.00) as referred to in § 5-40.1-12(a)(5). All fees
required by this section shall be as set forth in §
17. Sections 5-44-12, 5-44-13, and 5-44-15 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-
44 entitled “Psychologists”
are hereby amended to read as follows:
Application fee. -- The applicant applying for licensure as a
psychologist shall
pay a fee of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250)
as set forth in § 23-1-54 to the department.
5-44-13. Temporary
license. -- (a) Pursuant to §§ 5-44-6 and 5-44-23(e) of this chapter
and rules and regulations promulgated hereunder, a
temporary permit to practice psychology
under supervision may be granted to a candidate for
licensure who has paid the required fee of
ninety dollars ($90.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54 and has satisfied
the following requirements:
(1) Filed an application
for licensure with all required supporting materials;
(2) Has received a
doctoral degree in accordance with §5-44-10, and successfully
completed a national examination approved by the
(3) Shall only practice
under the appropriate supervision of a licensed psychologist as
delineated in the rules and regulations promulgated
(4) Shall refrain from
using the title "psychologist" or representing himself or herself as
psychologist other than by using the title
"psychology student", "psychology trainee" or
"psychology intern"; and
(5) The temporary permit
shall be valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of
(b) Temporary permit
holders may request from the board a one year extension. Such an
extension may be granted at the discretion of the
board upon review of the applicant's
circumstances. This extension shall only be granted
5-44-15. Expiration
and renewal of licenses – Continuing education – Lapsed
license. --
(a) The license of every person licensed under the provisions of this chapter
expire on the first day of July of the next
even-numbered year following the issuance of his or her
(b) On or before the
first day of May of each even-numbered year, the department shall
mail an application for renewal of license to every
person to whom a license has been issued or
renewed during the cycle.
(c) Every licensed
person who desires to renew his or her license shall file with the
department a renewal application, executed, together
with a renewal fee of three hundred and
forty dollars ($340) as set forth in § 23-1-54, on or before the first day of June
in each even-
numbered year. Upon receipt of a renewal application
and payment of the renewal fee, the
accuracy of the application shall be verified and the
department may grant a renewal license
effective July 1st and expiring the June 30th in each
even-numbered year.
(d) Every licensed
psychologist who desires to continue licensure as a licensed
psychologist shall present satisfactory evidence to
the board and approved by rule or regulation of
the board that the licensed psychologist has completed
a prescribed course of continuing licensed
psychological education.
(e) Any person who
allows his or her license to lapse, by failing to renew it on or before
June 1st in each even-numbered year, as provided in
this section, may be reinstated by the
department on payment of the current renewal fee, plus
an additional fee of forty dollars ($40.00)
as set forth in § 23-1-54. Any person using the title "psychologist"
or offering services defined as
the practice of psychology under this chapter during
the time his or her license has lapsed is
subject to the penalties provided for violation of
this chapter.
18. Section 5-45-7 and 5-45-10 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-45 entitled
“Nursing Home
Administrators” is hereby amended to read as follows:
Qualification for licensure. -- In order to be eligible for licensure
pursuant to
this chapter, a person shall:
(1) Be not less than
eighteen (18) years of age and of good moral character.
(2) Have satisfactorily
completed a course of instruction and training approved by the
department. The course shall be designed as to content
and administered as to present sufficient
knowledge of the needs properly to be served by
nursing homes, laws governing the operation of
nursing homes and the protection of the interests of
patients in the nursing homes, and the
elements of good nursing home administration.
(3) Have passed an
examination conducted by the board and designed to test for
competence in the subject matter referred to in
subdivision (2) of this section. Where the
department deems it appropriate for purposes of
according with religious teachings, the
examination of an individual may exclude any subjects
which could be considered in derogation
of, or in conflict with, the teachings and practice of
any recognized religious faith. Any license
issued on the basis of that abridged examination shall
be annotated to designate the appropriate
limitation of the type of facility of which the
licensed individual may be an administrator.
(4) Pay licensure
fees as set forth in section 23-1-54.
5-45-10. Renewal
of licenses - Continuing education. -- (a) Every holder of a nursing
home administrator's license shall renew it every two (2)
years by applying to the department on
forms provided by that agency.
(b) Each renewal
application shall be accompanied by the fee of two hundred dollars
($200) as
set forth in § 23-1-54.
(c) Beginning January 1,
1996, proof of satisfactory completion of a minimum of forty
(40) clock hours of continuing education every two (2)
years must be submitted with the renewal
(d) Renewals shall be
granted as a matter of course, unless the agency finds the applicant
has acted or failed to act in a manner or under
circumstances that would constitute grounds for
suspension or revocation of a license.
19. Sections 5-48-1 and 5-48-9 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-48 entitled
“Speech Pathology and
Audiology” are hereby amended to read as follows:
5-48-1. Purpose
and legislative intent – Definitions. -- (a) It is declared to be a
of this state that the practice of speech language
pathology and audiology is a privilege granted to
qualified persons and that, in order to safeguard the
public health, safety, and welfare, protect the
public from being misled by incompetent, unscrupulous,
and unauthorized persons, and protect
the public from unprofessional conduct by qualified
speech language pathologists and
audiologists, it is necessary to provide regulatory
authority over persons offering speech language
pathology and audiology services to the public.
(b) The following words
and terms when used in this chapter have the following meaning
unless otherwise indicated within the context:
"Audiologist" means an individual licensed by the board to practice
"Audiology" means the application of principles, methods, and
procedures related to
hearing and the disorders of the hearing and balance
systems, to related language and speech
disorders, and to aberrant behavior related to hearing
loss. A hearing disorder in an individual is
defined as altered sensitivity, acuity, function,
processing, and/or damage to the integrity of the
physiological auditory/vestibular systems.
(3) "Audiology
support personnel" means individuals who meets minimum
qualifications, established by the board, which are
less than those established by this chapter as
necessary for licensing as an audiologist, who do not
act independently, and who work under the
direction and supervision of an audiologist licensed
under this chapter who has been actively
working in the field for twenty-four (24) months after
completion of the postgraduate
professional experience and who accepts the
responsibility for the acts and performances of the
audiology assistant while working under this chapter.
(4) "Board"
means the state board of examiners for speech language pathology and
(5) "Clinical
fellow" means the person who is practicing speech language pathology
under the supervision of a licensed speech language
pathologist while completing the
postgraduate professional experience as required by
this chapter.
"Department" means the
(7) "Director"
means the director of the
(8) "Person"
means an individual, partnership, organization, or corporation, except that
only individuals can be licensed under this chapter.
(9) "Practice of
audiology" means rendering or offering to render any service in
audiology, including prevention, screening, and
identification, evaluation, habilitation,
rehabilitation; participating in environmental and
occupational hearing conservation programs,
and habilitation and rehabilitation programs including
hearing aid and assistive listening device
evaluation, prescription, preparation, dispensing,
and/or selling and orientation; auditory training
and speech reading; conducting and interpreting tests
of vestibular function and nystagmus;
conducting and interpreting electrophysiological
measures of the auditory pathway; cerumen
management; evaluating sound environment and
equipment; calibrating instruments used in
testing and supplementing auditory function; and
planning, directing, conducting or supervising
programs that render or offer to render any service in
(ii) The practice of
audiology may include speech and/or language screening to a pass or
fail determination, for the purpose of initial
identification of individuals with other disorders of
(iii) A practice is
deemed to be the "practice of audiology" if services are offered
any title incorporating such word as "audiology",
"audiologist", "audiometry",
"audiological", "audiometrics",
"hearing therapy", "hearing therapist", "hearing
clinic", "hearing
clinician", "hearing conservation",
"hearing conservationist", "hearing center", "hearing
audiologist", or any similar title or description
of services.
(10) "Practice of
speech language pathology" means rendering or offering to render any
service in speech language pathology including
prevention, identification, evaluation,
consultation, habilitation, rehabilitation;
determining the need for augmentative communication
systems, dispensing and selling these systems, and
providing training in the use of these systems;
and planning, directing, conducting, or supervising
programs that render or offer to render any
service in speech language pathology.
(ii) The practice of
speech language pathology may include nondiagnostic
pure tone air
conduction screening, screening tympanometry,
and acoustic reflex screening, limited to a pass or
fail determination, for the purpose of performing a
speech and language evaluation or for the
initial identification of individuals with other
disorders of communication.
(iii) The practice of
speech language pathology also may include aural rehabilitation,
which is defined as services and procedures for
facilitating adequate receptive and expressive
communication in individuals with hearing impairment.
(iv) A practice is
deemed to be the "practice of speech language pathology" if services
offered under any title incorporating such words as
"speech pathology", "speech pathologist",
"speech therapy", "speech
therapist", "speech correction", "speech correctionist", "speech clinic",
"speech clinician", "language
pathology", "language pathologist", "voice therapy",
therapist", "voice pathology",
"voice pathologist", "logopedics",
"logopedist", "communicology",
"aphasiology", "aphasiologist", "phoniatrist",
or any similar title or
description of services.
(11) "Regionally
accredited" means the official guarantee that a college or university or
other educational institution is in conformity with
the standards of education prescribed by a
regional accrediting commission recognized by the
United States Secretary of Education.
(12) "Speech
language pathologist" means an individual who is licensed by the board to
practice speech language pathology.
(13) "Speech
language pathology" means the application of principles, methods, and
procedures for prevention, identification, evaluation,
consultation, habilitation, rehabilitation,
instruction, and research related to the development
and disorders of human communication.
Disorders are defined to include any and all
conditions, whether of organic or non-organic origin,
that impede the normal process of human communication
in individuals or groups of individuals
who have or are suspected of having these conditions,
including, but not limited to, disorders and
related disorders of:
Speech: articulation, fluency, voice, (including respiration, phonation and
(ii) Language (involving
the parameters of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics
and pragmatics; and including disorders of receptive
and expressive communication in oral,
written, graphic, and manual modalities);
(iii) Oral, pharyngeal,
laryngeal, cervical esophageal, and related functions (e.g.,
dysphasia, including disorders of swallowing and oral
function for feeding; oro-facial
myofunctional disorders);
(iv) Cognitive aspects
of communication (including communication disability and other
functional disabilities associated with cognitive
impairment); and
(v) Social aspects of
communication (including challenging behavior, ineffective social
skills, lack of communication opportunities).
(14) "Speech
language support personnel" means individuals who meet minimum
qualifications established by the board, which are
less than those established by this chapter as
necessary for licensing as a speech language
pathologist, who do not act independently, and who
work under the direction and supervision of a speech
language pathologist licensed under this
chapter who has been actively working in the field for
twenty-four (24) months after completion
of the postgraduate professional experience and who
accepts the responsibility for the acts and
performances of the speech language pathology
assistant while working under this chapter.
Speech language support personnel shall be registered
with the board within thirty (30) days of
beginning work, or the supervising speech language
pathologist will be assessed a late filing fee
of seventy dollars ($70.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
5-48-9. Fees --
Late filing -- Inactive status. -- Filing fees for support personnel
registration. - (a) The board may charge an
application fee of fifty dollars ($50.00); a biennial
license renewal fee of ninety dollars ($90.00)
payable before July 1 of even years (biennially); or
a provisional license renewal fee of fifty dollars
($50.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54 payable
annually from the date of issue.
(b) Any person who
allows his or her license to lapse by failing to renew it on or before
the thirtieth (30th) day of June of even years (biennially),
may be reinstated by the board on
payment of the current renewal fee plus an additional
late filing fee of forty dollars ($40.00) as set
forth in § 23-1-54.
(c) An individual
licensed as a speech language pathologist and/or audiologist in this
state, not in the active practice of speech-language
pathology or audiology within this state during
any year, may upon request to the board, have his or
her name transferred to an inactive status
and shall not be required to register biennially or
pay any fee as long as he or she remains
inactive. Inactive status may be maintained for no
longer than two (2) consecutive licensing
periods, after which period licensure shall be
terminated and reapplication to the board shall be
required to resume practice.
(d) Any individual whose
name has been transferred to an inactive status may be restored
to active status within two (2) licensing periods
without a penalty fee, upon the filing of:
(1) An application for
licensure renewal, with a licensure renewal fee of ninety dollars
($90.00) as
set forth in § 23-1-54 made payable by check to the general treasurer of
the state of
(2) Any other
information that the board may request.
(e) Audiology and speech
language pathology support personnel shall be registered with
the board within thirty (30) days of beginning work,
or the supervising audiologist or speech
language pathologist shall be assessed a late filing
fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) as set forth in § 23-
1-54 .
20. Sections 5-49-6, 5-49-8, and 5-49-11 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-49
entitled “Hearing Aid
Dealers and Fitters” are hereby amended to read as follows:
5-49-6. Issuance
of licenses and certificates of endorsement. -- (a) The department
shall register each applicant without discrimination
who passes an examination as provided in §
5-49-7. Upon the applicant's payment of twenty-five
dollars ($25.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54 per
annum for each year of the term of license, the
department shall issue to the applicant a license
signed by the department. The total fee for the entire
term of licensure shall be paid prior to the
issuance of the license.
(b) Whenever the board determines
that another state or jurisdiction has requirements
equivalent to or higher than those in effect pursuant
to this chapter, and that this state or
jurisdiction has a program equivalent to or stricter
than the program for determining whether
applicants pursuant to this chapter are qualified to
dispense and fit hearing aids, the department
may issue certificates of endorsement to applicants
who hold current, unsuspended, and
unrevoked certificates or licenses to fit and sell
hearing aids in that other state or jurisdiction.
(c) No applicant for
certificate of endorsement shall be required to submit to or undergo a
qualifying examination, etc., other than the payment
of fees, pursuant to § 5-49-11 as set forth in
§ 23-1-54.
(d) The holder of a
certificate of endorsement shall be registered in the same manner as a
licensee. The fee for an initial certificate of
endorsement shall be the same as the fee for an initial
license. Fees, grounds for renewal, and procedures for
the suspension and revocation of
certificates of endorsement shall be the same as for
renewal, suspension, and revocation of a
5-49-8. Temporary
permits. -- (a) An applicant who fulfills the requirements regarding
age, character, education, and health as provided in §
5-49-7, may obtain a temporary permit
upon application to the department. Previous
experience or a waiting period shall not be required
to obtain a temporary permit.
(b) Upon receiving an
application as provided under this section, and accompanied by a
fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) as set
forth in § 23-1-54, the department shall issue a
temporary permit which entitles the applicant to
engage in the fitting and sale of hearing aids for
a period of one year.
(c) A person holding a
valid hearing aid dealer's and fitter's license is responsible for the
supervision and training of that applicant and
maintain adequate personal contact.
(d) If a person who
holds a temporary permit under this section has not successfully
passed the licensing examination within one year from
the date of issuance of the permit, the
temporary permit may be renewed or reissued once upon
payment of a twenty-five dollar
($25.00) fee
as set forth in § 23-1-54.
5-49-11. Duration
of license – Renewal of license – Fees – Effect of failure to renew. -
- (a) The department shall promulgate rules and
regulations mandating the term of license for
each category of license issued pursuant to this
chapter. No license shall remain in force for a
period in excess of two (2) years.
(1) Each person who
engages in the fitting and sale of hearing aids shall pay to the
department a fee, assessed at thirty-one dollars
and twenty-five cents ($31.25) as set forth in § 23-
1-54 per
annum for each year of the term of license, for a renewal of his or her
(2) The renewal
certificate shall be conspicuously posted in his or her office or place of
business at all times.
(3) Where more than one
office is operated by the licensee, duplicate certificates shall be
issued by the department for posting in each location.
(b) A thirty (30) day
grace period shall be allowed during which time licenses may be
renewed on payment of a fee to the department of
twenty-five dollars ($25.00) as set forth in §
23-1-54 per
annum for each year of the term of renewal.
(c) After expiration of
the grace period, the department may renew those certificates upon
payment to the department of twenty-five dollars
($25.00) a fee as set forth in § 23-1-54 per
annum for each year of the term of renewal.
(d) The total fee for
the entire term of license or renewal shall be paid prior to the
issuance of the license.
(e) No person who
applies for renewal, whose license has expired, shall be required to
submit to any examination as a condition to renewal;
provided, that the renewal application is
made within two (2) years from the date of that
21. Sections 5-54-9 and 5-54-11 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-54 entitled
“Physician Assistants” are
hereby amended to read as follows:
5-54-9. Criteria
for licensure as a physician assistant. -- The board shall recommend to
the director for licensure as a physician assistant an
applicant who:
(1) Is of good character
and reputation;
(2) Graduated from a
physician assistant training program certified by the AMA's
Committee on Allied Health, Education, and
Accreditation, its successor, the Commission on
Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs
(CAAHEP) or its successor.
(3) Passed a certifying
examination approved by the National Commission on
Certification of Physician Assistants or any other
national certifying exam approved by the board.
(4) Submitted a
completed application together with the required fee of ninety dollars
($90.00) as
set forth in § 23-1-54.
5-54-11. Issuance
and annual renewal of certificates of licensure. -- (a) The board
shall recommend to the director for registration those
individuals who meet the criteria for
licensure as stated in this chapter. Upon that
recommendation, the director shall issue a certificate
of licensure as a physician assistant.
(b) The certificate of
licensure shall expire biannually on the thirtieth (30th) day of June.
On or before the first day of March in each year, the
administrator shall mail an application for a
renewal certificate to every person licensed under the
provisions of this chapter, and every person
who desires his or her certificate to be renewed shall
file with the division the renewal application
together with a renewal fee of one hundred and
seventy dollars ($170) as set forth in § 23-1-54 on
or before the first day of June in every other year.
Upon receipt of the renewal application and
payment of fee, the accuracy of the application shall
be verified and the administrator shall grant
a renewal certificate effective July 1st and expiring
June 30th two years hence, unless the
certificate is sooner suspended for cause as provided
in § 5-54-12.
22. Sections 5-59.1-5 and 5-59.1-12 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-59.1
entitled “Rhode Island
Orthotics and Prosthetics Practice” are hereby amended to read as follows:
5-59.1-5. Application
for orthotic or prosthetic license. -- Any person who desires to
be licensed as set forth in § 5-59.1-4 shall in
writing submit an application on forms provided by
the department for a license accompanied by a fee of
three hundred and thirty dollars ($330) as
set forth in § 23-1-54 with all other credentials that the department
requires and as required by
this chapter. All the proceeds of any fees collected
pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall
be deposited as general revenues.
Relicensing - Renewal. -- Every holder of a license issued under this
shall biannually attest to the department as to
current certification issued by the American Board
of Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics or the
Board for Orthotists/Prosthetist Certification.
All licenses issued under this chapter shall expire
biannually on the last day of September of
every odd numbered year. A biennial renewal fee of
one hundred and seventy dollars ($170) as
set forth in § 23-1-54 shall be required. Every orthotist
and prosthetist shall conform to the
standards of the American Board for Certification in
Orthotics and Prosthetics or Board for
Orthotists/Prosthetists Certification.
23. Section 5-60-11 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-60 entitled “Athletic
Trainers” is hereby amended
to read as follows:
5-60-11. Fees. -- The
fees for applicants Applicants for
athletic trainer licenses are:
(1) An athletic
trainer shall pay a license fee, of sixty-two dollars and
fifty cents ($62.50);
(2) An athletic
trainer and, if applicable, a biennial license renewal fee of
dollars and fifty cents ($62.50) as set forth in § 23-1-54. Any person allowing
their license to
lapse shall pay a twenty-five dollar ($25.00)
late fee as set forth in § 23-1-54.
24. Sections 5-63.2-16 and 5-63.2-17 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-63.2
entitled “Mental Health
Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists” are hereby amended to
read as follows:
Application fee. -- The applicant applying for licensure as a clinical
health counselor or marriage and family therapist
shall pay an a non refundable application fee of
four hundred and sixty dollars ($460) and the fee shall be in no case returned.
requiring reexamination shall submit a fee of four
hundred and sixty dollars ($460) ,
applicable, a reexamination fee for each reexamination. Both fees required by this
section are set
forth in § 23-1-54.
5-63.2-17. Expiration
and renewal of license. -- (a) Every clinical mental health
counselor and marriage and family therapist who
desires to continue licensure as a licensed
clinical mental health counselor and licensed marriage
and family therapist shall present
satisfactory evidence to the board and approved by
rule or regulation of the board that the
licensed clinical mental health counselor and licensed
marriage and family therapist has
completed a prescribed course of continuing education.
The license of every person licensed
under the provisions of this chapter shall expire on
the first day of July of the next even year
following the date of his or her license; provided,
that no license shall expire prior to July 1,
1998. On or before the first day of May in each even
year, commencing in the year 1998, the
administrator shall mail an application for renewal of
license to every person to whom a license is
issued or renewed during the current year, and every
licensed person who desires to renew his or
her license files with the division the renewal
application executed. This application shall include
verification of prescribed continuing education
requirements, together with three hundred and
thirty dollars ($330) a renewal fee as set forth in § 23-1-54 on or
before the first day of June in
each even year. Upon receipt of the application and
payment of the fee, the accuracy of the
application shall be verified and the administrator of
professional regulation shall grant a renewal
license effective July 1st and expiring twenty-four
(24) months later.
(b) Any person who
allows his or her license to lapse, by failing to renew it on or before
June 1st in each year, as provided in this section,
shall be reinstated by the administrator of
professional regulation on payment of the current
renewal fee plus an additional fee of seventy
dollars ($70.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54; and verification of prescribed
continuing education
requirements. Any person using the title
"clinical mental health counselor" and/or "marriage and
family therapist" during the time his or her
license has lapsed shall be subject to the penalties
provided for violation of this chapter; provided, that
if a person has allowed his or her licensure to
lapse for four (4) years or more, he or she shall be
reinstated at the discretion of the board.
25. Sections 5-64-6, 5-64-7 and 5-64-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-64
entitled “The Licensed
Dietician” are hereby amended to read as follows:
5-64-6. Applicant
qualifications - Permit applications - Fees - Exemptions. -- (a)
When filing an application for a license the applicant
must present evidence of:
(1) Completion of a
baccalaureate or post-baccalaureate degree with a program in
nutrition or dietetics; and
(2) Completion of a
board approved, planned, continuous experience in dietetic practice
of not less than nine hundred (900) hours under the
supervision of a registered dietitian or
dietitian/nutritionist licensed in the state; and
(3) Passing an
(b) Each application
shall be accompanied by a fee of ninety dollars ($90.00) as set forth
in § 23-1-54.
5-64-7. Graduate
practice. -- Every graduate of a program in nutrition/dietetics, which
is accredited/approved by the American Dietetic
Association, who meets the qualifications of
section 5-64-6(a) may, upon payment of the required
application fee as set forth in section 23-1-
54, perform
as a dietitian/nutritionist under the supervision of a dietitian/nutritionist
licensed in
this state. During this period, the applicant shall
identify himself or herself only as a "graduate
dietitian/nutritionist". If the applicant fails
to take the next qualifying exam without cause or fails
to pass the examination and receive a license, all
privileges mentioned in this section shall
automatically cease.
5-64-8. Fees. --
Licenses shall be valid for two (2) years and must be renewed biennially;
the renewal fee is one hundred and seventy dollars
($170) as set forth in § 23-1-54. Application
for renewal of a certificate, which has expired,
requires the payment of a re-registration fee of one
hundred and seventy dollars ($170) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
26. Section 5-68.1-10 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-68.1 entitled
“Radiologic Technologists”
is hereby amended to read as follows:
5-68.1-10. Fees.
-- (a) The director, in consultation with the board, shall establish an
initial application fee that shall not exceed one
hundred seventy dollars ($170) as set forth in §
23-1-54 and
a license renewal fee that shall be prescribed in rules and regulations
pursuant to § 5-68.1-15.
(b) The proceeds of any
fees collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be
deposited in the general fund as general revenues.
27. Sections 5-69-9 and 5-69-14 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-69 entitled
“License Procedure for
Chemical Dependency Professionals” are hereby amended to read as
5-69-9. Fees
and renewal. -- The non-refundable application fee for licensure shall
fifty dollars ($50.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54. Licenses shall be
renewed every two (2) years on
October first of even numbered years upon payment of a
fee of fifty ($50.00) dollars as set forth
in § 23-1-54,
compliance with ICRC/AODA member board requirements, and compliance with
any additional requirements that the licensing board
may promulgate. The requirements may
include the establishment of standards for continuing
5-69-14. Restricted
receipt account Fees collected. -- Any fees collected under the
provisions of this chapter shall be deposited in a
restricted receipt account for the general
purposes of the administration of the division of
substance abuse services, department of mental
health, retardation, and hospitals by the department as general revenues.
28. Section 5-71-8 and 5-71-9 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-71 entitled
“Interpreters for the Deaf”
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Qualifications of applicants for licenses. -- (a) To be eligible for
licensure by
the board as an interpreter for the deaf or transliterator for the deaf, or educational interpreter for
the deaf, the applicant must submit written evidence
on forms furnished by the department,
verified by oath, that the applicant meets all of the
following requirements:
(1) Is of good moral
(2) Meets the
certification or screened requirements as defined in regulations
promulgated by the department; and
(3) Pays the department
a license fee, that does not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) as set
forth in § 23-1-54.
(b) To be eligible for
licensure by the board as an educational interpreter for the deaf, the
applicant must meet all of the requirements as
described in subsection (a) and must further
present proof of successful completion of the
educational interpreter performance assessment
(EIPA), written and performance tests, or a similar
test as approved by the board, at a
performance level established by the board.
5-71-9. Licensure
and regulations of interpreters for the deaf. -- (a) Licensure shall be
granted in either transliterating or interpreting
independently. A person may be licensed in both
areas if he or she is qualified as defined in
subsection 5-71-8(a).
(b) No person shall
practice or hold him or herself out as being able to practice
interpreting for the deaf, or transliterating for the
deaf, or educational interpreting for the deaf as
defined in section 5-71-3 unless he or she shall be
licensed in accordance with the provisions of
this chapter. No person shall hold himself or herself
out as being an educational interpreter for the
deaf as defined in section 5-71-3 unless he or she is
licensed in accordance with the provisions of
this chapter.
(c) Each licensed
interpreter for the deaf upon commencing to practice, and upon any
change in address shall promptly notify the department
of said change in home or office address,
and shall furnish any other information to the
department that it may require. Every licensed
interpreter for the deaf shall annually, before July
1st pay the department a license renewal fee,
that does not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) as set forth in section 23-1-54 for each
corresponding to the area under which the person is
practicing. The department may suspend the
authority of any licensed interpreter for the deaf to
practice for failure to comply with any of the
requirements of this chapter or the regulations
promulgated thereunder. The department makes
available for public inspection, a complete list of
the names of all interpreters for the deaf
licensed and practicing in the state.
(d) Three (3) types of
licensure may be issued to interpreters and or transliterators
for the
(1) A certified license
shall be granted to interpreters or transliterators
who have met the
certification requirements as set forth in regulations
promulgated by the department;
(2) A screened license
shall be granted to interpreters who have met the educational
requirements as set forth in regulations promulgated
by the department, and who have
successfully completed a recognized state screening or
state equivalent as determined by the
department in consultation with the board; and
(3) Beginning July 1,
2012, an educational interpreter license may be granted to
interpreters or transliterators
who meet the requirements of subsection 5-71-8(b).
(e) All licensed
interpreters shall be required to complete continuing education, as set
forth in regulations promulgated by the department.
29. Section 21-2-7 of the General Laws in Chapter 21-2 entitled "Milk
Sanitation Code" is
hereby amended to read as follows:
21-2-7. Permits.
-- (a) It shall be unlawful for any milk producer whose dairy farm is
located wholly or partly in this state to sell or to offer
to sell milk or milk products or to have
milk stored for sale who does not possess at all times
(b) It shall be unlawful
for any milk hauler to transport any milk or milk products to any
milk plant in the state of
this state unless he or she shall at all times possess
(c) It shall be unlawful
for any person to operate a milk plant in the state of
who does not possess a
plant located in
(d) It shall be unlawful
for any milk distributor to sell or offer to sell milk or milk
products, including raw milk cheese, within the state
times possess a milk distributor's permit from the
(e) It shall be unlawful
for any milk hauler to transport any milk or milk products from
any point outside the state into the state of
any milk plant located in
any point outside the state of
products within this state which come from any point
outside this state, unless:
(1) Every producer who
produces any part of the milk or milk products shall have been
inspected and shall from time to time be inspected
with the same minimum frequency, to the
same degree, and according to the same requirements as
provided in this chapter or any
regulations promulgated under this chapter in the case
(2) Every vehicle in
which the milk is transported to the plant where processed shall from
time to time be inspected with the same minimum
frequency, to the same degree, and according
to the same requirements as provided in this chapter
or any regulations promulgated pursuant to
this chapter in the case of
(3) The operator of each
milk plant located outside the state of
part of the milk is processed at all times possesses an
out-of-state milk plant permit from the
(f) It shall be unlawful
for any person located in the state of
for sale to any milk hauler or milk plant, or for any
milk plant to pasteurize any raw milk for
pasteurization, any part of which shall be used for
grade A pasteurized milk or for any grade A
milk product, unless the person at all times is in
possession of a
(g) The fees for the following
permits referred to in this section shall be as follows as set
forth in § 23-1-54:
(1) In-state milk
processors: one hundred sixty dollars ($160);
(2) Out-of-state milk
processors: one hundred sixty dollars ($160); and
(3) Milk distributors:
one hundred sixty dollars ($160); .
Milk producers and milk haulers shall be exempt from permit fees.
30. Section 21-9-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 21-9 entitled "Frozen
Desserts" is hereby
amended to read as follows:
21-9-3. License fee.
-- The annual license fee fees for the following licenses
shall be as
follows as
set forth in § 23-1-54:
(1) Instate wholesale
frozen dessert processors: five hundred and fifty dollars ($550). ;
(2) Out of state
wholesale frozen dessert processors: one hundred sixty dollars ($160).;
(3) Retail frozen
dessert processors: one hundred sixty dollars ($160).
31. Section 21-11-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 21-11 entitled
"Meats" is
hereby amended to read as
21-11-4. Issuance
and term of licenses - Suspension or revocation. -- The director of
health shall, upon receipt of application for a
license to operate an establishment for any or all of
the purposes mentioned in § 21-11-3, cause that
establishment to be inspected and, if it is found
to conform to the provisions of this chapter and the
regulations adopted in accordance with this
chapter, shall issue a license upon receipt of a fee of
one hundred sixty dollars ($160) as set forth
in § 23-1-54;
provided, that the license fee shall be forty dollars ($40.00) at a
reduced rate, as also
set forth in § 23-1-54, for any one establishment where: (1) the meat is sold
only at retail, (2) no
slaughtering is performed, and (3) no more than one of
the activities described in § 21-11-3 for
which a license is required is performed. In order to
set the license renewal dates so that all
activities for each establishment can be combined on
one license instead of on several licenses,
the department of health shall set the license renewal
date. The license period shall be for twelve
(12) months, commencing on the license renewal date,
and the license fee shall be at the full
annual rate regardless of the date of application or
the date of issuance of license. If the license
renewal date is changed, the department may make an
adjustment to the fees of licensed
establishments, not to exceed the annual license fee,
in order to implement the change in license
renewal date. Applications for renewal of licenses,
accompanied by the prescribed fee, shall be
submitted at least two (2) weeks before the renewal
date. Licenses issued or renewed under this
section may be suspended or revoked for failure to
comply with the provisions of this chapter or
the regulations adopted in accordance with this
32. Section 21-14-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 21-14 entitled
Packing Houses" is
hereby amended to read as follows:
21-14-2. License
for shellfish business. -- No person shall conduct within this state
shellfish business until that person shall have
obtained a license from the department. The
director shall, upon receipt of application for a
license to conduct a shellfish business, cause the
applicant's shellfish business facilities to be
investigated and, if they are found to comply with the
provisions of this chapter and the regulations adopted
in accordance with this chapter, shall issue
a license upon receipt of a fee of three hundred
twenty dollars ($320) for a shipper/reshipper or a
fee of three hundred ninety dollars ($390) for a shucker packer/repacker as set forth in § 23-1-54.
Any license issued shall apply only to those phases of
the shellfish business that appear on the
license and are defined by the director in regulations
he or she shall adopt in regard to licensing.
In order to set the license renewal dates so that all
activities for each establishment can be
combined on one license instead of on several
licenses, the department of health shall set the
license renewal date. The license period shall be for
twelve (12) months, unless sooner suspended
or revoked for cause, commencing on the license
renewal date, and the license fee shall be at the
full annual rate regardless of the date of application
or the date of issuance of license. If the
license renewal date is changed, the department may
make an adjustment to the fees of licensed
establishments, not to exceed the annual license fee,
in order to implement the change in license
renewal date. Licenses issued pursuant to this section
may be suspended or revoked for violation
of the provisions of this chapter or the regulations
adopted in accordance with this chapter. The
director may, after a hearing, refuse to issue any
shellfish business license to any person who has
been convicted of any violation of this chapter.
33. Section 21-23-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 21-23 entitled
"Nonalcoholic Bottled
Beverages, Drinks and Juices" is hereby amended to read as follows:
21-23-2. Issuance
and renewal of permits - Fee - Posting - Exempt cider. -- Blank
forms of the application for permits shall be
furnished by the department without cost. The fee for
the permit shall be five hundred and fifty dollars
($550) provided, that the as set forth in § 23-1-
54. The
fee for a permit to manufacture or bottle apple cider shall also be sixty
dollars ($60.00) as
set forth in § 23-1-54. In order to set the license renewal dates so that
all activities for each
establishment can be combined on one license instead
of on several licenses, the department of
health shall set the license renewal date. The license
period shall be for twelve (12) months,
commencing on the license renewal date, and the
license fee shall be at the full annual rate
regardless of the date of application or the date of
issuance of license. If the license renewal date
is changed, the department may make an adjustment to
the fees of licensed establishments, not to
exceed the annual license fee, in order to implement
the change in license renewal date. Any
person applying for a permit to bottle or manufacture
apple cider shall certify that he or she does
not manufacture or bottle any carbonated or
nonalcoholic beverage, soda water, fruit juice, syrup,
bottled drinking water, either plain or carbonated, or
any other so-called soft drink, other than
apple cider. The fee received by the department for
"bottlers' permits" shall be turned over to the
general treasurer. All permits granted under this
chapter shall be posted in a conspicuous place on
the premises of the bottler so that they may readily
be seen by any person inspecting the
premises; provided that the fees so far as they relate
to cider, shall not apply to any person who
manufactures and bottles during any one calendar year
not exceeding five hundred (500) gallons
of cider.
34. Sections 21-27-6.1, 21-27-10 and 21-27-11.2 of the General Laws in
Chapter 21-27 entitled
"Sanitation in Food Establishments" are hereby amended to read as
21-27-6.1. Farm
home food manufacture. --Notwithstanding the other provisions of
this chapter, the department of health shall permit
farm home food manufacture and the sale of
the products of farm home food manufacture at farmers'
markets, farmstands, and other markets
and stores operated by farmers for the purpose of the
retail sale of the products of
farms, provided that the requirements of this section
are met.
(1) The farm home food
products shall be produced in a kitchen that is on the premises of
a farm and meets the standards for kitchens as
provided for in minimum housing standards,
adopted pursuant to chapter 24.2 of title 45 and the
Housing Maintenance and Occupancy Code,
adopted pursuant to chapter 24.3 of title 45, and in
addition the kitchen shall:
Be equipped at minimum with either a two (2) compartment sink or a dishwasher
reaches one hundred fifty (150) degrees Fahrenheit
after the final rinse and drying cycle and a one
compartment sink;
(ii) Have sufficient
area or facilities, such as portable dish tubs and drain boards, for the
proper handling of soiled utensils prior to washing
and of cleaned utensils after washing so as not
to interfere with safe food handling; equipment,
utensils, and tableware shall be air dried;
(iii) Have drain boards
and food preparation surfaces that shall be of a nonabsorbent,
corrosion resistant material such as stainless steel, formica or other chip resistant, nonpitted
(iv) Have self-closing
doors for bathrooms that open directly into the kitchen;
(v) If farm is on
private water supply it must be tested once per year.
(2) The farm home food
products are prepared and produced ready for sale under the
following conditions:
Pets are kept out of food preparation and food storage areas at all times;
(ii) Cooking facilities
shall not be used for domestic food purposes while farm home food
products are being prepared;
(iii) Garbage is placed
and stored in impervious covered receptacles before it is removed
from the kitchen, which removal shall be at least once
each day that the kitchen is used for farm
home food manufacture;
(iv) Any laundry
facilities which may be in the kitchen shall not be used during farm
home food manufacture;
(v) Recipe(s) for each
farm home food product with all the ingredients and quantities
listed, and processing times and procedures, are
maintained in the kitchen for review and
(vi) List ingredients on
(vii) Label with farm
name, address and telephone number.
(3) Farm home food
manufacture shall be limited to the production of nonpotentially
hazardous food and foods that do not require
refrigeration, including:
Jams, jellies, preserves and acid foods, such as vinegars, that are prepared
using fruits,
vegetables and/or herbs that have been grown locally;
(ii) Double crust pies
that are made with fruit grown locally;
(iii) Yeast breads;
(iv) Maple syrup from the
sap of trees on the farm or of trees within a twenty (20) mile
radius of the farm;
(v) Candies and fudges;
(vi) Dried herbs and
(4) Each farm home
kitchen shall be registered with the department of health and shall
require a notarized affidavit of compliance, in any
form that the department may require, from the
owner of the farm that the requirements of this
section have been met and the operation of the
kitchen shall be in conformity with the requirements
of this section. A certificate of registration
shall be issued by the department upon the payment of
a sixty-five dollar ($65.00) fee as set forth
in § 23-1-54
and the submission of an affidavit of compliance. The certificate of
registration shall
be valid for one year after the date of issuance;
provided, however, that the certificate may be
revoked by the director at any time for noncompliance
with the requirements of the section. The
certificate of registration, with a copy of the
affidavit of compliance, shall be kept in the kitchen
where the farm home food manufacture takes place. The
director of health shall have the
authority to develop and issue a standard form for the
affidavit of compliance to be used by
persons applying for a certificate of registration;
the form shall impose no requirements or
certifications beyond those set forth in this section
and § 21-27-1(6). No certificates of
registration shall be issued by the department prior
to September 1, 2002.
(5) Income from farm
home food manufacture shall not be included in the calculation of
farm income for the purposes of obtaining an exemption
from the sales and use tax pursuant to §
44-18-30(32), nor shall any equipment, utensils, or
supplies acquired for the purpose of creating
or operating farm home food manufacture be exempt from
the sales and use tax as provided for in
Registration of food businesses. -- (a) No person shall operate a food
as defined in § 21-27-1(8) unless he or she annually
registers the business with the state director
of health; provided, that food businesses conducted by
nonprofit organizations, hospitals, public
institutions, farmers markets, roadside farmstands, or any municipality shall be exempt from
payment of any required fee.
(b) In order to set the
registration renewal dates so that all activities for each
establishment can be combined on one registration
instead of on several registrations, the
registration renewal date shall be set by the department
of health. The registration period shall be
for twelve (12) months commencing on the registration
renewal date, and the registration fee
shall be at the full annual rate regardless of the
date of application or the date of issuance of
registration. If the registration renewal date is
changed, the department may make an adjustment
to the fees of registered establishments, not to
exceed the annual registration fee, in order to
implement the changes in registration renewal date.
Registrations issued under this chapter may
be suspended or revoked for cause. Any registration or
license shall be posted in a place
accessible and prominently visible to an agent of the
(c) Registration with
the director of health shall be based upon satisfactory compliance
with all laws and regulations of the director
applicable to the food business for which registration
is required.
(d) The director of
health is authorized to adopt regulations necessary for the
implementation of this chapter.
(e) Classification and
fees for registration shall be as follows:
(1) In state and out
of state Food food processors that
sell food in
(Wholesale) $280.00
(2) Food processors
(Retail) 120.00
(3) Food service establishments:
50 seats or less 160.00
(ii) More than 50 seats 240.00
(iii) Mobile food
service units 100.00
(iv) Industrial caterer
or food vending machine commissary 280.00
(v) Cultural heritage
educational facility 80.00
(4) Vending machine
sites or location:
Three (3) or less machines 50.00
(ii) Four (4) to ten
(10) machines 100.00
(iii) Eleven (11) or
more machines 120.00
(5) Retail markets:
1 to 2 cash registers 120.00
(ii) 3 to 5 cash
registers 240.00
(iii) 6 or more cash
registers 510.00
(6) Retail food peddler
(meat, seafood, dairy, and frozen dessert products) 100.00
(7) Food warehouses 190.00
(f) In no instance where
an individual food business has more than one activity eligible
under this chapter for state registration within a
single location shall the business be required to
pay more than a single fee for the one highest
classified activity listed in subsection (e) of this
section; provided, that where several separate but
identically classified activities are located
within the same building and under the management and
jurisdiction of one person, one fee shall
be required. In each of the instances in this
subsection, each activity shall be separately registered.
(g) Fees for
registration of the above classifications shall be as set forth in § 23-1-54.
Application for certification. -- Any person who shall desire to be
in food safety shall submit in writing, on any forms
as provided by the division, an application for
certification which shall be accompanied by an
application fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) as set
forth in § 23-1-54 together with any other credentials that the rules and regulations and
division may require.
35. Section 23-1-39 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-1 entitled “Department
of Health” is hereby
amended to read as follows:
23-1-39. Tattooing
and/or body piercing. -- (a) The director shall promulgate rules and
regulations which provide minimum requirements to be
met by any person performing tattooing
and/or body piercing upon any individual and for any
establishment where tattooing and/or body
piercing is performed. These requirements shall
include, but not be limited to, general sanitation
of premises wherein tattooing and/or body piercing is
to be performed and sterilization of
instruments. These rules and regulations shall place
emphasis on the prevention of disease,
specifically including, but not limited to,
transmission of hepatitis B and/or human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
(b) In addition, these
rules and regulations shall establish procedures for registration with
the department of health of all persons performing
tattooing and/or body piercing, for registration
of any establishment where tattooing and/or body
piercing is performed, for regular inspections of
premises where tattooing and/or body piercing is
performed, for revocation of the registration of
any person or establishment deemed in violation of the
rules and regulations promulgated under
this section. An annual registration fee in the amount
of ninety dollars ($90.00) as set forth in §
shall be paid by any person or establishment registered to perform tattooing
and/or body
piercing under this section. All fees shall be
deposited by the department as general revenues.
(c) Body piercing of a
minor is prohibited; provided, however, that body piercing will be
allowed if the minor is accompanied by his or her
parent or guardian, and the parent or guardian
gives consent to the body piercing.
36. Section 23-3-25 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-3 entitled “Vital
Records” is hereby amended
to read as follows:
23-3-25. Fees for
copies and searches. -- (a) The state registrar shall charge fees for
searches and copies as follows:
(1) For a search of two
(2) consecutive calendar years under one name and for issuance of
a certified copy of a certificate of birth, fetal
death, death, or marriage, or a certification of birth,
or a certification that the record cannot be found, and
each duplicate copy of a certificate or
certification issued at the same time , the fee is twenty dollars ($20.00). For
each duplicate copy
of a certificate or certification issued at the same
time, the fee is fifteen dollars ($15.00) as set
forth in § 23-1-54.
(2) For each additional
calendar year search, if applied for at the same time or within
three (3) months of the original request and if proof
of payment for the basic search is submitted,
the fee is two dollars ($2.00) as set forth
in § 23-1-54.
(3) For providing
expedited service, the additional handling fee is seven dollars ($7.00)
as set forth in § 23-1-54.
(4) For processing of
adoptions, legitimations, or paternity determinations
as specified in
§§ 23-3-14 and 23-3-15, there shall be a fee of
fifteen dollars ($15.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
(5) For making
authorized corrections, alterations, and additions, the fee is ten dollars
($10.00) as
set forth in § 23-1-54; provided, no fee shall be collected for making
corrections or alterations and additions on records
filed before one year of the date on which the
event recorded has occurred.
(6) For examination of
documentary proof and the filing of a delayed record, there is a
fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) as set forth
in § 23-1-54; and in addition to that fee, the there is an
fee is twenty dollars ($20.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54 for the
issuance of a certified
copy of a delayed record.
(b) Fees collected under
this section by the state registrar shall be deposited in the general
fund of this state, according to the procedures
established by the state treasurer.
(c) The local registrar
shall charge fees for searches and copies of records as follows:
(1) For a search of two
(2) consecutive calendar years under one name and for issuance of
a certified copy of a certificate of birth, fetal
death, death, delayed birth, or marriage, or a
certification of birth or a certification that the
record cannot be found, the fee is twenty dollars
($20.00). For each duplicate copy of a certificate or
certification issued at the same time, the fee
is fifteen dollars ($15.00).
(2) For each additional
calendar year search, if applied for at the same time or within
three (3) months of the original request and if proof
of payment for the basic search is submitted,
the fee is two dollars ($2.00).
(d) Fees collected under
this section by the local registrar shall be deposited in the city or
town treasury according to the procedures established
by the city or town treasurer except that six
dollars ($6.00) of the certified copy fees shall be
submitted to the state registrar for deposit in the
general fund of this state.
37. Section 23-4-13 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-4 entitled “Office of
the State Medical Examiner”
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Establishment of fees. -- The director of the department of health
establish a fee of forty dollars ($40.00) fees
for autopsy reports, a fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) for
cremation certificates, and statistics, and not
less than six hundred and fifty dollars ($650) per
hour nor more than thirty-two hundred and fifty
dollars ($3,250) per day. The
director shall also
impose fees, at an hourly or daily rate, to give testimony in civil suits under this chapter.
All fees
are as set forth in § 23-1-54. The director is authorized to establish in
regulation reasonable fees
for additional documents not otherwise specified in
this section. All of these fees shall be
collected and deposited as general revenues; provided,
however, that no city or town, or any
agency or department of a city and town within the
state, or the department of human services,
shall be required to pay any fees established by the
director pursuant to this section.
38. Section 23-4.1-10 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-4.1 entitled
“Emergency Medical
Transportation Services” is hereby amended to read as follows:
Regulations and fees. -- (a) The director shall be guided by the
purposes and
intent of this chapter in the making of regulations as
authorized by this chapter.
(b) The director may
issue regulations necessary to bring into effect any of the provisions
of this chapter.
(c) The director may
shall charge a license fee fees of not more than
four hundred and
ninety dollars ($490) for an annual license for an ambulance service, a
license fee of not more
than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) for an annual vehicle license, and a license fee
of not
more than ninety dollars ($90.00) for an emergency medical technician license. All
such fees are
as set forth in § 23-1-54.
(2) The director may
charge an examination fee of not more than ninety dollars ($90.00)
for examinations for an emergency medical technician
license and may charge an inspection fee
of not more than one hundred and seventy dollars
($170) for inspections for a vehicle
license as
set forth in § 23-1-54.
(3) The director is also
authorized to establish reasonable fees for other administrative
actions that the director shall deem necessary to
implement this chapter. The fees provided for in
this section shall be deposited as general revenues
and shall not apply to any city or town
employee providing services referenced in this chapter
on behalf of the city or town, and shall not
apply to any individual providing services referenced
in this chapter on behalf of any bona fide
volunteer or not for profit organization. Further, the
services licensure fees and vehicle inspection
fees shall not apply to services and vehicles operated
by any city, town, or fire district or to
services and vehicles operated by bona fide volunteer
or not for profit organizations.
39. Section 23-16.2-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-16.2 entitled
“Laboratories” is hereby
amended to read as follows:
23-16.2-4. License
required for clinical laboratories -- Term of license -- Application
- Fee. --
(a) It shall be unlawful for any persons, corporation, or other form of
business entity to
perform clinical or analytical laboratory services on
specimens collected in this state or to own or
maintain a laboratory or station in this state without
having a license issued by the department of
health pursuant to this chapter. A license, unless
sooner suspended or revoked under the
provisions of this chapter, shall expire on the
thirtieth (30th) day of December of every other year
following the date of license. This will be determined
on an odd-even basis with respect to the
license number. Each license shall be issued only to
conduct the tests approved and for the
premises and persons named in the application, and
shall not be transferable or assignable. The
fee for a clinical laboratory license shall be six
hundred and fifty dollars ($650) as set forth in §
23-1-54 for
each specialty for which the laboratory is approved. The fee for a station
license shall
be six hundred and fifty dollars ($650) as
set forth in § 23-1-54. The fees shall be made payable
to the general treasurer, state of
department of health.
(b) It shall be unlawful
for any persons, corporations, or other form of entity to own,
operate, maintain, conduct, or sponsor a temporary or
ad hoc screening program without having
obtained a permit from the director of health. The fee
for any permit shall be seventy dollars
($70.00) as
set forth in § 23-1-54. It is within the director's discretion to waive the
fee. All fees
shall be made payable to the general treasurer, state
section shall require any licensed persons,
corporations, or other entity to pay the permit fee, if
the screening program is provided free of charge to
the public by the licensed persons,
corporation, or entity.
40. Section 23-17-38 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-17 entitled
“Licensing of Health Care
Facilities” is hereby amended to read as follows:
Establishment of fees. -- The director shall establish fees for
application, licensure renewal, inspection, and
administrative actions under this chapter. Annual
inspection fees for hospitals and rehabilitation
hospital centers shall be sixteen thousand nine
hundred dollars ($16,900) assessed on a per facility basis, plus
as well as an additional fee of one
hundred and twenty dollars ($120) per bed. Annual licensure fees for health
organizations and for-profit end stage renal dialysis facilities shall be three
thousand nine hundred
dollars ($3,900) assessed on a per facility basis. Annual licensure fees
for home nursing care
providers and home care providers shall be six
hundred and fifty dollars ($650) assessed on a per
facility basis; however, no additional license
fee shall be charged when a home nursing care
provider or home care provider changes location during
any calendar year for which an annual
license fee has already been paid for that home
nursing care provider or home care provider. All
fees required in this section shall be as set forth in
§ 23-1-54. Annual licensure fees for
ambulatory care facilities shall also be six
hundred and fifty dollars ($650) as set forth in § 23-1-
54, provided
that not-for-profit entities operating more than one ambulatory care facility
shall be
subject to a single annual licensure fee for all such
licenses; provided, further, that nonprofit
charitable community health centers, school based
health centers and nonprofit hospice programs
with a current home nursing care provider license shall
be exempt from the fee. All annual
licensure fees not otherwise designated shall be
established in regulation and shall be collected
and deposited as general revenues of the state.
41. Section 23-17.4-15.2 and 23-17.4-31 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-
17.4 entitled “Assisted
Living Residence Licensing Act” is hereby amended to read as follows:
Administrator requirements. -- (a) Each assisted living residence shall
have an administrator who is certified by the department
in accordance with regulations
established pursuant to section 23-17.4-21.1 in charge
of the maintenance and operation of the
residence and the services to the residents. The
administrator is responsible for the safe and
proper operation of the residence at all times by
competent and appropriate employee(s).
(b) The licensing
agency shall perform a criminal background records check on any
person applying or reapplying for certification as an
administrator. If disqualifying information is
found, the licensing agency shall make a judgment
regarding certification for that person.
(c) The department may
suspend or revoke the certification of an administrator for cause,
including but not limited to failure to maintain
compliance with the qualifications stated in this
section, repeated or intentional violations of this
chapter or regulations, or conviction (including
but not limited to a plea of nolo
contendere) to charges of resident abuse under the
provisions of
chapter 17.8 of this title, or a conviction of a
felony, or exploitation.
(d) The director
shall establish fees for licensure application and licensure renewal as set
forth in section 23-1-54.
Establishment of fees. -- The director may establish reasonable fees
for the
licensure application, licensure renewal, and
administrative actions under this chapter. Annual
licensure fees shall be three hundred and thirty
dollars ($330) per licensee plus an additional fee
of seventy dollars ($70.00) per licensed bed, where applicable, shall be
assessed. All fees
required in this section shall be as set forth in §
42. Sections 23-17.9-3, 23-17.9-5, 23-17.9-6 and 23-17.9-7 of the General
Laws in Chapter 23-17.9 entitled
“Registration of Nursing Assistants” are hereby amended to
read as follows:
Training and competency evaluation program for levels of nursing
assistants. -- Standards for training and/or competency evaluation programs for
nursing assistants
and exemptions for applicants from the requirements of
training programs shall be consistent with
federal statutory and regulatory requirements and
shall be defined according to the rules and
regulations promulgated by the department of health.
The national standards pertaining to nursing
assistants, nurse aides-home health aides, and the
national home caring council or its succeeding
agency, (model curriculum and teaching guide for the
instruction of homemaker-home health
aide) and any other appropriate standards shall serve
as guidelines in the development of
regulatory standards for other levels of nursing
assistants as determined by the director. The
department may require a fee of not more four
hundred and ten dollars ($410) as set forth in § 23-
1-54 as an
application fee for biennial training and competency evaluation program
Qualifying examination. -- Nursing assistants as defined in § 23-17.9-2
are employed or have had experience as a nursing assistant
prior to the enactment of this chapter,
and the effective date of the regulations promulgated
in relation to this chapter, shall pass the
appropriate level of examination administered by the
department approved by the director in lieu
of the training program. Exempt from the qualifying
examination are home health
aides/homemakers who have successfully passed the
qualifying examination and/or successfully
completed an approved home health aide/homemaker
program under the provisions of chapter
17.7 of this title and the regulations promulgated in
relation to that chapter. Also exempt from the
qualifying examination are classes of individuals,
regardless of employment setting, who are
exempted from examination by federal statute or
regulations and these exemptions shall be
defined according to rules and regulations promulgated
by the department of health. Successful
completion of the qualifying examination and the
provisions of this section shall be deemed
satisfactory for employment as a nursing assistant.
Unless exempted by rules and regulations
promulgated by the department of health, each
application must be submitted with a processing
fee of forty dollars ($40.00) as set forth
in § 23-1-54 to be paid by the employing facility or
agency if the applicant has been continuously employed
by the facility for six (6) months prior to
the application or by another responsible party as
defined in rules and regulations promulgated by
the department of health consistent with federal
statutory and/or regulatory requirements; but, if
the applicant is unemployed, to be submitted by the
applicant. If the applicant shall be
continuously employed by the same facility for six (6)
months after the application, then the fee
shall be directly refunded to the applicant by the
facility or agency. If federal statutory or
regulatory requirements mandate that the certifying
agency conduct an examination of manual
skills proficiency as a component of the examination
process to meet minimal federal
compliance, a manual skills proficiency examination
may be required by rules and regulations
promulgated by the department of health for all
applicants not otherwise exempted from the
examination requirements. If a manual skills
proficiency examination is required to be conducted
by the certifying agency as a component of the
certifying examination, each application shall be
accompanied by a fee not to exceed one hundred and
thirty dollars ($130) as set forth in § 23-1-
54 to be
paid by the employing facility or agency if the applicant has been continuously
by the facility for six (6) months prior to the
application or by another responsible party as
defined in rules and regulations promulgated by the
department of health consistent with federal
statutory and/or regulatory requirements; but, if the
applicant is unemployed, to be submitted by
the applicant. If the applicant shall be continuously
employed by the same facility for six (6)
months after the application, then the fee shall be
directly refunded on a pro rata basis between
months six (6) and twelve (12) to the applicant by the
facility or agency.
Registration. -- Every nursing assistant being employed as a nursing
or offering services as a nursing assistant must
obtain a certificate of registration issued by the
department. Every nursing assistant, prior to being
issued a certificate of registration by the
department, shall successfully complete the training program
and/or qualifying examination as
required by §§ 23-17.9-3 and 23-17.9-5 unless
otherwise exempt from the requirements. All
applicants not otherwise exempted are required to
complete the process of training and
examination within a period of one year from the date
of initiation of training. Failure to
successfully complete this process within one year
requires that the applicant repeat the training
program and be retested. All nursing assistants shall
be registered with and qualified by the
department of health. The fee for registration is forty
dollars ($40.00) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
The department shall keep a register in which are
entered the names of all persons to whom
certificates of registration are issued under this
chapter and the register shall be open to public
inspection. In addition, if required by federal
mandate the department will also keep a separate
nurse aide registry.
23-17.9-7. Renewal
of certificate of registration. -- Every holder of a nursing assistant
certificate of registration shall register biennially
by making application to the department on
forms provided by the agency. The renewals shall be
granted as a matter of course, upon payment
of a fee of forty dollars ($40.00) as set
forth in § 23-1-54 unless the agency finds that the
applicant has acted or failed to act in a manner under
the circumstances that would constitute
grounds for suspension or revocation of a certificate
of registration.
43. Section 23-19.3-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-19.3 entitled
"Sanitarians" is
hereby amended to read as follows:
Application for registration - Examination - Issuance of certificate --
(a) A
person who desires to be registered as a sanitarian
shall file with the division of professional
regulation an application upon a form to be prescribed
and furnished by the division of
professional regulation. He or she shall include in
the application, under oath, his or her
qualifications as a sanitarian. The application shall be
accompanied by a registration fee of one
hundred and seventy dollars ($170) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
(b) If the division of
professional regulation deems the education qualifications of the
applicant are satisfactory and if he or she passes an examination,
both written and oral,
satisfactory to the division of professional
regulation, the division shall issue him or her a
certificate of registration. The certificate of
registration shall expire at the end of the calendar
year, and may be renewed on or before January
fifteenth (15th) of the following year. The fee for
renewal of a certificate of registration shall be fifty
dollars ($50) as set forth in § 23-1-54.
44. Section 23-20.8-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-20.8 entitled
“Licensing of Massage
Therapy Establishments” is hereby amended to read as follows:
Practice of massage -- Use of titles limited -- Qualifications for licenses --
Fees. --
(a) Only a person licensed under this chapter shall practice massage.
(b) Only a person
licensed under this chapter as a massage therapist may use the title
"massage therapist." Only a person licensed
under this chapter may use the title "masseur" or
(c) No person, firm,
partnership, or corporation shall describe its services under the title
"massage" or "massage therapy"
unless these services, as defined in §23-20.8-1, are performed by
a person licensed to practice massage under this
chapter, and, if described as "massage therapy,"
by a massage therapist.
(d) Application for
licenses as a masseur or masseuse, or as a massage therapist, shall be
issued by the department of health. Except for persons
licensed as massage therapists, the
department shall establish minimum educational and training
requirements for the persons to be
licensed under this chapter and shall have the
authority to take disciplinary action against a
licensee for knowingly placing the health of a client
at serious risk without maintaining the proper
(e) The fee for original
application for licensure as a massage therapist shall be fifty
dollars ($50.00).The fee and for annual license renewal shall be fifty
dollars ($50.00) as set forth
in § 23-1-54.
Fees for all other licenses under this chapter shall be fixed in an amount
to cover the cost of administering this chapter.
(f) Any person applying
for a license under this chapter shall undergo a criminal
background check. Such persons shall apply to the bureau
of criminal identification of the state
police or local police department for a nationwide
criminal records check. Fingerprinting shall be
required. Upon the discovery of any disqualifying
information as defined in §23-20.8-5, the
bureau of criminal identification of the state police
or the local police department shall inform the
applicant, in writing, of the nature of the
disqualifying information. The applicant shall be
responsible for payment of the costs of the criminal
records check.
45. Section 23-21-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-21 entitled
of Recreational
Facilities" is hereby amended to read as follows:
23-21-2. License
required -- Issuance and expiration of license. -- No person shall
maintain within this state any recreation facility or
use until that person shall have obtained a
license for a facility or use from the department. The
director, upon receipt of an application for a
recreation facility or use shall cause the facility or
use to be inspected and, if the facility or use is
found to comply with the provisions of this chapter
and the regulations adopted in accordance
with the provisions of this chapter, shall issue a
license upon receipt of a fee of one hundred sixty
($160) as
set forth in § 23-1-54. In order to set the license renewal dates so that
all activities for
each establishment can be combined on one license
instead of on several licenses, the license
renewal date shall be set by the department of health.
The license period shall be for twelve (12)
months, commencing on the license renewal date, unless
sooner suspended or revoked for
violation of the provisions of this chapter or the
regulations adopted in accordance with this
chapter, and the license fee shall be at the full
annual rate regardless of the date of application or
the date of issuance of license. If the license
renewal date is changed, the department may make
an adjustment to the fees of licensed establishments,
not to exceed the annual license fee, in order
to implement the change in license renewal date.
46. Sections 23-22-6, and 23-22-10 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-22
entitled “Licensing of
Swimming Pools” are hereby amended to read as follows:
23-22-6. License required
-- Term of license -- Application -- Fee .-- (a) No person
shall maintain within this state a swimming pool until
that person shall have obtained the
appropriate license from the department. Licenses
shall be of two (2) types, year-round or
seasonal. The director, upon receipt of an application
for a license to operate a swimming pool,
shall cause that swimming pool to be inspected and if
the swimming pool is found to comply with
the provisions of this chapter and the regulations
adopted in accordance with this chapter, shall
issue a license upon receipt of a fee for a year-round
license, of two hundred fifty dollars ($250)
for the first pool at one location and seventy-five
dollars ($75.00) an additional fee for each
additional pool at the same location, . The
director shall issue a license upon receipt of a fee for a
seasonal license of one hundred fifty dollars
($150) for the first pool at one location and seventy-
five dollars ($75.00) an additional fee for each additional pool at
the same location. Seasonal
licenses shall begin no sooner than June 1, and expire
on September 30 of the year issued and
year-round licenses shall expire on December 31 of the
year issued, unless sooner revoked for
violation of the provisions of this chapter or of the
regulations adopted in accordance with this
chapter. Provided, however, every organization which
provides recreational facilities for persons
under the age of eighteen (18) years and which is
exempt from income taxes pursuant to the
provisions of 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3), and which
maintains a swimming pool shall pay a fee of
twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for a year-round license. All fees required by
this section shall be as
set forth in § 23-1-54. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any
swimming pool
maintained by the state.
(b) No lifeguard shall
be required for any pool licensed in this chapter; provided, a
lifeguard shall be on duty if the pool is used by a
swim club or a group of unsupervised children
who may have access to the pool. Operators of pools
shall, when no lifeguard is on duty:
(1) Require an attendant
and/or a mechanical system to limit access to guests and
members only;
(2) Require a person trained
in first aid to be physically located in close proximity to the
pool in question;
(3) Require the
following signs to be posted in a conspicuous place:
in RED)
(ii) NO ONE UNDER 18
(4) Require, in the case
of outdoor pools, in addition to the above requirements, a fence
with a lockable gate or door, a minimum of not less
than six feet (6') in height, which completely
surrounds the pool area.
Duplicate license -- Displaying license after suspension or revocation. --
Whenever a license while still effective may become
defaced or destroyed, the department of
health shall, upon application, issue a duplicate
license upon payment of a fee of two dollars
($2.00) as
set forth in § 23-1-54 to the department. It shall be unlawful for any
person to display
or to keep displayed any license after the person has
received notice of the suspension or
revocation of the license.
47. Section 23-39-11 of the General Laws in Chapter 23-39 entitled
“Respiratory Care Act” is
hereby amended to read as follows:
23-39-11. Fees. --
(a) The director, in consultation with the board, shall establish a
schedule of reasonable fees for licenses, and for
renewal of licenses for respiratory care
(b) The initial
application fee shall be one hundred and seventy dollars ($170) as
set forth
in § 23-1-54.
(c) A biennial license
renewal fee shall be established in an amount of one hundred and
thirty ($130)
as set forth in § 23-1-54.
48. Chapter 23-1 of the General Laws entitled “Department of Health” is
hereby amended by adding
thereto the following section:
23-1-16.1 Letters
of License Verification-Fees. -- (a) There shall be a fee, to be
paid by
the individual or entity making the request as set
forth in § 23-1-54, for any letter issued by the
department verifying a license which was issued by the
department; and
(b) the proceeds of
any fees collected pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be
paid into the state treasury and shall be for the use
of the department of health to offset the costs
of issuing the license verification letters.
49. Chapter 23-1 of the General Laws entitled “Department of Health” is
hereby amended by adding
thereto the following section:
23-1-54. Fees
Payable to the Department of Health. -- Fees payable to the
shall be as follows:
PROFESSION RIGL Section Description of Fee FEE
Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-10 (a) Renewal application $25.00
Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-10 (a) Renewal application:
Manicuring Instructors
and manicurists $25.00
Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-10 (b) Minimum late renewal fee $25.00
Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-10 (b) Maximum late renewal fee $100.00
Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-11 [c] Application fee $25.00
Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-11 [c] Application fee: manicuring
and manicurists $25.00
Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-13 Demonstrator's permit $90.00
Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-15 Shop license: initial $170.00
Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-15 Shop license: renewal $170.00
Barbers/hairdressers 5-10-15(b) Initial: per licensed chair/station $50.00
Veterinarians 5-25-10 Application fee $40.00
Veterinarians 5-25-11 Examination fee $540.00
Veterinarians 5-25-12 (a) Renewal fee $580.00
Veterinarians 5-25-12 [c] Late renewal fee $120.00
Podiatrists 5-29-7 Application fee $240.00
Podiatrists 5-29-11 Renewal fee: minimum $240.00
Podiatrists 5-29-11 Renewal fee: maximum $540.00
Podiatrists 5-29-13 Limited registration $65.00
Podiatrists 5-29-14 Limited registration:
faculty $240.00
Podiatrists 5-29-14 Application fee:
minimum $240.00
Podiatrists 5-29-14 Application fee:
maximum $440.00
Chiropractors 5-30-6 Examination fee: $210.00
Chiropractors 5-30-7 Examination exemption
fee: $210.00
Chiropractors 5-30-8 (b) Exam Physiotherapy $210.00
Chiropractors 5-30-8 (b) Exam chiro
and physiotherapy $210.00
Chiropractors 5-30-12 Renewal fee $210.00
hygienists 5-31.1-6 (d) Dentist: application fee $965.00
hygienists 5-31.1-6 (d) Dental hygienist: application
fee $65.00
hygienists 5-31.1-6 (d) Reexamination: dentist $965.00
hygienists 5-31.1-6 (d) Reexamination: hygienist $65.00
hygienists 5-31.1-21 (b) Reinstatement fee dentist $90.00
hygienists 5-31.1-21 (b) Reinstatement fee hygienist $90.00
hygienists 5-31.1-21 (c) Inactive status: dentist $220.00
hygienists 5-31.1-21 (c) Inactive status: hygienist $40.00
hygienists 5-31.1-22 Limited registration $65.00
hygienists 5-31.1-23 [c] Limited reg:
faculty $965.00
hygienists 5-31.1-23 [c] Limited reg:
faculty renewal $500.00
Electrolysis 5-32-3 Application fee $25.00
Electrolysis 5-32-6 (b) Renewal fee $25.00
Electrolysis 5-32-7 Reciprocal license fee
Electrolysis 5-32-17 Teaching license $25.00
directors/embalmers/ 5-33.2-12 Funeral
establishment license $120.00
Funeral services
directors/embalmers/ 5-33.2-15 Renewal:
funeral/director $90.00
funeral services
establishments embalmer $30.00
directors/embalmers/ 5-33.2-12 Funeral
branch ofc license $90.00
directors/embalmers/ 5-33.2-13.1 Crematories:
application fee $120.00
Funeral services
Funeral directors/embalmers/
5-33.2-15 Renewal:
Funeral Svcs establishments establishment $120.00
directors/embalmers/ 5-33.2-15 Additional
branch office
Funeral services
Establishments licenses $120.00
Funeral directors/embalmers/
5-33.2-15 Crematory
renewal fee
Funeral svcs establishments $120.00
directors/embalmers/ 5-33.2-15 Late
renewal fee
Funeral svcs establishments (All license types) $25.00
Funeral directors/embalmers/
5-33.2-16 (a) Intern
registration fee
Funeral Services
establishments $25.00
Nurses 5-34-12 RN Application fee $135.00
Nurses 5-34-16 LPN Application fee $45.00
Nurses 5-34-19 Renewal fee: RN $135.00
Nurses 5-34-19 Renewal fee: LPN $45.00
Nurses 5-34-37 RNP application fee $80.00
Nurses 5-34-37 RNP renewal fee $80.00
Nurses 5-34-37 RNP prescriptive
privileges $65.00
Nurses 5-34-40.3 Clin
nurse spec application $80.00
Nurses 5-34-40.3 Clin
nurse spec renewal $80.00
Nurses 5-34-40.3 Clin
nurse spec Rx privilege $65.00
Nurse anesthetists 5-34.2-4 (a) CRNA application fee $80.00
Nurse anesthetists 5-34.2-4 (b) CRNA renewal fee $80.00
Optometrists 5-35.1-4 Application fee $280.00
Optometrists 5-35.1-7 Renewal fee $280.00
Optometrists 5-35.1-7 Late fee $90.00
Optometrists 5-35.1-7 Reactivation of license
fee $65.00
Optometrists 5-35.1-19 (b) Violations of section $650.00
Optometrists 5-35.1-20 Violations of chapter $260.00
Opticians 5-35.2-3 Application fee $30.00
Physicians 5-37-2 Application fee $1,090.00
Physicians 5-37-2 Re-examination fee $1,090.00
Physicians 5-37-10 (b) Late renewal fee $170.00
Physicians 5-37-16 Limited registration fee
Physicians 5-37-16.1 Ltd reg:
academic faculty $600.00
Physicians 5-37-16.1 Ltd reg:
renewal $170.00
Acupuncture 5-37.2-10 Application fee $310.00
Acupuncture 5-37.2-13(4) Acupuncture assistant $310.00
fee $170.00
Social workers 5-39.1-9 Application fee $70.00
Social workers 5-39.1-9 Renewal fee $70.00
Physical therapists 5-40-8 Application fee $155.00
Physical therapists 5-40-8.1 Application: physical therapy
assistants $ 50.00
Physical therapists 5-40-10 (a) Renewal fee:
therapists $155.00
Physical therapists 5-40-10 (a) Renewal fee: Physical therapy
$ 50.00
Physical therapists 5-40-10 [c] Late renewals $ 50.00
therapists 5-40.1-12 (2) Renewal fee $140.00
therapists 5-40.1-12 (5) Late renewal fee $50.00
therapists 5-40.1-12 (b) Reactivation fee $140.00
therapists 5-40.1-13 Application fee $140.00
Psychologists 5-44-12 Application fee $230.00
Psychologists 5-44-13 Temporary permit $120.00
Psychologists 5-44-15[c] Renewal fee $230.00
Psychologists 5-44-15 (e) Late renewal fee $50.00
Nursing home
administrators 5-45-10 Renewal
fee $160.00
pathologist/audiologists 5-48-1 (14) Speech
lang support personnel:
filing $
Speech pathologist/audiologists
5-48-9 (a) Application
fee: Audiologist $ 65.00
pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9 (a) Application
Pathologist $145.00
pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9 (a) Renewal
fee: Audiologist $65.00
pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9 (a) Renewal
fee: Speech
pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9 (a) Provisional
license: renewal fee $65.00
pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9 (b) Late
renewal fee $50.00
pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9 (d)(1) Reinstatement
fee: audiologist $65.00
pathologist/audiologists 5-48-9 (d)(1) Reinstatement
fee: audiologist $65.00
pathologists $145.00
late filing $65.00
Hearing aid
dealers/fitters 5-49-6 (a) License endorsement
fee $ 25.00
Hearing aid
dealers/fitters 5-49-8 (b) Temporary permit fee $ 25.00
Hearing aid dealers/fitters
5-49-8 (d) Temporary permit renewal fee $ 35.00
Hearing aid
dealers/fitters 5-49-11 (1) ` License fee $ 25.00
Hearing aid
dealers/fitters 5-49-11 (b) License renewal fee $25.00
Hearing aid
dealers/fitters 5-49-11 [c] License renewal late fee $25.00
Physician assistants 5-54-9 (4) Application fee $110.00
Physician assistants 5-54-11 (b) Renewal fee $110.00
practice 5-59.1-5 Application
fee $120.00
practice 5-59.1-12 Renewal
fee $120.00
Athletic trainers 5-60-11 Application fee $60.00
Athletic trainers 5-60-11 Renewal fee $60.00
Athletic trainers 5-60-11 Late renewal fee $25.00
Mental health counselors/
5-63.2-16 Application fee: marriage/
Marriage and family
therapists ` Family therapist $130.00
Mental health
counselors/ 5-63.2-16 Application fee: mental
Marriage and family
therapists Health
counselors $70.00
Mental health
counselors/ 5-63.2-16 Reexamination fee:
Marriage and family
therapists Marriage/family
therapist $130.00
Mental health
counselors/ 5-63.2-16 Reexamination fee:
Marriage and family
therapists Mental
health counselors $ 70.00
Mental health
counselors/ 5-63.2-17(a) Renewal fee: marriage/
Marriage and Family
therapists Family
therapist $130.00
Mental health
counselors/ 5-63.2-17(a) Renewal fee:
Marriage and Family
therapist Mental
health counselor $50.00
Mental health
counselors/ 5-63.2-17(b) Late renewal fee
Marriage and Family
therapist Marriage
and family therapist $90.00
5-64-6 (b) Application fee $75.00
5-64-7 Graduate status:
fee: $75.00
5-64-8 Renewal fee $ 75.00
5-64-8 Reinstatement fee $ 75.00
technologists 5-68.1-10 Application fee maximum $190.00
Licensed chemical 5-69-9 Application fee $75.00
Licensed chemical 5-69-9 Renewal fee $75.00
Licensed chemical 5-69-9 Application fee $75.00
Licensed chemical 5-69-9 Application fee $75.00
dependency clinical
Licensed chemical 5-69-9 Renewal fee $75.00
dependency clinical
Deaf interpreters 5-71-8 (3) License fee maximum $ 25.00
Deaf interpreters 5-71-8 (3) License renewal fee $ 25.00
Milk producers 21-2-7(g)(1) In-state milk processor $160.00
Milk producers 21-2-7(g)(2) Out-of-state milk processor $160.00
Milk producers 21-2-7(g)(3) Milk distributors $160.00
Frozen desserts 21-9-3 (1) In-state wholesale $550.00
Frozen desserts 21-9-3 (2) Out-of-state wholesale $160.00
Frozen desserts 21-9-3 (3) Retail frozen dess processors $160.00
Meats 21-11-4 Wholesale $160.00
Meats 21-11-4 Retail $ 40.00
Shellfish packing
houses 21-14-2 License fee:
Shipper/reshipper $320.00
Shellfish packing
houses 21-14-2 License fee:
Shucker packer/re packer $390.00
Non-alcoholic bottled
21-23-2 Bottler permit
Beverages, Drinks
& juices $550.00
Non-alcoholic bottled
21-23-2 Bottle apple cider fee
beverages, drinks and
juices $
Farm home food
manufacturers 21-27-6.1 (4) Registration
fee $ 65.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(1) Food processors wholesale $500.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(2) Food processors retail $120.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(3) Food service establishments
seats $160.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(3) Food service establishments
seats $240.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(3)
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(3) Industrial caterer or food vending
commissary $280.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(3) Cultural heritage educational
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(4) Vending Machine Location
3 units $
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(4) Vending Machine
4-10 units $100.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(4) Vending Machine Location
11 units $120.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(5) Retail Mkt
cash registers $120.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(5) Retail Market
cash registers $240.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(5) Retail Market = 6
Cash registers $510.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(6) Retail food peddler $100.00
Food businesses 21-27-10 (e)(7) Food warehouses $190.00
Food businesses 21-27-11.2 Certified food safety mgr $ 50.00
License verification
fee 23-1-16.1 All license types $ 50.00
Tattoo and body
piercing 23-1-39 Annual registration fee:
Tattoo and body
piercing 23-1-39 Annual registration fee:
Vital records 23-3-25 (a)(1) Certificate of birth, fetal death,
marriage, birth, or
that such record
be found $ 20.00
Vital records 23-3-25 (a)(1) Each duplicate of certificate
birth, fetal death, death, marriage,
or certification that such record
be found $ 15.00
Vital records 23-3-25 (a)(2) Each additional calendar year
if within 3 months of
search and if receipt of original
presented $ 2.00
Vital records 23-3-25 (a)(3) Expedited service $ 7.00
Vital records 23-3-25 (a)(4) Adoptions, legitimations,
determinations $ 15.00
Vital records 23-3-25 (a)(5) Authorized corrections,
and additions $ 10.00
Vital records 23-3-25 (a)(6) Filing of delayed record and
of documentary
Vital records 23-3-25 (a)(6) Issuance of certified copy
a delayed record $
Medical Examiner 23-4-13 Autopsy reports $ 40.00
Medical Examiner 23-4-13 Cremation certificates
statistics $
Medical Examiner 23-4-13 Testimony in civil suits:
Medical Examiner 23-4-13 Testimony in civil suits:
Emergency medical
technicians 23-4.1-10[c] Annual
fee: ambulance
maximum $540.00
Emergency medical
technicians 23-4.1-10[c] Annual
fee: vehicle license
Emergency medical
technicians 23-4.1-10[c] Triennial
fee: EMT license
$ 120.00
Emergency medical
technicians 23-4.1-10 (2) Exam
fee maximum: EMT $ 120.00
Emergency medical
technicians 23-4.1-10 (2) Vehicle
Clinical laboratories
23-16.2-4 (a) Clinical laboratory license
specialty $650.00
Clinical laboratories
23-16.2-4 (a) Laboratory station license $650.00
Clinical laboratories
23-16.2-4 (b) Permit fee $ 70.00
Health care
facilities 23-17-38 Hospital: base fee
annual $16,900.00
Health care
facilities 23-17-38 Hospital: annual per bed
fee $120.00
Health care
facilities 23-17-38 ESRD: annual fee $3,900.00
Health care
facilities 23-17-38 Home nursing care/home
providers $650.00
Health care
facilities 23-17-38 OACF: annual fee $650.00
Assisted living
residences/ 23-17.4-15.2(d) License application fee: $220.00
Assisted living
residences/ 23-17.4-15.2(d) License renewal fee: $220.00
Assisted living
residences 23-17.4-31 Annual facility fee: base $330.00
Assisted living
residences 23-17.4-31 Annual facility per bed $ 70.00
Nursing assistant
registration 23-17.9-3 Application:
maximum $325.00
Nursing assistant
registration 23-17.9-5 Application
fee $ 35.00
Nursing assistant
registration 23-17.9-5 Exam
fee: skills proficiency $170.00
Nursing assistant
registration 23-17.9-6 Registration
fee $ 35.00
Nursing assistant
registration 23-17.9-7 Renewal
fee $ 35.00
Sanitarians 23-19.3-5 (a) Registration fee $ 25.00
Sanitarians 23-19.3-5 (b) Registration renewal $ 25.00
Massage therapy 23-20.8-3 (e) Massage therapist appl fee $
Massage therapy 23-20.8-3 (e) Massage therapist renewal fee $ 65.00
facilities 23-21-2 Application fee $160.00
Swimming pools 23-22-6 Application license:
pool $250.00
Swimming pools 23-22-6 Additional pool
at same location $ 75.00
Swimming pools 23-22-6 Seasonal application
pool $150.00
Swimming pools 23-22-6 Seasonal additional pool
at same location $ 75.00
Swimming pools 23-22-6 Year-round license
non-profit $25.00
Swimming pools 23-22-10 Duplicate license $ 2.00
Swimming pools 23-22-12 Penalty for violations $ 50.00
Respiratory care
practitioners 23-39-11 Application
fee $60.00
Respiratory care
practitioners 23-39-11 Renewal
fee $60.00
50. This article shall take effect on July 1, 2012.