Chapter 129
2012 -- S 2185
Enacted 05/30/12
Introduced By: Senator Walter S. Felag
Date Introduced: January 24, 2012
It is enacted by the
General Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 16-11.4-2 of the General Laws in Chapter
16-11.4 entitled "Rhode
16-11.4-2. Policy
advisory board on teacher and administrator certification --
Establishment -- Composition. -- (a) There is hereby
established a policy advisory board on
teacher and administrator certification to consist of nine
(9) eleven (11) members: two (2) of whom
shall be representatives of the Rhode Island Federation of
Teachers and Health Professionals; two
(2) of whom shall be
representatives of the National Education Association of Rhode Island; two
(2) of whom shall be members
of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of
Rhode Island School of Education; one of whom shall be
a representative of the
Association of School Principals; one of whom shall be
a representative of the
Association of School Administrators; and one of whom
shall be the commissioner of higher
education, or his or her designee. The director of the
department of elementary and secondary
education office of teacher preparation, certification and
professional development shall be non-
voting ex-officio to the board. The policy advisory board
shall advise the commissioners of
elementary and secondary education and the board of regents for
elementary and secondary
education on the development of all policies, rules, and
regulations relating to the certification of
teachers and administrators.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.