Chapter 117
2012 -- H 7047
Enacted 05/30/12
By: Representatives Corvese, Schadone, San Bento, and
Date Introduced: January 05, 2012
It is enacted by the General
Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 2-1-6 in Chapter 1 of Article 2 of
Chapter 237 of the Public Laws
of 1973 entitled “An Act to Incorporate the Town of
further amended to read as follows:
At least one regular meeting shall be held commencing at 7:30 7:00
p.m. on the first
Tuesday of each month and
if such day is a legal holiday by the laws of the state, or an election
day, the meeting shall be held on the following day,
except that the first regular meeting in
January of each odd
numbered year shall be held on the second Tuesday of the month.
Special meetings may be held at such other times as the council may deem
to transact business of the town. The mayor, council
president or four (4) members of the council
may call a special meeting provided the person or persons
calling such special meeting notify or
cause the town clerk to notify all council members by
letter delivered by a messenger via
electronic transmission
or by registered or certified mail to the residence of each council member
at least forty-eight (48)
hours prior to the holding of such meeting stating its place, time, date and
purpose. Only such stated business shall be transacted at
such meeting unless all members are
present and consent to act upon other business.
All regular and special meetings shall be held in the council chamber of the
town hall
and be open to the public. In the event a regular or
special meeting is to be held elsewhere, notice
shall be given to the residents of the town by
advertising the same in a newspaper of general
circulation and circulated within the town pursuant to the
(RIGL Chapter 42-46) at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time
scheduled for the start of
such meeting. Such notice shall state the place, time,
date and purpose of the meeting and reason
for removal from the council chamber. All meetings of committees
of the council shall be open to
the public.
An emergency meeting shall be held when called by the mayor, president of the
council or four (4) council members by giving each council
member notice thereof at his place of
residence by telephone, by letter delivered by messenger or by
telegram. Such notice shall state
the place, time, date and purpose of the meeting. An
emergency for which such a meeting may be
held shall be one where immediate action is required to
preserve and protect the property, public
welfare, peace, health or safety of the people in the town
and adequate prior action could not have
been taken in relation thereto under normal circumstances.
The preamble of any resolution or
ordinance passed at such meeting shall state the nature of the
emergency and such resolution or
ordinance or any other action taken at such meeting shall be
limited to matters directly relating to
the stated emergency.
A quorum of four (4) members shall be necessary before the council may transact
business but a lesser number may adjourn from time to time
until a quorum shall be present.
Executive meetings of the council and of committees thereof may be held only
for the
consideration of personnel matters where publicity relating thereto
would not be in the public
interest or would be unjustly injurious to the person or
persons involved, or matters concerning
the purchase or sale of town property wherein advance
public information as to final action to be
taken thereon would be detrimental to the interests of the
town. Prior to holding such executive
meeting a vote shall be taken in an open meeting on the
matter with at least a general statement as
to the subject to be discussed in the closed executive
meeting and after the meeting is decided,
information shall be given as to the nature of the action taken
and a vote shall be taken thereon in
an open meeting.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.