Chapter 290
2011 -- S 1037 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 07/12/11
Introduced By: Senator Frank Lombardo
Date Introduced: June 09, 2011
It is enacted by the General
Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Chapter 44-5 of the General Laws entitled
"Levy and Assessment of Local
Taxes" is hereby
amended by adding thereto the following section:
this chapter to the contrary, the town of
forty-five (45) day period during fiscal year 2012 during which
a waiver of interest and penalties
on overdue tangible tax payments and motor vehicle tax
payments may be made if all of the
following conditions are satisfied by the taxpayer:
(1) The tangible
property and/or motor vehicle subject to the overdue payment is the
property of the taxpayer and has been for the five (5) years
immediately preceding the tax
payment which is overdue.
(2) The request for a
waiver of interest and penalties is in writing, signed and dated by the
taxpayer and must be submitted within the forty-five (45) day
waiver period.
(b) Decisions of the
tax collector shall be in writing and contain a notice to the town
council. If the taxpayer receives an adverse decision from
the tax collector, the taxpayer must pay
the interest and penalties and may file a claim for reimbursement
with the town council within ten
(10) days of the decision.
(c) Any request for a
waiver of taxes and penalties which meets criteria established by
this section pursuant to a duly enacted ordinance shall be
granted by the town.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.
LC02843/SUB A