Chapter 217
2010 -- S 2774 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 06/25/10
Introduced By: Senator John J. Tassoni
Date Introduced: April 13, 2010
It is enacted by the General
Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 45-53-9 of the General Laws in Chapter
45-53 entitled "Low and
Moderate Income
Housing" is hereby amended to read as follows:
Oversight commission. -- (a) There
is hereby created an oversight commission
to be known as "The Housing Act of 2004
Implementation Oversight Commission" to consist of
fifteen (15) members: chair of house corporations or
designee; chair of senate housing and
municipal government or designee; two (2) members of the house
appointed by the speaker, one
of whom shall be from the minority party; two (2)
members of the senate appointed by the senate
president, one of whom shall be from the minority party; four
(4) designees of the president of the
League of Cities and Towns, two (2) of whom shall be
from a municipality under twenty-five
thousand (25,000) population, and two (2) of whom shall be
from a municipality of twenty-five
thousand (25,000) population or over; and one representative
each from the
Builders Association,
Island and Housing Network.
(b) The purposes of the
commission shall be: (1) to monitor and evaluate the
implementation of the act including the preparation and review, by
statewide planning, of local
plans; (2) to monitor the development and adoption of the
state strategic housing plan by the
housing resources commission and statewide planning; (3) to
review the progress reports
submitted by the housing resources commission; (4) to recommend
any changes that may be
needed in the law; and (5) to assess the need for resources
to accomplish housing objectives and
to make recommendations.
(c) Forthwith upon the passage
of this act [July 2, 2004] the members shall meet at the
call of the speaker, and shall elect from among themselves
co-chairs, who shall be legislators.
Vacancies in said commission shall be filled in the
manner as the original appointment.
(d) The commission is
empowered to appoint committees, which may include persons
who are not members of the commission. Five (5) members
of the commission shall constitute a
quorum. All departments and agencies of the state shall
furnish such advice and information,
documentary and otherwise, to said commission and its agents as
necessary or desirable to
accomplish the purpose set forth in this section. The speaker is
hereby authorized and directed to
provide quarters for the commission. The commission shall
report findings and recommendations
to the general assembly annually on or before
February 15, 2011. The commission shall expire on
March 31, 2010
March 31, 2011.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage and shall
be retroactive to March 1,
LC02314/SUB A