Chapter 185
2010 -- S 2453
Enacted 06/25/10
Introduced By: Senators Lanzi, DiPalma, Miller, Gallo, and Tassoni
Introduced: February 11, 2010
It is enacted by the General
Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 17-9.1-27 of the General Laws in Chapter
17-9.1 entitled
"Registration of
Voters" is hereby amended to read as follows:
Periodic updating of voter registration records. --
(a) In every odd-
numbered year, the secretary of state shall update the central
voter register using the
Postal Service National Change of
Address (NCOA) Program. The office
of the Secretary of
State shall be responsible for obtaining the NCOA data
and providing each local board of
canvassers with their data; provided, that the updating shall be
performed by each local board.
The NCOA list of address changes shall be compared by
the local board with lists of registered
voters, and if address changes are detected for any voter,
the local board shall institute the
confirmation process described in section 17-9.1-26.
(b) Each local board
of canvassers in each city or town shall send annually, a notice
prescribed by the secretary of state and marked "Do Not
Forward – Return if Undeliverable", to
every active registered voter who has not voted in the past
five (5) calendar years and has not
otherwise communicated with the board during that period of
time, advising them of their current
polling place and voting eligibility, and informing them that
mail that is returned as undeliverable
will initiate the confirmation process described in
section 17-9.1-26; provided, however, that the
local boards shall not be obligated to send such notice if
the state or federal government fails to
appropriate the necessary funds. The mailing shall take place in
all municipalities and be
performed in a uniform manner, in accordance with standards
adopted by the secretary of state
and the list maintenance procedures provided by the
National Voting Rights Act, 42 U.S.C.
section 1973gg.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.