Chapter 138
2010 -- S 2952 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 06/25/10
Introduced By: Senators Maselli, and Jabour
Date Introduced: June 01, 2010
It is enacted by the General
Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Section 46-13-22 of the General Laws in Chapter
46-13 entitled "Public
Drinking Water Supply"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Cross-connection control. -- (a) The director is hereby authorized to adopt
consistent statewide regulations governing the content of
cross-connection control plans and to
require that all community public water systems and all
non-transient, non-community public
water systems prepare a cross-connection control plan. The
purpose of these plans shall be to
protect the public water system distribution and transmission
infrastructure from contamination
through cross-connections. All community public water systems
and all non-transient, non-
community public water systems shall certify to the director
that said plan complies with the
regulations in accordance with the following schedule:
(1) Community and
non-transient, non-community public water systems serving more
than five hundred (500) people shall submit certification
of compliance no later than June 30,
2009 2011
and implement said plan immediately thereafter.
(2) Community and
non-transient, non-community public water systems serving five
hundred (500) people or fewer shall submit certification of
compliance no later than June 30,
2012 and implement said plan immediately thereafter.
(b) The regulations
governing cross-connection control plans adopted by the director
shall at a minimum include: the installation of
cross-connection control valves at all newly
constructed service connections prior to the provision of water
service; the installation of cross
connection control valves at all non-residential commercial
and industrial service connections;
and the installation of cross-connection control devices
at all residential service connections;
provided, however, that
The installation of cross-connection control devices shall not be made a
mandatory condition of a transfer of a residential property
that exists as of the effective date of
this act [June 27, 2007].
(c) Public water supply
systems shall be authorized to terminate water service to any
customer who fails to install the appropriate cross-connection
control device upon due notice.
(d) The
cross-connection control devices required to be installed shall be models
approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and
Hydraulic Research of the
University of Southern
(AWWA), and/or the American Society
of Sanitary Engineers (ASSE).
(e) The director may
also adopt and enforce standards including the establishment of fees
for certification of persons engaged in cross-connection
surveying or backflow prevention,
assembly training, repair and maintenance testing.
(f) Any regulations
and/or standards promulgated, amended and/or administered
pursuant to the provisions of this section shall conform to
the requirements of chapter 42-35
("The Administrative Procedures
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.
LC02800/SUB A