SECTION 1. This article shall serve as a Joint Resolution
required pursuant to Rhode
Island General Laws §
42-12.4-1, et seq.
WHEREAS, the General Assembly
enacted Chapter 12.4 of Title 42 entitled “The Rhode
Island Medicaid Reform Act of 2008”; and
WHEREAS, Rhode Island
General Law § 42-12.4-7 provides that any change that
requires the implementation of a rule or regulation or
modification of a rule or regulation in
existence prior to the implementation of the global consumer
choice section 1115 demonstration
(“the demonstration”) shall
require prior approval of the general assembly; and further provides
that any category II change or category III change as
defined in the demonstration shall also
require prior approval to the general assembly; and
WHEREAS, Rhode Island
General Law § 42-7.2-5 states that the Secretary of the Office
of Health and Human Services is responsible for the “review
and coordination of any Global
Consumer Choice Compact Waiver requests and renewals
as well as any initiatives and proposals
requiring amendments to the Medicaid state plan or category I
or II changes” as described in the
demonstration, with “the potential to affect the scope, amount, or
duration of publicly-funded
health care services, provider payments or reimbursements,
or access to or the availability of
benefits and services provided by
WHEREAS, in pursuit of a
more cost-effective consumer choice system of care that is
fiscally sound and sustainable, the Secretary requests that
the following proposals to amend the
demonstration be approved by the general assembly:
(a) Expansion and integration
of care management strategies. The department of human
services proposes to establish a contractual agreement between
the Medicaid agency and a
contractor (e.g., managed care entity) to manage primary, acute
and long-term care services for
Medicaid-only beneficiaries and managed long-term care
benefits for individuals dually eligible
for Medicaid and Medicare. The changes in service
delivery will require changes to the rules,
regulations and procedures governing this area for Medicaid-only
and dually eligible
beneficiaries, as well as Category II changes to the Global
Consumer Choice Compact Waiver
authorizing the expansion of managed care to new service areas
and populations.
(b) Re-procure Medicaid
managed care. The department of human services proposes to
seek a new managed care procurement for RIte Care children and families; children with special
health care needs; and adults enrolled in Rhody Health Partners living in the community with no
other form of coverage for the purposes of achieving
cost-effective program modifications
including implementation of communities of care, rate reform,
pharmacy efficiencies, selective
contracting and enhanced benefit management. The re-procurement
will follow purchasing rules
pursuant to Chapter 37-2 of the Rhode Island General Laws.
Implementation of these
modifications may require changes to the rules, regulations and
procedures related to managed
care for the populations affected and Category II changes
to the Global Consumer Choice
Compact Waiver in those areas where additional
authority under the terms and conditions of the
demonstration agreement are warranted.
(c) Refine payment
system for multi-disciplinary treatment planning. The department of
mental health, retardation, and hospitals proposes to modify
the current payment strategy for a
multi-disciplinary treatment plan to ensure program integrity and
accuracy. The changes in the
payment structure for Medicaid funded services will require a
Category II change under the terms
and conditions established for the Global Consumer Choice
Compact Waiver.
(d) Establish behavioral
health community safety net. The department of mental health,
retardation, and hospitals proposes that the division of
behavioral health services use contracting
to provide community mental health centers a consistent
and predictable payment system that
provides performance and financial incentives. The contracting
strategy proposed may result in
payment restructuring requiring a Category II change under
the Global Waiver and amendments
to the department’s rules, regulations and procedures.
(e) Restructuring of the
network of providers serving persons with developmental
disabilities. The department of mental health, retardation, and hospitals
amendment intends to
establish through a competitive bidding process one or more
networks of service providers, each
headed by a lead agency, for the purposes of maximizing
services and operational efficiencies
and assuring beneficiaries’ needs are met with the most
appropriate services in the most
appropriate setting. The changes in payment structures and
service delivery will require a
Category II change to the Global Consumer Choice
Compact Waiver and certain modifications to
department rules, regulations and procedures.
(f) Transfer of state
funded methadone maintenance and treatment to costs not otherwise
matchable. The department of mental health, retardation, and
hospitals proposes to obtain federal
matching funds for certain state-only funded methadone
maintenance and treatment costs under
the terms and conditions of the Global Consumer Choice
Compact Waiver. Although such
matching funds are authorized, the department may need to
request certain Category II changes to
the waiver demonstration prior to implementation.
Pharmacy – SMAC Program for fee for service. The department of human services
proposes to establish a state maximum allowable cost (SMAC)
program for multi-source generic
prescription drugs dispensed to Medicaid beneficiaries through fee
for service delivery that
furthers ongoing efforts to leverage the state's purchasing
power to obtain the best health
outcomes at the best price. The implementation of this program
requires a Category II change to
the demonstration under the terms and conditions
established under the Global Consumer Choice
Personal Choice and Habilitation Services Reform. The department of human
services is proposing changes to the personal choice and
habilitation services programs, which
will ensure that appropriate, cost effective care is
provided in the in the least restrictive setting
with improved oversight and monitoring and a broader array
of service alternatives. The reforms
will require changes to the department of human services
rules, regulations and procedures for
these programs. Now, therefore, be it
that the general assembly hereby approves the changes set forth in
proposals (a) through (i) listed above
to amend the demonstration; and be it further
that the secretary of the office of health and human services is authorized
to pursue and implement any such necessary waiver
amendments, category II or category III
changes, state plan amendments and/or changes to the
applicable department’s rules, regulations
and procedures approved herein and as authorized by §
SECTION 2. This article shall take effect upon passage.