SECTION 1. Section 39-19-9 of the General Laws in Chapter
39-19 entitled
“Community Antenna
Television Systems” is hereby amended to read as follows:
39-19-9. Administrative
expenses – Assessment against franchise holders. -- (a)
The administrator shall determine the expenses of the
division of public utilities and carriers
associated with the regulation of operational community antenna
television systems, including the
cost of division personnel and consultants performing
duties directly associated with the systems
for each upcoming year. The administrator shall apportion
and assess one hundred percent
(100%) of the expenses among the several operating
CATV franchise holders located in this state
in the proportion that the gross revenue of each CATV
franchise shall bear to the gross revenues
of all of the CATV franchises issued and operational;
provided, however, that the sum so
apportioned and assessed shall not exceed two hundred fifty
thousand dollars ($250,000) for any
fiscal year and the amount of any individual assessment
shall not exceed three percent (3%)
any individual CATV franchise holder's gross revenues.
The sum so apportioned and assessed
shall be in addition to any taxes payable to the state
under any other provision of law.
CATV franchise awardees who have received compliance order certificates but
have not received operational certificates shall be
assessed two thousand five hundred dollars
($2,500) for any fiscal year in which they are
franchised but not in operation.
The administrator shall apply any budgetary balance or shortfalls from the
preceding annual assessment toward the next fiscal year
Upon collection from the several franchise holders operating in this state,
assessments shall be deposited in the public utilities commission
funding account as established
pursuant to § 39-1-23. The moneys deposited in the public
utilities commission funding account
pursuant to this section shall be expended at the discretion
of the administrator for meeting
CATV related operations expenses of the division.
SECTION 2. This article shall take effect on July 1, 2010.