SECTION 1. Subject to the conditions, limitations and
restrictions hereinafter contained
in this act, the following general revenue amounts are hereby
appropriated out of any money in
the treasury not otherwise appropriated to be expended
during the fiscal year ending June 30,
2011. The amounts
identified for federal funds and restricted receipts shall be made available
pursuant to section 35-4-22 and Chapter 41 of Title 42 of the
Rhode Island General Laws. For the
purposes and functions hereinafter mentioned, the state
controller is hereby authorized and
directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer
for the payment of such sums or such
portions thereof as may be required from time to time upon
receipt by him or her of properly
authenticated vouchers.
Central Management General Revenues 1,475,743
Legal Services
General Revenues 1,653,248
Other Fund
Legal Support/DOT 40,034
Total - Legal Services 1,693,282
Accounts and Control
General Revenues 3,806,968
Budgeting General Revenues 2,077,066
General Revenues 2,281,261
Federal Funds 83,458
Restricted Receipts –
OERR 189,996
Total - Purchasing 2,554,715
General Revenues 1,287,300
Restricted Receipts –
OERR 149,215
Total - Auditing 1,436,515
Human Resources
General Revenues 8,751,900
Federal Funds 619,186
Restricted Receipts 373,650
Other Funds 1,402,085
Total – Human Resources
Personnel Appeal Board General Revenues 80,803
Facilities Management
General Revenues 31,912,385
Federal Funds 813,073
Restricted Receipts 356,921
Other Funds 3,769,381
Total – Facilities
Management 36,851,760
Capital Projects and Property Management
General Revenues 2,582,383
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 125,625
Restricted Receipts 1,068,084
Total – Capital
Projects and Property Management 3,776,902
Information Technology
General Revenues 19,226,491
Federal Funds 5,367,473
Federal Stimulus 316,490
Restricted Receipts 913,984
Other Funds 1,765,587
Total – Information
Technology 27,590,025
and Information Services
General Revenues 886,847
Federal Funds 1,383,354
Restricted Receipts 3,000
Total – Library and
Information Services 2,273,201
General Revenues 3,331,033
Federal Funds 7,589,208
Federal Funds–Stimulus 2,011,598
Other Funds
Air Quality Modeling 10,000
Total - Planning 17,921,395
General Revenues
Economic Development
Corporation 5,500,807
EDC – Airport Impact
Aid 1,025,000
percent (60%) of the first $1,000,000 appropriated for airport impact aid shall
distributed to each airport serving more than 1,000,000
passengers based upon its percentage of
the total passengers served by all airports serving more
than 1,000,000 passengers. Forty percent
(40%) of the first
$1,000,000 shall be distributed based on the share of landings during the
calendar year 2010 at
Development Corporation
shall make an impact payment to the towns or cities in which the
airport is located based on this calculation.
community upon which any parts of the above airports are located shall receive
least $25,000.
Miscellaneous Grants 395,956
Transition costs for
Elected officials 100,000
Slater Centers of
Excellence 2,000,000
Torts–Court 400,000
Teachers Retiree Health
Subsidy 2,344,502
Property Revaluation
Program 1,000,000
Payment in Lieu of Tax
Exempt Properties 27,580,409
Distressed Communities
Relief Program 10,384,458
Resource Sharing and
State Library Aid 8,773,398
Library Construction
Aid 2,492,974
Motor Vehicle Excise
Tax 10,000,000
Transfer to RICAP 22,000,000
Restricted Receipts 1,378,997
State House Renovations
State Office Building 1,000,000
Old Colony House 300,000
William Powers Building
Fire Code Compliance
State Buildings 450,000
Replacement of Fueling
Tanks 170,073
Compliance 600,000
Utilities Upgrade 1,000,000
Health Laboratory
Feasibility Study 175,000
McCoy Stadium 372,500
Operations Center 3,900,000
Central Power Plant 900,000
Veterans Memorial Auditorium
Opportunities Program 1,500,000
Adolph Meyer
Renovations 0
Total - General 118,014,074
Service Payments
General Revenues 138,595,566
Federal Funds 744,172
Restricted Receipts 5,961,330
Other Funds
RIPTA Debt Service 1,110,876
Transportation Debt
Service 44,477,387
Investment Receipts –
Bond Funds 100,000
Total – Debt Service
Payments 191,268,497
Energy Resources
Federal Funds 34,017,221
Federal Funds–Stimulus 27,799,664
Restricted Receipts 7,423,118
Total - Energy
Resources 69,240,003
Personnel Reform
General Revenues
Pension Reform 2010 (5,654,329)
Federal Funds
Pension Reform 2010 (1,297,977)
Restricted Receipts
Pension Reform 2010 (487,960)
Other Funds
Pension Reform 2010 (738,091)
Total – Pension Reform (8,178,357)
Sheriffs General
Revenues 16,341,206
Grand Total -
Administration 499,299,809
Business Regulation
Central Management General Revenues 1,024,858
General Revenues 1,696,156
Restricted Receipts
Total 125,000
Total – Banking
Regulation 1,821,156
Securities Regulation
General Revenues 839,862
Restricted Receipts 15,000
Total – Securities
Regulation 854,862
Insurance Regulation
General Revenues 4,439,718
Restricted Receipts 1,143,213
Total – Insurance
Regulation 5,582,931
Board of Accountancy General Revenues 164,031
Commercial Licensing, Racing and Athletics
General Revenues 735,531
Restricted Receipts 460,170
Total – Commercial
Licensing, Racing and Athletics 1,195,701
Boards for Design Professionals General Revenues 255,891
Grand Total – Business
Regulation 10,899,430
Labor and Training
General Revenues 127,131
Restricted Receipts 621,097
Center General Roof 745,056
Total - Central
Management 1,493,284
Workforce Development Services
General Revenues 65,119
Federal Funds 29,742,240
Federal Funds - Stimulus
Restricted Receipts 6,298,170
Total – Workforce
Development Services 41,582,765
Workforce Regulation and
Safety General Revenues 2,404,353
General Revenues 4,117,831
Federal Funds 18,693,187
Federal Funds –
Stimulus - UI 128,045,000
Restricted Receipts 1,529,556
Other Funds
Temporary Disability
Insurance Fund 173,002,366
Employment Security
Fund 448,928,000
Reed Act /UC
Modernization 4,279,178
entire amount is appropriated from the Unemployment Compensation Modernization
Incentive Payments solely
for the administration of this state's unemployment compensation law
(Section 903(f), SSA).
Total - Income Support 778,595,118
Injured Workers Services
Restricted Receipts 9,080,322
Labor Relations Board
General Revenues 402,597
Grand Total - Labor and
Training 833,558,439
Department of Revenue
Director of Revenue
Office General Revenues 500,231
Office of Revenue
Analysis General Revenues 555,607
Lottery Division Lottery
Funds 192,140,596
Municipal Finance
General Revenues 1,159,585
General Revenues 16,726,289
Federal Funds 1,234,831
Federal Funds Stimulus 16,408
Restricted Receipts 809,091
Other Funds
Motor Fuel Tax Evasion 83,735
Temporary Disability
Insurance 908,539
Tax Data Warehouse 500,000
Total – Taxation 20,278,893
Registry of Motor Vehicles
General Revenues 16,537,373
Federal Funds 1,038,531
Restricted Receipts 15,100
Total – Registry of
Motor Vehicles 21,695,505
Grand Total – Revenue 236,330,417
General Revenues 37,474,136
Restricted Receipts 1,575,008
Grand Total -
Legislature 39,049,144
Lieutenant Governor
General Revenues 924,479
Secretary of State
Administration General
Revenues 1,943,053
Corporations General
Revenues 2,070,271
General Revenues 80,084
Restricted Receipts 494,567
Total - State Archives 574,651
Elections and Civics
General Revenues 1,913,831
Federal Funds 100,000
Total – Elections and
Civics 2,013,831
State Library General
Revenues 571,887
Office of Public
Information General Revenues 329,581
Grand Total - Secretary
of State 7,503,274
General Treasurer
General Revenues 2,183,087
Federal Funds 261,617
Other Funds
Temporary Disability
Insurance Fund 218,915
Total – Treasury 2,663,619
State Retirement System
Restricted Receipts
Administrative Expenses
– State Retirement System 10,978,332
Retirement – Treasury
Investment Operations 1,143,087
Total – State
Retirement System 12,121,419
Unclaimed Property
Restricted Receipts 15,789,173
Victim Compensation Program
General Revenues 87,562
Federal Funds 846,563
Restricted Receipts 1,510,022
Total – Crime Victim
Compensation Program 2,444,147
Grand Total - General
Treasurer 33,018,358
Board of Elections
General Revenues 1,847,971
Public Financing of
General Elections 2,110,000
Grand Total - Board of
Elections 3,957,971
Rhode Island Ethics
Commission General Revenues 1,482,659
Office of Governor
General Revenues 4,502,606
Contingency Fund 250,000
Restricted Receipts -
OERR 1,498,546
Grand Total - Office of
Governor 6,251,152
Commission for Human
General Revenues 1,014,978
Federal Funds 356,689
Grand Total – Commission
for Human Rights 1,371,667
Public Utilities
Federal Funds 102,225
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 194,105
Restricted Receipts 7,430,326
Grand Total - Public
Utilities Commission 7,726,656
Office of Health and
Human Services
General Revenues 3,420,163
Federal Funds 2,873,533
Restricted Receipts 874,013
Total – Health and
Human Services 7,167,709
Children, Youth, and
General Revenues 4,451,118
Federal Funds 1,960,809
Restricted Receipts 301,122
Total - Central
Management 6,713,049
Children's Behavioral Health Services
General Revenues 11,706,718
Federal Funds 10,893,490
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 1,121,026
Center Mt. Hope 275,000
NAFI Center 550,000
Total - Children's
Behavioral Health Services 24,546,234
Juvenile Correctional Services
General Revenues 31,886,768
Federal Funds 2,224,548
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 714,156
Meyer renovations
Total - Juvenile
Correctional Services 37,325,472
Child Welfare
General Revenues 95,697,218
18 to 21 Year Olds 9,104,273
Federal Funds 50,991,522
18 to 21 Year Olds 4,187,196
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 5,762,416
Restricted Receipts 2,005,793
Camp E-Hun-Tee 65,000
Fire Code Upgrades 1,000,000
Total - Child Welfare 168,813,418
Higher Education Incentive Grants General Revenue 200,000
Grand Total – Children,
Youth, and Families 237,598,173
Elderly Affairs
General Revenues
General Revenues 8,758,124
RIPAE 1,341,175
Care and Safety of the
Elderly 1,300
Federal Funds 15,053,664
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 882,402
Restricted Receipts 675,931
Grand Total - Elderly
Affairs 26,712,596
Central Management
General Revenues 1,604,353
Federal Funds 9,194,894
Restricted Receipts 2,635,336
Total - Central
Management 13,434,583
State Medical Examiner
General Revenues 2,056,373
Federal Funds 212,509
Total – State Medical
Examiner 2,268,882
Environmental and Health Services Regulation
General Revenues 8,411,277
Federal Funds 4,426,864
Restricted Receipts 3,669,775
Total – Environmental
and Health Services Regulation 16,507,916
Health Laboratories
General Revenues 7,050,149
Federal Funds 1,186,887
Total - Health
Laboratories 8,237,036
Health Information
General Revenues 1,909,149
Federal Funds 1,571,266
Total – Public Health
Information 3,480,415
Community and Family Health and Equity
General Revenues 4,324,134
Federal Funds 40,295,603
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 4,219,716
Restricted Receipts 18,777,842
Communities Initiative 13,091
Safe and Active
Commuting 83,958
RI Airport Corporation
Funds 82,792
Total – Community and
Family Health and Equity 67,797,136
Infectious Disease and Epidemiology
General Revenues 2,269,468
Federal Funds 2,151,372
Total – Infectious
Disease and Epidemiology 4,420,840
Grand Total - Health 116,146,808
Human Services
General Revenues 5,144,596
Federal Funds 5,155,633
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 3,784,249
Restricted Receipts 800,001
Total - Central
Management 14,884,479
Child Support Enforcement
General Revenues 2,358,873
Federal Funds 6,072,456
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 813,300
Total – Child Support
Enforcement 9,244,629
and Family Support
General Revenues 22,152,712
Federal Funds 80,216,754
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 36,328,397
addition to the activities that are part of the approved federal plan for the
state's use of
Temporary Assistance to
Needy Families Emergency Contingency funding provided by the
American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009, the Department may, with the remaining
federal funds, give priority to employment support activities
for families reaching the Rhode
Island Works program's time
limits and to housing assistance programs administered through the
Department of
Administration's Housing Resources Commission to address homelessness issues,
including mortgage and rental assistance.
Restricted Receipts 180,000
Blind Vending
Facilities 75,000
Intermodal Surface
Transportation Fund 4,210,000
Total – Individual and
Family Support 143,162,863
Veterans' Affairs
General Revenues 19,437,637
Federal Funds 6,682,784
Restricted Receipts 1,491,200
Total - Veterans'
Affairs 27,611,621
Health Care Quality, Financing and Purchasing
General Revenues 21,047,376
Federal Funds 45,026,382
Restricted Receipts 60,000
Total – Health Care
Quality, Financing & Purchasing 66,133,758
Medical Benefits
General Revenues
Managed Care 224,653,257
Hospitals 108,579,127
Nursing Facilities 115,209,692
Home and Community
Based Services 25,070,500
Other 37,096,383
Pharmacy 39,167,569
Health 64,665,364
Federal Funds
Managed Care 335,553,819
Hospitals 127,120,272
Nursing Facilities 170,120,468
Home and Community
Based Services 37,019,500
Other 64,798,735
Pharmacy 5,923,120
Health 95,485,908
Special Education 20,837,655
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 159,192,031
Restricted Receipts 6,915,000
Total – Medical
Benefits 1,637,408,400
Supplemental Security Income Program General Revenues 19,310,887
General Revenues
Child Care 8,780,999
Federal Funds
Federal Funds 78,138,767
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 596,350
Total - Family
State Funded Programs
General Revenues
General Public
Assistance 2,653,682
Federal Funds 234,379,115
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 43,000,000
Total - State Funded
Programs 280,032,797
Grand Total - Human
Services 2,285,305,550
Mental Health,
Retardation, and Hospitals
General Revenues 795,281
Federal Funds 131,287
Restricted Receipts 632,882
Total - Central
Management 1,559,450
Hospital and Community System Support
General Revenues 1,829,075
Community Facilities
Fire Code 1,000,000
DD Private Waiver
Community Facility/Fire Code 602,691
Total - Hospital and
Community System Support 4,851,766
for the Developmentally Disabled
General Revenues 81,508,130
Federal Funds 121,373,476
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 24,661,865
Restricted Receipts 2,007,500
MR Community
Facilities/Access to
Disability Group Homes 1,000,000
Total – Services for
the Developmentally Disabled 232,150,971
Behavioral Healthcare Services
General Revenues 41,614,835
Federal Funds 55,902,313
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 8,044,623
Restricted Receipts 90,000
MH Community Facilities
Repairs 300,000
MH Housing
Development-Thresholds 500,000
MH Residences Furniture
Substance Abuse Asset
Protection 200,000
Total – Behavioral
Healthcare Services 106,707,771
Hospital and Community Rehabilitation Services
General Revenues 37,936,923
Federal Funds 41,236,882
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 8,568,312
Restricted Receipts 7,958,252
Eleanor Slater
HVAC/Elevators 2,000,000
Hospital Consolidation 3,000,000
Total - Hospital and
Community Rehabilitation Services 101,480,369
Grand Total - Mental Health,
Retardation, and Hospitals 446,750,327
Office of the Child
General Revenues 543,822
Federal Funds 45,805
Grand Total – Office of
the Child Advocate 589,627
Commission on the
Deaf and Hard of Hearing General Revenues 362,824
Governor's Commission
on Disabilities
General Revenues 367,229
Federal Funds 193,598
Restricted Receipts 13,626
Facility Renovation –
Handicapped Accessibility 250,000
Grand Total -
Governor's Commission on Disabilities 824,453
Office of the Mental
Health Advocate General Revenues 440,950
Elementary and
Secondary Education
Administration of the Comprehensive Education Strategy
General Revenues 20,063,593
Federal Funds 190,900,733
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 28,557,969
Restricted Receipts 951,487
HRIC Adult Education
Grants 4,640,000
Transportation - RIPTA Grant 200,000
State Owned Schools – Chariho Repairs 700,000
State Owned Schools –
State Owned Schools –
State Owned Schools –
State Owned Schools –
State Owned Schools –
Total – Administration
of the Comprehensive Education Strategy 247,733,840
Davies Career and
General Revenues 14,320,912
Federal Funds 1,377,959
Federal Funds–Stimulus 690,087
Davies Roof Repair 800,000
Davies HVAC 999,000
Davies Asset Protection
Total-Davies Career and
Technical School 18,337,958
RI School for the Deaf
General Revenues 6,032,357
Federal Funds 325,509
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 249,940
Restricted Receipt 720,941
Total - RI School for
the Deaf 7,328,747
Metropolitan Career and
General Revenues 12,616,028
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 467,191
MET School East Bay 4,000,000
Total - Metropolitan
Career and Technical School 17,083,219
General Revenues 614,888,594
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 16,322,112
Restricted Receipt 17,618,322
Total – Education Aid 648,829,028
General Revenues 41,774,118
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 1,089,396
Total -
Housing Aid General
Revenues 70,774,727
Teachers’ Retirement
General Revenues 75,598,212
Grand Total -
Elementary and Secondary Education 1,128,732,869
Public Higher
Board of Governors/Office of Higher Education
General Revenues 6,973,398
Federal Funds 3,733,780
Total – Board of
Governors/Office of Higher Education 10,707,178
General Revenues 56,618,919
Debt Service 15,967,304
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 5,036,744
University and College
Funds 528,635,501
Debt - Dining Services 1,138,100
Debt - Educational and
General 4,436,435
Debt - Health Services 156,415
Debt - Housing Loan
Funds 8,529,091
Debt - Memorial Union 127,290
Debt - Ryan Center 2,798,555
Debt -
Debt - Parking
Authority 1,187,081
Debt – Sponsored
Research 102,388
Debt - URI Energy
Conservation 1,896,738
Asset Protection 5,327,980
New Chemistry Building 4,500,000
Provided that the feasibility study include enrollment projections, operating
costs, space
sharing plans, governance plans and a comparison to alternate
plans for separate facilities.
URI Biotechnology
Center 2,334,910
Total – University of
Rhode Island 639,058,662
the provisions of section 35-3-15 of the general laws, all unexpected or
unencumbered balances as of June 30, 2011 relating to the
reappropriated to fiscal year 2012.
General Revenues 37,567,515
Debt Service 1,972,215
Federal Funds Total -
Stimulus 3,973,232
University and College
Funds 105,117,720
Debt - Education and
General 295,196
Debt - Housing 412,704
Debt -
Debt - Student Union 235,031
Debt - G.O. Debt
Service 1,615,685
Asset Protection 2,337,800
Total –
the provisions of section 35-3-15 of the general laws, all unexpected or
unencumbered balances as of June 30, 2011 relating to the
reappropriated to fiscal year 2012.
General Revenues 42,884,078
Debt Service 1,623,414
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 2,260,911
Restricted Receipts 930,000
University and College
Funds 81,597,956
Debt – Bookstore 25,430
Asset Protection 1,514,970
Fire Code & HVAC 1,800,000
Total – Community
College of Rhode Island 132,636,759
the provisions of section 35-3-15 of the general laws, all unexpected or
unencumbered balances as of June 30, 2011 relating to the
are hereby reappropriated to
fiscal year 2012.
Grand Total – Public
Higher Education 937,802,389
RI State Council on
the Arts
General Revenues
Operating Support 665,871
Grants 1,002,475
Federal Funds 950,990
Other Funds
Art for Public
Facilities 435,000
Grand Total - RI State
Council on the Arts 3,054,336
RI Atomic Energy
General Revenues 875,781
Federal Funds 300,159
URI Sponsored Research 266,410
RINSC Asset Protection 50,000
Grand Total - RI Atomic
Energy Commission 1,492,350
RI Higher Education
Assistance Authority
General Revenues
Needs Based Grants and
Work Opportunities 5,882,700
Authority Operations
and Other Grants 840,647
Federal Fund 12,044,337
Other Funds
Tuition Savings Program
– Needs Based Grants & Work Op. 6,300,000
Tuition Savings Program
- Administration 721,425
Grand Total – RI Higher
Education Assistance Authority 25,789,109
RI Historical
Preservation and Heritage Commission
General Revenues 1,348,717
Federal Funds 835,804
Restricted Receipts 479,450
Total - RI Historical Pres. and Heritage Comm. 2,663,971
RI Public
Telecommunications Authority
General Revenues 1,035,967
Corporation for Public
Broadcasting 636,750
Grand Total – RI Public
Telecommunications Authority 1,672,717
Attorney General
General Revenues 13,048,850
Federal Funds 1,151,910
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 40,370
Restricted Receipts 413,472
Total - Criminal 14,654,602
General Revenues 4,297,585
Restricted Receipts 789,187
Total - Civil 5,086,772
of Criminal Identification
General Revenues 1,075,046
Federal Funds 56,550
Total – Bureau of
Criminal Identification 1,131,596
General Revenues 2,788,249
Building Renovations and
Repairs 200,000
Total - General 2,988,249
Grand Total - Attorney
General 23,861,219
Central Management General Revenues 8,071,545
Parole Board
General Revenues 1,336,212
Federal Funds 38,000
Total - Parole Board 1,374,212
Institutional Corrections
General Revenues 155,261,526
Federal Funds 1,723,983
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 36,733
Women's Bathroom
Renovations 655,400
Asset Protection 2,500,000
General Renovations –
Women’s 2,389,724
ISC Exterior Envelope
and HVAC 100,000
Minimum Security
Kitchen Ex 325,000
Total - Institutional
Corrections 162,992,366
Community Corrections
General Revenues 13,660,118
Federal Funds 353,444
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 642,700
Restricted Receipts 87,134
Total – Community
Corrections 14,743,396
Grand Total -
Corrections 187,181,519
Supreme Court
General Revenues 25,316,693
Defense of Indigents 3,365,689
Federal Funds 121,120
Restricted Receipts 1,308,353
Judicial HVAC 300,000
Judicial Complexes
Asset Protection 550,000
Total - Supreme Court 30,961,855
General Revenues 20,407,009
Restricted Receipts 312,000
Total - Superior Court 20,719,009
General Revenues 17,506,835
Federal Funds 2,205,407
Total - Family Court 19,712,242
District Court
General Revenues 10,248,515
Restricted Receipts 424,421
Total - District Court 10,672,936
Traffic Tribunal General Revenues 7,620,894
Workers' Compensation Court Restricted Receipts 7,583,440
Tenure and Discipline General
Revenues 109,620
Grand Total - Judiciary
Military Staff
National Guard
General Revenues 1,446,704
Federal Funds 10,984,193
Restricted Funds 190,000
AMC Roof Replacement 550,000
State Armories Fire
Code Comp. 25,000
Federal Armories Fire
Code 6,250
Asset Protection 260,000
Fac. Fire Code 6,250
FMS#3 Roof 15,000
Total - National Guard 13,483,397
Emergency Management
General Revenues 1,335,731
Federal Funds 11,166,561
Restricted Receipts 652,475
Total - Emergency
Management 13,154,767
Grand Total - Military
Staff 26,638,164
Public Safety
General Revenues 712,968
Federal Funds 4,244,982
Federal Funds – Stimulus
Restricted Receipts 508,345
Total – Central Management
Emergency Telephone System General
Revenues 4,655,752
State Fire Marshal
General Revenues 2,461,060
Federal Funds 261,250
Restricted Receipts 50,000
Grand Total - State
Fire Marshal 2,772,310
Security Services General Revenues 3,308,669
General Revenues 334,567
Federal Funds 189,704
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 101,638
Grand Total -
State Police
General Revenues 55,551,474
Federal Funds 1,498,517
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 145,716
Restricted Receipts 244,761
Barracks and Training 1,500,000
State Police New
Headquarters 4,750,000
Parking Area
Improvements 200,000
Repairs/Rehabilitation 100,000
State Microwave Upgrade
HQ Expansion (NG
Facilities) 50,000
Traffic Enforcement -
Municipal Training 116,617
Lottery Commission
Assistance 180,044
Airport Corporation 207,764
Road Construction
Reimbursement 2,173,855
Grand Total - State
Police 69,230,888
Grand Total – Public
Safety 86,749,570
Office of Public
General Revenues 9,590,261
Federal Funds 333,574
Federal Funds -
Stimulus 96,566
Grand Total - Office of
Public Defender 10,020,401
of the Director
General Revenues 4,635,985
Federal Funds 566,300
Restricted Receipts 2,437,098
Total – Office of the
Director 7,639,383
Natural Resources
General Revenues 17,797,447
Federal Funds 21,379,160
Restricted Receipts 3,930,478
Other Funds
DOT Recreational
Projects 67,608
Blackstone Bikepath Design 1,013,705
Transportation MOU 81,243
Dam Repair 750,000
Recreational Facilities
Improvements 1,200,000
Fish and Wildlife
Maintenance 75,000
Total - Natural
Resources 48,624,641
Environmental Protection
General Revenues 11,969,897
Federal Funds 12,849,946
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 590,769
Restricted Receipts 7,769,340
Transportation - MOU 116,735
Retrofit Heavy-Duty
Diesel Vehicles 3,560,000
Total - Environmental
Protection 36,856,687
Grand Total -
Environmental Management 93,120,711
Coastal Resources
Management Council
General Revenues 2,038,515
Federal Funds 2,095,196
Restricted Receipts 250,000
Grand Total – Coastal
Resources Management Council 4,383,711
Water Resources Board
General Revenues 1,316,540
Big River Management
Area 120,000
Grand Total – Water Resources
Board 1,436,540
Central Management
Federal Funds 14,118,217
Other Funds
Gasoline Tax 1,304,716
Total - Central
Management 15,422,933
Management and Budget
Other Funds
Gasoline Tax 1,652,721
Total - Management and
Budget 1,652,721
Infrastructure – Engineering – Garvee/Motor
Fuel Tax Bonds
Federal Funds 257,415,591
Federal Funds –
Stimulus 47,274,319
Restricted Receipts 1,000,000
Other Funds
Gasoline Tax 51,869,001
State Infrastructure
Bank 1,445,000
Highway Logo Program 100,000
RIPTA Paratransit 190,400
Total - Infrastructure
– Engineering – Garvee/Motor
Fuel Tax Bonds 377,570,137
Infrastructure Maintenance
Other Funds
Gasoline Tax 30,560,165
Non-land Surplus
Property 30,000
Outdoor Advertising 300,000
Maintenance Facility
Improvements 650,000
Salt Storage Facilities
DOT Maintenance
Facilities – Fire Alarms 125,000
Total - Infrastructure
Maintenance 34,247,975
Grand Total -
Transportation 428,893,766
Statewide Totals
General Revenue Total 2,942,118,704
Federal Funds Total 2,903,497,922
Restricted Receipts
Total 180,035,096
Other Funds Total 1,838,494,088
Statewide Grand Total 7,864,145,810
SECTION 2. Each line appearing in Section 1 of this Article
shall constitute an
SECTION 3. Upon the transfer of any function of a department
or agency to another
department or agency, the Governor is hereby authorized by means
of executive order to transfer
or reallocate, in whole or in part, the appropriations
and the full-time equivalent limits affected
SECTION 4. From the appropriation for contingency shall be
paid such sums as may be
required at the discretion of the Governor to fund expenditures
for which appropriations may not
exist. Such contingency funds may also be used for
expenditures in the several departments and
agencies where appropriations are insufficient, or where such
requirements are due to unforeseen
conditions or are non-recurring items of an unusual nature. Said
appropriations may also be used
for the payment of bills incurred due to emergencies or
to any offense against public peace and
property, in accordance with the provisions of Titles 11 and
45 of the General Laws of 1956, as
amended. All expenditures and transfers from this account
shall be approved by the Governor.
SECTION 5. The general assembly authorizes the state
controller to establish the internal
service accounts shown below, and no other, to finance and
account for the operations of state
agencies that provide services to other agencies, institutions
and other governmental units on a
cost reimbursed basis. The purpose of these accounts is to
ensure that certain activities are
managed in a businesslike manner, promote efficient use of
services by making agencies pay the
full costs associated with providing the services, and
allocate the costs of central administrative
services across all fund types, so that federal and other
non-general fund programs share in the
costs of general government support. The controller is
authorized to reimburse these accounts for
the cost of work or services performed for any other
department or agency subject to the
following expenditure limitations:
Account Expenditure
State Assessed Fringe
Benefit Internal Service Fund 34,617,701
Administration Central
Utilities Internal Service Fund 25,814,372
State Central Mail
Internal Service Fund 5,453,349
State Telecommunications
Internal Service Fund 3,470,957
State Automotive Fleet
Internal Service Fund 13,830,806
State Fleet Replacement
Revolving Loan Fund 2,500,000
Capital Police Internal
Service Fund 665,713
Health Insurance
Internal Service Fund 306,132,044
Corrections General
Services & Warehouse Internal Service Fund 6,769,398
Correctional Industries
Internal Service Fund 7,371,579
SECTION 6. The General Assembly may provide a written
"statement of legislative
intent" signed by the chairperson of the House Finance
Committee and by the chairperson of the
Senate Finance Committee to
show the intended purpose of the appropriations contained in
Section 1
of this Article. The statement of
legislative intent shall be kept on file in the House
Committee and in the Senate Finance Committee.
least twenty (20) days prior to the issuance of a grant or the release of
funds, which
grant or funds are listed on the legislative letter of
intent, all department, agency and corporation
directors, shall notify in writing the chairperson of the House
Finance Committee and the
chairperson of the Senate Finance Committee of the approximate
date when the funds are to be
released or granted.
SECTION 7. Appropriation
of Temporary Disability Insurance Funds -- There is hereby
appropriated pursuant to sections 28-39-5 and 28-39-8 of the Rhode
Island General Laws all
funds required to be disbursed for the benefit payments
from the Temporary Disability Insurance
Fund and
Temporary Disability Insurance Reserve Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30,
SECTION 8. Appropriation
of Employment Security Funds -- There is hereby
appropriated pursuant to section 28-42-19 of the Rhode Island
General Laws all funds required to
be disbursed for benefit payments from the Employment
Security Fund for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 2011.
SECTION 9. Appropriation
of University and College Funds -- There is hereby
appropriated pursuant to section 16-59-9 of the Rhode Island
General Laws relating to the
appropriation of funds by the General Assembly for Higher
Education, and section 16-59-18 of
the General Laws relating to receipts from sources other
than appropriations, any funds received
by the Board of Governors for Higher Education for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2011 payable
out of the University and College Funds.
SECTION 10. Appropriation
of Lottery Division Funds – There is hereby appropriated to
the Lottery Division any funds required to be disbursed
by the Lottery Division for the purposes
of paying commissions or transfers to the prize fund for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011.
SECTION 11. Departments and agencies listed below may not
exceed the number of full-
time equivalent (FTE) positions shown below in any pay
period. Full-time equivalent positions do
not include seasonal or intermittent positions whose
scheduled period of employment does not
exceed twenty-six consecutive weeks or whose scheduled hours
do not exceed nine hundred and
twenty-five (925) hours, excluding overtime, in a one-year
period. Nor do they include
individuals engaged in training, the completion of which is a
prerequisite of employment.
Provided, however, that the
Governor or designee, Speaker of the House of Representatives or
designee, and the President of the Senate or designee may
authorize an adjustment to any
limitation. Prior to the authorization, the State Budget Officer
shall make a detailed written
recommendation to the Governor, the Speaker of the House, and the
President of the Senate. A
copy of the recommendation and authorization to adjust
shall be transmitted to the chairman of
the House Finance Committee, Senate Finance Committee,
the House Fiscal Advisor and the
Fiscal Advisor.
agency or department may employ contracted employees or employee services where
the contracted employees would work under state employee
supervisors without determination of
need by the Director of Administration acting upon
positive recommendations of the Budget
and the Personnel Administrator and 15 days after a public hearing.
may any agency or department contract for services replacing work done by state
employees at that time without determination of need by the
Director of Administration acting
upon the positive recommendations of the Budget Officer
and the Personnel Administrator and 30
days after a public hearing.
employees whose funding is from non-state general revenue funds that are time
limited shall receive limited term appointment with the term
limited to the availability of non-
state general revenue funding source.
Departments and Agencies
Administration 699.6
Business Regulation 91.0
Labor and Training 454.0
Revenue 428.0
Legislature 297.9
Office of the Lieutenant
Governor 8.0
Office of the Secretary
of State 57.0
Office of the General
Treasurer 83.0
Board of Elections 12.0
Office of the Governor 46.0
Commission for Human
Rights 14.5
Public Utilities
Commission 46.0
Office of Health and
Human Services 75.6
Children, Youth, and
Families 700.0
Elderly Affairs and
Advocacy 31.0
Health 416.7
Human Services 967.6
Mental Health,
Retardation, and Hospitals 1,395.2
Office of the Child
Advocate 5.8
Commission on Deaf and
Hard of Hearing 3.0
Governor’s Commission on
Disabilities 4.0
Office of the Mental
Health Advocate 3.7
Elementary and Secondary
Education 149.4
School for the Deaf 60.0
Davies Career and
Technical School 133.0
Office of Higher
Education 20.4
Provided that 1.0 of the
total authorization would be available only for a position that is
supported by third- party funds.
University of Rhode
Island 2,453.5
Provided that 602.0 of
the total authorization would be available only for positions that
are supported by third-party funds.
Provided that 82.0 of
the total authorization would be available only for positions that are
supported by third-party funds.
Community College of
Rhode Island 813.1
Provided that 100.0 of
the total authorization would be available only for positions that
are supported by third-party funds.
RI Atomic Energy
Commission 8.6
Higher Education
Assistance Authority 42.6
Historical Preservation
and Heritage Commission 16.6
Telecommunications Authority 16.0
Office of the Attorney
General 231.1
Corrections 1,423.0
Judiciary 729.3
Military Staff 112.0
Public Safety 607.1
Office of the Public
Defender 93.0
Environmental Management
Coastal Resources
Management Council 30.0
Water Resources Board 6.0
Transportation 780.2
Total 14,894.2 14,827.6
SECTION 12. The amounts reflected in this Article include
the appropriation of Rhode
Island Capital Plan funds
for fiscal year 2011 and supersede appropriations provided for FY 2011
within Section 12 of Article 1 of Chapter 68 of the P.L. of
following amounts are hereby appropriated out of any money in the State’s Rhode
Island Capital Plan Fund
not otherwise appropriated to be expended during the fiscal years ending
June 30, 2012, June 30,
2013, June 30, 2014 and June 30, 2015. These amounts supersede
appropriations provided within Section 12 of Article 1 of Chapter 68
of the P.L. of 2009. For the
purposes and functions hereinafter mentioned, the State
Controller is hereby authorized and
directed to draw his or her orders upon the General Treasurer
for the payment of such sums and
such portions thereof as may be required by him or her
upon receipt of properly authenticated
Fiscal Yr Ending Fiscal Yr Ending Fiscal Yr Ending Fiscal Yr Ending
Project June
30, 2012 June 30, 2013 June 30, 2014 June 30, 2015
Utilities Upgrade 1,500,000
2,000,000 2,000,000
DOA-State House
Renovations 2,000,000 3,000,000 9,000,000 -
(Veterans') 1,400,000
4,000,000 3,850,000 2,050,000
DCYF-Fire Code
Upgrades-Group Homes 1,000,000 1,000,000 - -
MHRH- Eleanor Slater
Hosp Consolidation 16,350,000
4,000,000 4,950,000 -
School – East Bay 4,000,000
1,200,000 - -
Higher Ed-Asset
Protection-CCRI 1,657,101 1,700,000 1,743,500 1,788,305
Higher Ed-Asset
Protection-RIC 2,561,160 2,625,000 2,693,250 2,763,548
Higher Ed-RIC
Infrastructure Modernization - 1,000,000
5,000,000 5,000,000
Higher Ed-Asset
Protection-URI 5,842,364 6,000,000 6,157,500 6,320,000
DOC Asset Protection 3,300,000 3,500,000 3,500,000 3,000,000
Judicial Complexes-Asset
Protection 600,000 625,000 650,000 650,000
Mil Staff-Asset
Protection 270,000
280,000 300,000 300,000
DEM-Dam Repairs 850,000
1,000,000 550,000 550,000
DEM-Recreation Facility
Improvements 1,260,000 1,325,000 1,390,000 1,500,000
DOT Salt Storage
Facilities 2,000,000
2,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000
SECTION 13. Reappropriation of
Funding for
-. Any unexpended and
unencumbered funds from Rhode Island Capital Plan Fund project
appropriations may be reappropriated at
the recommendation of the Governor in the ensuing
fiscal year and made available for the same purpose. The
Governor shall submit a report of such
reappropriations to the chairperson of the house finance committee and
the chairperson of the
senate finance committee stating the final enacted amount by
project, the amounts expended and
the amounts reappropriated by
August 15, 2010.
SECTION 14. Extension of previous
authorizations--. The general
assembly, pursuant to
the provisions of section 35-8-25 of the general laws,
hereby extends to the termination date
contained herein the authority to issue the following general
obligation bond authorization in the
amount stated. The original authorization enacted by public
law and approved by the people that
remain unissued as of January 1, 2010 is as follows:
to be Termination
Purpose Statutory
Reference Extended
Clean Water Act
Environmental Trust
Fund Ch. 289-P.L. of 1986 $1,260,000 June 30, 2013
R.I. Water Pollution
Loan and Trust Fund Ch. 238-P.L. of 1988
as Amended by
P.L.of 1989 and
P.L.of 1990 $4,900,000
June 30, 2013
SECTION 15. Notwithstanding any provisions of Chapter
38 in Title 45 of the Rhode
Island General Laws, the
Rhode Island Health and Educational Building Corporation shall
transfer to the State Controller the sum of one million dollars
($1,000,000) on June 30, 2011.
SECTION 16. Should the U.S. Congress not enact an
extension to the enhanced Federal
Medical Assistance
Percentage (FMAP), or adopt an alternative program to provide financial
assistance in a substantially equivalent amount to State
governments by December 31, 2010, the
Governor is hereby
authorized to institute across the board reductions of equal percentage in
fiscal year 2011 only in general revenue appropriations
equivalent to but not to exceed the
unrealized FMAP resources, excluding any debt-related
obligations that require the full faith and
credit of the State. For purposes of this section,
"unrealized FMAP resources" shall mean the
difference between the amount that would have been distributed
to the State by virtue of an
FMAP extension and any
amount actually provided by an alternative program. The General
Assembly reserves the
authority to alter the appropriations to achieve similar reductions.
SECTION 17. This article shall take effect as of July
1, 2010.