Chapter 304

2009 -- H 5773 SUBSTITUTE A

Enacted 11/13/09





     Introduced By: Representative Robert A. Watson

     Date Introduced: February 26, 2009


It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:


     SECTION 1. Section 27-2-14 of the General Laws in Chapter 27-2 entitled "Foreign

Insurance Companies" is hereby amended to read as follows:


     27-2-14. Forwarding of process by commissioner. – (a) Whenever lawful process

against an a foreign insurance company shall be served upon the insurance commissioner, the

commissioner shall forward a copy of the process served on him or her, by mail, postpaid, and

directed to the person appointed by the insurance company to accept service of process on behalf

of the company. secretary of the company, or in the case of companies of foreign countries, to the

resident manager, if any, in this country.

     (b) Service upon the insurance commissioner shall be accomplished by regular mail or by

whatever alternative method is designated by the commissioner.

     (c) For each copy of process the insurance commissioner shall collect, for the use of the

state, the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), which shall be paid by the plaintiff at the time of

the service; the fee is to be recovered by the plaintiff as part of the taxable costs, if he or she

prevails in the suit.


     SECTION 2. Section 27-3-38 of the General Laws in Chapter 27-3 entitled "Agents,

Brokers, and Solicitors" is hereby amended to read as follows:


     27-3-38. Surplus line brokers -- License -- Affidavit of inability to obtain insurance -

- Reports and records -- Premium tax -- Notice to purchasers. -- (a) The insurance

commissioner may issue a surplus line broker's license to any person who or which is licensed as

a property and casualty insurance producer in this state, authorizing the licensee to procure,

subject to the restrictions provided in this section, policies of insurance, except life and health and

accident, from insurers which are on the commissioner's list of approved surplus insurers in this

state. This license may be suspended or revoked by the insurance commissioner whenever, in the

commissioner's judgment, a suspension or revocation will best promote the interest of the people

of this state. Before any license is issued by the insurance commissioner and before each renewal

of a license, there shall be filed in his or her office a written application by the person desiring the

license in the form or forms and supplements to the form, and containing any information, that

the insurance commissioner may prescribe.

      (b) A Rhode Island resident business entity acting as a surplus line broker may elect to

obtain a surplus line broker license. Application shall be made using the uniform business entity

application. Prior to approving the application, the commissioner shall find both of the following:

      (1) The business entity has paid the appropriate fees.

      (2) The business entity has designated a licensed surplus line broker responsible for the

business entity's compliance with the insurance laws and rules of this state.

      (c) When any policy of insurance is procured under the authority of that license, there

shall be executed, both by the licensee and by the insured, affidavits setting forth facts showing

that the insured or a licensed Rhode Island producer were unable, after diligent effort, to procure

from no less than three (3) authorized insurers the full amount of insurance required to protect the

property owned or controlled by the insured or the risks insured. Provided, however the

aforementioned affidavit shall not be required when insuring the following interest: amusement

parks and devices, environmental improvement and/or remediation sites, vacant property or

property under renovation, demolition operations, event cancellation due to weather, railroad

liability, discontinued products, fireworks and pyrotechnics, warehouseman's legal liability,

excess property coverage, and contingent liability. For purposes of this section, residual market

mechanisms shall not be considered authorized insurers. Prior to renewing, continuing, or

extending any policy, the licensed surplus line broker must confirm that the insurer is on the

insurance commissioner's list of approval surplus line insurers in this state.

      (d) The licensee shall keep a complete and separate record of all policies procured from

approved surplus lines insurers under the license and these records shall be open to the

examination of both the insurance commissioner and tax administrator at all reasonable times,

and shall show the exact amount of each kind of insurance permitted under this section which has

been procured for each insured, the gross premiums charged by the insurers for each kind of

insurance permitted under this section which were returned to each insured, the name of the

insurer or insurers which issued each of these policies, the effective dates of these policies, and

the terms for which these policies were issued. The licensee shall file a yearly report with the

insurance commissioner on a form prescribed by the insurance commissioner showing the

business procured under the surplus line license for the preceding calendar year, and the report

shall be due annually on or before April 1.

      (e) Every person, firm, or corporation licensed pursuant to the provisions of this section

shall file with the insurance commissioner, at the time of the insurance producer license renewal,

a certificate of the tax administrator, on a blank furnished by the insurance commissioner,

certifying that the sufficient information as determined by the insurance commissioner whether a

licensee or a person acting on the licensees behalf, has paid to the tax administrator, for all

policies procured by the licensee pursuant to the license during the next preceding calendar year,

a tax, computed at the rate of three percent (3%) on the gross premiums charged the insured by

the insurers, less the amount of premiums returned to the insured.

      (f) Every application form for insurance from a surplus lines insurer, every affidavit

form executed by the insured, and every policy (on its front and declaration pages) issued by the

surplus lines insurer, shall contain in ten (10) point type the following notice:









     SECTION 3. Section 27-7-2.5 of the General Laws in Chapter 27-7 entitled "Liability

Insurance" is hereby amended to read as follows:


     27-7-2.5. Minimum coverage -- Medical payments. -- (a) No policy insuring against

loss resulting from liability imposed by law, or for injuries caused by a motor vehicle collision or

for injuries arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle, shall be

delivered or issued in this state unless coverage is provided in the policy for medical payments in

an amount of not less than twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500) for each individual and five

thousand dollars ($5,000) aggregate for the protection of persons injured regardless of the fault of

the injured person; provided, that the named insured shall have the right to reject that coverage. in


      (b) The insurer or any affiliated insurer shall be required to notify the policy holder in

any renewal policy as to the availability of medical payments coverage. Unless the insured named

in the policy requests medical payments coverage in writing, that coverage need not be provided

in any subsequent policy issued by the same insurer or any affiliate for motor vehicles owned by

the named insured, including, but not limited to, renewal, reinstatement, substitute, amended,

modified, transfer, or replacement policies where the named insured has rejected the coverage in

connection with the policy previously issued to the insured by the same insurer or an affiliate.


     SECTION 4. Section 27-10-8 of the General Laws in Chapter 27-10 entitled "Claim

Adjusters" is hereby amended to read as follows:


     27-10-8. Emergency licenses. -- (a) Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this

chapter, the commissioner may permit an experienced adjuster to act as an adjuster in this state on

homeowners' losses without a Rhode Island license if:

      (1) The adjuster is either a licensed adjuster in another state which requires a license or

regularly adjusts in another state where such licensing is not required and works for an insurance

company authorized to do business in Rhode Island;

      (2) He or she is engaged in emergency insurance adjustment work during the period of

emergency only, as determined by the commissioner.

      (b) The experienced adjuster may work in this state either for an employer who is an

adjuster licensed by this state, or for a regular employer of one or more adjusters licensed by this

state, or for an insurance company authorized to do business in this state; provided, that the

employer or insurer shall furnish to the commissioner a notice in writing or electronically

promptly after the beginning of any emergency insurance adjustment work. The adjuster may

adjust claims from within or outside the state.

      Emergency licenses permitted under this section shall not exceed one hundred twenty

(120) days, unless extended by the commissioner.

      (c) As used in this section, "emergency insurance adjustment work" includes, but is not

limited to:

      (1) Adjustment of a single loss or losses arising out of an event or catastrophe common

to all of those losses; or

      (2) Adjustment of losses in any area declared to be a state of disaster by the governor of

the state of Rhode Island or by the president of the United States under applicable federal law.


     SECTION 5. Section 27-20.1-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 27-20.1 entitled

"Nonprofit Dental Service Corporations" is hereby amended to read as follows:


     27-20.1-5. Examination of affairs of corporation. -- It is the duty of the director of

business regulation at least every three (3) five (5) years to make an examination of the financial

condition and methods of doing business of every nonprofit dental service corporation. The

examination shall be performed, and the associated costs shall be borne by the company, in

accordance with all provisions of chapter 13.1 of this title.


     SECTION 6. Section 27-29-13.2 of the General Laws in Chapter 27-29 entitled "Unfair

Competition and Practices" is hereby amended to read as follows:


     27-29-13.2. Cancellation provisions for return of unearned premium. -- Every

insurance policy issued and approved for use in Rhode Island shall provide clear language on the

method of calculation of the unearned premium portion to be returned to the insured if the policy

is cancelled. Insurance policies shall not state "refer to manuals" to determine the amount of

unearned premium to be returned. For all cancellations, the actual percentage retained by the

insurer shall be discernible in the policy cancellation provisions. If a policy is canceled using a

short-rate table, the insurer shall provide the short-rate table within the cancellation provisions of

the insurance policy so that an insured can make an informed decision when cancelling a policy

midterm. Insurers shall not impose cancellation fees when insurance policies are cancelled using

short rate tables.


     SECTION 7. Chapter 27-29 of the General Laws entitled "Unfair Competition and

Practices" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section:


     27-29-13.3. Fraud Warning. – Notwithstanding any similar requirements in title 28,

every claim form and application for insurance, regardless of the form of transmission, shall

contain the following statement or a substantially similar statement; provided, that this section

shall not apply to any claim form for health insurance which is on a form promulgated by the

centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or in electronic format pursuant to 45 C.F.R. Part

162. β€œAny person who knowingly presents a false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or

benefit or knowingly presents false information in an application for insurance is guilty of a crime

and may be subject to fines and confinement in prison.”


     SECTION 8. Section 27-34.3-14 of the General Laws in Chapter 27-34.3 entitled "Rhode

Island Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association Act" is hereby amended to read as



     27-34.3-14. Miscellaneous provisions. -- (a) This chapter shall not be construed to

reduce the liability for unpaid assessments of the insureds of an impaired or insolvent insurer

operating under a plan with assessment liability.; provided, however, this chapter shall not be

construed to reduce the liability for unpaid assessments of the insureds of an impaired or

insolvent insurer operating under a plan with assessment liability prior to January 1, 1996.

      (b) Records shall be kept of all meetings of the board of directors to discuss the activities

of the association in carrying out its powers and duties under section 27-34.3-8. The records of

the association with respect to an impaired or insolvent insurer shall not be disclosed prior to the

termination of a liquidation, rehabilitation or conservation proceeding involving the impaired or

insolvent insurer, upon the termination of the impairment or insolvency of the insurer, or upon the

order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Nothing in this subsection shall limit the duty of the

association to render a report of its activities under section 27-34.3-15.

      (c) For the purpose of carrying out its obligations under this chapter, the association shall

be deemed to be a creditor of the impaired or insolvent insurer to the extent of assets attributable

to covered policies reduced by any amounts to which the association is entitled as subrogee

pursuant to section 27-34.3-8(k). Assets of the impaired or insolvent insurer attributable to

covered policies shall be used to continue all covered policies and pay all contractual obligations

of the impaired or insolvent insurer as required by this chapter. Assets attributable to covered

policies, as used in this subsection, are that proportion of the assets which the reserves that should

have been established for covered policies bear to the reserves that should have been established

for all policies of insurance written by the impaired or insolvent insurer.

      (d) As a creditor of the impaired or insolvent insurer as established in subsection (c) of

this section and consistent with section 27-14.3-38, the association and other similar associations

shall be entitled to receive a disbursement of assets out of the marshalled assets, from time to time

as the assets become available to reimburse it, as a credit against contractual obligations under

this chapter. If the liquidator has not, within one hundred twenty (120) days of a final

determination of insolvency of an insurer by the receivership court, made an application to the

court for the approval of a proposal to disperse assets out of marshalled assets to guaranty

associations having obligations because of the insolvency, then the association shall be entitled to

make application to the receivership court for approval of its own proposal to disburse these


      (e) (1) Prior to the termination of any liquidation, rehabilitation or conservation

proceeding, the court may take into consideration the contributions of the respective parties,

including the association, the shareholders, and policy owners of the insolvent insurer, and any

other party with a bona fide interest, in making an equitable distribution of the ownership rights

of the insolvent insurer. In that determination, consideration shall be given to the welfare of the

policy owners of the continuing or successor insurer.

      (2) No distribution to stockholders, if any, of an impaired or insolvent insurer shall be

made until and unless the total amount of valid claims of the association with interest on the

claims for funds expended in carrying out its powers and duties under section 27-34.3-8 with

respect to the insurer have been fully recovered by the association.

      (f) (1) If an order for liquidation or rehabilitation of an insurer domiciled in this state has

been entered, the receiver appointed under the order shall have a right to recover on behalf of the

insurer, from any affiliate that controlled it, the amount of distributions, other than stock

dividends paid by the insurer on its capital stock, made at any time during the five (5) years

preceding the petition for liquidation or rehabilitation subject to the limitations of subdivisions (2)

-- (4) of this subsection.

      (2) No distribution shall be recoverable if the insurer shows that when paid the

distribution was lawful and reasonable, and that the insurer did not know and could not

reasonably have known that the distribution might adversely affect the ability of the insurer to

fulfill its contractual obligations.

      (3) Any person who was an affiliate that controlled the insurer at the time the

distributions were paid shall be liable up to the amount of distributions received. Any person who

was an affiliate who controlled the insurer at the time the distributions were declared, shall be

liable up to the amount of distributions which would have been received if they had been paid

immediately. If two (2) or more persons are liable with respect to the same distributions, they

shall be jointly and severally liable.

      (4) The maximum amount recoverable under this subsection shall be the amount needed

in excess of all other available assets of the insolvent insurer to pay the contractual obligations of

the insolvent insurer.

      (5) If any person liable under subdivision (3) of this subsection is insolvent, all its

affiliates that controlled it at the time the distribution was paid, shall be jointly and severally

liable for any resulting deficiency in the amount recovered from the insolvent affiliate.


      SECTION 9. Sections 3, 6, 7 and 8 shall take effect on January 1, 2010. Sections 1, 2, 4,

5 shall take effect upon passage.



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