Chapter 092
2009 -- S 474 SUBSTITUTE A AS
Enacted 07/09/09
Introduced By: Senators DeVall, DiPalma, Sosnowski, P Fogarty, and Gallo
Date Introduced: February 25, 2009
It is enacted by the
General Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Sections 39-1.2-1, 39-1.2-5, 39-1.2-7, 39-1.2-8,
39-1.2-12 and 39-1.2-13 of
the General Laws in Chapter 39-1.2 entitled "Excavation
Near Underground Utility Facilities" are
hereby amended to read as follows:
Definitions. -- As used in this chapter:
"Administrator" means the administrator of the division of public
utilities and
(2) "Approximate
location of underground facilities" means a strip of land extending not
more than one and one-half (1 1/2) feet on either side of
the underground facilities.
"Association" means the group of public utilities formed pursuant to
section 39-1.2-4
for the purpose of receiving and giving notice of
excavation activity within the state.
(4) "Damage"
means and includes but is not limited to the substantial weakening of
structural or lateral support of a utility line, penetration, or
destruction of any utility line
protective coating, housing, or other protective device or the
severance, partial or complete of any
utility line.
"Demolition" means the wrecking, razing, rending, moving, or removing
of any
"Excavation" means an operation for the purpose of movement or
removal of earth,
rock, or other materials in or on the ground, or otherwise
disturbing the subsurface of the earth,
by the use of powered or mechanized equipment, including
but not limited to digging, blasting,
auguring, back filling, test boring, drilling, pile driving,
grading, plowing in, hammering, pulling
in, trenching, and tunneling; excluding the movement of
earth by tools manipulated only by
human or animal power and the tilling of soil for
agricultural purposes.
(7) "Governing
authority" means the permit issuing authority.
(8) "Person"
means an individual, partnership, corporation, association, or a public
utility, including a person engaged as a contractor by a public
agency and including a public
(9) "Public
agency" means the state or any political subdivision thereof, including
governmental agency.
(10) "Public
utility" means the owner or operator of underground facilities for
electric, gas, telephone, or water service as defined in
section 39-1-2(20); and also means and
includes, for the purposes of this chapter only, electric
transmission companies and nonregulated
power producers, as defined in section 39-1-2(13) and (19);
any cable television service; and any
water company which voluntarily becomes a member of the
association provided for under
section 39-1.2-4.
(11) "Public
utility facilities" means the underground plant and equipment owned and
operated by a public utility for the purpose of
furnishing electricity, gas, water, cable television or
telephone service; including the underground plant and
equipment owned and operated by any
water company, not subject to regulation by the
administrator of the division of the public utilities
which voluntarily joins the association provided for under
section 39-1.2-4. Utility facilities shall
include active, newly installed and inactive or abandoned,
utility facilities.
(12) “Abandoned utility
facilities” means any known underground or submerged utility
line or facility that has been permanently taken out of
service. For excavation purposes the
abandoned underground utility facilities should always be
considered to be active utility service.
(13) “Inactive
utility facilities” means any underground or submerged utility facilities
line or facility that has been temporarily taken out of
service with the expectation of becoming
usable in the future.
Notice of excavation. -- Except as provided in
section 39-1.2-9, any person,
public agency or public utility responsible for excavating
within one hundred feet (100') or for
discharging explosives within one hundred feet (100') of a public
utility facility shall notify the
association of the proposed excavation or discharge by telephone
at least forty-eight (48) seventy-
two (72) hours,
excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, but not more than thirty (30) days
before commencing the excavation or discharge of explosives.
Actual excavation must thereupon
be performed commence
within thirty (30) days and be completed within sixty (60) days,
including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, or the excavator
must renotify the association. Each
public utility shall, upon receipt of each notice of
excavation, mark within forty-eight (48)
seventy-two (72)
hours or, where applicable in accordance with section 39-1.2-12, re-mark
twenty-four (24) forty-eight
(48) hours, the location of all underground facilities. If an excavator
determines that a public utility facility has been mismarked, the excavator may notify the
association and the appropriate public utility shall remark no
later than three (3) hours after
receipt of notification from the association. The failure to mark or re-mark the location of all
underground facilities upon each notice of excavation shall
constitute a separate violation of this
chapter. Where an excavation is to be made by a contractor as
part of the work required by a
contract with the state or with any political subdivision
thereof or other public agency, for the
construction, reconstruction, relocation, or improvement of a
public way or for the installation of
a railway track, conduit, sewer, or water main, the
contractor shall be deemed to have complied
with the requirements of this section by giving one such
notice as required by this section except,
when unanticipated obstructions are encountered, setting
forth the location and the approximate
time required to perform the work involved to the
association. In addition, the initial notice shall
indicate whether the excavation is anticipated to involve
blasting and if so, the date on which and
specific location at which the blasting is to occur. If after
the commencement of an excavation, it
is found there is an unanticipated obstruction requiring
blasting, the excavator shall give at least
four (4) hours notice to the association before commencing
the blasting. When demolition of a
building containing a public utility facility is proposed, the
public utility or utilities involved will
be given written notice by registered mail at least ten
(10) days prior to the commencement of the
demolition of the building. All notices shall include the name,
address, and telephone number of
the entity giving notice, the name of the person, public
agency, or public utility performing the
work, and the commencement date and proposed type of
excavation, demolition, or discharge of
explosives. The association shall immediately transmit the
information to the public utilities
whose facilities may be affected. An adequate record shall
be maintained by the association to
document compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
39-1.2-7. Marking
of underground utilities Marking of underground utilities and
excavations. -- (a)
A public utility served with the notice in accordance
with section 39-1.2-5
shall, within forty-eight (48) seventy-two (72)
hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and legal
holidays, of the receipt of the notice, unless otherwise
agreed between the person or public
agency performing the work and the public utility, mark the
approximate location of the
underground utilities utility facilities.
(b) Prior to notifying
the association, any excavator must premark the area
of proposed
excavation in a manner that will enable the owner of the public
utility facilities to identify the
boundaries of the proposed excavation activities, except that premarking shall not be required if
the proposed excavation will be continuous and exceed
five hundred feet (500') in length, or if
such marks may reasonably interfere with traffic or
pedestrian control or are misleading to the
general public.
(c) A public utility
shall mark any of their underground utility facilities that are located
within fifteen feet (15') of the exterior limits of the premarked excavation area.
(d) For the
purposes of this chapter, the approximate location of underground utility
facilities shall be marked with stakes, paint, or other physical
means as may be necessary to
ensure a distinctive mark. The public utility shall follow the color coding prescribed in this
Electric power
distribution and transmission Safety
State and municipal
electric systems Safety
Gas distribution and
transmission High
Visibility Safety Yellow
Dangerous materials,
product line High
Visibility Safety Yellow
Telephone and telegraph
systems Safety
Water systems Safety
Precaution Blue
Cable antenna
television Safety
Alert Orange
Premark White
(b) (e) In the event the excavator shall damage the underground
public utility facilities as
the result of an incorrect marking by the public utility,
the excavator shall not be responsible for
the resulting damage.
Notice in emergency. – (a) In the event of
any emergency proposing posing a
threat to life, public health, public safety
or property, or which may require immediate correction
in order to continue the operation of a major industrial
plant, or to assure the continuity of public
utility service, excavation, maintenance, or repairs may be
made without using explosives upon
notice and advice thereof given to the association as soon
as it is determined that an emergency
exists. The excavator shall thereafter employ any means
necessary, excluding blasting, to insure
that the underground public utility facilities in the area
of the excavation shall not be damaged.
(b) In the event of
an emergency, public utilities shall notify the excavator, at the
telephone number provided to the association by the excavator,
within two (2) hours upon receipt
of notice as to whether the public utility has any
facilities in the vicinity of the proposed
excavation. If the public utility has any facilities in the
vicinity of the proposed excavation, the
public utility shall mark out their facilities no later than
three (3) hours after receipt of notice
from the association.
Maintenance of utility markings. -- After a public
utility has marked its
underground facilities in accordance with the provisions of
section 39-1.2-7, the excavator shall
be responsible for maintenance of the designated
markings. In the event the markings are
obliterated, destroyed, or removed, the utility shall, within twenty-four
(24) forty-eight (48) hours
following the receipt of a request, remark the location of its
Penalties. -- (a) Any
person or utility who violates any provision of this
chapter shall be subject to a civil penalty of no more
than three hundred fifty dollars ($350) two
hundred dollars ($200)
for the first offense and not less than five hundred dollars ($500) nor more
than one thousand dollars ($1,000) two thousand
five hundred dollars ($2,500) for any
subsequent offense within a twelve (12) month period. The
administrator of the division of public
utilities shall assess the civil penalty against the person or
utility who is determined to have
committed the violation. All penalties recovered shall be paid
into the general fund of the state.
This chapter shall not be construed to affect any civil
remedies for personal injury or property
damage (including underground utilities), except as
otherwise specifically provided for in this
(b) Any contractor
found in violation of this chapter who, after due process of law, fails
to satisfy any such fines levied pursuant to this
chapter shall be ineligible to bid on or be awarded
any municipal, quasi-municipal, state, state funded,
state regulated or state subsidized
construction and/or public works contracts.
SECTION 2. Chapter 39-1.2 of the General Laws entitled
"Excavation Near
Underground Utility
Facilities" is hereby amended by adding thereto the following section:
Findings. – The general assembly finds and
declares that:
(1) Safety and the
need for an effective damage prevention program for underground
utility facilities should include participation from all
stakeholders including excavators and utility
(2) To develop a
process for fostering and promoting the use of an effective damage
prevention program, by all appropriate stakeholders,
technologies need to be improved that
enhance communications, underground pipeline locating
capability, and gathering and analyzing
information about the accuracy and effectiveness of underground facility
locating programs;
(3) Many public,
private and municipal utilities are located underground including, but
not limited to, gas, water, electric, cable television,
telephone and sewers. Excavation in the
vicinity of such utilities can be dangerous and the utilities
should be marked appropriately to
avoid damage, injury or public emergency; and
(4) All utilities
whether public, private or municipal should strongly consider
participation in the utility damage prevention program known as Dig
Safe System, Inc. to insure
the highest level of safety and awareness of utility
facility locations.
SECTION 3. Chapter 45-14 of the General Laws entitled
"Sewage Charges" is hereby
amended by adding thereto the following section:
45-14-1.1. Recording of sewer system. – Starting on January
1, 2012, all cities and
towns that own, operate, manage or control a sewer system
shall require as-built drawings and
plans on any new sewer main extension to be submitted to
the sewer authority. In addition, an as-
built record drawing and plans shall be submitted to the
sewer authority for any sewer main
upgrade or repair that deviates in horizontal or vertical
alignment from the existing sewer main
horizontal or vertical alignment. The preparation and submission
of such as-built drawings and
plans shall be the responsibility of the person that each
city and town has designated either by
ordinance or by contract. All cities and towns shall determine
the form in which such drawings
and plans shall be submitted.
SECTION 4. Chapter 46-25 of the General Laws entitled "
Commission" is hereby
amended by adding thereto the following section:
46-25-19.1. Recording of sewer systems. – Starting on January
1, 2012, the commission
shall maintain as-built drawings and plans on any new or
upgraded sewer main it owns and
operates. Such as-built drawings and plans shall be the
responsibility of the person that the
commission has designated and shall be in a form designated by
the commission.
SECTION 5. This act shall take effect on November 1, 2009.
LC01193/SUB A