Enacted 07/03/07
By: Representatives McNamara, Diaz, Crowley, Lewiss, and Savage
Introduced: February 07, 2007
It is enacted by the General Assembly as
SECTION 1. Title
16 of the General Laws entitled "EDUCATION" is hereby amended
by adding thereto the following chapter:
Short title. – This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the
Island High School Dropout Prevention Act of
Targeted dropout prevention program. – (a) The Rhode Island
of elementary and secondary education shall work
with the school districts that have the lowest
high school graduation rates. The department
shall incorporate into its progressive support and
intervention specific dropout prevention strategies,
target resources, and gather data that will
include graduation rates and educational
outcomes in all Rhode Island schools.
(b) The
department shall develop specific methods of targeted intervention or identify
appropriate existing methods for school
districts that have a dropout rate greater than fifteen
percent (15%) as determined by the department of
elementary and secondary education. These
interventions methods may include:
(1) Early intervention
for students who fail Algebra I or any ninth grade math class and
have insufficient credits to be promoted;
(2) Alternative
programs designed to reengage dropouts including dual enrollment
courses at the community college level;
(3) Increased
availability of advanced placement courses;
(4) Offering
full course fee waivers for students eligible for free and reduced lunches,
when enrolled in dual credit courses;
(5) Flexible
programs for older students who are currently not enrolled;
Comprehensive supplemental education programs for middle school students who
below grade level in reading and math;
(7) Teacher
advisories and other supports that are designed to specifically address the
needs of youth most at risk of dropping out of
(8) Strategies
that are specifically designed to improve high school graduation rate of
teens at highest risk for dropping out,
including youth in the foster care system, pregnant and
parenting youth, English as a second language
learners, and teens with special education needs;
Communicating with parents and students about the availability of local
programs and the academic enrichment and other
activities the programs offer.
(c) The department
shall also gather the following data to ensure that all programs are
research-based and data-driven and use such data
for continuous program improvement:
(1) The total
number of high school suspensions related to truancy;
(2) Total number
of students enrolled in alternative programs;
(3) Total
number of students who have been reenrolled in programs with flexible
schedules or community college programs;
(4) Total
number of freshmen who have personal literacy plans (PLPs);
(5) Total
number of students who have failed Algebra I or ninth grade math;
(6) Total
number of students who are repeating the ninth grade;
(7) Total
number of students receiving remedial programming in the ninth grade; and
(8) The percentage
of children in the care of DCYF who do not graduate from high
(d) In school
districts involved in progressive support intervention the department of
elementary and secondary education shall prepare
and submit each year a written report that
(1) The
outcomes of the dropout prevention strategies to date, at the school district
(2) How the
school district dropout prevention strategies and activities will be modified,
based on the data.
16-67.1-3. Defining the
age and protocol for a student to leave school. – (a) Children
who have completed sixteen (16) years
of life and who have not yet attained eighteen (18) years
of age may not withdraw from school before
graduation unless:
(1) The student, the
student's parent(s)/guardian and an administrator agree to the
(2) At the exit interview,
the student and the student's parent(s)/guardian provide written
acknowledgement of the withdrawal that
meets the requirements of subsection (D);
(3) The school principal
provides written consent for the student to withdraw from
school; and/or
(4) The withdrawal is due
(A) Documented financial
hardship and the need of the individual to be employed to
support the individual's family or a
(B) Documented illness;
(C) By order of a court
that has jurisdiction over the student; and
(D) Accompanied by a
written acknowledgement of a withdrawal under subsection (b)(2)
which must include a statement that
the student and the student's parent(s)/guardian understand
that withdrawal from school is likely
to reduce the student's future earnings and increase the
student's likelihood of being
unemployed in the future;
(b) If a child of the age
described in (a) is habitually absent from school and the school is
unable to contact the
parent(s)/guardian. the school may withdraw the child from enrollment
provided that its attempts to contact the
parent(s)/guardian by telephone, regular and registered
mail, and home visit are documented.
If a child who has been withdrawn from enrollment under
this subsection returns to school, or
if the school mistakenly withdraws the child from enrollment,
the child shall promptly be
Rhode Island dropout prevention "double-up for college" program. –
The commissioner of the Rhode Island department
of elementary and secondary education and
the commissioner of the Rhode Island board of
governors for higher education may develop a
plan for a high school "fast track to
college" program that offers qualified individuals an
opportunity to earn a high school diploma while
earning credits for a certificate program or an
associates degree.
(b) To be
eligible to earn a high school diploma under this section, an individual must
(1) Nineteen
(19) years of age and not currently enrolled in a school; or
(2) Seventeen (17)
years of age to nineteen (19) years of age and have consent from the
high school that the individual is currently
enrolled in.
(c) To complete
the requirements for a high school diploma under this section, the
individual must meet the graduation requirements
of his or her local educational authority.
(d) The
department, in collaboration with the board of governors for higher education,
shall report to the Rhode Island general
assembly on the feasibility of establishing this program
and the potential cost of a pilot program by
January 1, 2008.
SECTION 2. Section
16-19-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-19 entitled
"Compulsory Attendance" is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Attendance required. -- (a) Every child who has completed or will have
completed six (6) years of life on or before
September 1 of any school year and has not completed
sixteen (16) years of life shall regularly
attend some public day school during all the days and
hours that the public schools are in session in
the city or town in which the child resides. Every
person having under his or her control a child
as described in this section shall cause the child to
attend school as required by this section, and
for every neglect of this duty the person having
control of the child shall be fined not
exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00) for each day or part of a day
that the child fails to attend school, and if
the total of these days is more than thirty (30) school
days during any school year, then the person
shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned not exceeding
six (6) months or shall be fined not more than
five hundred dollars ($500), or both; provided, that
if the person so charged shall prove that the
child has attended for the required period of time a
private day school approved by the commissioner
of elementary and secondary education
pursuant to section 16-60-6(10), or a course of
at-home instruction approved by the school
committee of the town where the child resides,
or that the physical or mental condition of the
child was such as to render his or her
attendance at school inexpedient or impracticable, or that
the child was excluded from school by virtue of
some general law or regulation, then attendance
shall not be obligatory nor shall the penalty be
(b) Every child
enrolled in school who completes or has completed sixteen (16) years of
life and who has not yet attained eighteen (18)
years of age shall regularly attend school during
all the days and hours that the public schools
are in session in the city or town in which the child
resides unless the person having control of the
child provides written permission to the school
department of the city or town to terminate the
child's enrollment.
withdraws the child from
enrollment in accordance with section 16-67.1-3. Provided, however, that
nothing in this
subsection or in subsection (a) of this section
shall prohibit or limit cities or towns from enacting
programs of early intervention and/or mediation
in an effort to address the problems of students
who are habitually late or absent from school.
(c) Nothing in
this section shall be deemed to limit or otherwise interfere with the rights
of teachers and other school employees to collectively
bargain pursuant to chapters 9.3 and 9.4 of
title 28 or to allow any school committee to
abrogate any agreement reached by collective
act shall take effect on September 1, 2007.