42-148-1. Statement of intent. – If it is determined that
privatization of certain governmental functions may be appropriate, the privatization
inquiry process should be well defined with appropriate non-partisan,
institutional oversight. The principles that guide a privatization inquiry
shall include the following:
(a) To ensure the potential savings
are realized and maximized -- build cost controls and containment incentives
into contracts to eliminate excessive and unreasonable overhead costs and
profits at the expense of citizens of
the state;
(b) To preserve and promote
competition – permit in-house program managers and public employees to bid for
the contract on a level playing field;
(c) To ensure quality and
responsiveness – develop reliable measures of service quality, strengthen
in-house monitoring capacity and expertise, and write contracts with periodic
performance reporting;
(d) To ensure accountability,
control, and avoidance of conflicts of interest with departmental managers –
write detailed contract specifications, and require record-keeping and periodic
(e) To address legal and political
barriers – involve affected groups in the decision making process; and
(f) To recognize the impact on
service recipients, employees, and their families – enable public employees to
have an opportunity to bid for their work.
42-148-2. Definitions. – When used in this chapter:
(a) "In-house costs"
means a detailed budget breakdown of the current costs of providing the service
or program proposed for privatization.
(b) "Statement of work and
performance standards" means a clear statement of the nature and extent of
the work to be performed with measurable performance standards as set forth in
section 42-148-3(b)(2) of this chapter.
(c) "In-house bid" shall
mean the cost of the proposal proffered by in-house state programs and employees and their representatives
pursuant to section 42-148-3(b)(3) of this chapter.
(d) "Cost comparison"
means an analysis of the comparative costs of providing the service in-house or
by privatization.
(e) "Conversion
differential" means transition costs and costs associated with starting up
or closing down during conversion to purchase of service or in the event of the
need to bring services back in-house.
(f) "Transition costs"
means the cost of contracting including monitoring vendors for accountability,
costs associated with unemployment compensation, payment of accrued leave
credits, bumping, and retention factors for those with statutory status.
Transitional costs shall not include department overhead or other costs that
would continue even if the services were privatized.
42-148-3. Preclosure analysis. – (a) Prior to the closure,
consolidation or privatization of any state facility, function or program, the
director of administration or his or her designee, shall conduct a thorough cost
comparison analysis and evaluate quality performance concerns before deciding
to purchase services from private vendors rather than provide services
(b) The director of administration
shall, at least sixty (60) days prior to issuing requests for bids or
proposals, complete the following process:
(i) Document the current in-house
costs of providing the services with a detailed budget breakdown. The in-house
cost shall include any department overhead and other costs that would continue
even if the service was contracted out.
(ii) Prepare a statement of work
and performance standards which shall form the basis for the requests for
proposals and which shall include the following:
(A) A clear statement of work with
measurable performance standards including qualitative as well as quantitative
standards that bidders must meet or exceed;
(B) Requirements that contractors
meet affirmative action, disability and other nondiscriminatory and service
standards currently required of state agencies.
(C) A clear format that will enable
comparison of competitive bids and in-house bids. The format must require
detailed budget breakdowns.
(c) Prior to the issuance of the
RFP current public employees and program recipients must be notified of the
intent to solicit bid proposals and of the decision timeline.
(d) If the statement of work and
performance standards differs from the current in-house program procedures and
requirements or if current state program employees and their representatives
believe that they could perform the work more efficiently, an in-house state
work group shall be afforded an opportunity to present a new cost estimate,
reflecting any innovations that they could incorporate into the work
performance standards. This new cost estimate shall be deemed an in-house bid,
which shall form the basis for the eventual cost comparison. The director shall
provide technical and informational assistance to the in-house state work group
in its preparation of an in-house bid.
(e) The director may elect to accept
the in-house bid or proceed to prepare a request for proposal ("RFP")
which must:
(i) incorporate the statement of
work and performance standards, and
(ii) require bidders to meet the same
statement of work performance standards as required of the final in-house cost
estimate; and
(iii) include bid forms requiring a
sufficiently detailed breakdown of cost categories to allow accurate and
meaningful comparisons.
(f) The in-house bid developed
pursuant to subsection (d) of this section shall be kept confidential from
42-148-4. Cost comparison. – The director of administration
shall analyze all vendor bids as compared to current delivery of service costs
or an in-house bid, whichever is lower, according to the following:
(a) Any cost comparison must
include an analysis of:
(i) Comparative benefits for
employees to meet the requirements of the statement of work and performance
(ii) All transition costs as
defined in section 42-148-2(f) of this chapter;
(iii) Any conversion costs as
defined in section 42-148-2(e) of this chapter; and
(iv) Areas where the bidder's costs
appear artificially low, thereby putting the state at risk for further cost
(b) In the event that the state
will incur new program costs related to the statement of work and performance
standards, such costs shall be included in the cost comparison.
(c) All cost comparisons must
include an analysis of whether the cost savings will result in meeting the
performance and qualitative measures set out in the statement of work and
performance standards.
42-148-5. Award of contract. – After conducting a cost
comparison pursuant to section 42-148-4, the director of administration may
award the bid to an outside vendor only if the savings to the state is
substantial and the quality of performance of service required and specified in
statement of work and performance standards will be met or exceeded by the
outside vendor.
42-148-6. Appeal. – (a) Before any award is final, the
affected parties, which shall include program recipients, state employees and
their representatives shall have a right to appeal the award decision of the
director of the department of administration.
(b) The parties shall have sixty (60)
days from the date of the award to file an appeal. No contracts shall be
awarded or services contracted to
vendors if an appeal is pending.
(c) All documentation supporting
the cost and quality comparison shall be made available to the affected parties
upon request after the final decision has been made.
(d) All appeals of the final
decision of an award shall be filed in superior court in Providence County.
42-148-7. Report of general assembly. – (a)
The director of the department of administration shall notify the chairpersons
of the house and senate finance committees of their intent to request bids or
proposals to privatize state services. The notice to the committees shall be provided thirty (30) days prior to
issuing the request.
(b) Upon the final decision of an
award the director of the department of administration shall provide a report
to the chairpersons of the house and senate finance committees outlining the
bid process and analysis conducted in issuing an award.
42-148-8. Applicability. – Notwithstanding any general law or
special law to the contrary, no award shall be made or privatization contract
entered into by the state of Rhode Island unless and until the processes and
procedures outlined in sections 42-148-3, 42-148-4 and 42-148-5 have been fully
complied with in their entirety. All of the aforementioned sections shall apply
to all pending awards and pending privatization contracts.