WHEREAS, Rhode Island General Laws 42-64-20 authorizes the Rhode
Island Economic Development Corporation to engage in projects which are sales
tax exempt subject to approval of the General assembly; and
WHEREAS, Rhode Island General Laws 42-64-20.1 establishes the
procedure whereby the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation adopts and
submits a request for approval by the General Assembly that includes:
(1) A full description of the project to which the tax exemption
is related;
(2) The corporation's findings required by section 42-64-10(a)(1);
(3) The corporation's analysis of impact required by section
42-64-10(a)(2); and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly, through its finance committees,
thoroughly reviews the request for approval submitted by the Economic
Development Corporation in order to ensure that the HTP, MED. Inc. project
complies with all conditions established by the corporation; and
WHEREAS, The corporation has estimated the number of new full time
jobs to be 109, the amount of personal income tax revenue received to be
$339,000 over three years, and the estimated loss of sales tax revenue to be
$276,500 in FY 2008; and
WHEREAS, The General Assembly must assure that the project is in
the best interests of the citizens of Rhode Island prior to approval;
Now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Project status is hereby approved for HTP, MED. Inc.
subject to the following additional requirements:
The total sales tax exemption benefit identified in the project
status request, $276,500, will be implemented through a reimbursement process
rather than up-front purchase
The sales tax benefits granted pursuant to RIGL 42-64-20(c) shall
only apply to materials used in the construction, reconstruction or
rehabilitation of the project and to the acquisition of furniture, fixtures and
equipment, except automobiles, trucks or other motor vehicles for the project
for a period not to exceed six (6) months after receipt of a certificate of
occupancy for any given phase of the project for which sales tax benefits are
The corporation shall send the analysis required by RIGL
42-64-10(a)(2) to the house and senate fiscal committee chairs, the house and
senate fiscal advisors, the department of
labor and training and the division of taxation promptly upon
completion. Annually thereafter, the department of labor and training shall
certify to the house and senate fiscal committee chairs, the house and senate
fiscal advisors, the corporation and the division of taxation that the actual
number of new full-time jobs with benefits created by the project, not
including construction jobs, is on target to meet or exceed the estimated
number of new jobs identified in the analysis above, which in the case of HTP,
MED. Inc. is 109 jobs. This certification shall no longer be required when the
total amount of new income tax revenue received by the state exceeds the amount
of the sales tax exemption benefit granted above. For purposes of this section,
"full-time jobs with benefits" means jobs that require working a minimum
of thirty (30) hours per week within the state, with a medium wage that exceeds
by 5.0% the median annual wage for full-time jobs in Rhode Island or within the
lessee's industry, with a benefit package that is typical of companies within
the lessee's industry.
The department of labor and training shall certify to the house
and senate fiscal committee chairs, the house and senate fiscal advisors, and
the division of taxation that jobs created by the project are "new
jobs" in the state of Rhode Island, meaning that the employees of the
project are in addition to, and without a reduction of, those employees of the
lessee currently employed in Rhode Island, are not relocated from another
facility of the lessee's in Rhode Island or are employees assumed by the lessee
as the result of a merger or acquisition of a company already located in Rhode
Island. Additionally, the corporation, with the assistance of the lessee, the
department of labor and training, the department of human services and the
division of taxation shall provide annually an analysis of whether any of the
employees of the project qualify for RIte Care or RIte Share benefits and the
impact such benefits or assistance may have on the state budget.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the division of
taxation, the department of labor and training and the department of human
services are authorized to present, review and discuss lessee specific tax or
employment information or data with the corporation, the house and senate
fiscal committee chairs, and/or the house and senate fiscal advisors for the
purpose of verification and compliance with this resolution; and
The corporation and the project lessee shall agree that, if at any
time prior to pay back of the amount of the sales tax exemption through new
income tax collections, not including construction job income taxes, the lessee
will be unable to continue the project, or otherwise defaults on its
obligations to the corporation, the lessee shall be liable to the state for all
the sales tax benefits granted to the project plus interest, as determined in
RIGL 44-1-7, calculated from the date the lessee received the sales tax