Relating To Medical Assistance --
Long-Term Care Service and Finance Reform
SECTION 1. Sections
40-8.9-3, 40-8.9-4 and 40-8.9-5 of the
General Laws in Chapter 40-8.9 entitled "Medical Assistance - Long-Term Care
Service and Finance Reform" are hereby amended to read as follows:
40-8.9-3. Least restrictive setting requirement. --
Beginning on July 1, 2006 2007, the department of human services
is directed and authorized to recommend the allocate allocation
of existing Medicaid resources as needed to ensure that those in need of
long-term care and support services receive them in the least restrictive
setting appropriate to their needs and preferences. The department is hereby
authorized to utilize screening criteria, to avoid unnecessary
institutionalization of persons during the full eligibility determination
process for Medicaid community based care.
40-8.9-4. Unified long-term care budget. --
Beginning on July 1, 2007, a unified long-term care budget shall combine in a
single line-item appropriation within the department of human services
budget, annual department of human services Medicaid appropriations for nursing
facility and community-based long-term care services for elderly sixty-five
(65) and older (including adult day care, home health, and personal care in
assisted living settings). Beginning on July 1, 2007, the total system savings
attributable to the value of the reduction in nursing home days including
hospice care paid for by Medicaid shall be allocated in the budget
enacted by the general assembly for the ensuing fiscal year for the express
purpose of promoting and strengthening community-based alternatives.
The caseload estimating
conference pursuant to section 35-17-1 shall determine the amount of general
revenues to be added to the current service estimate of community based
long-term care services for elderly sixty-five (65) and older for the ensuing
budget year by multiplying the combined cost per day of nursing home and
hospice days estimated at the caseload conference for that year by the
reduction in nursing home and hospice days from those in the second fiscal year
prior to the current fiscal year to those in the first fiscal year prior to the
current fiscal year.
40-8.9-5. Administration and regulations. -- As
the The single state agency designated to administer the Rhode
Island Medicaid program, the department is hereby directed and
authorized to develop and submit any requests for waivers, demonstration
projects, grants and state plan amendments or regulations that may be
considered necessary and appropriate to support the general purposes of this
statute. Such requests shall be made in consultation with any affected
departments and, to the extent feasible, any consumer group, advisory body, or
other entity designated for such purposes.
article shall take effect upon passage.