Chapter 387
2005 -- H 5406 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 07/19/05
By: Representatives Mumford, Savage, Singleton, Ehrhardt, and Davey
Introduced: February 09, 2005
It is enacted by the General Assembly as
SECTION 1. Section
44-5-15 of the General Laws in Chapter 44-5 entitled "Levy and
Assessment of Local Taxes" is hereby
amended to read as follows:
44-5-15. Notice
of assessors' meeting Notice of assessors' meetings -- Notice by
taxpayer of intent to bring in account. -- Before assessing any
valuations, the assessors of all
the cities and towns shall cause printed
notices of the time and place of their respective meetings
to be posted in three (3) four (4)
public places in the their respective city or town, for three (3)
weeks next preceding the time of their meeting,
and shall advertise in some newspaper a
newspaper with a statewide circulation published in the
city or town, if there are any jointly, at
least once a week for the same space of time. The
cost of said advertisement shall be shared
equally among all of the cities and towns. The notices require
every person and body corporate
liable to taxation to bring in to the assessors at
the time they may prescribe a true and exact
account of all the ratable estate owned or
possessed by that person or body, describing and
specifying the value of every parcel of the real
estate as of December 31 in the year of the last
update or revaluation and personal estate as of
December 31 of the tax year, together with the
additional information that may be prescribed by
the assessors relative to the ratable estate as may
be contained in any corporation or inheritance
tax return filed with the state by the person within
the year preceding the date of assessment next
prior to the bringing in of the account. If any
person or body corporate liable to taxation
files with the assessors, on or before January 31 next
following the date of assessment, a written
notice of that person's or that body's intention to bring
in an account, the person or body corporate may
bring in to the assessors the account at any time
between March 1 and March 15 next following the
date of assessment. The notice of intention to
bring in an account is deemed to have been filed
with the assessors if the notice is sent to them by
registered or certified mail, postage prepaid,
postmarked before 12:00 A.M. midnight of the last
day on which the notice may be filed. The account
is deemed to be brought in to the assessors if
the account is sent to them by registered or
certified mail, postage prepaid, postmarked before
12:00 A.M. midnight of the last day on which
accounts may be brought in pursuant to the
provisions of this section. In case any person
or body corporate fails to file any intention, that
person or that body is deemed to have waived
that person's or that body's right to file the account.
All matters contained within the account filing
are available for review only by assessment
related personnel.
2. This act shall take effect upon passage.