Chapter 124
2005 -- S 0431
Enacted 7/01/05
By: Senator F Caprio
Date Introduced: February 10, 2005
is enacted by the General Assembly as follows:
SECTION 1. Section
34-22-6.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 34-22 entitled "Powers"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
When power of attorney not affected by incompetency. – (a)Whenever
donor of a power of attorney designates another
his or her attorney in fact or agent by a power of
attorney in writing and the writing contains the
words "This power of attorney shall not be
affected by the incompetency of the donor",
or "This power of attorney shall become effective
upon the incompetency of the donor", or
similar words showing the intent of the donor that the
authority conferred is exercisable
notwithstanding the donor's incompetency, the authority of the
attorney in fact or agent is exercisable as
provided in the power on behalf of the donor
notwithstanding later incompetency of the donor
at law or later uncertainty as to whether the
donor is dead or alive, and unless it states a
time of termination, the authority conferred remains
exercisable notwithstanding the lapse of time
since the execution of the instrument. All acts done
by the attorney in fact or agent pursuant to the
power during any period of incompetence or
uncertainty as to whether the donor is dead or
alive have the same effect and inure to the benefit
of and bind the donor or the donor's heirs,
devisees, and personal representative as if the donor
were alive and competent. If a guardian or
conservator subsequently is appointed for the donor,
the attorney in fact or agent, during the
continuance of the appointment, accounts to the guardian
or conservator rather than the donor. The
guardian or conservator has the same power the donor
would have had if the donor were not incompetent
to revoke, suspend, or terminate all or any part
of the power of attorney or agency.
(b) Any person
who acts in good faith reliance on a power of attorney, whether such
power is authorized pursuant to subsection (a)
of this section or is otherwise valid on its face,
shall incur no liability as a result of acting
in accordance with the instructions of the attorney in
fact or agent.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon passage.