2004 -- H 7417 SUBSTITUTE A
Enacted 07/05/04
Introduced By:
Representatives Kennedy, Giannini, Naughton, Laroche, and Montanaro
Introduced: January 29, 2004
It is enacted by the General Assembly
as follows:
1. Preamble.
the general assembly seeks to ensure that Rhode Islanders have access to
needed pharmaceuticals; and
the general assembly is concerned with the impact of the high cost of health
insurance premiums, particularly
on small businesses in Rhode Island; and
employers’ and insurers’ have sought to control health care costs through
negotiation for the best price and
quality; and
this negotiation process with insurers must be fair, open and competitive;
the general assembly hereby seeks to provide businesses purchasing
insurance the choice of an
unlimited pharmacy network, if their insurer also offers a limited
network of pharmacies.
2. Title 27 of the General Laws entitled "Insurance" is hereby
amended by
adding thereto the following
Definitions. – For purposes of this chapter, the following terms
shall mean:
“director” shall mean the director of the department of business regulation.
“eligible bidder” shall mean a retail pharmacy, community pharmacy or pharmacy
department registered pursuant
to chapter 19 of title 5, irrespective of corporate structure or
number of locations at which it
conducts business, located within the geographical service area of
a carrier and willing to bid for
participation in a restricted pharmacy network contract.
“insurer” shall mean an insurance carrier as defined in chapters 18, 19, 20 and
41 of
title 27.
“insured” shall mean any person who is entitled to have pharmacy services paid
by an
insurer pursuant to a policy,
certificate, contract or agreement of insurance or coverage.
“non-restricted pharmacy network” shall mean a network that permits any
to participate on substantially
uniform terms and conditions established by an insurer or
pharmacy benefits manager.
“pharmacy benefits manager” shall mean any person or entity that is not
licensed in
Rhode Island as an insurer and
that develops or manages pharmacy benefits, pharmacy network
contracts, or the pharmacy
benefit bid process.
“restricted pharmacy network” shall mean an arrangement for the provision of
pharmaceutical drug services to
insureds which under the terms of an insurer’s policy, certificate,
contract or agreement of
insurance or coverage requires an insured or creates a financial incentive
for an insured to obtain
prescription drug services from one or more participating pharmacies that
have entered into a specific
contractual relationship with the carrier.
Requirement for availability and accessibility of pharmacy services. – In
accordance with section
23-17.13-3, an insurer must demonstrate to the director of health the
willingness and potential
ability to assure that pharmacy services will be provided in a manner to
assure both availability and
accessibility of adequate personnel and facilities and in a manner
enhancing availability,
accessibility, and continuity of service.
Fair competition -- Requirements for carriers offering pharmacy
networks. – (a) An insurer that offers insureds a restricted
pharmacy network shall, in soliciting,
arranging, competitively
bidding, contracting for, and operating such a network, comply with the
following requirements for the
purpose of promoting fair and competitive bidding, regardless of
when the restricted pharmacy network
was established.
conduct and complete an open bidding process before March 1, 2005 and at least
every three (3) years
provide notice to eligible bidders of the insurer’s intent to solicit bids for
in a restricted pharmacy
inform eligible bidders of the date such bids will be solicited;
provide eligible bidders with information on an identical, equal and uniform
including, but not limited to, bid
procedure information, financial and utilization information
needed to make an informed
competitive bid, criteria to be used in awarding a restricted
pharmacy network contract and
proposed contractual requirements for the restricted pharmacy
provide eligible bidders with at least thirty (30) days to prepare and submit
between the bid solicitation
date and the bid submission deadline;
open all bids: (a) at a previously specified time, which shall not be more than
(30) days after the bid
submission deadline; and (b) in a public manner, provided, that certain,
information contained in said
bids may be held as confidential from public review consistent with
regulations promulgated by the
director regarding the disclosure of proprietary data or
information submitted by any
bidders; and
select a successful bidder using solely the criteria provided to eligible
pursuant to subsection
27-29.1-3(a)(4) above, applied in a uniform manner.
An insurer shall neither exclude nor favor any individual pharmacy, or group or
of pharmacies, in the design of
a competitive bid involving restricted or nonrestricted pharmacy
networks in compliance with the requirements
of this section. An entity and its affiliates that
assists an insurer in the
development of the bid, design, bid specifications or the bid process, or
assists in the review or
evaluation of said bids, shall be prohibited from bidding on such a
Mandate to offer a nonrestricted pharmacy network. – Every health
insurer that delivers or issues
for delivery or renews in this state a contract, plan, or policy that
provides coverage for
pharmaceuticals delivered on an outpatient basis through a restricted
pharmacy network, shall:
also offer insurance purchasers an optional benefit plan that includes a
pharmacy network; and
subject to a determination by the US Department of Health and Human Services'
Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services on the consistency of this subsection with Medicare
law and related regulations,
offer only nonrestricted pharmacy networks in any Medicare
Supplement or Medicare+Choice
Participation of independent community pharmacies. – Any pharmacies
licensed in the state of Rhode
Island that are not owned or controlled, directly or indirectly by an
entity that owns pharmacies
licensed in two (2) or more jurisdictions other than Rhode Island,
which are not participating in
an insurer's restricted pharmacy network contract shall nevertheless
have the right to provide
prescription drug services to the insurer's insureds and be paid by the
insurer as if the pharmacy were
participating in the insurer’s restricted pharmacy network,
provided that such non-network
independent pharmacies agree:
to accept as the insurer’s payments in full the price required of pharmacies in
insurer’s restricted pharmacy
to bill to the insured up to and not in excess of any copayment, coinsurance,
deductible, other amount
required of an insured by the insurer, or for other uncovered services;
to be reimbursed on the same methodological basis, including, but not limited
capitation or other risk-sharing
methodology, as required of pharmacies in the insurer’s restricted
pharmacy network;
to participate in the insurer’s utilization review and quality assurance
including utilization and drug management
reports as required of pharmacies in the carrier’s
restricted pharmacy network;
to provide computerized online eligibility determinations and claims
submissions as
required of pharmacies in the
insurer’s restricted pharmacy network;
to participate in the insurer’s satisfaction surveys and complaint resolution
for its insureds;
to protect the insurer’s proprietary information and an insured’s
confidentiality and
to abide by the insurer’s performance standards with respect to waiting times,
rates and inventory management,
including formulary restrictions;
to comply with the insurer’s claims audit provisions; and
to certify, using audit results or accountant statements, the fiscal soundness
of the
non-network pharmacy.
insurer may waive any of the aforementioned agreements in arranging for the
provision of pharmaceutical drug
benefits to insureds through a non-network pharmacy. An
insurer shall not impose any
agreements, terms or conditions on any non-network independent
community pharmacy, or on any
association of pharmacies, which are more restrictive than those
required of pharmacies in the
insurer’s restricted pharmacy network. The failure of a non-network
pharmacy to abide by the
aforementioned agreements may, at the option of the insurer, serve as
the basis for cancellation of
the non-network pharmacy’s participation.
Applicability and allowances. – (a) Nothing in this section shall preclude
insurer from entering into an
agreement to allow non-network providers, other than independent
community pharmacies, the
ability to participate with the insurer's plans under terms and
conditions set forth by the
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to arrangements for the
provision of
pharmaceutical drug benefits to
insureds between an insurer or a pharmacy benefits manager, and
a mail order pharmacy, or a
hospital-based pharmacy which is not a retail pharmacy.
(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require the provision of
benefits to insureds through a
restricted pharmacy network nor any other arrangement for the
provision of prescription drug
Regulation of pharmacy benefits managers. – Pharmacy benefits
shall be included within the
definition of third-party administrator under chapter 27-20.7 and shall
be regulated as such. The annual
report filed with the department of business regulation shall
include: contractual language
that provides a complete description of the financial arrangements
between the third-party
administrator and each of the insurers covering benefit contracts delivered
in Rhode Island; and if the
third-party administrator is owned by or affiliated with another entity
or entities, it shall include an
organization chart and brief description which shows the
relationships among all
affiliates within a holding company or otherwise affiliated. Such
reporting shall be in a format
required by the director and filed with the department as a public
record as defined and regulated
under chapter 38-2.
Enforcement. – The department of business regulation shall have
authority to
enforce the provisions of sections
27-29.1-3 -- 27-29.1-7, subject to the provisions of chapter 42-
Severability. – If any provision of sections 27-29.1-1 -- 27-29.1-8,
or the
application of those sections to
any person or circumstances is held in invalid, the invalidity shall
not affect other provisions or
applications of sections 27-29.1-1 -- 27-29.1-8 which can be given
effect without the invalid
provision or application; to this end the provisions of sections 27-29.1-1
-- 27-29.1-8 are declared to be
Costs of enforcement. – (a) The total cost of the enforcement of
27-29.1-3 and 27-29.1-8 shall be
borne by the pharmacy benefits manager(s) and/or the insurer(s)
against whom the complaint is
made on an equal basis and shall include the following expenses:
One hundred fifty percent (150%) of the total salaries and benefits paid to the
personnel of the department of
business regulation engaged in the enforcement less any salary
All reasonable technology costs related to the enforcement process. Technology
shall include the actual cost of
software and hardware utilized in the enforcement process and the
cost of training personnel in
the proper use of the software or hardware;
All necessary and reasonable education and training costs incurred by the state
maintain the proficiency and
competence of the enforcing personnel. All these costs shall be
incurred in accordance with the
appropriate state of Rhode Island regulations, guidelines and
Evaluation report. – The health insurance commissioner, pursuant to
section 42-14.5-1, shall
evaluate the impact of nonrestricted pharmacy networks on health
insurance costs in Rhode Island
and shall submit report of findings to the joint legislative
committee on health care
oversight on or before May 1, 2005.
3. This act shall take effect upon passage.
LC01414/SUB A