Enacted 07/02/04
Introduced By:
Representatives Giannini, Dennigan, Petrarca, Wasylyk, and Voccola
Introduced: February 05, 2004
It is enacted by the General
Assembly as follows:
1. Section 40-11-15 of the General Laws in Chapter 40-11 entitled "Abused
and Neglected Children" is
hereby amended to read as follows:
Religious exemption. – Religious practices. -- A
parent or guardian
legitimately practicing his or her religious beliefs which
differ from general community standards
who does not provide specified
medical treatment for a child shall not, for that reason alone, be
considered a negligent parent or
guardian. However, nothing in this section shall: (1) prevent the
child from being considered
abused or neglected if the child is harmed or threatened with harm as
described in section 40-11-2; or
(2) such an exception shall not
preclude the court from ordering
medical services or nonmedical
services recognized by the laws of this state to be provided to the
child where his or her health
requires it.
2. Section 11-9-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 11-9 entitled
"Children" is
hereby amended to read as follows:
Cruelty to or neglect of child. -- (a) Every person having the custody
or control
of any child under the age of
eighteen (18) years who shall abandon that child, or who shall treat
the child with gross or habitual
cruelty, or who shall wrongfully cause or permit that child to be
an habitual sufferer for want of
food, clothing, proper care, or oversight, or who shall use or
permit the use of that child for
any wanton, cruel, or improper purpose, or who shall compel,
cause, or permit that child to do
any wanton or wrongful act, or who shall cause or permit the
home of that child to be the resort
of lewd, drunken, wanton, or dissolute persons, or who by
reason of neglect, cruelty,
drunkenness, or depravity, shall render the home of that child a place in
which it is unfit for that child to
live, or who shall neglect or refuse to pay the reasonable charges
for the support of that child,
whenever the child shall be placed by him or her in the custody of, or
be assigned by any court to, any
individual, association, or corporation, shall be guilty of a felony
and shall for every such offense be
imprisoned for not less than one year nor more than three (3)
years, or be fined not exceeding
one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both, and the child may be
proceeded against as a neglected
child under the provisions of chapter 1 of title 14.
In addition to any penalty provided in this section, any person convicted or
placed on
probation for this offense may be
required to receive psychosociological counseling in child
growth, care and development as a
part of that sentence or probation. For purposes of this section,
and in accordance with section
40-11-15, a parent or guardian legitimately practicing his or her
religious beliefs which differ
from general community standards who does not provide specified
medical treatment for a child shall
not, for that reason alone, be considered an abusive or
negligent parent or guardian;
provided, the provisions of this section shall not:(1) exempt a
or guardian from having
committed the offense of cruelty or neglect if the child is harmed under
the provisions of (a) above; (2)
exempt the department from the
provisions of section 40-11-5,
and shall not ; or (3) prohibit the department from filing a
petition, pursuant to the provisions of
section 40-11-15, for medical
services for a child, where his or her health requires it.
SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon passage.
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