Chapter 184
2004 --
S 2590
By: Senators Gallo, Issa, and Walaska
Introduced: February 11, 2004
It is enacted by the General Assembly as
SECTION 1. Section
16-7.1-2 of the General Laws in Chapter 16-7.1 entitled "The
Rhode Island Student Investment Initiative"
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Accountability for student performance. -- (a) The board of regents
adopt and publish statewide standards of
performance and performance benchmarks in core
subject areas to include writing and mathematics
(grades four (4), eight (8), and ten (10)). These
standards and performance benchmarks shall be
ratified by the board and implemented, and
performance standards and performance benchmarks
for reading in two (2) grades shall be added.
(b) Districts and
schools need to be held accountable for student performance results.
Therefore, every school district receiving state
education aid under this title shall develop a
district strategic plan. The district strategic
plan shall: (1) be based on high academic standards
for student performance consistent with the statewide
standards and benchmarks; (2) be the
product of a shared community wide process which
defines a vision of what students should
know and be able to do; (3) address the needs of
each school in the district; (4) encourage the
development of school-based improvement planning
and implementation; (5) include a process
for mentoring of new teachers; (6) be designed
to improve student achievement with emphasis on
closing the performance gaps among groups of
students such as the performance gaps correlated
with poverty, gender, language background, and
disability; (7) include establishment of student
intervention teams to address the instructional
needs of diverse learners, include high standards of
student behavior designed to create an orderly
educational environment with due regard for the
rights of students, and an asset protection
plan; and (8) be consistent with Rhode Island's
comprehensive education strategy. In order to
assure the most efficient use of resources
implementing strategic plans, districts and
schools are encouraged to work together as consortia
and as part of the regional collaboratives.
(c) (1) The
strategic plan shall include strategies to improve the performance of students
in mathematics, reading, and writing. Each plan
must describe a scientific research based, as
described in the No Child Left Behind Act of
2001, Title 1, Part B, Section 1208 [20 U.S.C.
section 6368] reading instruction to improve the
reading skills of all students in the early grades
(kindergarten through grade three (3) five
(5)) that is aligned with the board of regents reading
policy. The district must develop, implement and
evaluate a Personal Literacy Program for each
student in these grades who is performing below
grade level. These strategies shall be based on
the adequate yearly progress expected for
students and schools. Annual performance targets for
determining whether schools and districts have
made adequate yearly progress will be set by the
commissioner of elementary and secondary
education. The general assembly expects these
district strategies to increase the number of
fourth grade students performing at or above the
proficient standard in mathematics, reading, and
writing in each district and school. The increase
shall be established annually in accordance with
section 16-7.1-4.
(2) The general
assembly recognizes the contribution of school counselors to positive
educational change, to the implementation of the
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, and to the
success of students in three (3) developmental
domains: academic, career, and personal/social. It
endorses the National Standards for School
Counseling Programs as developed by the American
School Counselor Association (ASCA). Further,
the general assembly encourages every district
to implement a K-12 standards-based
comprehensive, developmental school counseling program.
(d) Each
strategic plan must indicate the manner in which self-studies will be completed
at the school level in accordance with
guidelines established by the commissioner. Funds shall be
appropriated to the department of elementary and
secondary education to assist districts with on-
site reviews. Schools to be visited shall be
determined by the commissioner.
(e) Each strategic
plan must indicate the method in which school administrators and staff
shall achieve and maintain an orderly
educational environment in accordance with due process
and with due regard for the rights of students.
(f) Each
strategic plan shall include the development of inter-agency agreements for the
coordination of services among state and local
agencies responsible for service to children and
families. These agreements shall address the
identification and provision of services to pre-school
children with disabilities and children and
youth with behavioral health care needs.
(g) All district
strategic plans and annual updates shall be submitted to the commissioner
of elementary and secondary education no later
than May 1, of each year.
act shall take effect upon passage.