2004 -- S 2368 AS AMENDED
Enacted 06/17/04
Introduced By: Senator Marc
A. Cote
Introduced: February 11, 2004
It is enacted by the General
Assembly as follows:
1. Sections 5-51-4 and 5-51-6 of the General Laws in Chapter 5-51 entitled
"Rhode Island State Board of
Examiners of Landscape Architects" are hereby amended to read as
Filing of applications for license. -- (a) An application for a license
to practice
landscape architecture is submitted
on the form provided by the board, and is received at any time
during regular business hours at
the office of the board. An application to take the examination is
filed with the board at least
sixty (60) days prior to the opening date of the examination. Before
being eligible for licensure as
a landscape architect, each applicant shall submit evidence to the
board of the following:
The applicant has completed a course of study and has graduated from a college
school of landscape architecture
approved by the board. In lieu of graduation from an approved
college or school of landscape
architecture, an applicant may present evidence of at least six (6)
years of practical experience in
landscape architectural work of a grade and character satisfactory
to the board. Credit may be
given for approved college education, in the discretion of the board;
The applicant has had either: (i) a minimum of two (2) years' experience in
architectural work under the
direct supervision of a registered landscape architect and of a grade
and character satisfactory to
the board; or (ii) one year's experience in landscape architectural
work under the direct
supervision of a registered landscape architect and of a grade and character
satisfactory to the board and
one year's experience in related work under the direct supervision of
a registered "allied professional"
and of a grade and character satisfactory to the board. For
purposes of this subsection, the
term "allied professional" shall mean an individual professional
licensed as an architect,
engineer, or a land surveyor; and
He or she has satisfactorily completed all sections of the examination as
required by
the board.
Each applicant submits, with the formal application for a license, authentic
proof of
the statements made in the
application, by attaching any documentary evidence, affidavits,
registrars statements, diplomas,
published data, photographs, photostats, or any other sworn
evidence, as in the discretion of
the board, may be sufficient to show that the applicant is clearly
eligible under the section of the
law upon which the application is based. All documents are
properly marked for identification
and ownership.
The board reserves the right to retain, as a permanent part of the application,
any or
all documents submitted. Original
documents may be replaced by photostatic copies of those
documents, at the request and
expense of the applicant.
Examinations. -- (a) Before being examined for registration as a
architect, each applicant shall
submit evidence to the board that:
applicant has completed a course of study and has graduated from a college or
of landscape architecture
approved by the board. In lieu of graduation from an approved college
or school of landscape
architecture, an applicant may present evidence of at least six (6) years of
practical experience in
landscape architectural work of a grade and character satisfactory to the
board. Credit may be given for
approved college education, in the discretion of the board.
He or she is at least twenty-one (21) years of age and of good moral character;
(2) He or she has completed the course of study and has graduated from a
college or
school of landscape architecture
approved by the board. In lieu of graduation from an approved
college or school of landscape
architecture, an applicant may take the examination upon
presenting evidence of at least
six (6) years of practical experience in landscape architectural
work of a grade and character
satisfactory to the board. Credit may be given for approved college
education at the discretion of
the board.
(3) He or she has had a minimum of two (2) years' experience in landscape
work under the direct
supervision of a registered landscape architect and of a grade and character
satisfactory to the board; or
(ii) one year's experience in landscape architectural work under the
direct supervision of a
registered landscape architect and of a grade and character satisfactory to
the board and one year's experience
in related work under the direct supervision of a registered
"Allied Professional"
and of a grade and character satisfactory to the board. For purposes of this
subsection, the term
"Allied Professional" means an individual professional licensed as an
architect, an engineer, or a
land surveyor.
The scope of the examinations is established by the board, and the examinations
designed to determine the
qualifications of the applicant to practice landscape architecture. The
examination covers technical,
professional, and practical subjects as relate to the practice of the
profession of landscape
architecture. The examinations also covers the basic arts and sciences, a
knowledge of which is material and
necessary to the proper understanding, application, and
qualification for practice, of the
profession of landscape architecture. (The board may use the
council of landscape architects
registration boards' Council of
Landscape Architects Registration
Boards' national examination in lieu of preparing a special
test for its own use.)
The board may establish or change the written examination and include an oral
examination as a supplement to the
written examination. The board may also determine the
eligibility of the applicant before
permitting admittance to the examination.
The subjects included in the examination shall be determined by the board and
be combined, revised, or
eliminated. The time allotted for the examination may be altered at the
discretion of the board.
The written examination is given at least once in each calendar year. The date,
and place of the examination are
determined by the board.
The examination is conducted in accordance with the instructions issued by the board.
A copy of these instructions is
furnished to each applicant after the applicant has been certified by
the board as eligible for
admittance to the examination and the date of the examination has been
established by the board.
2. This act shall take effect upon passage.