Enacted 04/30/04
Introduced By: Senators
Sosnowski, Felag, Pichardo, DaPonte, and Walaska
Introduced: February 11, 2004
It is enacted by the General
Assembly as follows:
1. Section 20-2-1.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 20-2 entitled
is hereby repealed.
Commercial fishing license moratorium. -- (a) The commercial
fishing licenses as provided for
in sections 20-2-20(a), (b); 20-2-21; 20-2-24(a); 20-2-25; 20-2-
26; 20-2-26.1(a), (b);
20-2-27(a), (b), (c)(1) -- (c)(4); 20-2-28(a) -- (c); 20-2-28.1(a); 20-4-1.2(1)
- (4); 20-5-1; 20-5-2; and
20-5-3 shall be issued for renewal only. No new licenses applicable to
these sections shall be issued
between July 1, 2001, and December 31, 2002. In order to obtain a
license applicable to these
sections between July 1, 2001, and December 31, 2002, an individual
must provide proof that he or
she possessed a valid Rhode Island commercial fishing license
subsequent to July 1, 2000, and
submit a license application to the department environmental
management. The moratorium shall
provide time for a continued study of the commercial marine
fishing licensing program to
insure the sustainable viability and use of marine fisheries, for a
recommendation to the general
assembly, in accordance with chapter 3.1 of this title, and for
implementation of a new system of
commercial fishing licenses as provided for in chapter 2.1 of
this title.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), an existing license may
only be
transferred until January 1,
2003 to an immediate family member upon approval by the director.
An immediate family member for
the purposes of this subsection is defined as the spouse,
mother, father, brother, sister,
or child of the transferor. After January 1, 2003, transfers shall be
governed by section 20-2.1-5.
2. Section 20-2-14 of the General Laws in Chapter 20-2 entitled
"Licensing" is
hereby amended to read as follows:
Licenses -- Expiration and deadline for renewal Licenses -- Expiration.
(a) Beginning January 1, 2003,
unless Unless otherwise specified
in this title, all licenses issued
under this title shall be annual
and shall expire on December 31 of every year.
All marine fisheries licenses that are subject to renewal July 1, 2002, may be
for a six (6) month period
ending December 31, 2002. The fee for the renewals shall be one-half
(1/2) of the amount for annual
renewal of the licenses as otherwise provided for in this title.
Beginning January 1, 2003, for those commercial marine fishing licenses
for in sections 20-2-20(a), (b);
20-2-21; 20-2-24(a); 20-2-25; 20-2-26; 20-2-26.1(a), (b); 20-2-
27(a), (b), (c)(1) -- (c)(4);
20-2-28(a) -- (c); 20-2-28.1(a); 20-4-1.2(1) -- (4); 20-5-1; 20-5-2; and
20-5-3, the following provisions
shall apply: (1) unless otherwise specified in this title, an
individual qualified to obtain a
license must submit an application to the department of
environmental management no
later than February 28 of each year; license applications shall be
deemed valid if submitted to the
department prior to the close of regular office hours on February
28, or if postmarked by February
28; (2) unless otherwise specified in this title, no new or
renewed licenses shall be issued
after February 28 of each year, unless an applicant has submitted
an application by the February
28 deadline required by this section; and (3) the department shall
notify all license holders, in
writing, regarding the December 31 expiration and the February 28
renewal deadline no later than
November 1 of each year.
3. Sections 20-2.1-2, 20-2.1-3, 20-2.1-4, 20-2.1-5, 20-2.1-6 and 20-2.1-12 of
the General Laws in Chapter 20-2.1
entitled "Commercial Fishing Licenses" are hereby amended
to read as follows:
Purposes. -- The purposes of this chapter are, through a system of
that is clear, predictable and
adaptable to changing conditions, to:
Preserve, enhance, and allow for any necessary regeneration of the fisheries of
state, for the benefit of the
people of the state, as an ecological asset and as a source of food and
Provide Rhode Islanders who wish to fish commercially the opportunity to do so
end the moratorium on issuance of
new commercial fishing licenses so that new licenses may be
issued for the year beginning
January 1, 2003, and each year thereafter;
Allow residents who have fished commercially to sell their vessels and gear in
manner that first, facilitates
up-grading license levels among residents already in the fishery; that
second, provides lateral movement
among residents who are holders of commercial fishing
licenses to other types of fishing;
and that third, enables new entrants into new commercial
Respect the interests of residents who fish under licenses issued by the state
and wish
to continue to fish commercially in
a manner that is economically viable: provided, it is
specifically not a purpose of this
chapter to establish licensing procedures that eliminate the
ability to fish commercially of any
resident as of the date of enactment who validly holds a
commercial fishing license and
who meets the application renewal requirements set forth herein;
Preserve and enhance full-time commercial fishing, with a high degree of
participation by owner operated
vessels, as a way of life and as a significant industry in Rhode
Establish principles, for a system of adaptive management, that shall be used
by the
department in licensure programs
and fisheries management, which principles shall include:
The foregoing purposes; and
As appropriate, necessary, and effective, the following measures:
Regulation of the design and use of gear;
Limitations on the amount of gear that may be used by a license holder;
Restrictions on when and where commercial fishing may be done;
Quotas and limitations on catch or landings; and
Restrictions on the number of license holders;
(7) Provide
a licensure system that facilitates data collection and management so that
marine fisheries can be managed
more efficiently and effectively. In accordance with this
purpose, the system shall
include a firm annual renewal deadline, as established herein, for the
submittal of applications to
renew licenses or obtain new licenses. An annual grace period, as
established herein, shall allow
fishermen an additional opportunity to renew their licenses from
the immediately preceding year,
subject to payment of a late fee; however, after the expiration of
the grace period, there shall be
no opportunity to appeal the denial of a commercial fishing
license unless the applicant can
show that the failure to apply during the grace period was due to
documented medical hardship.
Definitions. -- For the purposes of this chapter the following terms
shall mean:
"Basic harvest and gear levels" means fishery-specific harvest and/or
gear levels,
established and regularly updated
by the department by rule, which, in a manner consistent with
the state or federally sanctioned
management plans or programs that may be in effect, and to the
extent possible given those plans
and programs, provide a maximum level of participation for
commercial fishing license holders
in accordance with applicable endorsements.
"Commercial fisherman" means a natural person who catches, harvests,
or takes
finfish, crustaceans, or shellfish
from the marine waters for sale.
"Council" means the marine fisheries council established by chapter 3
of this title.
"Crustaceans" means lobsters, crabs, shrimp, and for purposes of this
chapter it also
includes horseshoe crabs.
"Director" means the director of the department of environmental
"Endorsement" means the designation of a fishery in which a license
holder may
participate at either basic or full
harvest and gear levels. Endorsement categories and levels shall
be established annually by the
department by rule, based on the status of the various fisheries, the
levels of participation of existing
license holders, and the provisions of applicable management
plans or programs. At a minimum,
endorsement categories and endorsement opportunities shall
include, but may not be limited to:
non-lobster crustacean; lobster; non-quahaug shellfish;
quahaug; non-restricted finfish;
and restricted finfish. Endorsements, when available, shall be
issued in accordance with
applicable qualifying criteria.
"Finfish" means cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates with fins, including
fish, sharks,
rays, skates, and eels and also
includes, for the purposes of this chapter, squid.
"Fisheries sectors" means and comprises crustaceans, finfish,
shellfish, as defined in
this section, each of which shall
singularly be considered a fishery sector.
"Full harvest and gear levels" means fishery-specific harvest and/or
gear levels,
established and regularly updated
by the department by rule, which, in a manner consistent with
the state or federally sanctioned
management plans or programs that may be in effect, and to the
extent possible given those plans
and programs, provide a maximum level of participation for
principal effort license holders in
accordance with applicable endorsements and for all multi-
purpose license holders.
"Shellfish" means quahogs, clams, mussels, scallops, oysters,
conches, and
mollusks in general other than
"Student commercial fisherman" means a resident twenty-three (23)
years of age or
younger who is a full-time student.
"February 28" means the twenty-eighth (28th) day in the month of
February or the
next business day if February 28
falls on a Saturday or Sunday for the purpose of application
submittals and renewal
"Medical hardship" means a significant medical condition that
prevents a license
applicant from meeting the
application requirements.
"Grace period" means sixty (60) calendar days commencing February 28,
as defined
herein, and shall only apply to
renewals of licenses from the immediately preceding year;
provided, that for calendar year
2004 the grace period shall be ninety (90) calendar days
commencing February 29, 2004.
Licenses -- General provisions governing licenses issued. -- (a)
Licenses and
vessel declarations required. - It
shall be unlawful for any person in Rhode Island or the waters of
the state: (1) to catch, harvest,
or to hold or transport for sale in Rhode Island any marine finfish,
crustacean, or shellfish without a
license issued under the provisions of this title, provided,
however, that marine finfish,
crustaceans, or shellfish may be transported by a duly licensed
dealer if the marine finfish, crustaceans,
or shellfish has previously been sold by a duly licensed
person, or (2) to engage in
commercial fishing from a vessel unless the vessel has been declared a
commercial fishing vessel as
provided in section 20-2.1-5(2) and has a decal affixed to it or is
displaying a plate.
Validation of license. - No license issued under this chapter shall be valid
signed by the licensee in his or
her own handwriting.
Transfer or loan of license. - Unless otherwise provided for in this title, a
issued to a person under this
chapter shall be good only for the person to whom it is issued; and
any transfer or loan of the license
shall be grounds for revocation or suspension of that license
pursuant to section 20-2-13.
Reporting and inspections condition of license. - All persons granted a license
the provisions of this chapter are
deemed to have consented to the reporting requirements
applicable to commercial fishing
actively that are established pursuant to this title and to the
reasonable inspection of any boat,
vessel, net, rake, bullrake, tong, dredge, trap, pot, vehicle,
structure, or other contrivance
used regularly for the keeping or storage of fish, shellfish or
crustaceans, and any creel, box,
locker, basket, crate, blind, fishing, or paraphernalia used in
conjunction with the licensed
activity by persons duly authorized by the director. The provisions
of section 20-1-8(a)(7)(ii) shall
apply to these inspections.
Possession, inspection, and display of license. - Every person holding a
license issued
under this chapter shall have that
license in his or her possession at all times while engaged in the
licensed activity and shall present
the license for inspection on demand by any authorized person.
Any person who shall refuse to
present a license on demand shall be liable to the same
punishment as if that person were
fishing without a license.
Application for license. - Every person entitled to a license under this
chapter shall
file an application with the
director or the director's authorized agent, properly sworn to, stating
the name, age, occupation, place of
residence, mailing address, weight, height, and color of hair
and eyes of the applicant for whom
the license is wanted and providing any other information that
may be required pursuant to rule in
order to effectuate the purposes of this chapter, and pay the
fees as provided in this chapter.
All licenses issued under this chapter shall be valid only for the
calendar year of issuance, unless
otherwise specified in this chapter or in the rules and regulations
adopted pursuant to this chapter.
If the person will be either the owner or the operator as provided
in section 20-2.1-5(5) of a
commercial fishing vessel, the person shall declare on the application
for each commercial fishing vessel,
the vessel name, length, horsepower, registration number,
federal permit number if any, gear
type(s), the principal fishery or fisheries, and average
projected crew size.
(g) Resident
and non-resident licenses. Application deadline, grace period for
and limitation on appeals after
the deadlines. - For commercial
marine fishing licenses provided
for in sections 20-2.1-5 and
20-2.1-6, the following provisions shall apply: (1) unless otherwise
specified in this chapter, an
individual qualified to obtain a license must submit an application to
the department of environmental
management no later than February 28 of each year; license
application shall be deemed valid
if submitted to the department prior to the close of regular
office hours on February 28, or if
postmarked by February 28; (2) unless otherwise specified in
this title, no new or renewed
licenses shall be issued after February 28 of each year, unless an
applicant has submitted an
application by the February 28 deadline required by this section; and
(3) the department shall notify all
license holders, in writing, regarding the December 31
expiration and the February 28
renewal deadline no later than November 1 of each year. ;(4) for
renewals of existing commercial
marine fishing licenses that expire on December 31 of the
immediately preceding year,
there shall be a sixty (60) day grace period from the renewal
deadline of February 28; licenses
issued during the grace period shall be subject to a late fee in
the amount of two-hundred
dollars ($200) in addition to all other applicable fees; (5) except as
provided for in subsection
20-2.1-4(g)(4) the department shall not accept any applications
submitted after February 28; and
(6) there shall be no right to request reconsideration by the
commercial fishing license
review board or appeal to the department of environmental
management's administrative
adjudication division (AAD) for the rejection of any new license
applications submitted after
February 28, or any license renewal applications submitted after the
sixty (60) day grace period,
except in the case of a documented medical hardship as defined
(h) Lost
or destroyed licenses and duplicate licenses. - Whoever loses or by a mistake
accident destroys his or her
certificate of a commercial marine fisheries license may, upon
application to the department
accompanied by an affidavit fully setting forth the circumstances of
the loss, receive a duplicate
certificate for the remainder of the year covered by the original
certificate, for a fee of ten
dollars ($10.00) for each duplicate license.
Expiration and deadline for renewal. - (1) Beginning January 1, 2003, unless
otherwise specified in this
title, all licenses issued under this chapter shall be annual and shall
expire on December 31 of every
All commercial marine fisheries licenses that are subject to renewal July 1,
may be renewed for a six (6)
month period ending December 31, 2002. The fee for the renewals
shall be one-half (1/2) of the
amount for annual renewal of the licenses as otherwise provided for
in this title.
(i) Revocation of licenses.
License revocation. - The license of any person who has violated the provisions
this chapter, or rules adopted
pursuant to the provisions of this chapter or rules and regulations
that pertain to commercial fishing
and reporting issued pursuant to this title, may be suspended or
revoked by the director as the
director shall determine by regulation. Any person aggrieved by an
order of suspension or revocation
may appeal this order in accordance with the provisions of the
Administrative Procedures Act,
chapter 35 of title 42.
False statements and violations; cancellation of license. - Any person who
makes a false representation as to
birthplace or requirements of identification or of other facts
required in an application for license
under this chapter, or is otherwise directly or indirectly a
party to a false representation,
shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00).
A license obtained by any person
through a false representation shall be null and void, and the
license shall be surrendered
immediately to the director. No license shall be issued under this title
to this person for a period of one
year from the date of imposition of a penalty under this section.
False, altered, forged, or counterfeit licenses. - Every person who falsely
alters, forges, or counterfeits, or
who causes to be made, altered, forged, or counterfeited, a
license issued under this chapter
or title or purporting to be a license issued under this chapter or
title, or who shall have in his or
her possession such a license knowing it to be false, altered,
forged, or counterfeit, is guilty
of a misdemeanor and is subject to the penalties prescribed in
section 20-1-16.
Expiration. Unless otherwise specified in this title, all licenses issued under
chapter shall be annual and
shall expire on December 31 of each year. It shall be unlawful for any
person to fish commercially in
Rhode Island waters on an expired license; and the application and
grace periods set forth in
subsections 20-2.1-4(g)(1) and 20-2.1-4(g)(4) above shall not extend the
validity of any expired license.
Notice of change of address. Whenever any person holding any commercial fishing
license shall move from the
address named in his or her last application, that person shall within
ten (10) days subsequent to
moving notify the office of boat registration and licensing of his or
her former and current address.
Resident licenses. -- The director shall establish as a minimum the
types of licenses set forth in this
section. In addition, the director may establish any other classes
and types of licenses and
endorsements, consistent with the provisions of this chapter and with
adopted management plans, that may
be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter:
Types of licenses.
Commercial fishing license. - Rhode Island residents shall be eligible to
obtain a
commercial fishing license; the
license shall allow the holder to engage in commercial fishing in
fisheries sectors, per endorsement
at basic harvest and gear levels. The annual fee for a
commercial fishing license shall be
fifty dollars ($50.00) and twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for
each endorsement at the basic harvest
and gear levels.
Principal effort license. - Duly licensed persons in a fishery as of December
31, 2002
of the immediately preceding
year, shall be eligible to obtain a
principal effort license for the
fishery sector for which they were
licensed on December 31, 2002 of the immediately preceding
year, which principal effort license shall allow its
holder to fish in a fishery sector at the full
harvest and gear levels. The annual
fee for a principal effort license shall be one hundred fifty
dollars ($150). Principle Principal
effort license holders, in addition to the fishery sector of their
principle principal effort, shall be eligible to obtain
endorsements for the other fishery sectors at
the full harvest and gear levels, if
and when those endorsements are made available; the annual
fee for each other fishery sector
endorsement shall be seventy-five dollars ($75.00). Principle
Principal effort license holders shall also be eligible to
obtain a commercial fishing license with
endorsements except for fisheries
in which the license holder can fish at the full harvest and gear
(iii) Multi-purpose license. - All multi-purpose license holders as of December
31, 2002
of the immediately preceding
year, shall be eligible to obtain a
multi-purpose license, which shall
allow the holder to engage in
commercial fishing in all fisheries sectors at the full harvest and
gear levels. At the time of
application for a multi-purpose license and each annual renewal of it,
the applicant shall make a
non-binding declaration of which fishing sectors the applicant intends
to place significant fishing effort
during the period covered by the license. The annual fee for
multi-purpose license shall be
three hundred dollars ($300).
Special licenses.
Student shellfish license. - A resident twenty-three (23) years or younger
shall pay
fifty dollars ($50.00) for a
student commercial license to take shellfish upon provision of proof of
full-time student status.
Over sixty-five (65) shellfish license. - A resident sixty-five (65) years of
age and
over shall be eligible for a
shellfish license to shellfish commercially and there shall be no fee for
this license.
Vessel fees and special vessel gear licenses and fees declaration and
fees; gear
endorsements and fees.
Vessel declaration and fee. - (A) The department shall require the owner and/or
operator of a commercial fishing
vessel to declare the vessel on the owner/operator's commercial
fishing license. The declaration
shall be made at the time of initial license issuance and each
renewal, or prior to the vessels
being used for commercial fishing by the owner and/or operator if
the first usage of the vessel for
commercial fishing occurs during the course of a year after the
license has been issued or renewed.
If the declaration is for a vessel of less than twenty-five feet
(25') in length, the declaration
shall be transferable to another vessel less than twenty-five feet
(25') in length, provided the
vessel is identified as commercial fishing vessel while it is being
used for commercial fishing by
displaying a plate as provided in section 20-2.1-4.
(B) The
annual fee for each vessel declaration shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
the first twenty-five feet (25') or
under, plus fifty cents ($0.50) per foot for each whole foot over
twenty-five feet (25'); this
declaration fee shall entitle the holder to a decal. The holder of a valid
decal for a vessel twenty-five feet
(25') in length or under may obtain a plate from the department
for display on a vessel twenty-five
feet (25') in length that is being used temporarily for
commercial fishing; the annual fee
for a plate shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00).
Special vessel and gear licenses and fees. Gear endorsements and
Shellfish dredging license; fee endorsement. - A resident of this state
shall pay an
annual fee of two hundred
dollars ($200) for a license to who
holds a multipurpose license and/or
an appropriate shellfish license
is also eligible to apply for a shellfish dredging endorsement to
take quahogs, mussels, and surf
clams by dredges hauled by powerboat. The annual fee shall be
twenty dollars ($20.00).
Fish trap license endorsements. - Twenty dollars ($20.00) per trap
location in
accordance with the provisions
of chapter 5 of this title. A
person who holds a multi-purpose
license and/or a principal effort
license for finfish is also eligible to apply for a fish trap
endorsement in accordance with
the permitting provisions in chapter 5 of this title. The fee shall
be twenty dollars ($20.00) per
trap location for a three (3) year period. Applicants who possessed
a valid fish trap endorsement as
of the immediately preceding year may obtain a fish trap
endorsement for the immediately
following year, subject to the same terms and conditions in
effect as the immediately preceding
year. New fish trap endorsement opportunities shall be
established by the department by
rule, pursuant to applicable management plans and the
provisions in chapter 5 of this
Gill net licenses endorsements. - A person who holds a multi-species
multi-purpose license and/or a principal effort license for
finfish is also eligible to apply for a
commercial gill net permit endorsement
in accordance with the provisions of this section. The
annual recording fee for a
commercial gill netting net endorsement is twenty dollars
Applicants who possessed a gill
net endorsement as of the immediately preceding year may
obtain a gill net endorsement
for the immediately following year. New gill net endorsement
opportunities shall be
established by the department by rule, pursuant to applicable management
Miscellaneous gear licenses endorsements. - The department may
establish by rule
any specific gear licenses endorsements
that may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate the
purposes of this chapter and
facilitate participation in a specific fishery with a specific type of
gear; the fee for such a gear license
endorsement shall not be greater than two hundred dollars
($200), but may be a lesser amount.
This license endorsement shall be issued only in a manner
consistent with the general
requirements of this chapter, including specifically those governing
New licenses.
Eligibility. - For new principal effort and multi-purpose licenses priority
shall be
given to applicants who have held a
lower level of license for two (2) years or more, with
preference to family members and
crew members of a license holder who is retiring his or her
Priority or preference applicants. - A new license shall be granted to
priority/preference applicants who
have acquired vessel and or gear from a license holder who
has retired a license, provided
that as the result of any such transaction for each license retired not
more than one new license may be
granted, nor may the nominal effort, including the total
number of licenses, in a fishery
subject effort or catch restrictions be increased.
(iii) Availability of new or additional licenses. - New principal effort and
licenses that increase the total
number of licenses in the fishery may be made available by rule
consistent with management plan for
issuance effective January 1, in any year, based on status of
resource and economic condition of
fishery. Priority for new licenses shall be given to Rhode
Island residents.
Retirement of licenses. - Issuance of license shall not be deemed to create a
right such that the license can be
sold or transferred by license holder; fishing licenses shall be
surrendered to the state upon their
non-renewal, forfeiture or revocation.
Transfer for hardship. - Notwithstanding the provisions of section 20-2.1-4(c),
license may be transferred to a
family member upon the incapacity or death of the license holder
who has actively participated in
commercial fishing. The transfer shall be effective upon its
registration with the department. A
family member shall be defined as the spouse, mother, father,
brother, sister, child or grandchild
of the transferor. The department shall make available as
necessary operator permits to
provide solely for the continued operation of a fishing vessel upon
the illness, incapacity or death of
a license holder who has actively participated in commercial
fishing, which operator permits
shall be subject at a minimum to the conditions and restrictions
that applied to the license holder.
Transfer of vessels and gear. - Vessels and gear may be sold, transferred, or
at the sole discretion of the
owner; provided, however, that the subsequent level of use of the gear
may be restricted in Rhode Island
waters in order to accomplish the purposes of a duly adopted
management plan or other duly
adopted program to reduce effort.
Non-resident licenses. -- Subject to the rules of the department,
may apply for the following
commercial fishing licenses:
Non-resident principal effort license. - (i) A non-resident principal effort
license shall
allow the holder to harvest, land,
and sell in a lawful manner any species of finfish, per
endorsement(s), at principal
harvest and gear levels and as allowed in a management plan adopted
by the department.
Duly Rhode Island-licensed non-residents in a commercial fishery as of December
31, 2002 of the
immediately preceding year, shall be eligible to obtain a non-resident
effort license with a single sector
endorsement applicable to the fishery for which they were
licensed as of December 31, 2002
of the immediately preceding year; provided: (A) that the state
of residence of the person affords
the same privilege in a manner that is not more restrictive to
Rhode Island residents; (B) that
those persons apply for the non-resident principal effort license
no later than February 28, 2003; in accordance with subsection 20-2.1-4(g); and
(C) that those
persons shall also be subject to
any other restrictions that were applicable to the license as of
December 31, 2002 of the
immediately preceding year, which other restrictions may be altered or
changed consistent with a
management plan adopted by the department.
(iii) Persons not duly licensed as of December 31, 2002 of the
immediately preceding
year, shall be eligible to obtain a non-resident principal
effort license, per endorsement, when
available, in accordance with
applicable qualifying criteria and as allowed in a management plan
adopted by the department, provided
that the state of residence of the person affords the same
privilege in a manner that is not
more restrictive to Rhode Island residents.
Holders of non-resident principal effort licenses shall remain eligible to
in their endorsed fishery
sectors, at principal harvest and gear levels, if the license holders
annually renew their licenses in
accordance with applicable laws and rules, and provided that the
state of residence of the person
continues to afford the same privilege in a manner that is not more
restrictive to Rhode Island
(iv) The annual fee for a non-resident principal effort license shall be
four hundred
dollars ($400), plus one hundred
dollars ($100) per endorsement.
Non-resident commercial fishing license. - (i) A non-resident commercial
license shall allow the holder to
harvest, land, and sell in a lawful manner any species of finfish,
per endorsement(s), at basic
harvest and gear levels and as allowed in a management plan adopted
by the department.
Non-residents age eighteen (18) and over shall be eligible to obtain a
commercial fishing license and, in
accordance with applicable qualifying criteria, available
fishery sector endorsements,
provided that the state of residence of the person affords the same
privilege in a manner that is not
more restrictive to Rhode Island residents.
(iii) Holders of non-resident principal effort licenses shall not be eligible
to obtain non-
resident commercial fishing
licenses with the same fishery sector endorsements.
Holders of non-resident commercial fishing licenses shall remain eligible to
participate in their endorsed
fishery sectors, at basic harvest and gear levels, if said license
holders annually renew their
licenses in accordance with applicable laws and rules, and provided
that the state of residence of
the person continues to afford the same privilege in a manner that is
not more restrictive to Rhode
Island residents. Duly Rhode
Island licensed non-residents in a
commercial fishery as of
December 31 of the immediately preceding year, shall be eligible to
obtain a non-resident commercial
fishing license in their endorsed fishery sector as of December
31 of the immediately preceding
year provided:
that the state of residence of the person affords the same privilege in a
manner that is
not more restrictive to Rhode
Island residents; and
that those persons apply for the non-resident commercial fishing license in
accordance with subsection
20-2.1-4(g); and
that those persons shall also be subject to any other restrictions that were
to the license as of December 31
of the immediately preceding year which other restrictions may
be altered or changed consistent
with a management plan adopted by the department.
The annual fee for a non-resident commercial fishing license shall be one
fifty dollars ($150), plus fifty
dollars ($50.00) per endorsement.
Vessel declaration fees and vessel and gear license; fees.
Vessel declaration. - The department shall require a non-resident owner
operator of a commercial fishing
vessel to make a declaration for that vessel; which shall be made
at the time of initial license
issuance and each renewal, or prior to the vessel's being used for
commercial fishing in Rhode Island
waters by the non-resident owner and/or operator if the first
usage of the vessel for commercial
fishing occurs during the course of a year after the license has
been issued or renewed, for a cost
of fifty dollars ($50.00), plus one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50)
for each whole foot over
twenty-five feet (25') in length overall.
New licenses. - Any resident of a state that accords to Rhode Island residents
commercial fishing privileges that
include an ability to obtain a new license to fish for finfish
species that are subject to
restrictions and/or quotas, may on species specific reciprocal basis be
eligible to obtain commercial
fishing licenses and principal effort licenses by endorsement as
provided in this section, subject
to availability and with the priority established in section 20-2.1-
Commercial fishing license review board. -- (a) There is hereby
within the department the
commercial fishing license review board of five (5) members to be
appointed by the governor for a
term of five (5) years with the advice and consent of the senate,
provided that for the initial
appointments, two (2) shall be for a term of five (5) years, one shall
be for a term of four (4) years,
one shall be for a term of three (3) years, and one shall be for a
term of two (2) years. Three (3)
members shall be commercial fishers, one from each of the
fisheries sectors; one of whom
shall be a person with professional knowledge of fisheries
management, and one of whom shall
be an attorney, licensed to practice law for at least five (5)
years and with environmental law
expertise; the attorney member shall be the chairperson. Three
(3) members of the board shall constitute
a quorum. Members of the board shall serve until their
successors are duly appointed. The
purpose of the board shall be to hear requests for
reconsideration of the preliminary
denial of a commercial fishing license.
Any person whose application for a commercial fishing license was denied by the
office of boat registration and
licensing may file a request for reconsideration to the commercial
fishing license review board unless
the person is prohibited from said request pursuant to
subsection 20-2.1-4(g). Requests for reconsideration must be filed with the
office of boat
registration and licensing within
ten (10) days of receipt of the denial. The review board shall
consider the impact that issuance
of the license will have on the fisheries management program
overall, equity with other license
holders, consistency with prior agency decisions, consistency
with management plans, unreasonable
hardship to the applicant and consistency with the
purposes of this chapter. The
burden shall be on the applicant to demonstrate to the board that
they meet the criteria for a
Within thirty (30) days of receipt of a request for reconsideration, the review
shall issue a written
recommendation to the office of boat registration and licensing. The decision
of the board shall state the
specific grounds for its decision and the vote of the board. Within ten
(10) days of receipt of the
decision of the board, the office of boat registration and licensing shall
issue a written decision affirming,
denying or modifying the recommendation of the board and
stating the rationale for the
decision. The applicant may appeal the decision of the office of boat
registration and licensing to the
administrative adjudication division for environmental matters
pursuant to section 42-17.7-1 et
seq. The written decision of the review board and the office of
boat registration and licensing
shall be provided and made part of the administrative record upon
Nothing contained in this section shall affect the authority granted in chapter
17.7 of
title 42.
4. Sections 20-5-1, 20-5-2, 20-5-3, 20-5-4, 20-5-5, 20-5-6, 20-5-8, 20-5-9, 20-
5-10, 20-5-11, 20-5-12, 20-5-13,
20-5-14, 20-5-15, 20-5-16, 20-5-18 and 20-5-21 of the General
Laws in Chapter 20-5 entitled
"Fish Traps" are hereby amended to read as follows:
Fish traps -- License required Fish traps – Permit required. --
It shall be
unlawful for any person to set a fish
trap in the public waters of the state without first obtaining a
license permit as provided in this chapter. For the
purposes of this chapter, "fish trap" means stub
and floating traps, weirs, pounds,
nets, or any other equivalent contrivance or thing set on, in or
anchored to the bottom or shore
used for the purpose of catching fish.
Persons to whom licenses issuable Persons to whom permits issuable. --
department of environmental
management may issue licenses permits duly signed and under its
seal to set or erect and maintain
fish traps, as provided in this chapter, to any resident of this state
or to any corporations incorporated
in the state, licensed in accordance with chapter 2.1 of this
title, upon payment of a license an additional
permit fee of twenty dollars ($10.00) ($20.00) per
trap location for the license
permit period prescribed by section 20-5-9 for each license permit.
Application for license. Application for permit. -- (a) Any
person desiring a
license permit for a location for erecting a fish trap
shall make application in writing to the
department of environmental
management in any form and giving any information that the
department may require.
Each application for a location for a fish trap shall fix definitely the
position of the
desired location with reference to
prominent points on shore and shall also show the dimensions
of the trap and of the leader to be
set in the desired location, and any other details the department
may require.
Distance between traps -- Length of trap leader. -- Except as provided
section 20-5-5 no license permit
shall be granted for the erection within the public waters of the
state of a fish trap any part of
which is less than three thousand feet (3,000') distant from an
adjoining trap, measured parallel
with the general coastline at such point as determined by the
department of environmental
management, or for a greater length of trap and leader than two
hundred eighty (280) fathoms;
provided, that the department of environmental management may
grant a license permit
for the erection of a fish trap within a lesser distance of three thousand feet
(3,000') from an adjoining trap if
the parties interested agree in writing to a lesser distance.
Restricted locations off Rhode Island and Sakonnet River. -- No license
permit shall be granted for the erection of a fish trap
within that portion of the public waters of
the state southerly of the island of
Rhode Island, designated by the engineer's office of the
department of the army as available
fishing areas, lying easterly of Brenton's Reef and southerly
of a line drawn from Coggeshall's
Point to Sakonnet Light, except as follows:
Permits may be granted for the erection of traps:
Southeasterly from Seal Rock, so-called, in a line on range of White Church in
Saunderstown over Seal Rock to the
offshore limits of the outer area designated by the engineer's
office of the department of the
army; provided, that all traps on this line shall be of equal length
including leaders and shall be so
limited in length that permits for eight (8) traps may be granted;
Southeasterly from Flat Rock, so-called, on the easterly side of Coggeshall's
Point, in
a line to the offshore limits of
the inner or "summer" area designated by the engineer's office of
the department of the army;
In a line from the westerly side of Price's Neck, so-called, southwesterly for
distance not exceeding one thousand
five hundred feet (1,500'); provided, that not more than two
(2) traps shall be licensed permitted
in this line;
In a line from the easterly side of Price's Neck, so-called, southeasterly for
a distance
not exceeding three thousand three
hundred feet (3,300');
Southeasterly from Coggeshall's Point in a line to the eastern limits of the
outer area
designated by the engineer's office
of the department of the army;
Southerly from Cormorant Rock, so-called, in a line for a distance of not
seven thousand feet (7,000');
For two (2) traps only on the line constituting the offshore limits of the
outer area
designated by the engineer's office
of the department of the army at a point five thousand feet
(5,000') east-southeasterly of the
southeastern end of the line from Seal Rock described in
subdivision (1);
For two (2) traps only beginning at a point ten thousand feet (10,000') east-
southeasterly of the southeastern
end of the line from Seal Rock described in subdivision (1);
provided, that the traps and
leaders described in subdivisions (7) and (8) shall extend parallel with
the Seal Rock line. The provisions
of section 20-5-4 shall not apply to licenses permits for the
erection of traps granted under
this section with the exception of the provision in section 20-5-4
that no license permits
shall be granted for a greater length of trap and leader than two hundred
eighty (280) fathoms, which
provision shall apply to this section.
Continuity of traps. -- (a) No more than two (2) traps shall be set
together in any
continuous string of line, and
there shall be a space of one hundred fifty (150) fathoms between
two traps set within which no trap,
leader or other twine shall be placed.
No more than three (3) traps shall be set, erected, or maintained by the holder
of any
license permit issued hereunder in a manner to be
consecutively arranged in any one of the lines
described in section 20-5-5; provided,
that this subsection shall not be deemed to limit the total
number of traps that may be set,
erected, or maintained in a line by a holder.
Preference of prior occupants in licensing Preference of prior occupants
permitting. -- The director of environmental management shall, where
there are two (2) or more
applicants for licenses permits
for the same location or for locations that are less than three
thousand feet (3,000') apart,
determine which applicant has continuously during the fishing
season occupied the location for
the longer period of years; and the application who shall
establish a priority of location
shall, if otherwise properly qualified, be entitled to receive a
license permit for the location.
Expiration and renewal of licenses Expiration and renewal of permits. --
All licenses permits
issued under this chapter shall be for a three-year period or for that portion
thereof expiring on the last day of
December of each third year thereafter.
On termination of any license permit, the department may renew
the license permit
by issuing a new license permit
in place of the license permit, provided application for renewal
made within ten (10) days before
the termination in a manner similar to that required for
application for a license permit
in section 20-5-3. Failure to apply for renewal shall operate to
leave the location available for an
application by any other person.
Exclusive right of licensee -- Assignment of license Exclusive right of
permittee -- Assignment of
permit. -- (a) The holder of any license
permit, or the holder's heirs,
executors, administrators,
successors, or assigns shall have the exclusive right to fish the location
by means of a fish trap, provided
that the site is and has been actively fished.
Any holder of a license permit may, with the approval of the
director of
environmental management, transfer
the license permit to any suitable person. This approval shall be
endorsed on the license permit
in order to become effective.
Inspection of traps. -- The director of environmental management shall
an inspection or inspections of the
fish traps licensed permitted to be made at a proper time or
times in each year for the purpose
of determining whether the traps are located in accordance with
the license permit
for these traps and whether the licensee permittee is observing
the rules and
regulations fixed by the director.
Suspension or revocation of license Suspension or revocation of permit.
If, upon inspection, it appears
that any trap is improperly located or it is otherwise being used in
violation of the rules and
regulations fixed by the director, the director of environmental
management shall immediately cause
notice to be given to the holder of any license permit; and if
those facts are established at a
hearing, the director may suspend or revoke the license permit .
Report as to traps placed -- Failure to occupy location -- Removal of
from state Report as to traps placed -- Failure to occupy
location -- Removal of permit
from state. -- On or before the tenth day of January in each year
every person holding a license
permit pursuant to this chapter shall notify the department
of environmental management in
writing, under oath, what traps
were placed under the license permit during the preceding
calendar year. Failure to furnish
this information makes the license permit null and void after
date. Failure to place a complete
fish trap on a licensed permitted location for a part of one
calendar year may, in the
discretion of the director of environmental management, make the
license permit for the fish trap null and void; and
the location will then become available for any
suitable applicant. A license
permit for a fish trap location becomes null and void upon the
removal of the holder from the
Removal of trap on cessation of use -- Closed season -- Damaged or
dilapidated traps. -- Upon ceasing to use any fish trap as authorized, that
structure shall at once
be removed by the owner at the
owner's expense and to the satisfaction of the director of
environmental management. Failure
to remove it shall be considered sufficient grounds for
prosecution of the owner for
maintaining a public nuisance or for revocation of the fish trap
license permit. Unless otherwise specified by
regulations adopted by the marine fisheries council,
all fish traps authorized in this chapter
shall be completely removed by or before the last day of
December of each year; and no fish
trap shall be reset before the first day of the following March.
All submerged or broken stakes must
be promptly removed. Any fish trap damaged or allowed to
get into a dilapidated condition
will be regarded as abandoned unless promptly removed or
rebuilt. Failure to do this will
subject the owner to prosecution and forfeiture of the trap.
Seizure of abandoned or unlawful traps -- Destruction or sale. -- The
department may take possession of
any abandoned fish trap and appurtenances; or any fish trap
and appurtenances placed in a
location for which no license permit has been obtained; or any
trap and appurtenances for which a license
permit location has been obtained but which the owner
of the fish trap and appurtenances
may willfully maintain in a wrong position or location; and
may destroy the fish trap and
appurtenances or may dispose of them at public auction to the
highest bidder, first giving notice
of the time and place of sale by publishing the notice at least
three (3) times a week for two (2)
successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation with
power to adjourn the sale from time
to time, giving like notice of the adjournment; and make and
execute to the purchaser at the
sale a good and sufficient conveyance of all right, title, and interest
in and to the fish trap and
appurtenances; and to receive the proceeds of the sale and pay the
proceeds into the treasury of the
state; and the state controller shall draw orders upon the general
treasurer for the payment of all
expenses of taking possession and disposing of a fish trap and any
appurtenances, upon receipt by him
or her of proper vouchers, approved by the director of
environmental management, and the
general treasurer shall pay the orders out of moneys
appropriated for that purpose.
Rules and regulations. -- The director of environmental management,
with the
concurrence of the marine fisheries
council, may adopt and amend any rules and regulations in
reference to fish traps, licensed
permitted under this chapter, that may appear to him or her
necessary for the public safety and
for the proper execution of this chapter.
Willful injury to traps. -- Any person who willfully or maliciously
removes, displaces, tampers with,
or in any way damages any trap, leader, or pound set by virtue
of the license permit
provided for by this chapter shall be imprisoned not exceeding two (2) years
or fined not exceeding one thousand
dollars ($1,000), or both.
Fish traps near Conanicut Island unlawful. -- It shall be unlawful to
any fish trap, as defined in this chapter,
in the public waters of this state within one mile of the
shore of the Island of Conanicut,
and no license permit for this purpose shall be granted.
SECTION 5. This act shall take effect upon passage.