By: Senators Perry, Sosnowski, Pichardo, Roberts, and Paiva-Weed
Date Introduced:
February 12, 2003
It is enacted by the General
Assembly as follows:
1. Preamble. Whereas, the General Assembly adopted legislation in 2000
establishing a study of, and
barring the use of, racial profiling in the stopping or searching of
motorists; and
"Racial profiling" was defined in that legislation as the disparate
of an individual
"solely" on the basis of the person's race or ethnic status; and
The Police Executive Research Forum and many other national analysts of
the issue have since recognized
that such a definition, if interpreted literally, is so narrow as to
fail to accurately and
adequately describe, or to allow for a meaningful analysis of, the conduct at
issue; and
The traffic stop study advisory committee established pursuant to section
31-21.1-3 of the general laws,
the attorney general, and the entity procured pursuant to section
31-21.1-4(f) of the general
laws to conduct a statistical analysis of the study, have also recognized
the need to clarify this
definition; and
Additional time is needed in order to prepare the final report of the study
analyzing traffic stops
statistics data.
2. Sections 31-21.1-2, 31-21.1-4 and 31-21.1-5 of the General Laws in
Chapter 31-21.1 entitled
"Traffic Stops Statistics" are hereby amended to read as follows:
Declaration and policy. -- The general assembly declares that the
use of
racial profiling as the sole
reason for stopping or searching motorists on our public highways is
against public policy and violates
the civil rights of the motorist. For purposes of this chapter,
"racial profiling" means
the detention, interdiction or other disparate treatment of an individual
solely on the basis, in whole or in part, of the
racial or ethnic status of such individual, except
when such status is used in
combination with other identifying factors in seeking to apprehend a
specific suspect whose racial or
ethnic status is part of the description of the suspect. The purpose
of this chapter is to conduct a
study of the traffic stops by the police to determine whether racial
profiling is occurring and to
require that police prohibit the practice of racial profiling.
Traffic stop study. -- (a) The attorney general is authorized to and
conduct a study of routine traffic
stops by the Rhode Island state police and each municipal police
department. The study shall include
the collection and analysis of the data received from the
police department pursuant to this
section, which shall include the following information for each
traffic stop conducted by the
The date, time and general location of the traffic stop;
The race or ethnicity, gender, and approximate age of the driver stopped;
that the identification of these
characteristics shall be based on the observation and perception of
the police officer making the stop
and the information shall not be requested of the person
The reason for the stop;
Whether a search was instituted as a result of the stop;
The scope of any search conducted;
Whether the search was conducted pursuant to consent, probable cause, or
suspicion to suspect a crime;
Whether any contraband, including money, was seized in the course of the
and if so, the nature of the
Whether any warning or citation was issued as a result of the stop;
Whether an arrest was made as a result of either the stop or the search;
The approximate duration of the stop; and
Whether the vehicle is registered in Rhode Island or out of the state.
Not later than ninety (90) days after July 13, 2000, the attorney general, with
advice of the committee, shall
develop a form, in both printed and electronic format, to be used
by each police officer when making
a traffic stop to record the data required under this chapter.
Beginning January 15, 2001, and monthly thereafter, each municipal police
department and the Rhode Island
state police shall transmit to the attorney general a report
All of the forms collected to date of motorists who were stopped;
Any complaints filed by motorists who believed they were the subject of racial
profiling, provided that no
information revealing the identity of the complainant, witnesses or the
law enforcement officer involved in
the traffic stop shall be used, transmitted or disclosed in
violation of the provisions of
Chapter 28.6 of Title 42, the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of
Rights; and
Any other information the police department or Rhode Island state police deem
The study authorized under this chapter shall include a multi-variate analysis
of the
collected data in accordance with
general statistical standards. The attorney general shall collect
data for a period of not less than
twenty-four (24) months and report its findings and conclusions
to the governor and the general
assembly not later than twenty-eight (28) thirty (30) months
the commencement of the collection
of data under this chapter. The report, findings and
conclusions submitted pursuant to
this subsection shall be deemed a public record.
In addition, the attorney general, with the advice of the committee, shall
prepare on a
quarterly basis a summary report of
the monthly data provided by each police department and the
state police for that quarterly
period. The report shall be a public record. The summary report
shall include a monthly breakdown
by race for each police department of the number of traffic
stops made and of searches conducted,
and any other information deemed appropriate by the
attorney general with the advice of
the committee. The report shall be released not more than
ninety (90) days after the end of
each quarterly period. No information revealing the identity of
any individual shall be contained
in the report.
Upon July 13, 2000, the attorney general with the advice of the committee shall
procure the services of an
organization, company, person or other entity with sufficient expertise
in the field of statistics to
assist with the implementation of this chapter. The organization,
company, person or other entity so
retained shall assist the attorney general and the committee
with the design of the methodology
for gathering statistics pursuant to this chapter, monitor
compliance with the act throughout
the study, and conduct a statistical analysis at the conclusion
of the study to determine the
extent to which racial profiling exists within the state.
Appropriate funding shall be made available to implement the provisions of this
The department of attorney general shall be exempt from the provisions of
chapter 2
of title 37 in connection with its
procurement of equipment and services necessary to the
implementation of this chapter.
Adoption of written policies. -- (a) Not later than ninety (90) days after July
13, 2000 January 1, 2004, each police department and
the state police shall adopt written policies
which shall:
(1) Provide a system for the collection of the data required under section
31-21.1-3 and
the transmission of the data to
the attorney general as required; and
(2) Prohibit prohibit the use of racial profiling as the sole
reason for stopping or
searching motorists for routine
traffic stops.
Copies of the policies adopted pursuant to this section shall be submitted to
attorney general and the committee,
and shall be public records.
3. This act shall take effect upon passage.
LC01856/SUB B