Introduced By: Senators Ruggerio, Celona, and Bates |
Date Introduced: February 07, 2002 |
It is enacted
by the General Assembly as follows:
1. Title 37 of the General Laws entitled "Public Property and Works" is
hereby amended by adding thereto the following chapter:
37-22-1. Short title. -- This chapter shall be known as
"The I-195 Redevelopment Act of 2002".
37-22-2. Legislative
findings. -- (a)
The general assembly finds that:
(1) The realignment of Interstate Route 195
through the City of Providence provides a unique opportunity to advance public
purposes by transforming a major transportation project into an important
economic and civic development opportunity;
(2) Said
opportunity arises, in large part, from certain land to be made available for
redevelopment due to the relocation of Interstate Route 195 and its access
(3) The
clearance of highway structures, replatting, redevelopment and improvement of
such land shall spur economic development and, as such, is in the public
(4) In
addition, such a unique opportunity can be utilized to advance the state's ability to improve public education, public
services and infrastructure, thus, furthering an even more critical public
(5) The state
would greatly benefit from the participation of private institutions in the
improvement of public education, public services and infrastructure.
Declaration of purpose.--(a) It is declared that there exist certain state-owned properties
which shall become available by relocation of Interstate Route 195 and its on
and off ramps. The abandonment of said properties shall create substandard
areas for appropriate urban planning and development purposes. Said urban
planning and development shall be consistent with and subject to the City of
Providence comprehensive plan, pursuant to R.I. General Laws section 45-22.2-1
et seq., City of Providence Zoning Ordinance, pursuant to R.I. General Laws
section 45-24-27 et seq. and the I-195 Old Harbor Plan (October 1992). As
consistent therewith, said properties can then be utilized for the expansion of
institutional use. The clearance of highway structures, replatting,
redevelopment and improvement of such land in recognition of the I-195 Old
Harbor Plan (October 1992) shall spur the economic development and the
improvement of public education, public services and infrastructure. Thus, said
clearance of highway structures, replanning, redevelopment and improvement is
hereby declared a public purpose. Therefore, the general assembly hereby
establishes the I-195 redevelopment board to be responsible to supervise the
replanning, replatting, redevelopment and improvement of such land through the
solicitation, negotiation, execution and enforcement of comprehensive
agreements for the redevelopment of
such state-owned property through privately-funded qualifying projects. The
board is hereby further authorized and directed to take advantage of private
sector efficiencies in designing, developing and constructing qualifying
institutional projects, which include components that specifically improve
public education, public services and infrastructure. The board is hereby
further authorized and directed to ensure that the state and its agencies
permit and approve qualifying projects in an expedited fashion. In turn, the
board shall exercise its authority in recognition of the plan objectives set
forth in the I-195 Old Harbor Plan (October 1992).
- As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the
following meaning:
"Acquiring authority" means an acquiring authority as defined in R.I. General
Laws Title 37, Chapter 7.
(2) "Board"
means the I-195 Redevelopment Board.
"Comprehensive agreement" means a comprehensive agreement between the board and
those persons obligated to undertake a qualifying project as set forth in
section 27-22-7 of this chapter.
(4) "Material
default" means any default by the private entity in the performance of its
duties under a comprehensive agreement of section 37-22-10 of this chapter that
jeopardizes adequate service to the public from a qualifying project and
remains unremedied after the board has provided notice to the private entity and
a reasonable cure period has elapsed.
(5) "Permits
and approvals" means all permits, licenses, variances and/or approvals to be
issued by state and/or local agencies as necessary for the development,
construction and/or operation of a qualifying project.
(6) "Plan"
means the I-195 Old Harbor Plan (October 1992) adopted by the State of Rhode
Island, City of Providence and Providence Foundation, a nonbusiness
(7) "Private
entity" means any person, institution and/or entity proposing to undertake a
qualifying project and to enter into a comprehensive agreement for the
development, construction and/or operation of a qualifying project.
(8) "Project
area" means that area which is bounded by Pine Street, Chestnut Street,
Clifford and Foster Streets.
"Public-private partnerships" means prearrangements between the public and
private sectors for the delivery by the private sector of certain sector of
certain public infrastructure and/or public services, which traditionally would
have been provided by the public sector and funded by property taxes.
"Qualifying project" means the privately funded redevelopment, construction and
operation of a project within the project area and in furtherance of the plans
planning principals as provided in the Old Harbor Plan (October 1992).
Qualifying projects shall include, but not be limited to, institutional uses.
"State-owned property" means property to which title is vested in the State of
Rhode Island and located in the project area.
Board. - (a)
There is hereby established a board to take custody, control and supervision
over certain real property, title to which is vested in the State of Rhode
Island, to review applications for qualifying projects, to approve or reject
said applications, to negotiate and enter into comprehensive agreements, to
assist in expediting all permits and approvals pursuant to the comprehensive
agreements, to administer and enforce comprehensive agreements, and to exercise
the authority necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter. However, no real property currently within
the freeway line of the interstate shall be transferred to the board for sale,
lease, or utilization pursuant to a public-private partnership, until the
project area becomes available for redevelopment pursuant to the plan.
(b) The board
shall consist of nine (9) members as follows: two (2) public members to be
appointed by the speaker of the house for a term of four (4) years; two (2)
public members to be appointed by the majority leader of the senate for a term
of four (4) years; two (2) members to be appointed by the Governor of the State
of Rhode Island, one (1) such member being a public member and the other such
member being the director of the Rhode Island department of transportation, for
a term of four (4) years; two (2) public members to be appointed by the Mayor
of the City of Providence, one such member being the City of Providence's
director of planning, for a term of four (4) years; and one (1) public member
to be appointed by the Providence Foundation, a nonbusiness corporation for a
term of four (4) years. All members shall serve until successors are appointed.
A member shall be eligible to succeed himself or herself.
(c) Board
members shall select a chairperson and vice chairperson. A quorum necessary to
conduct business shall consist of five (5) members of the board. A majority
vote of the quorum present shall be required for action.
(d) The
members of the board shall not receive any compensation. The members of the
board shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses necessarily incurred in the
performance of their duties. The board may engage professionals and consultants
as it deems necessary.
(e) The board
shall promulgate rules and regulations pursuant to the Rhode Island Administrative
Procedures Act, section 42-35-1 et seq. The general assembly shall provide
meeting space for the board.
(f) The board
shall be authorized to establish reasonable application fees. Said fees shall
cover the estimated expenses of reviewing the applications and the execution of
the comprehensive agreements.
Powers and duties of the board. - (a) The board is hereby authorized and directed to entertain,
solicit, evaluate, negotiate, execute, administer and enforce comprehensive
agreements for the redevelopment of the project area by and through
privately-funded qualifying projects in recognition of and consistent with the
plan. The state department of transportation shall develop a legal description
of said property for the board. Upon completion of the legal description,
custody, control and supervision of the underlying property shall be
transferred to the board and a certificate shall be filed with the secretary of
state notwithstanding the requirements of R.I. General Laws sections 37-7-6 and
37-7-7. The board shall then be authorized to sell, lease and/or enter into
public-private initiative agreements with regard to such property
notwithstanding the requirements of
section 37-7-1 et seq.
(b) If
comprehensive agreements are entered into pursuant to the provisions of this
chapter, the board is hereby authorized and directed to expedite the
consideration and issuance of permits and approvals necessary for development, construction, and operation of
qualifying projects.
(c) The board
is hereby authorized and directed to administer and enforce all comprehensive
agreements entered into pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(d) The board
shall annually submit a written report of all its activities to the Governor,
the General Assembly, and the Mayor and City Council of Providence.
Comprehensive agreement. - (a) Prior to developing, improving, constructing, maintaining,
and/or operating a qualifying project, the private entity shall enter into a
comprehensive agreement with the board. The comprehensive agreement shall
(1) A
specific narrative and description of the qualifying project, including
consistency with the plan and identification of those components of the project
which result in the direct improvement to public education, public services and
(2) The terms
of sale, lease, or public-private initiative. A public-private initiative shall
establish user fees. User fees shall be set at a level that takes into account:
(i) fair market rental value of the real property; (ii) the improvements of or
the benefits directly resulting to public education, public services and
infrastructure from the qualifying project; (iii) payments in lieu of taxes
and/or payments under the host community agreement subject to approval by the
Providence City Council; and (iv) the services to be provided by and through
the board. All such revenues shall be deposited in the Intermodal Surface
Transportation Fund, as defined in section 35-4-11, to be used for activities
eligible for funding under title 23 (Highways) - United States Code;
(3) The
comprehensive agreement shall address payment in lieu of taxes, or a host
community agreement subject to approval by the City Council of the City of
Providence. All such revenues may be pledged by the City of Providence pursuant
to R.I. General Laws section 45-33.2-1 et seq.;
Reimbursement to be paid to the board for expenses incurred and services
provided by the board;
(5) With
regard to a public-private initiative, the comprehensive agreement shall also
(i) The
duties of the private entity under this chapter and may contain such other
terms and conditions consistent with this chapter. Without limitation, the
comprehensive agreement may contain provisions under which the board agrees to
collateral assignment provisions, notice of default provisions, and cure rights
for the benefit of the private entity and the persons specified therein as
providing financing for the qualifying project;
The schedule for completion of the qualifying project;
Delivery of performance and payment bonds in connection with the construction
of, or improvements to, the qualifying project, in the forms and amounts
satisfactory to the board;
The review of plans and specifications for the qualifying project;
The inspection of construction of, or improvements to, the qualifying project
to ensure conformance with the approved engineering standards;
The maintenance of a policy or policies of public liability insurance (copies
of which shall be filed with the board accompanied by proofs of coverage),
self-insurance, in form and amount satisfactory to the board and reasonably
sufficient to insure coverage of tort liability to the public and to enable the
continued operation of the qualifying project;
Monitoring of the maintenance practices of the private entity by the board and
the taking of such actions as the board finds appropriate to ensure that the
qualifying project is properly maintained;
Filing of appropriate financial statements on a periodic basis; and
The date of termination of the private entity's authority and duties under this
chapter and dedication to the appropriate public entity.
Any changes in the terms of the comprehensive agreement, as may be agreed upon
by the parties from time to time, shall be added to the comprehensive agreement
by written amendment.
Each comprehensive agreement may provide for state indemnification of the
contracting party for design and construction liability where the state has
approved relevant design and construction plans.
37-22-8. Application process. -- (a) Persons may apply to the board for the
development of privately-funded qualifying projects within the project
area. All applications shall be
accompanied by the following material and information, unless waived by the
board, with respect to the project that the private entity proposes to operate
as a qualifying project:
A topographic map (1:2,000 or other appropriate scale) indicating the location
of the project;
Description of the project, including the conceptual design of such project;
A statement setting forth the specific improvements to public education, public
services and infrastructure;
The projected total life-cycle cost of the project, tax payments, payments in
lieu of taxes or including reimbursement for host public services and the
proposed date for the beginning of and the planned completion date for the
construction of, or improvements required by the project;
A statement setting forth the method by which the private entity proposes to
finance, develop and operate the project;
A statement setting forth the private entity's general plans for financing and
operating the project;
The names and addresses of the persons who may be contacted for further
information concerning the request; and
Such additional material and information as the board may reasonably request.
The board may grant approval of a qualifying project and enter into a
comprehensive agreement, if the board determines that it is consistent with the
plan's principles for the expansion of institutional use and said project
includes component(s) that improve public education, public services and
infrastructure. The board shall also
consider fair market value as defined in 23 U.S.C. section 156 and 23 CFR
section 710.403. The director of the
Rhode Island department of transportation as a member of the board shall issue
a report to the board on this subject relative to each individual application.
The board may charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs of processing,
reviewing and evaluating any application, including without limitation,
reasonable attorneys' fees and fees for financial and other necessary advisors
or consultants.
The board shall approve all comprehensive agreements with the private entities.
In connection with its approval, the board shall establish a date for the
beginning of the qualifying project.
The board may extend such date from time to time.
37-22-9. Permits and approvals for a qualifying
project under a comprehensive agreement. -- (a) The board shall,
with the mandatory assistance of all applicable state and municipal agencies
and departments, control the schedule for the processing and issuance of all
necessary permits and approvals for qualifying projects under this
chapter. The board shall seek the
cooperation of all such agencies to expedite all necessary permits and
approvals for the qualifying projects; provided, however, that the
comprehensive agreement shall provide for reimbursement for those accelerated
services being rendered by any state or local agencies or departments. Qualifying projects shall remain subject to
the I-195 Old Harbor Plan (October 1992), the City of Providence's comprehensive
plan, zoning ordinance, the plan and design review.
Within thirty (30) days of entry into a comprehensive agreement, the board
shall require that all applicable state and local agencies and departments,
meet with the board and establish an accelerated time frame for the
consideration of and decision upon permits and approvals. The board shall have authority to approve
and/or mandate an accelerated process, which may include the implementation of
phased and/or fast-track development, which is defined as the initiation of
development prior to final issuance of all permits and approvals and/or the
completion of final project design and construction plans.
All appeals timely filed with the Rhode Island superior court relative to
permits and approvals shall be accelerated and given priority and advanced on
the calendar of the Rhode Island superior court. Appeals shall be subject to de novo review.
37-22-10. Material default -- Remedies --
Public-private initiatives. -- (a) Except upon agreement of the
private entity and any other parties to the comprehensive agreement, providing
for public-private initiatives, the board shall not exercise any of the
remedies provided in this section, unless the Providence county superior court,
after notice to the private entity and the secured parties (as may appear in
the private entity's records) and an opportunity for hearing, shall first issue
a declaratory judgment that a material default, as defined in section 37-22-4, has occurred and is continuing.
Upon entry by the superior court of a declaratory judgment order pursuant to
subsection (a) above, unless such order is stayed pending appeal to the Rhode
Island supreme court, the board may exercise any or all of the following
The board may solicit other private entities to take over a qualifying project
and in such case it shall succeed to all of the right, title and interest in
such project, subject to the secured interests of any person providing
financing therefor in accordance with the comprehensive agreement.
The board may terminate the comprehensive agreement and exercise any other
rights and remedies which may be available to it at law or in equity.
The board may make or cause to be made any appropriate claims under the performance
and/or payment bonds required by subparagraph 37-22-7(a)(6).
37-22-11. Sovereign immunity. -- Nothing in this chapter shall be construed
as or deemed a waiver of the sovereign immunity of the State of Rhode Island,
any responsible public entity or any affected local jurisdiction or any officer
or employee thereof with respect to the participation in, or approval of all or
any part of the qualifying project. A
city in which a qualifying project is located shall possess sovereign immunity
with respect to its construction and operation.
Procurement. -- The State Purchases Act, Rhode Island general laws
section 27-2-1 et seq., the Management and Disposal of Property Act, Rhode
Island general laws section 37-7-1 et seq., and the Municipal Award Act, Rhode
Island general laws section 45-55-1 et seq., shall not apply to this
chapter. However, notwithstanding any
provisions of this chapter, the sale, lease or agreement for any real property
subject to control by the board shall secure an advisory opinion from the
office of the attorney general.
Construction. -- This chapter is deemed necessary for the welfare of
the state and its inhabitants and shall be literally construed so as to
effectuate its purposes. Insofar as the
provisions of this chapter are inconsistent with the provisions of any law or
ordinance, general, special or local, the provision of this chapter shall be
Severability. -- If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part
of this chapter shall be judged by any court or competent jurisdiction to be
invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder
thereof, but it shall be confined in its operation of the clause, sentence,
paragraph, section or part directly involved in the controversy in which that
judgment shall have been rendered.
2. This act shall take effect upon passage.