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art.013/12/013/11/013/10/013/9/013/8/013/7/013/6/013/5/016/2/016/1 | ||
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3 | SECTION 1. Section 35-17-1 of the General Laws in Chapter 35-17 entitled "Medical | |
4 | Assistance and Public Assistance Caseload Estimating Conferences" is hereby amended to read as | |
5 | follows: | |
6 | 35-17-1. Purpose and membership. | |
7 | (a) In order to provide for a more stable and accurate method of financial planning and | |
8 | budgeting, it is hereby declared the intention of the legislature that there be a procedure for the | |
9 | determination of official estimates of anticipated medical assistance expenditures and public | |
10 | assistance caseloads, upon which the executive budget shall be based and for which appropriations | |
11 | by the general assembly shall be made. | |
12 | (b) The state budget officer, the house fiscal advisor, and the senate fiscal advisor shall | |
13 | meet in regularly scheduled caseload estimating conferences (C.E.C.). These conferences shall be | |
14 | open public meetings. | |
15 | (c) The chairpersonship of each regularly scheduled C.E.C. will rotate among the state | |
16 | budget officer, the house fiscal advisor, and the senate fiscal advisor, hereinafter referred to as | |
17 | principals. The schedule shall be arranged so that no chairperson shall preside over two (2) | |
18 | successive regularly scheduled conferences on the same subject. | |
19 | (d) Representatives of all state agencies are to participate in all conferences for which their | |
20 | input is germane. | |
21 | (e) The department of human services shall provide monthly data to the members of the | |
22 | caseload estimating conference by the fifteenth day of the following month. Monthly data shall | |
23 | include, but is not limited to, actual caseloads and expenditures for the following case assistance | |
24 | programs: Rhode Island Works, SSI state program, general public assistance, and child care. For | |
25 | individuals eligible to receive the payment under § 40-6-27(a)(1)(vi), the report shall include the | |
26 | number of individuals enrolled in a managed care plan receiving long-term care services and | |
27 | supports and the number receiving fee-for-service benefits. The executive office of health and | |
28 | human services shall report relevant caseload information and expenditures for the following | |
29 | medical assistance categories: hospitals, long-term care, managed care, pharmacy, and other | |
30 | medical services. In the category of managed care, caseload information and expenditures for the | |
| ||
1 | following populations shall be separately identified and reported: children with disabilities, | |
2 | children in foster care, and children receiving adoption assistance and RIte Share enrollees under § | |
3 | 40-8.4-12(j). The information shall include the number of Medicaid recipients whose estate may | |
4 | be subject to a recovery and the anticipated amount to be collected from those subject to recovery, | |
5 | the total recoveries collected each month and number of estates attached to the collections and each | |
6 | month, the number of open cases and the number of cases that have been open longer than three | |
7 | months. | |
8 | SECTION 2. Section Sections 40-5-10 and 40-5.2-20 of the General Laws in Chapter 40- | |
9 | 5.2 entitled "The Rhode Island Works Program" is are hereby amended to read as follows: | |
10 | 40-5.2-10. Necessary requirements and conditions. | |
11 | The following requirements and conditions shall be necessary to establish eligibility for | |
12 | the program. | |
13 | (a) Citizenship, alienage and residency requirements. | |
14 | (1) A person shall be a resident of the State of Rhode Island. | |
15 | (2) Effective October 1, 2008 a person shall be a United States citizen, or shall meet the | |
16 | alienage requirements established in § 402(b) of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity | |
17 | Reconciliation Act of 1996, PRWORA, Public Laws No. 104-193 and as that section may hereafter | |
18 | be amended [8 U.S.C. § 1612]; a person who is not a United States citizen and does not meet the | |
19 | alienage requirements established in PRWORA, as amended, is not eligible for cash assistance in | |
20 | accordance with this chapter. | |
21 | (b) The family/assistance unit must meet any other requirements established by the | |
22 | department of human services by rules and regulations adopted pursuant to the Administrative | |
23 | Procedures Act, as necessary to promote the purpose and goals of this chapter. | |
24 | (c) Receipt of cash assistance is conditional upon compliance with all program | |
25 | requirements. | |
26 | (d) All individuals domiciled in this state shall be exempt from the application of | |
27 | subdivision 115(d)(1)(A) of Public Law 104-193, the Personal Responsibility and Work | |
28 | Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, PRWORA [21 U.S.C. § 862a], which makes any | |
29 | individual ineligible for certain state and federal assistance if that individual has been convicted | |
30 | under federal or state law of any offense which is classified as a felony by the law of the jurisdiction | |
31 | and which has as an element the possession, use, or distribution of a controlled substance as defined | |
32 | in § 102(6) of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. § 802(6)). | |
33 | (e) Individual employment plan as a condition of eligibility. | |
34 | (1) Following receipt of an application, the department of human services shall assess the | |
| |
1 | financial conditions of the family, including the non-parent caretaker relative who is applying for | |
2 | cash assistance for himself or herself as well as for the minor child(ren),in the context of an | |
3 | eligibility determination. If a parent or non parent caretaker relative is unemployed or under- | |
4 | employed, the department shall conduct an initial assessment, taking into account: (A) the physical | |
5 | capacity, skills, education, work experience, health, safety, family responsibilities and place of | |
6 | residence of the individual; and (B) the child care and supportive services required by the applicant | |
7 | to avail himself or herself of employment opportunities and/or work readiness programs. | |
8 | (2) On the basis of such assessment, the department of human services and the department | |
9 | of labor and training, as appropriate, in consultation with the applicant, shall develop an individual | |
10 | employment plan for the family which requires the individual to participate in the intensive | |
11 | employment services. Intensive employment services shall be defined as the work requirement | |
12 | activities in subsections 40-5.2-12(g) and (i). | |
13 | (3) The director, or his/her designee, may assign a case manager to an applicant/participant, | |
14 | as appropriate. | |
15 | (4) The department of labor and training and the department of human services in | |
16 | conjunction with the participant shall develop a revised individual employment plan which shall | |
17 | identify employment objectives, taking into consideration factors above, and shall include a | |
18 | strategy for immediate employment and for preparing for, finding, and retaining employment | |
19 | consistent, to the extent practicable, with the individual's career objectives. | |
20 | (5) The individual employment plan must include the provision for the participant to | |
21 | engage in work requirements as outlined in § 40-5.2-12 of this chapter. | |
22 | (6)(A) The participant shall attend and participate immediately in intensive assessment and | |
23 | employment services as the first step in the individual employment plan, unless temporarily exempt | |
24 | from this requirement in accordance with this chapter. Intensive assessment and employment | |
25 | services shall be defined as the work requirement activities in subsections 40-5.2-12(g) and (i). | |
26 | (B) Parents under age twenty (20) without a high school diploma or General Equivalency | |
27 | Diploma (GED) shall be referred to special teen parent programs which will provide intensive | |
28 | services designed to assist teen parent to complete high school education or GED, and to continue | |
29 | approved work plan activities in accord with Works program requirements. | |
30 | (7) The applicant shall become a participant in accordance with this chapter at the time the | |
31 | individual employment plan is signed and entered into. | |
32 | (8) Applicants and participants of the Rhode Island Work Program shall agree to comply | |
33 | with the terms of the individual employment plan, and shall cooperate fully with the steps | |
34 | established in the individual employment plan, including the work requirements. | |
| |
1 | (9) The department of human services has the authority under the chapter to require | |
2 | attendance by the applicant/participant, either at the department of human services or at the | |
3 | department of labor and training, at appointments deemed necessary for the purpose of having the | |
4 | applicant enter into and become eligible for assistance through the Rhode Island Work Program. | |
5 | Said appointments include, but are not limited to, the initial interview, orientation and assessment; | |
6 | job readiness and job search. Attendance is required as a condition of eligibility for cash assistance | |
7 | in accordance with rules and regulations established by the department. | |
8 | (10) As a condition of eligibility for assistance pursuant to this chapter, the | |
9 | applicant/participant shall be obligated to keep appointments, attend orientation meetings at the | |
10 | department of human services and/or the Rhode Island department of labor and training, participate | |
11 | in any initial assessments or appraisals and comply with all the terms of the individual employment | |
12 | plan in accordance with department of human service rules and regulations. | |
13 | (11) A participant, including a parent or non-parent caretaker relative included in the cash | |
14 | assistance payment, shall not voluntarily quit a job or refuse a job unless there is good cause as | |
15 | defined in this chapter or the department's rules and regulations. | |
16 | (12) A participant who voluntarily quits or refuses a job without good cause, as defined in | |
17 | subsection 40-5.2-12(l), while receiving cash assistance in accordance with this chapter, shall be | |
18 | sanctioned in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the department. | |
19 | (f) Resources. | |
20 | (1) The Family or assistance unit's countable resources shall be less than the allowable | |
21 | resource limit established by the department in accordance with this chapter. | |
22 | (2) No family or assistance unit shall be eligible for assistance payments if the combined | |
23 | value of its available resources (reduced by any obligations or debts with respect to such resources) | |
24 | exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000). | |
25 | (3) For purposes of this subsection, the following shall not be counted as resources of the | |
26 | family/assistance unit in the determination of eligibility for the works program: | |
27 | (A) The home owned and occupied by a child, parent, relative or other individual; | |
28 | (B) Real property owned by a husband and wife as tenants by the entirety, if the property | |
29 | is not the home of the family and if the spouse of the applicant refuses to sell his or her interest in | |
30 | the property; | |
31 | (C) Real property which the family is making a good faith effort to dispose of, however, | |
32 | any cash assistance payable to the family for any such period shall be conditioned upon such | |
33 | disposal of the real property within six (6) months of the date of application and any payments of | |
34 | assistance for that period shall (at the time of disposal) be considered overpayments to the extent | |
| |
1 | that they would not have occurred at the beginning of the period for which the payments were | |
2 | made. All overpayments are debts subject to recovery in accordance with the provisions of the | |
3 | chapter; | |
4 | (D) Income producing property other than real estate including, but not limited to, | |
5 | equipment such as farm tools, carpenter's tools and vehicles used in the production of goods or | |
6 | services which the department determines are necessary for the family to earn a living; | |
7 | (E) One vehicle for each adult household member, but not to exceed two (2) vehicles per | |
8 | household, and in addition, a vehicle used primarily for income producing purposes such as, but | |
9 | not limited to, a taxi, truck or fishing boat; a vehicle used as a family's home; a vehicle which | |
10 | annually produces income consistent with its fair market value, even if only used on a seasonal | |
11 | basis; a vehicle necessary to transport a family member with a disability where the vehicle is | |
12 | specially equipped to meet the specific needs of the person with a disability or if the vehicle is a | |
13 | special type of vehicle that makes it possible to transport the person with a disability; | |
14 | (F) Household furnishings and appliances, clothing, personal effects and keepsakes of | |
15 | limited value; | |
16 | (G) Burial plots (one for each child, relative, and other individual in the assistance unit), | |
17 | and funeral arrangements; | |
18 | (H) For the month of receipt and the following month, any refund of federal income taxes | |
19 | made to the family by reason of § 32 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 26 U.S.C. § 32 (relating | |
20 | to earned income tax credit), and any payment made to the family by an employer under § 3507 of | |
21 | the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 26 U.S.C. § 3507 (relating to advance payment of such earned | |
22 | income credit); | |
23 | (I) The resources of any family member receiving supplementary security income | |
24 | assistance under the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq. | |
25 | (g) Income. | |
26 | (1) Except as otherwise provided for herein, in determining eligibility for and the amount | |
27 | of cash assistance to which a family is entitled under this chapter, the income of a family includes | |
28 | all of the money, goods, and services received or actually available to any member of the family. | |
29 | (2) In determining the eligibility for and the amount of cash assistance to which a | |
30 | family/assistance unit is entitled under this chapter, income in any month shall not include the first | |
31 | one hundred seventy dollars ($170) of gross earnings plus fifty percent (50%) of the gross earnings | |
32 | of the family in excess of one hundred seventy dollars ($170) earned during the month. | |
33 | (3) The income of a family shall not include: | |
34 | (A) The first fifty dollars ($50.00) in child support received in any month from each non- | |
| |
1 | custodial parent of a child plus any arrearages in child support (to the extent of the first fifty dollars | |
2 | ($50.00) per month multiplied by the number of months in which the support has been in arrears) | |
3 | which are paid in any month by a non-custodial parent of a child; | |
4 | (B) Earned income of any child; | |
5 | (C) Income received by a family member who is receiving supplemental security income | |
6 | (SSI) assistance under Title XVI of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1381 et seq.; | |
7 | (D) The value of assistance provided by state or federal government or private agencies to | |
8 | meet nutritional needs, including: value of USDA donated foods; value of supplemental food | |
9 | assistance received under the Child Nutrition Act of 1966, as amended and the special food service | |
10 | program for children under Title VII, nutrition program for the elderly, of the Older Americans Act | |
11 | of 1965 as amended, and the value of food stamps; | |
12 | (E) Value of certain assistance provided to undergraduate students, including any grant or | |
13 | loan for an undergraduate student for educational purposes made or insured under any loan program | |
14 | administered by the U.S. Commissioner of Education (or the Rhode Island council on | |
15 | postsecondary education or the Rhode Island division of higher education assistance); | |
16 | (F) Foster Care Payments; | |
17 | (G) Home energy assistance funded by state or federal government or by a nonprofit | |
18 | organization; | |
19 | (H) Payments for supportive services or reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses made to | |
20 | foster grandparents, senior health aides or senior companions and to persons serving in SCORE | |
21 | and ACE and any other program under Title II and Title III of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act | |
22 | of 1973, 42 U.S.C. § 5000 et seq.; | |
23 | (I) Payments to volunteers under AmeriCorps VISTA as defined in the department's rules | |
24 | and regulations; | |
25 | (J) Certain payments to native Americans; payments distributed per capita to, or held in | |
26 | trust for, members of any Indian Tribe under P.L. 92-254, 25 U.S.C. § 1261 et seq., P.L. 93-134, | |
27 | 25 U.S.C. § 1401 et seq., or P.L. 94-540; receipts distributed to members of certain Indian tribes | |
28 | which are referred to in § 5 of P.L. 94-114, 25 U.S.C. § 459d, that became effective October 17, | |
29 | 1975; | |
30 | (K) Refund from the federal and state earned income tax credit; | |
31 | (L) The value of any state, local, or federal government rent or housing subsidy, provided | |
32 | that this exclusion shall not limit the reduction in benefits provided for in the payment standard | |
33 | section of this chapter. | |
34 | (4) The receipt of a lump sum of income shall affect participants for cash assistance in | |
| |
1 | accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the department. | |
2 | (h) Time limit on the receipt of cash assistance. | |
3 | (1) No On or after January 1, 2020, no cash assistance shall be provided, pursuant to this | |
4 | chapter, to a family or assistance unit which includes an adult member who has received cash | |
5 | assistance, either for him/herself or on behalf of his/her children, for a total of twenty-four (24) | |
6 | forty-eight (48) months, (whether or not consecutive) within any sixty (60) continuous months after | |
7 | July 1, 2008 to include any time receiving any type of cash assistance in any other state or territory | |
8 | of the United States of America as defined herein. Provided further, in no circumstances other than | |
9 | provided for in section (3) below with respect to certain minor children, shall cash assistance be | |
10 | provided pursuant to this chapter to a family or assistance unit which includes an adult member | |
11 | who has received cash assistance for a total of a lifetime limit of forty-eight (48) months. | |
12 | (2) Cash benefits received by a minor dependent child shall not be counted toward their | |
13 | lifetime time limit for receiving benefits under this chapter should that minor child apply for cash | |
14 | benefits as an adult. | |
15 | (3) Certain minor children not subject to time limit. This section regarding the lifetime time | |
16 | limit for the receipt of cash assistance, shall not apply only in the instances of a minor child(ren) | |
17 | living with a parent who receives SSI benefits and a minor child(ren) living with a responsible adult | |
18 | non-parent caretaker relative who is not in the case assistance payment. | |
19 | (4) Receipt of family cash assistance in any other state or territory of the United States of | |
20 | America shall be determined by the department of human services and shall include family cash | |
21 | assistance funded in whole or in part by Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funds | |
22 | [Title IV-A of the Federal Social Security Act 42 U.S.C. § 601 et seq.] and/or family cash assistance | |
23 | provided under a program similar to the Rhode Island Families Work and Opportunity Program or | |
24 | the federal TANF program. | |
25 | (5)(A) The department of human service shall mail a notice to each assistance unit when | |
26 | the assistance unit has six (6) months of cash assistance remaining and each month thereafter until | |
27 | the time limit has expired. The notice must be developed by the department of human services and | |
28 | must contain information about the lifetime time limit. the number of months the participant has | |
29 | remaining, the hardship extension policy, the availability of a post-employment-and-closure bonus, | |
30 | and any other information pertinent to a family or an assistance unit nearing either the twenty-four | |
31 | (24) month or nearing the forty-eight (48) month lifetime time limit. | |
32 | (B) For applicants who have less than six (6) months remaining in either the twenty-four | |
33 | (24) month or the forty-eight (48) month lifetime time limit because the family or assistance unit | |
34 | previously received cash assistance in Rhode Island or in another state, the department shall notify | |
| |
1 | the applicant of the number of months remaining when the application is approved and begin the | |
2 | process required in paragraph (A) above. | |
3 | (6) If a cash assistance recipient family closed pursuant to Rhode Island's Temporary | |
4 | Assistance for Needy Families Program, (federal TANF described in Title IV A of the Federal | |
5 | Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 601 et seq.) formerly entitled the Rhode Island Family | |
6 | Independence Program, more specifically under subdivision 40-5.1-9(2)(c), due to sanction | |
7 | because of failure to comply with the cash assistance program requirements; and that recipients | |
8 | family received forty-eight (48) months of cash benefits in accordance with the Family | |
9 | Independence Program, than that recipient family is not able to receive further cash assistance for | |
10 | his/her family, under this chapter, except under hardship exceptions. | |
11 | (7) The months of state or federally funded cash assistance received by a recipient family | |
12 | since May 1, 1997 under Rhode Island's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, | |
13 | (federal TANF described in Title IV A of the Federal Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 601 et seq.) | |
14 | formerly entitled the Rhode Island Family Independence Program, shall be countable toward the | |
15 | time limited cash assistance described in this chapter. | |
16 | (i) Time limit on the receipt of cash assistance. | |
17 | (1)(A) No cash assistance shall be provided, pursuant to this chapter, to a family assistance | |
18 | unit in which an adult member has received cash assistance for a total of sixty (60) months (whether | |
19 | or not consecutive) to include any time receiving any type of cash assistance in any other state or | |
20 | territory of the United States as defined herein effective August 1, 2008. Provided further, that no | |
21 | cash assistance shall be provided to a family in which an adult member has received assistance for | |
22 | twenty-four (24) consecutive months unless the adult member has a rehabilitation employment plan | |
23 | as provided in subsection 40-5.2-12(g)(5). | |
24 | (B) Effective August 1, 2008 no cash assistance shall be provided pursuant to this chapter | |
25 | to a family in which a child has received cash assistance for a total of sixty (60) months (whether | |
26 | or not consecutive) if the parent is ineligible for assistance under this chapter pursuant to | |
27 | subdivision 40-5.2(a) (2) to include any time received any type of cash assistance in any other state | |
28 | or territory of the United States as defined herein. | |
29 | (j) Hardship Exceptions. | |
30 | (1) The department may extend an assistance unit's or family's cash assistance beyond the | |
31 | time limit, by reason of hardship; provided, however, that the number of such families to be | |
32 | exempted by the department with respect to their time limit under this subsection shall not exceed | |
33 | twenty percent (20%) of the average monthly number of families to which assistance is provided | |
34 | for under this chapter in a fiscal year; provided, however, that to the extent now or hereafter | |
| |
1 | permitted by federal law, any waiver granted under § 40-5.2-35, for domestic violence, shall not be | |
2 | counted in determining the twenty percent (20%) maximum under this section. | |
3 | (2) Parents who receive extensions to the time limit due to hardship must have and comply | |
4 | with employment plans designed to remove or ameliorate the conditions that warranted the | |
5 | extension. | |
6 | (k) Parents under eighteen (18) years of age. | |
7 | (1) A family consisting of a parent who is under the age of eighteen (18), and who has | |
8 | never been married, and who has a child; or a family which consists of a woman under the age of | |
9 | eighteen (18) who is at least six (6) months pregnant, shall be eligible for cash assistance only if | |
10 | such family resides in the home of an adult parent, legal guardian or other adult relative. Such | |
11 | assistance shall be provided to the adult parent, legal guardian, or other adult relative on behalf of | |
12 | the individual and child unless otherwise authorized by the department. | |
13 | (2) This subsection shall not apply if the minor parent or pregnant minor has no parent, | |
14 | legal guardian or other adult relative who is living and/or whose whereabouts are unknown; or the | |
15 | department determines that the physical or emotional health or safety of the minor parent, or his or | |
16 | her child, or the pregnant minor, would be jeopardized if he or she was required to live in the same | |
17 | residence as his or her parent, legal guardian or other adult relative (refusal of a parent, legal | |
18 | guardian or other adult relative to allow the minor parent or his or her child, or a pregnant minor, | |
19 | to live in his or her home shall constitute a presumption that the health or safety would be so | |
20 | jeopardized); or the minor parent or pregnant minor has lived apart from his or her own parent or | |
21 | legal guardian for a period of at least one year before either the birth of any child to a minor parent | |
22 | or the onset of the pregnant minor's pregnancy; or there is good cause, under departmental | |
23 | regulations, for waiving the subsection; and the individual resides in supervised supportive living | |
24 | arrangement to the extent available. | |
25 | (3) For purposes of this section "supervised supportive living arrangement" means an | |
26 | arrangement which requires minor parents to enroll and make satisfactory progress in a program | |
27 | leading to a high school diploma or a general education development certificate, and requires minor | |
28 | parents to participate in the adolescent parenting program designated by the department, to the | |
29 | extent the program is available; and provides rules and regulations which ensure regular adult | |
30 | supervision. | |
31 | (l) Assignment and Cooperation. As a condition of eligibility for cash and medical | |
32 | assistance under this chapter, each adult member, parent or caretaker relative of the | |
33 | family/assistance unit must: | |
34 | (1) Assign to the state any rights to support for children within the family from any person | |
| |
1 | which the family member has at the time the assignment is executed or may have while receiving | |
2 | assistance under this chapter; | |
3 | (2) Consent to and cooperate with the state in establishing the paternity and in establishing | |
4 | and/or enforcing child support and medical support orders for all children in the family or assistance | |
5 | unit in accordance with Title 15 of the general laws, as amended, unless the parent or caretaker | |
6 | relative is found to have good cause for refusing to comply with the requirements of this subsection. | |
7 | (3) Absent good cause, as defined by the department of human services through the rule | |
8 | making process, for refusing to comply with the requirements of (1) and (2) above, cash assistance | |
9 | to the family shall be reduced by twenty-five percent (25%) until the adult member of the family | |
10 | who has refused to comply with the requirements of this subsection consents to and cooperates with | |
11 | the state in accordance with the requirements of this subsection. | |
12 | (4) As a condition of eligibility for cash and medical assistance under this chapter, each | |
13 | adult member, parent or caretaker relative of the family/assistance unit must consent to and | |
14 | cooperate with the state in identifying and providing information to assist the state in pursuing any | |
15 | third-party who may be liable to pay for care and services under Title XIX of the Social Security | |
16 | Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1396 et seq. | |
17 | 40-5.2-20. Child-care assistance. | |
18 | Families or assistance units eligible for child-care assistance. | |
19 | (a) The department shall provide appropriate child care to every participant who is eligible | |
20 | for cash assistance and who requires child care in order to meet the work requirements in | |
21 | accordance with this chapter. | |
22 | (b) Low-income child care. The department shall provide child care to all other working | |
23 | families with incomes at or below one hundred eighty percent (180%) of the federal poverty level | |
24 | if, and to the extent, such other families require child care in order to work at paid employment as | |
25 | defined in the department's rules and regulations. Beginning October 1, 2013, the department shall | |
26 | also provide child care to families with incomes below one hundred eighty percent (180%) of the | |
27 | federal poverty level if, and to the extent, such families require child care to participate on a short- | |
28 | term basis, as defined in the department's rules and regulations, in training, apprenticeship, | |
29 | internship, on-the-job training, work experience, work immersion, or other job-readiness/job- | |
30 | attachment program sponsored or funded by the human resource investment council (governor's | |
31 | workforce board) or state agencies that are part of the coordinated program system pursuant to § | |
32 | 42-102-11. | |
33 | (c) No family/assistance unit shall be eligible for child-care assistance under this chapter if | |
34 | the combined value of its liquid resources exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000) one million | |
| |
1 | dollars ($1,000,000), which corresponds to the amount permitted by the federal government under | |
2 | the state plan and set forth in the administrative rule-making process by the department. Liquid | |
3 | resources are defined as any interest(s) in property in the form of cash or other financial instruments | |
4 | or accounts that are readily convertible to cash or cash equivalents. These include, but are not | |
5 | limited to: cash, bank, credit union, or other financial institution savings, checking, and money | |
6 | market accounts; certificates of deposit or other time deposits; stocks; bonds; mutual funds; and | |
7 | other similar financial instruments or accounts. These do not include educational savings accounts, | |
8 | plans, or programs; retirement accounts, plans, or programs; or accounts held jointly with another | |
9 | adult, not including a spouse. The department is authorized to promulgate rules and regulations to | |
10 | determine the ownership and source of the funds in the joint account. | |
11 | (d) As a condition of eligibility for child-care assistance under this chapter, the parent or | |
12 | caretaker relative of the family must consent to, and must cooperate with, the department in | |
13 | establishing paternity, and in establishing and/or enforcing child support and medical support | |
14 | orders for all any children in the family receiving appropriate child care under this section in | |
15 | accordance with the applicable sections of title 15 of the state's general laws, as amended, unless | |
16 | the parent or caretaker relative is found to have good cause for refusing to comply with the | |
17 | requirements of this subsection. | |
18 | (e) For purposes of this section, "appropriate child care" means child care, including infant, | |
19 | toddler, pre-school, nursery school, school-age, that is provided by a person or organization | |
20 | qualified, approved, and authorized to provide such care by the department of children, youth and | |
21 | families, or by the department of elementary and secondary education, or such other lawful | |
22 | providers as determined by the department of human services, in cooperation with the department | |
23 | of children, youth and families and the department of elementary and secondary education the state | |
24 | agency or agencies designated to make such determinations in accordance with the provisions set | |
25 | forth herein. | |
26 | (f)(1) Families with incomes below one hundred percent (100%) of the applicable federal | |
27 | poverty level guidelines shall be provided with free child care. Families with incomes greater than | |
28 | one hundred percent (100%) and less than one hundred eighty percent (180%) of the applicable | |
29 | federal poverty guideline shall be required to pay for some portion of the child care they receive, | |
30 | according to a sliding-fee scale adopted by the department in the department's rules. | |
31 | (2) Families who are receiving child-care assistance and who become ineligible for child- | |
32 | care assistance as a result of their incomes exceeding one hundred eighty percent (180%) of the | |
33 | applicable federal poverty guidelines shall continue to be eligible for child-care assistance until | |
34 | their incomes exceed two hundred twenty-five percent (225%) of the applicable federal poverty | |
| |
1 | guidelines. To be eligible, such families must continue to pay for some portion of the child care | |
2 | they receive, as indicated in a sliding-fee scale adopted in the department's rules and in accordance | |
3 | with all other eligibility standards. | |
4 | (g) In determining the type of child care to be provided to a family, the department shall | |
5 | take into account the cost of available child-care options; the suitability of the type of care available | |
6 | for the child; and the parent's preference as to the type of child care. | |
7 | (h) For purposes of this section, "income" for families receiving cash assistance under § | |
8 | 40-5.2-11 means gross, earned income and unearned income, subject to the income exclusions in | |
9 | §§ 40-5.2-10(g)(2) and 40-5.2-10(g)(3), and income for other families shall mean gross, earned and | |
10 | unearned income as determined by departmental regulations. | |
11 | (i) The caseload estimating conference established by chapter 17 of title 35 shall forecast | |
12 | the expenditures for child care in accordance with the provisions of § 35-17-1. | |
13 | (j) In determining eligibility for child-care assistance for children of members of reserve | |
14 | components called to active duty during a time of conflict, the department shall freeze the family | |
15 | composition and the family income of the reserve component member as it was in the month prior | |
16 | to the month of leaving for active duty. This shall continue until the individual is officially | |
17 | discharged from active duty. | |
18 | SECTION 3. Sections 40-6-27 and 40-6-27.2 of the General Laws in Chapter 40-6 entitled | |
19 | "Public Assistance Act" are hereby amended to read as follows: | |
20 | 40-6-27. Supplemental security income. | |
21 | (a)(1) The director of the department is hereby authorized to enter into agreements on | |
22 | behalf of the state with the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services or other | |
23 | appropriate federal officials, under the supplementary and security income (SSI) program | |
24 | established by title XVI of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1381 et seq., concerning the | |
25 | administration and determination of eligibility for SSI benefits for residents of this state, except as | |
26 | otherwise provided in this section. The state's monthly share of supplementary assistance to the | |
27 | supplementary security income program shall be as follows: | |
28 | (i) Individual living alone: $39.92 | |
29 | (ii) Individual living with others: $51.92 | |
30 | (iii) Couple living alone: $79.38 | |
31 | (iv) Couple living with others: $97.30 | |
32 | (v) Individual living in state licensed assisted living residence: $332.00 | |
33 | (vi) Individual eligible to receive Medicaid-funded long-term services and supports and | |
34 | living in a Medicaid certified state licensed assisted living residence or adult supportive care | |
| |
1 | residence, as defined in § 23-17.24-1, participating in the program authorized under § 40-8.13-12 | |
2 | or an alternative, successor, or substitute program or delivery option designated for such purposes | |
3 | by the secretary of the executive office of health and human services: | |
4 | (a) with countable income above one hundred and twenty (120) percent of poverty: up to | |
5 | $465.00; | |
6 | (b) with countable income at or below one hundred and twenty (120) percent of poverty: | |
7 | up to the total amount established in (v) and $465: $797 | |
8 | (vii) Individual living in state licensed supportive residential care settings that, depending | |
9 | on the population served, meet the standards set by the department of human services in conjunction | |
10 | with the department(s) of children, youth and families, elderly affairs and/or behavioral healthcare, | |
11 | developmental disabilities and hospitals: $300.00. | |
12 | Provided, however, that the department of human services shall by regulation reduce, | |
13 | effective January 1, 2009, the state's monthly share of supplementary assistance to the | |
14 | supplementary security income program for each of the above listed payment levels, by the same | |
15 | value as the annual federal cost of living adjustment to be published by the federal social security | |
16 | administration in October 2008 and becoming effective on January 1, 2009, as determined under | |
17 | the provisions of title XVI of the federal social security act [42 U.S.C. § 1381 et seq.]; and provided | |
18 | further, that it is the intent of the general assembly that the January 1, 2009 reduction in the state's | |
19 | monthly share shall not cause a reduction in the combined federal and state payment level for each | |
20 | category of recipients in effect in the month of December 2008; provided further, that the | |
21 | department of human services is authorized and directed to provide for payments to recipients in | |
22 | accordance with the above directives. | |
23 | (2) As of July 1, 2010, state supplement payments shall not be federally administered and | |
24 | shall be paid directly by the department of human services to the recipient. | |
25 | (3) Individuals living in institutions shall receive a twenty dollar ($20.00) per month | |
26 | personal needs allowance from the state which shall be in addition to the personal needs allowance | |
27 | allowed by the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et seq. | |
28 | (4) Individuals living in state licensed supportive residential care settings and assisted | |
29 | living residences who are receiving SSI supplemental payments under this section who are | |
30 | participating in the program under § 40-8.13-12 or an alternative, successor, or substitute program | |
31 | or delivery option, or otherwise shall be allowed to retain a minimum personal needs allowance of | |
32 | fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per month from their SSI monthly benefit prior to payment of any | |
33 | monthly fees in addition to any amounts established in an administrative rule promulgated by the | |
34 | secretary of the executive office of health and human services for persons eligible to receive | |
| |
1 | Medicaid-funded long-term services and supports in the settings identified in subsection (a)(1)(v) | |
2 | and (a)(1)(vi). | |
3 | (5) Except as authorized for the program authorized under § 40-8.13-12 or an alternative, | |
4 | successor, or substitute program, or delivery option designated by the secretary to ensure that | |
5 | supportive residential care or an assisted living residence is a safe and appropriate service setting, | |
6 | the department is authorized and directed to make a determination of the medical need and whether | |
7 | a setting provides the appropriate services for those persons who: (i) Have applied for or are | |
8 | receiving SSI, and who apply for admission to supportive residential care setting and assisted living | |
9 | residences on or after October 1, 1998; or | |
10 | (ii) Who are residing in supportive residential care settings and assisted living residences, | |
11 | and who apply for or begin to receive SSI on or after October 1, 1998. | |
12 | (6) The process for determining medical need required by subsection (5) of this section | |
13 | shall be developed by the executive office of health and human services in collaboration with the | |
14 | departments of that office and shall be implemented in a manner that furthers the goals of | |
15 | establishing a statewide coordinated long-term care entry system as required pursuant to the | |
16 | Medicaid section 1115 waiver demonstration. | |
17 | (7) To assure access to high quality coordinated services, the executive office of health and | |
18 | human services is further authorized and directed to establish certification or contract standards | |
19 | that must be met by those state licensed supportive residential care settings, including adult | |
20 | supportive care homes and assisted living residences admitting or serving any persons eligible for | |
21 | state-funded supplementary assistance under this section or the program established under § 40- | |
22 | 8.13-12. Such certification or contract standards shall define: | |
23 | (i) The scope and frequency of resident assessments, the development and implementation | |
24 | of individualized service plans, staffing levels and qualifications, resident monitoring, service | |
25 | coordination, safety risk management and disclosure, and any other related areas; | |
26 | (ii) The procedures for determining whether the certifications or contract standards have | |
27 | been met; and | |
28 | (iii) The criteria and process for granting a one time, short-term good cause exemption | |
29 | from the certification or contract standards to a licensed supportive residential care setting or | |
30 | assisted living residence that provides documented evidence indicating that meeting or failing to | |
31 | meet said standards poses an undue hardship on any person eligible under this section who is a | |
32 | prospective or current resident. | |
33 | (8) The certification or contract standards required by this section or § 40-8.13-12 or an | |
34 | alternative, successor, or substitute program, or delivery option designated by the secretary shall | |
| |
1 | be developed in collaboration by the departments, under the direction of the executive office of | |
2 | health and human services, so as to ensure that they comply with applicable licensure regulations | |
3 | either in effect or in development. | |
4 | (b) The department is authorized and directed to provide additional assistance to | |
5 | individuals eligible for SSI benefits for: | |
6 | (1) Moving costs or other expenses as a result of an emergency of a catastrophic nature | |
7 | which is defined as a fire or natural disaster; and | |
8 | (2) Lost or stolen SSI benefit checks or proceeds of them; and | |
9 | (3) Assistance payments to SSI eligible individuals in need because of the application of | |
10 | federal SSI regulations regarding estranged spouses; and the department shall provide such | |
11 | assistance in a form and amount, which the department shall by regulation determine. | |
12 | 40-6-27.2. Supplementary cash assistance payment for certain supplemental security | |
13 | income recipients. | |
14 | There is hereby established a $206 monthly payment for disabled and elderly individuals | |
15 | who, on or after July 1, 2012, receive the state supplementary assistance payment for an individual | |
16 | in state licensed assisted living residence under § 40-6-27 and further reside in an assisted living | |
17 | facility that is not eligible to receive funding under Title XIX of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. | |
18 | § 1381 et seq. or reside in any assisted living facility financed by the Rhode Island housing and | |
19 | mortgage finance corporation prior to January 1, 2006, and receive a payment under § 40-6-27. | |
20 | Such a monthly payment shall not be made on behalf of persons participating in the program | |
21 | authorized under § 40-8.13-12 or an alternative, successor, or substitute program, or delivery option | |
22 | designated for such purposes by the secretary of the executive office of health and human services. | |
23 | SECTION 4. Section 40-6.2-1.1 of the General Laws in Chapter 40-6.2 entitled "Child | |
24 | Care - State Subsidies" is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
25 | 40-6.2-1.1. Rates established. | |
26 | (a) Through June 30, 2015, subject to the payment limitations in subsection (c), the | |
27 | maximum reimbursement rates to be paid by the departments of human services and children, youth | |
28 | and families for licensed childcare centers and licensed family-childcare providers shall be based | |
29 | on the following schedule of the 75th percentile of the 2002 weekly market rates adjusted for the | |
30 | average of the 75th percentile of the 2002 and the 2004 weekly market rates: | |
32 | MARKET RATE | |
33 | INFANT $182.00 | |
34 | PRESCHOOL $150.00 | |
| |
1 | SCHOOL-AGE $135.00 | |
4 | INFANT $150.00 | |
5 | PRESCHOOL $150.00 | |
6 | SCHOOL-AGE $135.00 | |
7 | Effective July 1, 2015, subject to the payment limitations in subsection (c), the maximum | |
8 | reimbursement rates to be paid by the departments of human services and children, youth and | |
9 | families for licensed childcare centers and licensed family-childcare providers shall be based on | |
10 | the above schedule of the 75th percentile of the 2002 weekly market rates adjusted for the average | |
11 | of the 75th percentile of the 2002 and the 2004 weekly market rates. These rates shall be increased | |
12 | by ten dollars ($10.00) per week for infant/toddler care provided by licensed family-childcare | |
13 | providers and license-exempt providers and then the rates for all providers for all age groups shall | |
14 | be increased by three percent (3%). For the fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, licensed childcare | |
15 | centers shall be reimbursed a maximum weekly rate of one hundred ninety-three dollars and sixty- | |
16 | four cents ($193.64) for infant/toddler care and one hundred sixty-one dollars and seventy-one | |
17 | cents ($161.71) for preschool-age children. | |
18 | (b) Effective July l, 2018, subject to the payment limitations in subsection (c), the | |
19 | maximum infant/toddler and preschool-age reimbursement rates to be paid by the departments of | |
20 | human services and children, youth and families for licensed childcare centers shall be | |
21 | implemented in a tiered manner, reflective of the quality rating the provider has achieved within | |
22 | the state's quality rating system outlined in § 42-12-23.1. | |
23 | (1) For infant/toddler childcare, tier one shall be reimbursed two and one-half percent | |
24 | (2.5%) above the FY 2018 weekly amount, tier two shall be reimbursed five percent (5%) above | |
25 | the FY 2018 weekly amount, tier three shall be reimbursed thirteen percent (13%) above the FY | |
26 | 2018 weekly amount, tier four shall be reimbursed twenty percent (20%) above the FY 2018 weekly | |
27 | amount, and tier five shall be reimbursed thirty-three percent (33%) above the FY 2018 weekly | |
28 | amount. | |
29 | (2) For preschool reimbursement rates, tier one shall be reimbursed two and one-half | |
30 | (2.5%) percent above the FY 2018 weekly amount, tier two shall be reimbursed five percent (5%) | |
31 | above the FY 2018 weekly amount, tier three shall be reimbursed ten percent (10%) above the FY | |
32 | 2018 weekly amount, tier four shall be reimbursed thirteen percent (13%) above the FY 2018 | |
33 | weekly amount, and tier five shall be reimbursed twenty-one percent (21%) above the FY 2018 | |
34 | weekly amount. | |
| |
1 | (c) The departments shall pay childcare providers based on the lesser of the applicable rate | |
2 | specified in subsection (a), or the lowest rate actually charged by the provider to any of its public | |
3 | or private childcare customers with respect to each of the rate categories, infant, preschool and | |
4 | school-age. | |
5 | (d)(c) By June 30, 2004, and biennially through June 30, 2014, the department of labor and | |
6 | training shall conduct an independent survey or certify an independent survey of the then current | |
7 | weekly market rates for childcare in Rhode Island and shall forward such weekly market rate survey | |
8 | to the department of human services. The next survey shall be conducted by June 30, 2016, and | |
9 | triennially thereafter. The departments of human services and labor and training will jointly | |
10 | determine the survey criteria including, but not limited to, rate categories and sub-categories. | |
11 | (e)(d) In order to expand the accessibility and availability of quality childcare, the | |
12 | department of human services is authorized to establish by regulation alternative or incentive rates | |
13 | of reimbursement for quality enhancements, innovative or specialized childcare and alternative | |
14 | methodologies of childcare delivery, including non-traditional delivery systems and collaborations. | |
15 | (f)(e) Effective January 1, 2007, all childcare providers have the option to be paid every | |
16 | two (2) weeks and have the option of automatic direct deposit and/or electronic funds transfer of | |
17 | reimbursement payments. | |
18 | (f) Effective July 1, 2019, the maximum infant/toddler reimbursement rates to be paid by | |
19 | the departments of human services and children, youth and families for licensed family childcare | |
20 | providers shall be implemented in a tiered manner, reflective of the quality rating the provider has | |
21 | achieved within the state's quality rating system outlined in § 42-12-23.1. Tier one shall be | |
22 | reimbursed two percent (2%) above the prevailing base rate for step 1 and step 2 providers, three | |
23 | percent (3%) above prevailing base rate for step 3 providers, and four percent (4%) above the | |
24 | prevailing base rate for step 4 providers; tier two shall be reimbursed five percent (5%) above the | |
25 | prevailing base rate; tier three shall be reimbursed eleven percent (11%) above the prevailing base | |
26 | rate; tier four shall be reimbursed fourteen percent (14%) above the prevailing base rate; and tier | |
27 | five shall be reimbursed twenty-three percent (23%) above the prevailing base rate. | |
28 | SECTION 5. Sections 40-8-13.4 and 40-8-19 of the General Laws in Chapter 40-8 entitled | |
29 | "Medical Assistance" are hereby amended to read as follows: | |
30 | 40-8-13.4. Rate methodology for payment for in state and out of state hospital | |
31 | services. | |
32 | (a) The executive office of health and human services ("executive office") shall implement | |
33 | a new methodology for payment for in-state and out-of-state hospital services in order to ensure | |
34 | access to, and the provision of, high-quality and cost-effective hospital care to its eligible recipients. | |
| |
1 | (b) In order to improve efficiency and cost effectiveness, the executive office shall: | |
2 | (1)(i) With respect to inpatient services for persons in fee-for-service Medicaid, which is | |
3 | non-managed care, implement a new payment methodology for inpatient services utilizing the | |
4 | Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) method of payment, which is a patient-classification method that | |
5 | provides a means of relating payment to the hospitals to the type of patients cared for by the | |
6 | hospitals. It is understood that a payment method based on DRG may include cost outlier payments | |
7 | and other specific exceptions. The executive office will review the DRG-payment method and the | |
8 | DRG base price annually, making adjustments as appropriate in consideration of such elements as | |
9 | trends in hospital input costs; patterns in hospital coding; beneficiary access to care; and the Centers | |
10 | for Medicare and Medicaid Services national CMS Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Hospital | |
11 | Input Price index. For the twelve-month (12) period beginning July 1, 2015, the DRG base rate for | |
12 | Medicaid fee-for-service inpatient hospital services shall not exceed ninety-seven and one-half | |
13 | percent (97.5%) of the payment rates in effect as of July 1, 2014. Beginning July 1, 2019, the DRG | |
14 | base rate for Medicaid fee-for-service inpatient hospital services shall be 107.2% of the payment | |
15 | rates in effect as of July 1, 2018. Increases in the Medicaid fee-for-service DRG hospital payments | |
16 | for the twelve-month (12) period beginning July 1, 2020 shall be based on the payment rates in | |
17 | effect as of July 1 of the preceding fiscal year, and shall be the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid | |
18 | Services national Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Hospital Input Price Index. | |
19 | (ii) With respect to inpatient services, (A) It is required as of January 1, 2011 until | |
20 | December 31, 2011, that the Medicaid managed care payment rates between each hospital and | |
21 | health plan shall not exceed ninety and one tenth percent (90.1%) of the rate in effect as of June 30, | |
22 | 2010. Increases in inpatient hospital payments for each annual twelve-month (12) period beginning | |
23 | January 1, 2012 may not exceed the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services national CMS | |
24 | Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Hospital Input Price index for the applicable period; (B) | |
25 | Provided, however, for the twenty-four-month (24) period beginning July 1, 2013, the Medicaid | |
26 | managed care payment rates between each hospital and health plan shall not exceed the payment | |
27 | rates in effect as of January 1, 2013, and for the twelve-month (12) period beginning July 1, 2015, | |
28 | the Medicaid managed-care payment inpatient rates between each hospital and health plan shall not | |
29 | exceed ninety-seven and one-half percent (97.5%) of the payment rates in effect as of January 1, | |
30 | 2013; (C) Increases in inpatient hospital payments for each annual twelve-month (12) period | |
31 | beginning July 1, 2017, shall be the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services national CMS | |
32 | Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Hospital Input Price Index, less Productivity Adjustment, for | |
33 | the applicable period and shall be paid to each hospital retroactively to July 1; (D) Beginning July | |
34 | 1, 2019, the Medicaid managed care payment inpatient rates between each hospital and health plan | |
| |
1 | shall be 107.2% of the payment rates in effect as of January 1, 2019 and shall be paid to each | |
2 | hospital retroactively to July 1; (E) Increases in inpatient hospital payments for each annual twelve- | |
3 | month (12) period beginning July 1, 2020, shall be based on the payment rates in effect as of | |
4 | January 1 of the preceding fiscal year, and shall be the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services | |
5 | national CMS Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Hospital Input Price Index, less Productivity | |
6 | Adjustment, for the applicable period and shall be paid to each hospital retroactively to July 1. The | |
7 | executive office will develop an audit methodology and process to assure that savings associated | |
8 | with the payment reductions will accrue directly to the Rhode Island Medicaid program through | |
9 | reduced managed-care-plan payments and shall not be retained by the managed-care plans; (E) All | |
10 | hospitals licensed in Rhode Island shall accept such payment rates as payment in full; and (F) For | |
11 | all such hospitals, compliance with the provisions of this section shall be a condition of | |
12 | participation in the Rhode Island Medicaid program. | |
13 | (2) With respect to outpatient services and notwithstanding any provisions of the law to the | |
14 | contrary, for persons enrolled in fee-for-service Medicaid, the executive office will reimburse | |
15 | hospitals for outpatient services using a rate methodology determined by the executive office and | |
16 | in accordance with federal regulations. Fee-for-service outpatient rates shall align with Medicare | |
17 | payments for similar services. Notwithstanding the above, there shall be no increase in the | |
18 | Medicaid fee-for-service outpatient rates effective on July 1, 2013, July 1, 2014, or July 1, 2015. | |
19 | For the twelve-month (12) period beginning July 1, 2015, Medicaid fee-for-service outpatient rates | |
20 | shall not exceed ninety-seven and one-half percent (97.5%) of the rates in effect as of July 1, 2014. | |
21 | Increases in the outpatient hospital payments for the twelve-month (12) period beginning July 1, | |
22 | 2016, may not exceed the CMS national Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) Hospital | |
23 | Input Price Index. Beginning July 1, 2019, the Medicaid fee-for-service outpatient rates shall be | |
24 | 107.2% of the payment rates in effect as of July 1, 2018. Increases in the outpatient hospital | |
25 | payments for the twelve-month (12) period beginning July 1, 2020 shall be based on the payment | |
26 | rates in effect as of July 1 of the preceding fiscal year, and shall be the CMS national Outpatient | |
27 | Prospective Payment System (OPPS) Hospital Input Price Index. With respect to the outpatient | |
28 | rate, (i) It is required as of January 1, 2011, until December 31, 2011, that the Medicaid managed- | |
29 | care payment rates between each hospital and health plan shall not exceed one hundred percent | |
30 | (100%) of the rate in effect as of June 30, 2010; (ii) Increases in hospital outpatient payments for | |
31 | each annual twelve-month (12) period beginning January 1, 2012 until July 1, 2017, may not exceed | |
32 | the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services national CMS Outpatient Prospective Payment | |
33 | System OPPS hospital price index for the applicable period; (iii) Provided, however, for the twenty- | |
34 | four-month (24) period beginning July 1, 2013, the Medicaid managed-care outpatient payment | |
| |
1 | rates between each hospital and health plan shall not exceed the payment rates in effect as of | |
2 | January 1, 2013, and for the twelve-month (12) period beginning July 1, 2015, the Medicaid | |
3 | managed-care outpatient payment rates between each hospital and health plan shall not exceed | |
4 | ninety-seven and one-half percent (97.5%) of the payment rates in effect as of January 1, 2013; (iv) | |
5 | Increases in outpatient hospital payments for each annual twelve-month (12) period beginning July | |
6 | 1, 2017, shall be the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services national CMS OPPS Hospital | |
7 | Input Price Index, less Productivity Adjustment, for the applicable period and shall be paid to each | |
8 | hospital retroactively to July 1. Beginning July 1, 2019, the Medicaid managed care outpatient | |
9 | payment rates between each hospital and health plan shall be one hundred seven and two-tenths | |
10 | percent (107.2%) of the payment rates in effect as of January 1, 2019 and shall be paid to each | |
11 | hospital retroactively to July 1; (vi) Increases in outpatient hospital payments for each annual | |
12 | twelve-month (12) period beginning July 1, 2020, shall be based on the payment rates in effect as | |
13 | of January 1 of the preceding fiscal year, and shall be the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid | |
14 | Services national CMS OPPS Hospital Input Price Index, less Productivity Adjustment, for | |
15 | the applicable period and shall be paid to each hospital retroactively to July 1. | |
16 | (3) "Hospital", as used in this section, shall mean the actual facilities and buildings in | |
17 | existence in Rhode Island, licensed pursuant to § 23-17-1 et seq. on June 30, 2010, and thereafter | |
18 | any premises included on that license, regardless of changes in licensure status pursuant to chapter | |
19 | 17.14 of title 23 (hospital conversions) and § 23-17-6(b) (change in effective control), that provides | |
20 | short-term, acute inpatient and/or outpatient care to persons who require definitive diagnosis and | |
21 | treatment for injury, illness, disabilities, or pregnancy. Notwithstanding the preceding language, | |
22 | the Medicaid managed care payment rates for a court-approved purchaser that acquires a hospital | |
23 | through receivership, special mastership or other similar state insolvency proceedings (which court- | |
24 | approved purchaser is issued a hospital license after January 1, 2013) shall be based upon the new | |
25 | rates between the court-approved purchaser and the health plan, and such rates shall be effective as | |
26 | of the date that the court-approved purchaser and the health plan execute the initial agreement | |
27 | containing the new rates. The rate-setting methodology for inpatient-hospital payments and | |
28 | outpatient-hospital payments set forth in subdivisions (b)(1)(ii)(C) and (b)(2), respectively, shall | |
29 | thereafter apply to increases for each annual twelve-month (12) period as of July 1 following the | |
30 | completion of the first full year of the court-approved purchaser's initial Medicaid managed care | |
31 | contract. | |
32 | (c) It is intended that payment utilizing the DRG method shall reward hospitals for | |
33 | providing the most efficient care, and provide the executive office the opportunity to conduct value- | |
34 | based purchasing of inpatient care. | |
| |
1 | (d) The secretary of the executive office is hereby authorized to promulgate such rules and | |
2 | regulations consistent with this chapter, and to establish fiscal procedures he or she deems | |
3 | necessary, for the proper implementation and administration of this chapter in order to provide | |
4 | payment to hospitals using the DRG-payment methodology. Furthermore, amendment of the Rhode | |
5 | Island state plan for Medicaid, pursuant to Title XIX of the federal Social Security Act, is hereby | |
6 | authorized to provide for payment to hospitals for services provided to eligible recipients in | |
7 | accordance with this chapter. | |
8 | (e) The executive office shall comply with all public notice requirements necessary to | |
9 | implement these rate changes. | |
10 | (f) As a condition of participation in the DRG methodology for payment of hospital | |
11 | services, every hospital shall submit year-end settlement reports to the executive office within one | |
12 | year from the close of a hospital's fiscal year. Should a participating hospital fail to timely submit | |
13 | a year-end settlement report as required by this section, the executive office shall withhold | |
14 | financial-cycle payments due by any state agency with respect to this hospital by not more than ten | |
15 | percent (10%) until said report is submitted. For hospital fiscal year 2010 and all subsequent fiscal | |
16 | years, hospitals will not be required to submit year-end settlement reports on payments for | |
17 | outpatient services. For hospital fiscal year 2011 and all subsequent fiscal years, hospitals will not | |
18 | be required to submit year-end settlement reports on claims for hospital inpatient services. Further, | |
19 | for hospital fiscal year 2010, hospital inpatient claims subject to settlement shall include only those | |
20 | claims received between October 1, 2009, and June 30, 2010. | |
21 | (g) The provisions of this section shall be effective upon implementation of the new | |
22 | payment methodology set forth in this section and § 40-8-13.3, which shall in any event be no later | |
23 | than March 30, 2010, at which time the provisions of §§ 40-8-13.2, 27-19-14, 27-19-15, and 27- | |
24 | 19-16 shall be repealed in their entirety. | |
25 | 40-8-19. Rates of payment to nursing facilities. | |
26 | (a) Rate reform. | |
27 | (1) The rates to be paid by the state to nursing facilities licensed pursuant to chapter 17 of | |
28 | title 23, and certified to participate in Title XIX of the Social Security Act for services rendered to | |
29 | Medicaid-eligible residents, shall be reasonable and adequate to meet the costs that must be | |
30 | incurred by efficiently and economically operated facilities in accordance with 42 U.S.C. § | |
31 | 1396a(a)(13). The executive office of health and human services ("executive office") shall | |
32 | promulgate or modify the principles of reimbursement for nursing facilities in effect as of July 1, | |
33 | 2011, to be consistent with the provisions of this section and Title XIX, 42 U.S.C. § 1396 et seq., | |
34 | of the Social Security Act. | |
| |
1 | (2) The executive office shall review the current methodology for providing Medicaid | |
2 | payments to nursing facilities, including other long-term-care services providers, and is authorized | |
3 | to modify the principles of reimbursement to replace the current cost-based methodology rates with | |
4 | rates based on a price-based methodology to be paid to all facilities with recognition of the acuity | |
5 | of patients and the relative Medicaid occupancy, and to include the following elements to be | |
6 | developed by the executive office: | |
7 | (i) A direct-care rate adjusted for resident acuity; | |
8 | (ii) An indirect-care rate comprised of a base per diem for all facilities; | |
9 | (iii) A rearray of costs for all facilities every three (3) years beginning October, 2015, that | |
10 | may or may not result in automatic per diem revisions; | |
11 | (iv) Application of a fair-rental value system; | |
12 | (v) Application of a pass-through system; and | |
13 | (vi) Adjustment of rates by the change in a recognized national nursing home inflation | |
14 | index to be applied on October 1 of each year, beginning October 1, 2012. This adjustment will not | |
15 | occur on October 1, 2013, October 1, 2014 or October 1, 2015, but will occur on April 1, 2015. | |
16 | The adjustment of rates will also not occur on October 1, 2017, or October 1, 2018 and October 1, | |
17 | 2019. Effective July 1, 2018, rates paid to nursing facilities from the rates approved by the Centers | |
18 | for Medicare and Medicaid Services and in effect on October 1, 2017, both fee-for-service and | |
19 | managed care, will be increased by one and one-half percent (1.5%) and further increased by one | |
20 | percent (1%) on October 1, 2018, and further increased by one percent (1%) on October 1, 2019. | |
21 | Said inflation index shall be applied without regard for the transition factors in subsections (b)(1) | |
22 | and (b)(2). For purposes of October 1, 2016, adjustment only, any rate increase that results from | |
23 | application of the inflation index to subsections (a)(2)(i) and (a)(2)(ii) shall be dedicated to increase | |
24 | compensation for direct-care workers in the following manner: Not less than 85% of this aggregate | |
25 | amount shall be expended to fund an increase in wages, benefits, or related employer costs of direct- | |
26 | care staff of nursing homes. For purposes of this section, direct-care staff shall include registered | |
27 | nurses (RNs), licensed practical nurses (LPNs), certified nursing assistants (CNAs), certified | |
28 | medical technicians, housekeeping staff, laundry staff, dietary staff, or other similar employees | |
29 | providing direct care services; provided, however, that this definition of direct-care staff shall not | |
30 | include: (i) RNs and LPNs who are classified as "exempt employees" under the Federal Fair Labor | |
31 | Standards Act (29 U.S.C. § 201 et seq.); or (ii) CNAs, certified medical technicians, RNs, or LPNs | |
32 | who are contracted, or subcontracted, through a third-party vendor or staffing agency. By July 31, | |
33 | 2017, nursing facilities shall submit to the secretary, or designee, a certification that they have | |
34 | complied with the provisions of subsections (a)(2)(vi) with respect to the inflation index applied | |
| |
1 | on October 1, 2016. Any facility that does not comply with terms of such certification shall be | |
2 | subjected to a clawback, paid by the nursing facility to the state, in the amount of increased | |
3 | reimbursement subject to this provision that was not expended in compliance with that certification. | |
4 | (b) Transition to full implementation of rate reform. For no less than four (4) years after | |
5 | the initial application of the price-based methodology described in subsection (a)(2) to payment | |
6 | rates, the executive office of health and human services shall implement a transition plan to | |
7 | moderate the impact of the rate reform on individual nursing facilities. Said transition shall include | |
8 | the following components: | |
9 | (1) No nursing facility shall receive reimbursement for direct-care costs that is less than | |
10 | the rate of reimbursement for direct-care costs received under the methodology in effect at the time | |
11 | of passage of this act; for the year beginning October 1, 2017, the reimbursement for direct-care | |
12 | costs under this provision will be phased out in twenty-five-percent (25%) increments each year | |
13 | until October 1, 2021, when the reimbursement will no longer be in effect; and | |
14 | (2) No facility shall lose or gain more than five dollars ($5.00) in its total, per diem rate the | |
15 | first year of the transition. An adjustment to the per diem loss or gain may be phased out by twenty- | |
16 | five percent (25%) each year; except, however, for the years beginning October 1, 2015, there shall | |
17 | be no adjustment to the per diem gain or loss, but the phase out shall resume thereafter; and | |
18 | (3) The transition plan and/or period may be modified upon full implementation of facility | |
19 | per diem rate increases for quality of care-related measures. Said modifications shall be submitted | |
20 | in a report to the general assembly at least six (6) months prior to implementation. | |
21 | (4) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, for the twelve-month (12) period beginning | |
22 | July 1, 2015, Medicaid payment rates for nursing facilities established pursuant to this section shall | |
23 | not exceed ninety-eight percent (98%) of the rates in effect on April 1, 2015. Consistent with the | |
24 | other provisions of this chapter, nothing in this provision shall require the executive office to restore | |
25 | the rates to those in effect on April 1, 2015, at the end of this twelve-month (12) period. | |
26 | SECTION 6. Sections 40-8.3-2, 40-8.3-3 and 40-8.3-10 of the General Laws in Chapter | |
27 | 40-8.3 entitled "Uncompensated Care" are hereby amended to read as follows: | |
28 | 40-8.3-2. Definitions. | |
29 | As used in this chapter: | |
30 | (1) "Base year" means, for the purpose of calculating a disproportionate share payment for | |
31 | any fiscal year ending after September 30, 2017 2018, the period from October 1, 2015 2016, | |
32 | through September 30, 2016 2017, and for any fiscal year ending after September 30, 2018 2019, | |
33 | the period from October 1, 2016, through September 30, 2017. | |
34 | (2) "Medicaid inpatient utilization rate for a hospital" means a fraction (expressed as a | |
| |
1 | percentage), the numerator of which is the hospital's number of inpatient days during the base year | |
2 | attributable to patients who were eligible for medical assistance during the base year and the | |
3 | denominator of which is the total number of the hospital's inpatient days in the base year. | |
4 | (3) "Participating hospital" means any nongovernment and nonpsychiatric hospital that: | |
5 | (i) Was licensed as a hospital in accordance with chapter 17 of title 23 during the base year | |
6 | and shall mean the actual facilities and buildings in existence in Rhode Island, licensed pursuant to | |
7 | § 23-17-1 et seq. on June 30, 2010, and thereafter any premises included on that license, regardless | |
8 | of changes in licensure status pursuant to chapter 17.14 of title 23 (hospital conversions) and § 23- | |
9 | 17-6(b) (change in effective control), that provides short-term, acute inpatient and/or outpatient | |
10 | care to persons who require definitive diagnosis and treatment for injury, illness, disabilities, or | |
11 | pregnancy. Notwithstanding the preceding language, the negotiated Medicaid managed-care | |
12 | payment rates for a court-approved purchaser that acquires a hospital through receivership, special | |
13 | mastership, or other similar state insolvency proceedings (which court-approved purchaser is issued | |
14 | a hospital license after January 1, 2013) shall be based upon the newly negotiated rates between | |
15 | the court-approved purchaser and the health plan, and such rates shall be effective as of the date | |
16 | that the court-approved purchaser and the health plan execute the initial agreement containing the | |
17 | newly negotiated rate. The rate-setting methodology for inpatient hospital payments and outpatient | |
18 | hospital payments set forth in §§ 40-8-13.4(b)(1)(ii)(C) and 40-8-13.4(b)(2), respectively, shall | |
19 | thereafter apply to negotiated increases for each annual twelve-month (12) period as of July 1 | |
20 | following the completion of the first full year of the court-approved purchaser's initial Medicaid | |
21 | managed-care contract; | |
22 | (ii) Achieved a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate of at least one percent (1%) | |
23 | during the base year; and | |
24 | (iii) Continues to be licensed as a hospital in accordance with chapter 17 of title 23 during | |
25 | the payment year. | |
26 | (4) "Uncompensated-care costs" means, as to any hospital, the sum of: (i) The cost incurred | |
27 | by such hospital during the base year for inpatient or outpatient services attributable to charity care | |
28 | (free care and bad debts) for which the patient has no health insurance or other third-party coverage | |
29 | less payments, if any, received directly from such patients; and (ii) The cost incurred by such | |
30 | hospital during the base year for inpatient or out-patient services attributable to Medicaid | |
31 | beneficiaries less any Medicaid reimbursement received therefor; multiplied by the uncompensated | |
32 | care index. | |
33 | (5) "Uncompensated-care index" means the annual percentage increase for hospitals | |
34 | established pursuant to § 27-19-14 for each year after the base year, up to and including the payment | |
| |
1 | year; provided, however, that the uncompensated-care index for the payment year ending | |
2 | September 30, 2007, shall be deemed to be five and thirty-eight hundredths percent (5.38%), and | |
3 | that the uncompensated-care index for the payment year ending September 30, 2008, shall be | |
4 | deemed to be five and forty-seven hundredths percent (5.47%), and that the uncompensated-care | |
5 | index for the payment year ending September 30, 2009, shall be deemed to be five and thirty-eight | |
6 | hundredths percent (5.38%), and that the uncompensated-care index for the payment years ending | |
7 | September 30, 2010, September 30, 2011, September 30, 2012, September 30, 2013, September | |
8 | 30, 2014, September 30, 2015, September 30, 2016, September 30, 2017, and September 30, 2018, | |
9 | September 30, 2019, and September 30, 2020 shall be deemed to be five and thirty hundredths | |
10 | percent (5.30%). | |
11 | 40-8.3-3. Implementation. | |
12 | (a) For federal fiscal year 2017, commencing on October 1, 2016, and ending September | |
13 | 30, 2017, the executive office of health and human services shall submit to the Secretary of the | |
14 | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services a state plan amendment to the Rhode Island | |
15 | Medicaid DSH Plan to provide: | |
16 | (1) That the DSH Plan to all participating hospitals, not to exceed an aggregate limit of | |
17 | $139.7 million, shall be allocated by the executive office of health and human services to the Pool | |
18 | D component of the DSH Plan; and | |
19 | (2) That the Pool D allotment shall be distributed among the participating hospitals in direct | |
20 | proportion to the individual, participating hospital's uncompensated-care costs for the base year, | |
21 | inflated by the uncompensated-care index to the total uncompensated-care costs for the base year | |
22 | inflated by uncompensated-care index for all participating hospitals. The disproportionate-share | |
23 | payments shall be made on or before July 11, 2017, and are expressly conditioned upon approval | |
24 | on or before July 5, 2017, by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, | |
25 | or his or her authorized representative, of all Medicaid state plan amendments necessary to secure | |
26 | for the state the benefit of federal financial participation in federal fiscal year 2017 for the | |
27 | disproportionate share payments. | |
28 | (b)(a) For federal fiscal year 2018, commencing on October 1, 2017, and ending September | |
29 | 30, 2018, the executive office of health and human services shall submit to the Secretary of the | |
30 | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services a state plan amendment to the Rhode Island | |
31 | Medicaid DSH Plan to provide: | |
32 | (1) That the DSH Plan to all participating hospitals, not to exceed an aggregate limit of | |
33 | $138.6 million, shall be allocated by the executive office of health and human services to the Pool | |
34 | D component of the DSH Plan; and | |
| |
1 | (2) That the Pool D allotment shall be distributed among the participating hospitals in direct | |
2 | proportion to the individual participating hospital's uncompensated care costs for the base year, | |
3 | inflated by the uncompensated care index to the total uncompensated care costs for the base year | |
4 | inflated by uncompensated care index for all participating hospitals. The disproportionate share | |
5 | payments shall be made on or before July 10, 2018, and are expressly conditioned upon approval | |
6 | on or before July 5, 2018, by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, | |
7 | or his or her authorized representative, of all Medicaid state plan amendments necessary to secure | |
8 | for the state the benefit of federal financial participation in federal fiscal year 2018 for the | |
9 | disproportionate share payments. | |
10 | (c)(b) For federal fiscal year 2019, commencing on October 1, 2018, and ending September | |
11 | 30, 2019, the executive office of health and human services shall submit to the Secretary of the | |
12 | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services a state plan amendment to the Rhode Island | |
13 | Medicaid DSH Plan to provide: | |
14 | (1) That the DSH Plan to all participating hospitals, not to exceed an aggregate limit of | |
15 | $139.7 $142.4 million, shall be allocated by the executive office of health and human services to | |
16 | the Pool D component of the DSH Plan; and | |
17 | (2) That the Pool D allotment shall be distributed among the participating hospitals in direct | |
18 | proportion to the individual participating hospital's uncompensated care costs for the base year, | |
19 | inflated by the uncompensated care index to the total uncompensated care costs for the base year | |
20 | inflated by uncompensated care index for all participating hospitals. The disproportionate share | |
21 | payments shall be made on or before July 10, 2019, and are expressly conditioned upon approval | |
22 | on or before July 5, 2019, by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, | |
23 | or his or her authorized representative, of all Medicaid state plan amendments necessary to secure | |
24 | for the state the benefit of federal financial participation in federal fiscal year 2018 2019 for the | |
25 | disproportionate share payments. | |
26 | (c) For federal fiscal year 2020, commencing on October 1, 2019, and ending September | |
27 | 30, 2020, the executive office of health and human services shall submit to the Secretary of the | |
28 | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services a state plan amendment to the Rhode Island | |
29 | Medicaid DSH Plan to provide: | |
30 | (1) That the DSH Plan to all participating hospitals, not to exceed an aggregate limit of | |
31 | $142.4 million, shall be allocated by the executive office of health and human services to the Pool | |
32 | D component of the DSH Plan; and | |
33 | (2) That the Pool D allotment shall be distributed among the participating hospitals in direct | |
34 | proportion to the individual participating hospital's uncompensated care costs for the base year, | |
| |
1 | inflated by the uncompensated care index to the total uncompensated care costs for the base year | |
2 | inflated by uncompensated care index for all participating hospitals. The disproportionate share | |
3 | payments shall be made on or before July 13, 2020, and are expressly conditioned upon approval | |
4 | on or before July 6, 2020, by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, | |
5 | or his or her authorized representative, of all Medicaid state plan amendments necessary to secure | |
6 | for the state the benefit of federal financial participation in federal fiscal year 2020 for the | |
7 | disproportionate share payments. | |
8 | (d) No provision is made pursuant to this chapter for disproportionate-share hospital | |
9 | payments to participating hospitals for uncompensated-care costs related to graduate medical | |
10 | education programs. | |
11 | (e) The executive office of health and human services is directed, on at least a monthly | |
12 | basis, to collect patient-level uninsured information, including, but not limited to, demographics, | |
13 | services rendered, and reason for uninsured status from all hospitals licensed in Rhode Island. | |
14 | (f) Beginning with federal FY 2016, Pool D DSH payments will be recalculated by the | |
15 | state based on actual hospital experience. The final Pool D payments will be based on the data from | |
16 | the final DSH audit for each federal fiscal year. Pool D DSH payments will be redistributed among | |
17 | the qualifying hospitals in direct proportion to the individual, qualifying hospital's uncompensated- | |
18 | care to the total uncompensated-care costs for all qualifying hospitals as determined by the DSH | |
19 | audit. No hospital will receive an allocation that would incur funds received in excess of audited | |
20 | uncompensated-care costs. | |
21 | 40-8.3-10. Hospital adjustment payments. | |
22 | Effective July 1, 2012 and for each subsequent year, the executive office of health and | |
23 | human services is hereby authorized and directed to amend its regulations for reimbursement to | |
24 | hospitals for inpatient and outpatient services as follows: | |
25 | (a) Each hospital in the state of Rhode Island, as defined in subdivision 23-17-38.1(c)(1), | |
26 | shall receive a quarterly outpatient adjustment payment each state fiscal year of an amount | |
27 | determined as follows: | |
28 | (1) Determine the percent of the state's total Medicaid outpatient and emergency | |
29 | department services (exclusive of physician services) provided by each hospital during each | |
30 | hospital's prior fiscal year; | |
31 | (2) Determine the sum of all Medicaid payments to hospitals made for outpatient and | |
32 | emergency department services (exclusive of physician services) provided during each hospital's | |
33 | prior fiscal year; | |
34 | (3) Multiply the sum of all Medicaid payments as determined in subdivision (2) by a | |
| |
1 | percentage defined as the total identified upper payment limit for all hospitals divided by the sum | |
2 | of all Medicaid payments as determined in subdivision (2); and then multiply that result by each | |
3 | hospital's percentage of the state's total Medicaid outpatient and emergency department services as | |
4 | determined in subdivision (1) to obtain the total outpatient adjustment for each hospital to be paid | |
5 | each year; | |
6 | (4) Pay each hospital on or before July 20, October 20, January 20, and April 20 one quarter | |
7 | (1/4) of its total outpatient adjustment as determined in subdivision (3) above. | |
8 | (b) Each hospital in the state of Rhode Island, as defined in subdivision 3-17-38.19(b)(1), | |
9 | shall receive a quarterly inpatient adjustment payment each state fiscal year of an amount | |
10 | determined as follows: | |
11 | (1) Determine the percent of the state's total Medicaid inpatient services (exclusive of | |
12 | physician services) provided by each hospital during each hospital's prior fiscal year; | |
13 | (2) Determine the sum of all Medicaid payments to hospitals made for inpatient services | |
14 | (exclusive of physician services) provided during each hospital's prior fiscal year; | |
15 | (3) Multiply the sum of all Medicaid payments as determined in subdivision (2) by a | |
16 | percentage defined as the total identified upper payment limit for all hospitals divided by the sum | |
17 | of all Medicaid payments as determined in subdivision (2); and then multiply that result by each | |
18 | hospital's percentage of the state's total Medicaid inpatient services as determined in subdivision | |
19 | (1) to obtain the total inpatient adjustment for each hospital to be paid each year; | |
20 | (4) Pay each hospital on or before July 20, October 20, January 20, and April 20 one quarter | |
21 | (1/4) of its total inpatient adjustment as determined in subdivision (3) above. | |
22 | (c)(b) The amounts determined in subsections (a) and (b) are in addition to Medicaid | |
23 | inpatient and outpatient payments and emergency services payments (exclusive of physician | |
24 | services) paid to hospitals in accordance with current state regulation and the Rhode Island Plan | |
25 | for Medicaid Assistance pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act and are not subject to | |
26 | recoupment or settlement. | |
27 | SECTION 7. Section 40-8.4-12 of the General Laws in Chapter 40-8.4 entitled "Health | |
28 | Care For Families" is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
29 | 40-8.4-12. RIte Share Health Insurance Premium Assistance Program. | |
30 | (a) Basic RIte Share Health Insurance Premium Assistance Program. Under the terms of | |
31 | Section 1906 of Title XIX of the U.S. Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1396e, states are permitted | |
32 | to pay a Medicaid eligible person's share of the costs for enrolling in employer-sponsored health | |
33 | insurance (ESI) coverage if it is cost effective to do so. Pursuant to the general assembly's direction | |
34 | in the Rhode Island Health Reform Act of 2000, the Medicaid agency requested and obtained | |
| |
1 | federal approval under § 1916, 42 U.S.C. § 1396o, to establish the RIte Share premium assistance | |
2 | program to subsidize the costs of enrolling Medicaid eligible persons and families in employer | |
3 | sponsored health insurance plans that have been approved as meeting certain cost and coverage | |
4 | requirements. The Medicaid agency also obtained, at the general assembly's direction, federal | |
5 | authority to require any such persons with access to ESI coverage to enroll as a condition of | |
6 | retaining eligibility providing that doing so meets the criteria established in Title XIX for obtaining | |
7 | federal matching funds. | |
8 | (b) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply: | |
9 | (1) "Cost-effective" means that the portion of the ESI that the state would subsidize, as | |
10 | well as wrap-around costs, would on average cost less to the state than enrolling that same | |
11 | person/family in a managed-care delivery system. | |
12 | (2) "Cost sharing" means any co-payments, deductibles, or co-insurance associated with | |
13 | ESI. | |
14 | (3) "Employee premium" means the monthly premium share a person or family is required | |
15 | to pay to the employer to obtain and maintain ESI coverage. | |
16 | (4) "Employer-sponsored insurance or ESI" means health insurance or a group health plan | |
17 | offered to employees by an employer. This includes plans purchased by small employers through | |
18 | the state health insurance marketplace, healthsource, RI (HSRI). | |
19 | (5) "Policy holder" means the person in the household with access to ESI, typically the | |
20 | employee. | |
21 | (6) "RIte Share-approved employer-sponsored insurance (ESI)" means an employer- | |
22 | sponsored health insurance plan that meets the coverage and cost-effectiveness criteria for RIte | |
23 | Share. | |
24 | (7) "RIte Share buy-in" means the monthly amount an Medicaid-ineligible policy holder | |
25 | must pay toward RIte Share-approved ESI that covers the Medicaid-eligible children, young adults, | |
26 | or spouses with access to the ESI. The buy-in only applies in instances when household income is | |
27 | above one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the FPL. | |
28 | (8) "RIte Share premium assistance program" means the Rhode Island Medicaid premium | |
29 | assistance program in which the State pays the eligible Medicaid member's share of the cost of | |
30 | enrolling in a RIte Share-approved ESI plan. This allows the state to share the cost of the health | |
31 | insurance coverage with the employer. | |
32 | (9) "RIte Share Unit" means the entity within EOHHS responsible for assessing the cost- | |
33 | effectiveness of ESI, contacting employers about ESI as appropriate, initiating the RIte Share | |
34 | enrollment and disenrollment process, handling member communications, and managing the | |
| |
1 | overall operations of the RIte Share program. | |
2 | (10) "Third-Party Liability (TPL)" means other health insurance coverage. This insurance | |
3 | is in addition to Medicaid and is usually provided through an employer. Since Medicaid is always | |
4 | the payer of last resort, the TPL is always the primary coverage. | |
5 | (11) "Wrap-around services or coverage" means any health care services not included in | |
6 | the ESI plan that would have been covered had the Medicaid member been enrolled in a RIte Care | |
7 | or Rhody Health Partners plan. Coverage of deductibles and co-insurance is included in the wrap. | |
8 | Co-payments to providers are not covered as part of the wrap-around coverage. | |
9 | (c) RIte Share populations. Medicaid beneficiaries subject to RIte Share include: children, | |
10 | families, parent and caretakers eligible for Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program | |
11 | under this chapter or chapter 12.3 of title 42; and adults between the ages of nineteen (19) and sixty- | |
12 | four (64) who are eligible under chapter 8.12 of title 40, not receiving or eligible to receive | |
13 | Medicare, and are enrolled in managed care delivery systems. The following conditions apply: | |
14 | (1) The income of Medicaid beneficiaries shall affect whether and in what manner they | |
15 | must participate in RIte Share as follows: | |
16 | (i) Income at or below one hundred fifty percent (150%) of FPL -- Persons and families | |
17 | determined to have household income at or below one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the Federal | |
18 | Poverty Level (FPL) guidelines based on the modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) standard or | |
19 | other standard approved by the secretary are required to participate in RIte Share if a Medicaid- | |
20 | eligible adult or parent/caretaker has access to cost-effective ESI. Enrolling in ESI through RIte | |
21 | Share shall be a condition of maintaining Medicaid health coverage for any eligible adult with | |
22 | access to such coverage. | |
23 | (ii) Income above one hundred fifty percent (150%) of FPL and policy holder is not | |
24 | Medicaid-eligible -- Premium assistance is available when the household includes Medicaid- | |
25 | eligible members, but the ESI policy holder (typically a parent/caretaker, or spouse) is not eligible | |
26 | for Medicaid. Premium assistance for parents/caretakers and other household members who are not | |
27 | Medicaid-eligible may be provided in circumstances when enrollment of the Medicaid-eligible | |
28 | family members in the approved ESI plan is contingent upon enrollment of the ineligible policy | |
29 | holder and the executive office of health and human services (executive office) determines, based | |
30 | on a methodology adopted for such purposes, that it is cost-effective to provide premium assistance | |
31 | for family or spousal coverage. | |
32 | (d) RIte Share enrollment as a condition of eligibility. For Medicaid beneficiaries over the | |
33 | age of nineteen (19) enrollment in RIte Share shall be a condition of eligibility except as exempted | |
34 | below and by regulations promulgated by the executive office. | |
| |
1 | (1) Medicaid-eligible children and young adults up to age nineteen (19) shall not be | |
2 | required to enroll in a parent/caretaker relative's ESI as a condition of maintaining Medicaid | |
3 | eligibility if the person with access to RIte Share-approved ESI does not enroll as required. These | |
4 | Medicaid-eligible children and young adults shall remain eligible for Medicaid and shall be | |
5 | enrolled in a RIte Care plan. | |
6 | (2) There shall be a limited six-month (6) exemption from the mandatory enrollment | |
7 | requirement for persons participating in the RI Works program pursuant to chapter 5.2 of title 40. | |
8 | (e) Approval of health insurance plans for premium assistance. The executive office of | |
9 | health and human services shall adopt regulations providing for the approval of employer-based | |
10 | health insurance plans for premium assistance and shall approve employer-based health insurance | |
11 | plans based on these regulations. In order for an employer-based health insurance plan to gain | |
12 | approval, the executive office must determine that the benefits offered by the employer-based | |
13 | health insurance plan are substantially similar in amount, scope, and duration to the benefits | |
14 | provided to Medicaid-eligible persons enrolled in a Medicaid managed-care plan, when the plan is | |
15 | evaluated in conjunction with available supplemental benefits provided by the office. The office | |
16 | shall obtain and make available to persons otherwise eligible for Medicaid identified in this section | |
17 | as supplemental benefits those benefits not reasonably available under employer-based health | |
18 | insurance plans that are required for Medicaid beneficiaries by state law or federal law or | |
19 | regulation. Once it has been determined by the Medicaid agency that the ESI offered by a particular | |
20 | employer is RIte Share-approved, all Medicaid members with access to that employer's plan are | |
21 | required to participate in RIte Share. Failure to meet the mandatory enrollment requirement shall | |
22 | result in the termination of the Medicaid eligibility of the policy holder and other Medicaid | |
23 | members nineteen (19) or older in the household who could be covered under the ESI until the | |
24 | policy holder complies with the RIte Share enrollment procedures established by the executive | |
25 | office. | |
26 | (f) Premium Assistance. The executive office shall provide premium assistance by paying | |
27 | all or a portion of the employee's cost for covering the eligible person and/or his or her family under | |
28 | such a RIte Share-approved ESI plan subject to the buy-in provisions in this section. | |
29 | (g) Buy-in. Persons who can afford it shall share in the cost. -- The executive office is | |
30 | authorized and directed to apply for and obtain any necessary state plan and/or waiver amendments | |
31 | from the secretary of the U.S. DHHS to require that persons enrolled in a RIte Share-approved | |
32 | employer-based health plan who have income equal to or greater than one hundred fifty percent | |
33 | (150%) of the FPL to buy-in to pay a share of the costs based on the ability to pay, provided that | |
34 | the buy-in cost shall not exceed five percent (5%) of the person's annual income. The executive | |
| |
1 | office shall implement the buy-in by regulation, and shall consider co-payments, premium shares, | |
2 | or other reasonable means to do so. | |
3 | (h) Maximization of federal contribution. The executive office of health and human | |
4 | services is authorized and directed to apply for and obtain federal approvals and waivers necessary | |
5 | to maximize the federal contribution for provision of medical assistance coverage under this | |
6 | section, including the authorization to amend the Title XXI state plan and to obtain any waivers | |
7 | necessary to reduce barriers to provide premium assistance to recipients as provided for in Title | |
8 | XXI of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1397 et seq. | |
9 | (i) Implementation by regulation. The executive office of health and human services is | |
10 | authorized and directed to adopt regulations to ensure the establishment and implementation of the | |
11 | premium assistance program in accordance with the intent and purpose of this section, the | |
12 | requirements of Title XIX, Title XXI and any approved federal waivers. | |
13 | (j) Outreach and Reporting. The executive office of health and human services shall | |
14 | develop a plan to identify Medicaid eligible individuals who have access to employer sponsored | |
15 | insurance and increase the use of RIte Share benefits. Beginning October 1, 2019, the executive | |
16 | office shall submit the plan to be included as part of the reporting requirements under § 35-17-1. | |
17 | Starting January 1, 2020, the executive office of health and human services shall include the number | |
18 | of Medicaid recipients with access to employer sponsored insurance, the number of plans that did | |
19 | not meet the cost effectiveness criteria for RIte Share, and enrollment in the premium assistance | |
20 | program as part of the reporting requirements under § 35-17-1. | |
21 | SECTION 8. Section 40-8.9-9 of the General Laws in Chapter 40-8.9 entitled "Medical | |
22 | Assistance - Long-Term Care Service and Finance Reform" is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
23 | 40-8.9-9. Long-term-care rebalancing system reform goal. | |
24 | (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of state law, the executive office of health and | |
25 | human services is authorized and directed to apply for, and obtain, any necessary waiver(s), waiver | |
26 | amendment(s), and/or state-plan amendments from the secretary of the United States Department | |
27 | of Health and Human Services, and to promulgate rules necessary to adopt an affirmative plan of | |
28 | program design and implementation that addresses the goal of allocating a minimum of fifty percent | |
29 | (50%) of Medicaid long-term-care funding for persons aged sixty-five (65) and over and adults | |
30 | with disabilities, in addition to services for persons with developmental disabilities, to home- and | |
31 | community-based care; provided, further, the executive office shall report annually as part of its | |
32 | budget submission, the percentage distribution between institutional care and home- and | |
33 | community-based care by population and shall report current and projected waiting lists for long- | |
34 | term-care and home- and community-based care services. The executive office is further authorized | |
| |
1 | and directed to prioritize investments in home- and community-based care and to maintain the | |
2 | integrity and financial viability of all current long-term-care services while pursuing this goal. | |
3 | (b) The reformed long-term-care system rebalancing goal is person centered and | |
4 | encourages individual self-determination, family involvement, interagency collaboration, and | |
5 | individual choice through the provision of highly specialized and individually tailored home-based | |
6 | services. Additionally, individuals with severe behavioral, physical, or developmental disabilities | |
7 | must have the opportunity to live safe and healthful lives through access to a wide range of | |
8 | supportive services in an array of community-based settings, regardless of the complexity of their | |
9 | medical condition, the severity of their disability, or the challenges of their behavior. Delivery of | |
10 | services and supports in less costly and less restrictive community settings, will enable children, | |
11 | adolescents, and adults to be able to curtail, delay, or avoid lengthy stays in long-term care | |
12 | institutions, such as behavioral health residential-treatment facilities, long-term-care hospitals, | |
13 | intermediate-care facilities, and/or skilled nursing facilities. | |
14 | (c) Pursuant to federal authority procured under § 42-7.2-16, the executive office of health | |
15 | and human services is directed and authorized to adopt a tiered set of criteria to be used to determine | |
16 | eligibility for services. Such criteria shall be developed in collaboration with the state's health and | |
17 | human services departments and, to the extent feasible, any consumer group, advisory board, or | |
18 | other entity designated for such purposes, and shall encompass eligibility determinations for long- | |
19 | term-care services in nursing facilities, hospitals, and intermediate-care facilities for persons with | |
20 | intellectual disabilities, as well as home- and community-based alternatives, and shall provide a | |
21 | common standard of income eligibility for both institutional and home- and community-based care. | |
22 | The executive office is authorized to adopt clinical and/or functional criteria for admission to a | |
23 | nursing facility, hospital, or intermediate-care facility for persons with intellectual disabilities that | |
24 | are more stringent than those employed for access to home- and community-based services. The | |
25 | executive office is also authorized to promulgate rules that define the frequency of re-assessments | |
26 | for services provided for under this section. Levels of care may be applied in accordance with the | |
27 | following: | |
28 | (1) The executive office shall continue to apply the level of care criteria in effect on June | |
29 | 30, 2015, for any recipient determined eligible for and receiving Medicaid-funded, long-term | |
30 | services in supports in a nursing facility, hospital, or intermediate-care facility for persons with | |
31 | intellectual disabilities on or before that date, unless: | |
32 | (a) The recipient transitions to home- and community-based services because he or she | |
33 | would no longer meet the level of care criteria in effect on June 30, 2015; or | |
34 | (b) The recipient chooses home- and community-based services over the nursing facility, | |
| |
1 | hospital, or intermediate-care facility for persons with intellectual disabilities. For the purposes of | |
2 | this section, a failed community placement, as defined in regulations promulgated by the executive | |
3 | office, shall be considered a condition of clinical eligibility for the highest level of care. The | |
4 | executive office shall confer with the long-term-care ombudsperson with respect to the | |
5 | determination of a failed placement under the ombudsperson's jurisdiction. Should any Medicaid | |
6 | recipient eligible for a nursing facility, hospital, or intermediate-care facility for persons with | |
7 | intellectual disabilities as of June 30, 2015, receive a determination of a failed community | |
8 | placement, the recipient shall have access to the highest level of care; furthermore, a recipient who | |
9 | has experienced a failed community placement shall be transitioned back into his or her former | |
10 | nursing home, hospital, or intermediate-care facility for persons with intellectual disabilities | |
11 | whenever possible. Additionally, residents shall only be moved from a nursing home, hospital, or | |
12 | intermediate-care facility for persons with intellectual disabilities in a manner consistent with | |
13 | applicable state and federal laws. | |
14 | (2) Any Medicaid recipient eligible for the highest level of care who voluntarily leaves a | |
15 | nursing home, hospital, or intermediate-care facility for persons with intellectual disabilities shall | |
16 | not be subject to any wait list for home- and community-based services. | |
17 | (3) No nursing home, hospital, or intermediate-care facility for persons with intellectual | |
18 | disabilities shall be denied payment for services rendered to a Medicaid recipient on the grounds | |
19 | that the recipient does not meet level of care criteria unless and until the executive office has: | |
20 | (i) Performed an individual assessment of the recipient at issue and provided written notice | |
21 | to the nursing home, hospital, or intermediate-care facility for persons with intellectual disabilities | |
22 | that the recipient does not meet level of care criteria; and | |
23 | (ii) The recipient has either appealed that level of care determination and been | |
24 | unsuccessful, or any appeal period available to the recipient regarding that level of care | |
25 | determination has expired. | |
26 | (d) The executive office is further authorized to consolidate all home- and community- | |
27 | based services currently provided pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1396n into a single system of home- and | |
28 | community-based services that include options for consumer direction and shared living. The | |
29 | resulting single home- and community-based services system shall replace and supersede all 42 | |
30 | U.S.C. § 1396n programs when fully implemented. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the resulting | |
31 | single program home- and community-based services system shall include the continued funding | |
32 | of assisted-living services at any assisted-living facility financed by the Rhode Island housing and | |
33 | mortgage finance corporation prior to January 1, 2006, and shall be in accordance with chapter 66.8 | |
34 | of title 42 as long as assisted-living services are a covered Medicaid benefit. | |
| |
1 | (e) The executive office is authorized to promulgate rules that permit certain optional | |
2 | services including, but not limited to, homemaker services, home modifications, respite, and | |
3 | physical therapy evaluations to be offered to persons at risk for Medicaid-funded, long-term care | |
4 | subject to availability of state-appropriated funding for these purposes. | |
5 | (f) To promote the expansion of home- and community-based service capacity, the | |
6 | executive office is authorized to pursue payment methodology reforms that increase access to | |
7 | homemaker, personal care (home health aide), assisted living, adult supportive-care homes, and | |
8 | adult day services, as follows: | |
9 | (1) Development of revised or new Medicaid certification standards that increase access to | |
10 | service specialization and scheduling accommodations by using payment strategies designed to | |
11 | achieve specific quality and health outcomes. | |
12 | (2) Development of Medicaid certification standards for state-authorized providers of | |
13 | adult-day services, excluding such providers of services authorized under § 40.1-24-1(3), assisted | |
14 | living, and adult supportive care (as defined under chapter 17.24 of title 23) that establish for each, | |
15 | an acuity-based, tiered service and payment methodology tied to: licensure authority; level of | |
16 | beneficiary needs; the scope of services and supports provided; and specific quality and outcome | |
17 | measures. | |
18 | The standards for adult-day services for persons eligible for Medicaid-funded, long-term | |
19 | services may differ from those who do not meet the clinical/functional criteria set forth in § 40- | |
20 | 8.10-3. | |
21 | (3) As the state's Medicaid program seeks to assist more beneficiaries requiring long-term | |
22 | services and supports in home- and community-based settings, the demand for home care workers | |
23 | has increased, and wages for these workers has not kept pace with neighboring states, leading to | |
24 | high turnover and vacancy rates in the state's home-care industry, the executive office shall institute | |
25 | a one-time increase in the base-payment rates for home-care service providers to promote increased | |
26 | access to and an adequate supply of highly trained home health care professionals, in amount to be | |
27 | determined by the appropriations process, for the purpose of raising wages for personal care | |
28 | attendants and home health aides to be implemented by such providers. | |
29 | (4) A prospective base adjustment, effective not later than July 1, 2018, of ten percent | |
30 | (10%) of the current base rate for home care providers, home nursing care providers, and hospice | |
31 | providers contracted with the executive office of health and human services and its subordinate | |
32 | agencies to deliver Medicaid fee-for-service personal care attendant services. | |
33 | (5) A prospective base adjustment, effective not later than July l, 2018, of twenty percent | |
34 | (20%) of the current base rate for home care providers, home nursing care providers, and hospice | |
| |
1 | providers contracted with the executive office of health and human services and its subordinate | |
2 | agencies to deliver Medicaid fee-for-service skilled nursing and therapeutic services and hospice | |
3 | care. | |
4 | (6) Effective upon passage of this section, hospice provider reimbursement, exclusively for | |
5 | room and board expenses for individuals residing in a skilled nursing facility, shall revert to the | |
6 | rate methodology in effect on June 30, 2018, and these room and board expenses shall be exempted | |
7 | from any and all annual rate increases to hospice providers as provided for in this section. | |
8 | (6) (7) On the first of July in each year, beginning on July l, 2019, the executive office of | |
9 | health and human services will initiate an annual inflation increase to the base rate for home care | |
10 | providers, home nursing care providers, and hospice providers contracted with the executive office | |
11 | and its subordinate agencies to deliver Medicaid fee-for-service personal care attendant services, | |
12 | skilled nursing and therapeutic services and hospice care. The base rate increase shall be by a | |
13 | percentage amount equal to the New England Consumer Price Index card as determined by the | |
14 | United States Department of Labor for medical care and for compliance with all federal and state | |
15 | laws, regulations, and rules, and all national accreditation program requirements. (g) The executive | |
16 | office shall implement a long-term-care options counseling program to provide individuals, or their | |
17 | representatives, or both, with long-term-care consultations that shall include, at a minimum, | |
18 | information about: long-term-care options, sources, and methods of both public and private | |
19 | payment for long-term-care services and an assessment of an individual's functional capabilities | |
20 | and opportunities for maximizing independence. Each individual admitted to, or seeking admission | |
21 | to, a long-term-care facility, regardless of the payment source, shall be informed by the facility of | |
22 | the availability of the long-term-care options counseling program and shall be provided with long- | |
23 | term-care options consultation if they so request. Each individual who applies for Medicaid long- | |
24 | term-care services shall be provided with a long-term-care consultation. | |
25 | (h) The executive office is also authorized, subject to availability of appropriation of | |
26 | funding, and federal, Medicaid-matching funds, to pay for certain services and supports necessary | |
27 | to transition or divert beneficiaries from institutional or restrictive settings and optimize their health | |
28 | and safety when receiving care in a home or the community. The secretary is authorized to obtain | |
29 | any state plan or waiver authorities required to maximize the federal funds available to support | |
30 | expanded access to such home- and community-transition and stabilization services; provided, | |
31 | however, payments shall not exceed an annual or per-person amount. | |
32 | (i) To ensure persons with long-term-care needs who remain living at home have adequate | |
33 | resources to deal with housing maintenance and unanticipated housing-related costs, the secretary | |
34 | is authorized to develop higher resource eligibility limits for persons or obtain any state plan or | |
| |
1 | waiver authorities necessary to change the financial eligibility criteria for long-term services and | |
2 | supports to enable beneficiaries receiving home and community waiver services to have the | |
3 | resources to continue living in their own homes or rental units or other home-based settings. | |
4 | (j) The executive office shall implement, no later than January 1, 2016, the following home- | |
5 | and community-based service and payment reforms: | |
6 | (1) Community-based, supportive-living program established in § 40-8.13-12 or an | |
7 | alternative, successor, or substitute program, or delivery option designated for such purposes by | |
8 | the secretary of the executive office of health and human services; | |
9 | (2) Adult day services level of need criteria and acuity-based, tiered-payment | |
10 | methodology; and | |
11 | (3) Payment reforms that encourage home- and community-based providers to provide the | |
12 | specialized services and accommodations beneficiaries need to avoid or delay institutional care. | |
13 | (k) The secretary is authorized to seek any Medicaid section 1115 waiver or state-plan | |
14 | amendments and take any administrative actions necessary to ensure timely adoption of any new | |
15 | or amended rules, regulations, policies, or procedures and any system enhancements or changes, | |
16 | for which appropriations have been authorized, that are necessary to facilitate implementation of | |
17 | the requirements of this section by the dates established. The secretary shall reserve the discretion | |
18 | to exercise the authority established under §§ 42-7.2-5(6)(v) and 42-7.2-6.1, in consultation with | |
19 | the governor, to meet the legislative directives established herein. | |
20 | SECTION 9. Section 40-8.13-12 of the General Laws in Chapter 40-8.13 entitled "Long- | |
21 | Term Managed Care Arrangements" is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
22 | 40-8.13-12. Community-based supportive living program. | |
23 | (a) To expand the number of community-based service options, the executive office of | |
24 | health and human services shall establish a program for beneficiaries opting to participate in | |
25 | managed care long-term care arrangements under this chapter who choose to receive Medicaid- | |
26 | funded assisted living, adult supportive care home, or shared living long-term care services and | |
27 | supports. As part of the program, the executive office shall implement Medicaid certification or, as | |
28 | appropriate, managed care contract standards for state authorized providers of these services that | |
29 | establish an acuity-based, tiered service and payment system that ties reimbursements to: | |
30 | beneficiary's clinical/functional level of need; the scope of services and supports provided; and | |
31 | specific quality and outcome measures. Such standards shall set the base level of Medicaid state | |
32 | plan and waiver services that each type of provider must deliver, the range of acuity-based service | |
33 | enhancements that must be made available to beneficiaries with more intensive care needs, and the | |
34 | minimum state licensure and/or certification requirements a provider must meet to participate in | |
| |
1 | the pilot at each service/payment level. The standards shall also establish any additional | |
2 | requirements, terms or conditions a provider must meet to ensure beneficiaries have access to high | |
3 | quality, cost effective care. | |
4 | (b) Room and board. The executive office shall raise the cap on the amount Medicaid | |
5 | certified assisted living and adult supportive home care providers are permitted to charge | |
6 | participating beneficiaries for room and board. In the first year of the program, the monthly charges | |
7 | for a beneficiary living in a single room who has income at or below three hundred percent (300%) | |
8 | of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) level shall not exceed the total of both the maximum | |
9 | monthly federal SSI payment and the monthly state supplement authorized for persons requiring | |
10 | long-term services under § 40-6-27.2(a)(1)(vi), less the specified personal need allowance. For a | |
11 | beneficiary living in a double room, the room and board cap shall be set at eighty-five percent | |
12 | (85%) of the monthly charge allowed for a beneficiary living in a single room. | |
13 | (c) Program cost-effectiveness. The total cost to the state for providing the state supplement | |
14 | and Medicaid-funded services and supports to beneficiaries participating in the program in the | |
15 | initial year of implementation shall not exceed the cost for providing Medicaid-funded services to | |
16 | the same number of beneficiaries with similar acuity needs in an institutional setting in the initial | |
17 | year of the operations. The program shall be terminated if the executive office determines that the | |
18 | program has not met this target. The state shall expand access to the program to qualified | |
19 | beneficiaries who opt out of an LTSS arrangement, in accordance with § 40-8.13-2, or are required | |
20 | to enroll in an alternative, successor, or substitute program, or delivery option designated for such | |
21 | purposes by the secretary of the executive office of health and human services if the enrollment in | |
22 | an LTSS plan is no longer an option. | |
23 | SECTION 10. Section 40.1-22-13 of the General Laws in Chapter 40.1-22 entitled | |
24 | "Developmental Disabilities" is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
25 | 40.1-22-13. Visits. | |
26 | No public or private developmental disabilities facility shall restrict the visiting of a client | |
27 | by anyone at any time of the day or night; however, in special circumstances when the client is ill | |
28 | or incapacitated and a visit would not be in his or her best interest, visitation may be restricted | |
29 | temporarily during the illness or incapacity when documented in the client’s individualized | |
30 | program plan, as defined in § 40.1-21-4.3(7) of the general laws. | |
31 | SECTION 11. Section 40.1-26-3 of the General Laws in Chapter 40.1-26 entitled "Rights | |
32 | for Persons with Developmental Disabilities" is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
33 | 40.1-26-3. Participants' rights. | |
34 | In addition to any other rights provided by state or federal laws, a participant as defined in | |
| |
1 | this chapter shall be entitled to the following rights: | |
2 | (1) To be treated with dignity, respect for privacy and have the right to a safe and supportive | |
3 | environment; | |
4 | (2) To be free from verbal and physical abuse; | |
5 | (3)(i) To engage in any activity including employment, appropriate to his or her age, and | |
6 | interests in the most integrated community setting; | |
7 | (ii) No participant shall be required to perform labor, which involves the essential operation | |
8 | and maintenance of the agency or the regular supervision or care of other participants. Participants | |
9 | may however, be requested to perform labor involving normal housekeeping and home | |
10 | maintenance functions if such responsibilities are documented in the participant's individualized | |
11 | plan; | |
12 | (4) To participate in the development of his or her individualized plan and to provide | |
13 | informed consent to its implementation or to have an advocate provide informed consent if the | |
14 | participant is not competent to do so; | |
15 | (5) To have access to his or her individualized plan and other medical, social, financial, | |
16 | vocational, psychiatric, or other information included in the file maintained by the agency; | |
17 | (6) To give written informed consent prior to the imposition of any plan designed to modify | |
18 | behavior, including those which utilizes aversive techniques or impairs the participant's liberty or | |
19 | to have an advocate provide written informed consent if the participant is not competent to do so. | |
20 | Provided, however, that if the participant is competent to provide consent but cannot provide | |
21 | written consent, the agency shall accept an alternate form of consent and document in the | |
22 | participant's record how such consent was obtained; | |
23 | (7) To register a complaint regarding an alleged violation of rights through the grievance | |
24 | procedure delineated in § 40.1-26-5; | |
25 | (8) To be free from unnecessary restraint. Restraints shall not be employed as punishment, | |
26 | for the convenience of the staff, or as a substitute for an individualized plan. Restraints shall impose | |
27 | the least possible restrictions consistent with their purpose and shall be removed when the | |
28 | emergency ends. Restraints shall not cause physical injury to the participant and shall be designed | |
29 | to allow the greatest possible comfort. Restraints shall be subject to the following conditions: | |
30 | (i) Physical restraint shall be employed only in emergencies to protect the participant or | |
31 | others from imminent injury or when prescribed by a physician, when necessary, during the conduct | |
32 | of a specific medical or surgical procedure or if necessary for participant protection during the time | |
33 | that a medical condition exists; | |
34 | (ii) Chemical restraint shall only be used when prescribed by a physician in extreme | |
| |
1 | emergencies in which physical restraint is not possible and the harmful effects of the emergency | |
2 | clearly outweigh the potential harmful effects of the chemical restraints; | |
3 | (iii) No participant shall be placed in seclusion; | |
4 | (iv) The agency shall have a written policy that defines the use of restraints, the staff | |
5 | members who may authorize their use, and a mechanism for monitoring and controlling their use; | |
6 | (v) All orders for restraint as well as the required frequency of staff observation of the | |
7 | participant shall be written; | |
8 | (9) To have reasonable, at any time, access to telephone communication; | |
9 | (10) To receive visitors of a participant's choosing at all reasonable hours any time; | |
10 | (11) To keep and be allowed to spend a reasonable amount of one's own money; | |
11 | (12) To be provided advance written notice explaining the reason(s) why the participant is | |
12 | no longer eligible for service from the agency; | |
13 | (13) To religious freedom and practice; | |
14 | (14) To communicate by sealed mail or otherwise with persons of one's choosing; | |
15 | (15) To select and wear one's own clothing and to keep and use one's own personal | |
16 | possessions; | |
17 | (16) To have reasonable, prompt access to current newspapers, magazines and radio and | |
18 | television programming; | |
19 | (17) To have opportunities for physical exercise and outdoor recreation; | |
20 | (18)(i) To provide informed consent prior to the imposition of any invasive medical | |
21 | treatment including any surgical procedure or to have a legal guardian, or in the absence of a legal | |
22 | guardian, a relative as defined in this chapter, provide informed consent if the participant is not | |
23 | competent to do so. Information upon which a participant shall make necessary treatment and/or | |
24 | surgery decisions shall be presented to the participant in a manner consistent with his or her learning | |
25 | style and shall include, but not be limited to: | |
26 | (A) The nature and consequences of the procedure(s); | |
27 | (B) The risks, benefits and purpose of the procedure(s); and | |
28 | (C) Alternate procedures available; | |
29 | (ii) The informed consent of a participant or his or her legal guardian or, in the absence of | |
30 | a legal guardian, a relative as defined in this chapter, may be withdrawn at any time, with or without | |
31 | cause, prior to treatment. The absence of informed consent notwithstanding, a licensed and | |
32 | qualified physician may render emergency medical care or treatment to any participant who has | |
33 | been injured or who is suffering from an acute illness, disease, or condition if, within a reasonable | |
34 | degree of medical certainty, delay in initiation of emergency medical care or treatment would | |
| |
1 | endanger the health of the participant; | |
2 | (19) Each participant shall have a central record. The record shall include data pertaining | |
3 | to admissions and such other information as may be required under regulations by the department; | |
4 | (20) Admissions -- As part of the procedure for the admission of a participant to an agency, | |
5 | each participant or applicant, or advocate if the participant or applicant is not competent, shall be | |
6 | fully informed, orally and in writing, of all rules, regulations, and policies governing participant | |
7 | conduct and responsibilities, including grounds for dismissal, procedures for discharge, and all | |
8 | anticipated financial charges, including all costs not covered under federal and/or state programs, | |
9 | by other third party payors or by the agency's basic per diem rate. The written notice shall include | |
10 | information regarding the participant's or applicant's right to appeal the admission or dismissal | |
11 | decisions of the agency; | |
12 | (21) Upon termination of services to or death of a participant, a final accounting shall be | |
13 | made of all personal effects and/or money belonging to the participant held by the agency. All | |
14 | personal effects and/or money including interest shall be promptly released to the participant or his | |
15 | or her heirs; | |
16 | (22) Nothing in this chapter shall preclude intervention in the form of appropriate and | |
17 | reasonable restraint should it be necessary to protect individuals from physical injury to themselves | |
18 | or others. | |
19 | SECTION 12. Section 42-7.2-5 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-7.2 entitled "Office of | |
20 | Health and Human Services" is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
21 | 42-7.2-5. Duties of the secretary. | |
22 | The secretary shall be subject to the direction and supervision of the governor for the | |
23 | oversight, coordination and cohesive direction of state administered health and human services and | |
24 | in ensuring the laws are faithfully executed, not withstanding any law to the contrary. In this | |
25 | capacity, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall be authorized to: | |
26 | (1) Coordinate the administration and financing of health-care benefits, human services | |
27 | and programs including those authorized by the state's Medicaid section 1115 demonstration waiver | |
28 | and, as applicable, the Medicaid State Plan under Title XIX of the U.S. Social Security Act. | |
29 | However, nothing in this section shall be construed as transferring to the secretary the powers, | |
30 | duties or functions conferred upon the departments by Rhode Island public and general laws for | |
31 | the administration of federal/state programs financed in whole or in part with Medicaid funds or | |
32 | the administrative responsibility for the preparation and submission of any state plans, state plan | |
33 | amendments, or authorized federal waiver applications, once approved by the secretary. | |
34 | (2) Serve as the governor's chief advisor and liaison to federal policymakers on Medicaid | |
| |
1 | reform issues as well as the principal point of contact in the state on any such related matters. | |
2 | (3)(a) Review and ensure the coordination of the state's Medicaid section 1115 | |
3 | demonstration waiver requests and renewals as well as any initiatives and proposals requiring | |
4 | amendments to the Medicaid state plan or category two (II) or three (III) changes formal | |
5 | amendment changes, as described in the special terms and conditions of the state's Medicaid section | |
6 | 1115 demonstration waiver with the potential to affect the scope, amount or duration of publicly- | |
7 | funded health-care services, provider payments or reimbursements, or access to or the availability | |
8 | of benefits and services as provided by Rhode Island general and public laws. The secretary shall | |
9 | consider whether any such changes are legally and fiscally sound and consistent with the state's | |
10 | policy and budget priorities. The secretary shall also assess whether a proposed change is capable | |
11 | of obtaining the necessary approvals from federal officials and achieving the expected positive | |
12 | consumer outcomes. Department directors shall, within the timelines specified, provide any | |
13 | information and resources the secretary deems necessary in order to perform the reviews authorized | |
14 | in this section; | |
15 | (b) Direct the development and implementation of any Medicaid policies, procedures, or | |
16 | systems that may be required to assure successful operation of the state's health and human services | |
17 | integrated eligibility system and coordination with HealthSource RI, the state's health insurance | |
18 | marketplace. | |
19 | (c) Beginning in 2015, conduct on a biennial basis a comprehensive review of the Medicaid | |
20 | eligibility criteria for one or more of the populations covered under the state plan or a waiver to | |
21 | ensure consistency with federal and state laws and policies, coordinate and align systems, and | |
22 | identify areas for improving quality assurance, fair and equitable access to services, and | |
23 | opportunities for additional financial participation. | |
24 | (d) Implement service organization and delivery reforms that facilitate service integration, | |
25 | increase value, and improve quality and health outcomes. | |
26 | (4) Beginning in 2006 2020, prepare and submit to the governor, the chairpersons of the | |
27 | house and senate finance committees, the caseload estimating conference, and to the joint | |
28 | legislative committee for health-care oversight, by no later than March 15 of each year, a | |
29 | comprehensive overview of all Medicaid expenditures outcomes, administrative costs, and | |
30 | utilization rates. The overview shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: | |
31 | (i) Expenditures under Titles XIX and XXI of the Social Security Act, as amended; | |
32 | (ii) Expenditures, outcomes and utilization rates by population and sub-population served | |
33 | (e.g. families with children, persons with disabilities, children in foster care, children receiving | |
34 | adoption assistance, adults ages nineteen (19) to sixty-four (64), and elders); | |
| |
1 | (iii) Expenditures, outcomes and utilization rates by each state department or other | |
2 | municipal or public entity receiving federal reimbursement under Titles XIX and XXI of the Social | |
3 | Security Act, as amended; and | |
4 | (iv) Expenditures, outcomes and utilization rates by type of service and/or service provider; | |
5 | and | |
6 | (v) Expenditures by mandatory population receiving mandatory services and, reported | |
7 | separately, optional services, as well as optional populations receiving mandatory services and, | |
8 | reported separately, optional services for each state agency receiving Title XIX and XXI funds . | |
9 | The directors of the departments, as well as local governments and school departments, | |
10 | shall assist and cooperate with the secretary in fulfilling this responsibility by providing whatever | |
11 | resources, information and support shall be necessary. | |
12 | (5) Resolve administrative, jurisdictional, operational, program, or policy conflicts among | |
13 | departments and their executive staffs and make necessary recommendations to the governor. | |
14 | (6) Assure continued progress toward improving the quality, the economy, the | |
15 | accountability and the efficiency of state-administered health and human services. In this capacity, | |
16 | the secretary shall: | |
17 | (i) Direct implementation of reforms in the human resources practices of the executive | |
18 | office and the departments that streamline and upgrade services, achieve greater economies of scale | |
19 | and establish the coordinated system of the staff education, cross-training, and career development | |
20 | services necessary to recruit and retain a highly-skilled, responsive, and engaged health and human | |
21 | services workforce; | |
22 | (ii) Encourage EOHHS-wide consumer-centered approaches to service design and delivery | |
23 | that expand their capacity to respond efficiently and responsibly to the diverse and changing needs | |
24 | of the people and communities they serve; | |
25 | (iii) Develop all opportunities to maximize resources by leveraging the state's purchasing | |
26 | power, centralizing fiscal service functions related to budget, finance, and procurement, | |
27 | centralizing communication, policy analysis and planning, and information systems and data | |
28 | management, pursuing alternative funding sources through grants, awards and partnerships and | |
29 | securing all available federal financial participation for programs and services provided EOHHS- | |
30 | wide; | |
31 | (iv) Improve the coordination and efficiency of health and human services legal functions | |
32 | by centralizing adjudicative and legal services and overseeing their timely and judicious | |
33 | administration; | |
34 | (v) Facilitate the rebalancing of the long term system by creating an assessment and | |
| |
1 | coordination organization or unit for the expressed purpose of developing and implementing | |
2 | procedures EOHHS-wide that ensure that the appropriate publicly-funded health services are | |
3 | provided at the right time and in the most appropriate and least restrictive setting; | |
4 | (vi) Strengthen health and human services program integrity, quality control and | |
5 | collections, and recovery activities by consolidating functions within the office in a single unit that | |
6 | ensures all affected parties pay their fair share of the cost of services and are aware of alternative | |
7 | financing. | |
8 | (vii) Assure protective services are available to vulnerable elders and adults with | |
9 | developmental and other disabilities by reorganizing existing services, establishing new services | |
10 | where gaps exist and centralizing administrative responsibility for oversight of all related initiatives | |
11 | and programs. | |
12 | (7) Prepare and integrate comprehensive budgets for the health and human services | |
13 | departments and any other functions and duties assigned to the office. The budgets shall be | |
14 | submitted to the state budget office by the secretary, for consideration by the governor, on behalf | |
15 | of the state's health and human services agencies in accordance with the provisions set forth in § | |
16 | 35-3-4 of the Rhode Island general laws. | |
17 | (8) Utilize objective data to evaluate health and human services policy goals, resource use | |
18 | and outcome evaluation and to perform short and long-term policy planning and development. | |
19 | (9) Establishment of an integrated approach to interdepartmental information and data | |
20 | management that complements and furthers the goals of the unified health infrastructure project | |
21 | initiative and that will facilitate the transition to consumer-centered integrated system of state | |
22 | administered health and human services. | |
23 | (10) At the direction of the governor or the general assembly, conduct independent reviews | |
24 | of state-administered health and human services programs, policies and related agency actions and | |
25 | activities and assist the department directors in identifying strategies to address any issues or areas | |
26 | of concern that may emerge thereof. The department directors shall provide any information and | |
27 | assistance deemed necessary by the secretary when undertaking such independent reviews. | |
28 | (11) Provide regular and timely reports to the governor and make recommendations with | |
29 | respect to the state's health and human services agenda. | |
30 | (12) Employ such personnel and contract for such consulting services as may be required | |
31 | to perform the powers and duties lawfully conferred upon the secretary. | |
32 | (13) Assume responsibility for complying with the provisions of any general or public law | |
33 | or regulation related to the disclosure, confidentiality and privacy of any information or records, in | |
34 | the possession or under the control of the executive office or the departments assigned to the | |
| |
1 | executive office, that may be developed or acquired or transferred at the direction of the governor | |
2 | or the secretary for purposes directly connected with the secretary's duties set forth herein. | |
3 | (14) Hold the director of each health and human services department accountable for their | |
4 | administrative, fiscal and program actions in the conduct of the respective powers and duties of | |
5 | their agencies. | |
6 | SECTION 13. Section 42-12.4-7 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-12.4 entitled "The | |
7 | Rhode Island Medicaid Reform Act of 2008" is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
8 | 42-12.4-7. Demonstration implementation -- Restrictions. | |
9 | The executive office of health and human services and the department of human services | |
10 | may implement the global consumer choice section 1115 demonstration ("the demonstration"), | |
11 | project number 11W-00242/1, subject to the following restrictions: | |
12 | (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of the demonstration, any change that requires the | |
13 | implementation of a rule or regulation or modification of a rule or regulation in existence prior to | |
14 | the demonstration shall require prior approval of the general assembly; | |
15 | (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the demonstration, any Category II change or | |
16 | Category III change formal waiver amendments, as defined in the demonstration, or state plan | |
17 | amendments shall require the prior approval of the general assembly. | |
18 | SECTION 14. Section 42-14.6-4 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-14.6 entitled "Rhode | |
19 | Island All-Payer Patient-Centered Medical Home Act" is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
20 | 42-14.6-4. Promotion of the patient-centered medical home. | |
21 | (a) Care coordination payments. | |
22 | (1) The commissioner and the secretary shall convene a patient-centered medical home | |
23 | collaborative consisting of the entities described in subdivision 42-14.6-3(7). The commissioner | |
24 | shall require participation in the collaborative by all of the health insurers described above. The | |
25 | collaborative shall propose, by January 1, 2012, a payment system, to be adopted in whole or in | |
26 | part by the commissioner and the secretary, that requires all health insurers to make per-person care | |
27 | coordination payments to patient-centered medical homes, for providing care coordination services | |
28 | and directly managing on-site or employing care coordinators as part of all health insurance plans | |
29 | offered in Rhode Island. The collaborative shall provide guidance to the state health-care program | |
30 | as to the appropriate payment system for the state health-care program to the same patient-centered | |
31 | medical homes; the state health-care program must justify the reasons for any departure from this | |
32 | guidance to the collaborative. | |
33 | (2) The care coordination payments under this shall be consistent across insurers and | |
34 | patient-centered medical homes and shall be in addition to any other incentive payments such as | |
| |
1 | quality incentive payments. In developing the criteria for care coordination payments, the | |
2 | commissioner shall consider the feasibility of including the additional time and resources needed | |
3 | by patients with limited English-language skills, cultural differences, or other barriers to health | |
4 | care. The commissioner may direct the collaborative to determine a schedule for phasing in care | |
5 | coordination fees. | |
6 | (3) The care coordination payment system shall be in place through July 1, 2016. Its | |
7 | continuation beyond that point shall depend on results of the evaluation reports filed pursuant to § | |
8 | 42-14.6-6. | |
9 | (4)(3) Examination of other payment reforms. By January 1, 2013, the The commissioner | |
10 | and the secretary shall direct the collaborative to consider additional payment reforms to be | |
11 | implemented to support patient-centered medical homes including, but not limited to, payment | |
12 | structures (to medical home or other providers) that: | |
13 | (i) Reward high-quality, low-cost providers; | |
14 | (ii) Create enrollee incentives to receive care from high-quality, low-cost providers; | |
15 | (iii) Foster collaboration among providers to reduce cost shifting from one part of the health | |
16 | continuum to another; and | |
17 | (iv) Create incentives that health care be provided in the least restrictive, most appropriate | |
18 | setting. | |
19 | (v) Constitute alternatives to fee for service payment, such as partial and full capitation. | |
20 | (5)(4) The patient-centered medical home collaborative shall examine and make | |
21 | recommendations to the secretary regarding the designation of patient-centered medical homes, in | |
22 | order to promote diversity in the size of practices designated, geographic locations of practices | |
23 | designated and accessibility of the population throughout the state to patient-centered medical | |
24 | homes. | |
25 | (b) The patient-centered medical home collaborative shall propose to the secretary for | |
26 | adoption, standards for the patient-centered medical home to be used in the payment system. In | |
27 | developing these standards, the existing standards by the national committee for quality assurance, | |
28 | or other independent accrediting organizations may be considered where feasible. | |
29 | SECTION 15. Section 42-72-5.3 of the General Laws in Chapter 42-72 entitled | |
30 | "Department of Children, Youth and Families" is hereby amended to read as follows: | |
31 | 42-72-5.3. Accreditation. | |
32 | (a) The standards set by the Council on Accreditation (COA) are nationally recognized as | |
33 | best practices for protecting and providing services to abused and neglected children. | |
34 | (b) Achieving and maintaining these standards requires a solid commitment from the | |
| |
1 | legislative, executive and judicial branches of government; | |
2 | (c) It is the intent of the general assembly to provide the resources for the department of | |
3 | children, youth and families to meet, achieve and sustain accreditation by the Council on | |
4 | Accreditation; | |
5 | (d) Upon the appropriation of sufficient funds and resources by the general assembly, the | |
6 | The department of children, youth and families shall initiate the process for seeking COA | |
7 | accreditation no later than July 1, 2011 September 1, 2019, and shall submit an accreditation plan | |
8 | to the governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the president of the senate, the | |
9 | chairperson of the house committee on health, education and welfare, the chairperson of the senate | |
10 | committee on health and human services, the chairpersons of the finance committees of the house | |
11 | and senate, and to the chairpersons of the judiciary committees of the house and senate no later | |
12 | than July 1, 2012 October 1, 2020. Said plan shall include, at a minimum, the following: | |
13 | (1) Inputs, including updated staffing requirements, a timetable for achieving those | |
14 | requirements, and any additional costs associated with achieving accreditation; | |
15 | (2) Outcomes, including an assessment based on statistical and other evidence, of the | |
16 | impact of accreditation on the number of abused and neglected children, the nature of their abuse, | |
17 | and the relationships between such children and their families. | |
18 | (e) The general assembly shall appropriate sufficient funds for expenses associated with | |
19 | achieving initial COA accreditation and subsequent re-accreditation with said funds being placed | |
20 | in a restricted receipt account to be used solely for this purpose." | |
21 | SECTION 16. Rhode Island Medicaid Reform Act of 2008 Resolution. | |
22 | WHEREAS, The General Assembly enacted Chapter 12.4 of Title 42 entitled “The Rhode | |
23 | Island Medicaid Reform Act of 2008”; and | |
24 | WHEREAS, a legislative enactment is required pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws | |
25 | 42-12.4-1, et seq.; and | |
26 | WHEREAS, Rhode Island General Law 42-7.2-5(3)(a) provides that the Secretary of the | |
27 | Executive Office of Health and Human Services (“Executive Office”) is responsible for the review | |
28 | and coordination of any Rhode Island’s Medicaid section 1115 demonstration waiver requests and | |
29 | renewals as well as any initiatives and proposals requiring amendments to the Medicaid state plan | |
30 | or changes as described in the demonstration, “with potential to affect the scope, amount, or | |
31 | duration of publicly-funded health care services, provider payments or reimbursements, or access | |
32 | to or the availability of benefits and services provided by Rhode Island general and public laws”; | |
33 | and | |
34 | WHEREAS, In pursuit of a more cost-effective consumer choice system of care that is | |
| |
1 | fiscally sound and sustainable, the Secretary of the Executive Office requests legislative approval | |
2 | of the following proposals to amend the Rhode Island’s Medicaid section 1115 demonstration: | |
3 | (a) Provider rates – Adjustments. The Executive Office proposes to: | |
4 | (i) Increase in-patient and out-patient hospital payment rates by seven and two tenths | |
5 | percent (7.2%) on July 1, 2019; | |
6 | (ii) Increase nursing home rates by one percent (1%) on October 1, 2019; | |
7 | (iii) Establish, effective July 1, 2019, hospice provider reimbursement, exclusively for | |
8 | room and board expenses for individuals residing in a skilled nursing facility, shall revert to the | |
9 | rate methodology in effect on June 30, 2018 and these room and board expenses shall be exempted | |
10 | from any and all annual rate increases to hospice providers; and | |
11 | (iv) Reduce the rates for Medicaid managed care plan. | |
12 | Implementation of adjustments may require amendments to the Rhode Island’s Medicaid | |
13 | state plan and/or section 1115 demonstration waiver under applicable terms and conditions. | |
14 | Further, adoption of new or amended rules, regulations and procedures may also be required. | |
15 | (b) Increase in the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and | |
16 | Hospitals (BHDDH) Direct Care Service Workers Wages. To further the long-term care system | |
17 | rebalancing goal of improving access to high quality services in the least restrictive setting, the | |
18 | Executive Office proposes to establish a targeted wage increase for certain community-based | |
19 | BHDDH developmental disability private providers and self-directed consumer direct care service | |
20 | workers. Implementation of the program may require amendments to the Medicaid State Plan | |
21 | and/or Section 1115 demonstration waiver due to changes in payment methodologies. | |
22 | (c) Federal Financing Opportunities. The Executive Office proposes to review Medicaid | |
23 | requirements and opportunities under the U.S. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, | |
24 | as amended, and various other recently enacted federal laws and pursue any changes in the Rhode | |
25 | Island Medicaid program that promote service quality, access and cost-effectiveness that may | |
26 | warrant a Medicaid state plan amendment or amendment under the terms and conditions of Rhode | |
27 | Island’s section 1115 waiver, its successor, or any extension thereof. Any such actions by the | |
28 | Executive Office shall not have an adverse impact on beneficiaries and shall not cause an increase | |
29 | in expenditures beyond the amount appropriated for state fiscal year 2020. | |
30 | Now, therefore, be it | |
31 | RESOLVED, the General Assembly hereby approves the proposals under paragraphs (a) | |
32 | through (c) above; and be it further; | |
33 | RESOLVED, the Secretary of the Executive Office is authorized to pursue and implement | |
34 | any Rhode Island’s Medicaid section 1115 demonstration waiver amendments, Medicaid state plan | |
| |
1 | amendments, and/or changes to the applicable department’s rules, regulations and procedures | |
2 | approved herein and as authorized by 42-12.4; and be it further | |
3 | RESOLVED, that this Joint Resolution shall take effect upon passage. | |
4 | SECTION 17. Title 21 of the General Laws entitled "FOOD AND DRUGS" is hereby | |
5 | amended by adding thereto the following chapter: | |
6 | CHAPTER 28.10 | |
8 | 21-28.10-1. Definitions. | |
9 | 21-28.10-1. Definitions. | |
10 | Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall be construed in this chapter | |
11 | to have the following meanings: | |
12 | (1) "Department" means the Rhode Island department of health. | |
13 | (2) "Director” means the director of the Rhode Island department of health. | |
14 | (3) "Distribute" means distribute as defined in § 21-28-1.02. | |
15 | (4) "Distributor" means distributor as defined in § 21-28-1.02. | |
16 | (5) "Manufacture" means manufacture as defined in § 21-28-1.02. | |
17 | (6) "Manufacturer" means manufacturer as defined in § 21-28-1.02. | |
18 | (7) "Market share" means the total opioid stewardship fund amount measured as a | |
19 | percentage of each manufacturer's, distributor's and wholesaler's gross, in-state, opioid sales in | |
20 | dollars from the previous calendar year as reported to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration | |
21 | (DEA) on its Automation of Reports and Consolidated Orders System (ARCOS) report. | |
22 | (8) "Wholesaler" means wholesaler as defined in § 21-28-1.02. | |
23 | 21-28.10-2. Opioid registration fee imposed on manufacturers, distributors, and | |
24 | wholesalers. | |
25 | All manufacturers, distributors, and wholesalers licensed or registered under this title or | |
26 | chapter 19.1 of title 5 (hereinafter referred to as "licensees"), that manufacture or distribute opioids | |
27 | shall be required to pay an opioid registration fee. On an annual basis, the director shall certify the | |
28 | amount of all revenues collected from opioid registration fees and any penalties imposed, to the | |
29 | general treasurer. The amount of revenues so certified shall be deposited annually into the opioid | |
30 | stewardship fund restricted receipt account established pursuant to § 21-28.10-10. | |
31 | 21-28.10-3. Determination of market share and registration fee. | |
32 | (1) The total opioid stewardship fund amount shall be five million dollars ($5,000,000) | |
33 | annually, subject to downward adjustments pursuant to § 21-28.10-7. | |
34 | (2) Each manufacturer's, distributor's, and wholesaler's annual opioid registration fee shall | |
| |
1 | be based on that licensee's in-state market share. | |
2 | (3) The following sales will not be included when determining a manufacturer's, | |
3 | distributor's, or wholesaler's market share: | |
4 | (i) The gross, in-state opioid sales attributed to the sale of buprenorphine or methadone; | |
5 | (ii) The gross, in-state opioid sales sold or distributed directly to opioid treatment programs, | |
6 | data-waivered practitioners, or hospice providers licensed pursuant to chapter 17 of title 23; | |
7 | (iii) Any sales from those opioids manufactured in Rhode Island, but whose final point of | |
8 | delivery or sale is outside of Rhode Island; and | |
9 | (iv) Any sales of anesthesia or epidurals as defined in regulation by the department. | |
10 | (v) Any in-state intracompany transfers of opioids between any division, affiliate, | |
11 | subsidiary, parent, or other entity under complete and common ownership and control. | |
12 | (4) The department shall provide to the licensee, in writing, on or before October 15, 2019, | |
13 | the licensee's market share for the 2018 calendar year. Thereafter, the department shall notify the | |
14 | licensee, in writing, on or before October 15 of each year, of its market share for the prior calendar | |
15 | year based on the opioids sold or distributed for the prior calendar year. | |
16 | 21-28.10-4. Reports and records. | |
17 | (a) Each manufacturer, distributor, and wholesaler licensed to manufacture or distribute | |
18 | opioids in the state of Rhode Island shall provide to the director a report detailing all opioids sold | |
19 | or distributed by such manufacturer or distributor in the state of Rhode Island. Such report shall | |
20 | include: | |
21 | (1) The manufacturer's, distributor's, or wholesaler's name, address, phone number, DEA | |
22 | registration number, and controlled substance license number issued by the department; | |
23 | (2) The name, address, and DEA registration number of the entity to whom the opioid was | |
24 | sold or distributed; | |
25 | (3) The date of the sale or distribution of the opioids; | |
26 | (4) The gross receipt total, in dollars, of all opioids sold or distributed; | |
27 | (5) The name and National Drug Code of the opioids sold or distributed; | |
28 | (6) The number of containers and the strength and metric quantity of controlled substance | |
29 | in each container of the opioids sold or distributed; and | |
30 | (7) Any other elements as deemed necessary or advisable by the director. | |
31 | (b) Initial and future reports. | |
32 | Such information shall be reported annually to the department via ARCOS or in such other | |
33 | form as defined or approved by the director; provided, however, that the initial report provided | |
34 | pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall consist of all opioids sold or distributed in the state | |
| |
1 | of Rhode Island for the 2018 calendar year, and shall be submitted by September 1, 2019. | |
2 | Subsequent annual reports shall be submitted by April 15 of each year based on the actual opioid | |
3 | sales and distributions of the prior calendar year. | |
4 | 21-28.10-5. Payment of market share. | |
5 | The licensee shall make payments annually to the department with the first payment of its | |
6 | market share due on December 31, 2019; provided, that the amount due on December 31, 2019 | |
7 | shall be for the full amount of the payment for the 2018 calendar year, with subsequent payments | |
8 | to be due and owing on the last day of every year thereafter. | |
9 | 21-28.10-6. Rebate of market share. | |
10 | In any year for which the director determines that a licensee failed to report information | |
11 | required by this chapter, those licensees complying with this chapter shall receive a reduced | |
12 | assessment of their market share in the following year equal to the amount in excess of any | |
13 | overpayment in the prior payment period. | |
14 | 21-28.10-7. Licensee opportunity to appeal. | |
15 | (a) A licensee shall be afforded an opportunity to submit information to the department | |
16 | documenting or evidencing that the market share provided to the licensee (or amounts paid | |
17 | thereunder), pursuant to § 21-28.10-3(4), is in error or otherwise not warranted. The department | |
18 | may consider and examine such additional information that it determines to be reasonably related | |
19 | to resolving the calculation of a licensee's market share, which may require the licensee to provide | |
20 | additional materials to the department. If the department determines thereafter that all or a portion | |
21 | of such market share, as determined by the director pursuant to § 21-28.10-3(4), is not warranted, | |
22 | the department may: | |
23 | (1) Adjust the market share; | |
24 | (2) Adjust the assessment of the market share in the following year equal to the amount in | |
25 | excess of any overpayment in the prior payment period; or | |
26 | (3) Refund amounts paid in error. | |
27 | (b) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the department relating to the calculation of | |
28 | market share may appeal that decision to the superior court, which shall have power to review such | |
29 | decision, and the process by which such decision was made, as prescribed in chapter 35 of title 42. | |
30 | (c) A licensee shall also have the ability to appeal its assessed opioid registration fee if the | |
31 | assessed fee amount exceeds the amount of profit the licensee obtains through sales in the state of | |
32 | products described in § 21-28.10-3. The department may, exercising discretion as it deems | |
33 | appropriate, waive or decrease fees as assessed pursuant to § 21-28.10-3 if a licensee can | |
34 | demonstrate that the correctly assessed payment will pose undue hardship to the licensee's | |
| |
1 | continued activities in state. The department shall be allowed to request, and the licensee shall | |
2 | furnish to the department, any information or supporting documentation validating the licensee's | |
3 | request for waiver or reduction under this subsection. Fees waived under this section shall not be | |
4 | reapportioned to other licensees which have payments due under this chapter. | |
5 | 21-28.10-8. Departmental annual reporting. | |
6 | By January of each calendar year, the department of behavioral healthcare, developmental | |
7 | disabilities and hospitals (BHDDH), the executive office of health and human services (EOHHS), | |
8 | the department of children, youth and families (DCYF), the Rhode Island department of education | |
9 | (RIDE), the Rhode Island office of veterans' affairs (RIOVA), the department of corrections | |
10 | (DOC), and the department of labor and training (DLT) shall report annually to the governor, the | |
11 | speaker of the house, and the senate president which programs in their respective departments were | |
12 | funded using monies from the opioid stewardship fund and the total amount of funds spent on each | |
13 | program. | |
14 | 21-28.10-9. Penalties. | |
15 | (a) The department may assess a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed one thousand | |
16 | dollars ($1,000) per day against any licensee that fails to comply with this chapter. | |
17 | (b)(1) In addition to any other civil penalty provided by law, where a licensee has failed to | |
18 | pay its market share in accordance with § 21-28.10-5, the department may also assess a penalty of | |
19 | no less than ten percent (10%) and no greater than three hundred percent (300%) of the market | |
20 | share due from such licensee. | |
21 | (2) In addition to any other criminal penalty provided by law, where a licensee has failed | |
22 | to pay its market share in accordance with § 21-28.10-5, the department may also assess a penalty | |
23 | of no less than ten percent (10%) and no greater than fifty percent (50%) of the market share due | |
24 | from such licensee. | |
25 | 21-28.10-10. Creation of opioid stewardship fund. | |
26 | (a) There is hereby established, in the custody of the department, a restricted receipt | |
27 | account to be known as the "opioid stewardship fund." | |
28 | (b) Monies in the opioid stewardship fund shall be kept separate and shall not be | |
29 | commingled with any other monies in the custody of the department. | |
30 | (c) The opioid stewardship fund shall consist of monies appropriated for the purpose of | |
31 | such account, monies transferred to such account pursuant to law, contributions consisting of | |
32 | promises or grants of any money or property of any kind or value, or any other thing of value, | |
33 | including grants or other financial assistance from any agency of government and monies required | |
34 | by the provisions of this chapter or any other law to be paid into or credited to this account. | |
| |
1 | (d) Monies of the opioid stewardship fund shall be available to provide opioid treatment, | |
2 | recovery, prevention, education services, and other related programs, subject to appropriation by | |
3 | the general assembly. | |
4 | 21-28.10-11. Allocation. | |
5 | The monies, when allocated, shall be paid out of the opioid stewardship fund and subject | |
6 | to the approval of the director and the approval of the director of the department of behavioral | |
7 | healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals (BHDDH), pursuant to the provisions of this | |
8 | chapter. | |
9 | 21-28.10-12. Severability. | |
10 | If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or section of this act shall be adjudged by | |
11 | any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or | |
12 | invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, | |
13 | paragraph, subdivision, or section directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall | |
14 | have been rendered. It is hereby declared to be the intent of the legislature that this act would have | |
15 | been enacted even if such invalid provisions had not been included herein. | |
16 | 21-28.10-13. Rules and regulations. | |
17 | The director may prescribe rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, to carry into | |
18 | effect the provisions of chapter 28.10 of title 21, which rules and regulations, when reasonably | |
19 | designed to carry out the intent and purpose of this chapter, are prima facie evidence of its proper | |
20 | interpretation. Such rules and regulations may be amended, suspended, or revoked, from time to | |
21 | time and in whole or in part, by the director. The director may prescribe, and may furnish, any | |
22 | forms necessary or advisable for the administration of this chapter. | |
23 | SECTION 18. This article shall take effect upon passage. | |